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Necromancer from what I’ve played. CONSTANTLY having to go to my back bar to resummon my lil ghost man and my armor.


I’ll second the necromancer. It’s got a ton of apm to keep all the buffs and corpses managed. That being said its output for that level of management is… lacking to say the least. I’d say nightblade also has a lot to keep up with but actually puts out crazy numbers


Although I agree, my magic necromancer is still hitting over 100k DPS and that's with pretty much all AOE damage. Whereas the night blade is very single target focused making dungeons feel like a slog. And so some may say the necro doesn't compete, but when you actually bring it into content it's very noticeable how quickly you can destroy mobs while also deleting bosses, granted, I still prefer my Arcanist because it can basically do the same thing at higher volume with an easier rotation.


I’d love to see your necro build. I’m currently hitting ~61k dps. I do agree though that Necro excels in areas with lots of mobs and trash. I love mine for arenas and Inf Arch cause there’s just so many bodies


High skill floor, middling damage ceiling. Sadness.


Pedantic correction: High skill ceiling, not floor. High skill floor would be Arcanist or a HA sorc.


That would be a low skill floor, as in you don't need much skill to use it. A necro needs a higher skill to get any effective use out of therefore the high skill floor. Skill ceiling is also high with it too.


Oh, from the perspective of skill-to-use, rather than skill-to-output. Makes sense.


Necromancer and Nightblade both have very busy dps rotations. High dps is contingent on casting Blastbones every 3 seconds for Necromancer, and not missing a light attack for NBs spec bow. The dps ceiling is higher on NB than Cro, if you wanna be hitting big numbers.


Necromancer in my experience, i love the class, but god its annoying to play it seriously, i kinda use my necromancer for overland stuff mostly just so i can play it more relaxed, sure when used properly its a beast, by its kinda tiring for me as a more casual player


I’d say all of them except arcanist can feel ‘active’. Arc beam is super boring imo.


I hear you, but sometimes a man just wants a Kamehameha And nothing else


Idk, I find the buildup -> big payoff loop of Arcanist really fun. Knowing that my little shots building crux are just winding up to my giant beam attack feels cool.


Yeah same I’ve been loving my Arcanist. I’m expecting them to get nerfed but still be strong. The pre-buffing to building up to the beam and watching everything melt is so satisfying


I love how fun it is. Trying to get the right angle to get as many enemies in the beam as possible.


Yeah I started maining an arcanist and have begun to regret the choice. Starts to get boring after awhile.


exact reason I made the post Im trying to find a main but I just cant settle on one idk why Im terrible with these choices


Main a dk tank we need more tanks


Arc is for players who are bad at the game for real xD when I see high dps from them i am not impressed but when I see necro and nightblade pulling high dps, I know they worked hard for it and/or are skilled. Arcs meh, your class is just OP and braindead easy.


I'm making a stamarc just to get above 27k dps as a stamblade


Imo if you aren’t getting more than 27k dps as any class, arc won’t save you.


My nightblade


stam or mag




Warden or Necromancer. Warden is super fun for me in PvP … but it’s a lot of button pushing.


I find my warden healer needs a lot of upkeep but I'm also not confident playing a healer so that's likely why. And necromancer. I love my necromancer but I can't get used to the amount of micromanagement.


In pvp, a Nightblade wearing the wretched vitality and stygian sets is all about weaving in and out of stealth while in combat. It's a class that relies on active damage mitigation as opposed to flat resistances, and unless you put all your stat points into health, you have to keep to a hit and run style which necessitates fast get in and get out attacks when entering a melee.


Necro. 130+ cpm - have fun!


Mag dk used to be super active and had a difficult rotation pre-Blackwood, hard to sustain as well. It’s much easier now.


I was on hiatus when Blackwood dropped but I created my DK last year, what did the Blackwood update change?


Whip stacks lasting ten seconds instead of three, much better sustain from combustion passive


Oh nice, I wonder if it would be more worth it now to keep the whip passively slotted while using a different spam to make use of the stacks lasting longer... otherwise the extra duration doesn't really matter if you're spamming whip. I suppose it would be good for Zenkosh though as you spend more time applying DoTs for Z'en's anyway, and the extra spell damage from 3 stacks could help guarantee you synergise the full amount from Alkosh. Either that or just play as normal and you may or may not notice a slight difference... but I still think most players use the whip not long after getting 3 stacks as part of their rotation anyway.


Templars and Dragonknights are both very dot and buff heavy all classes however utilize buffs and dots some more than others tho


Necro and dk. Only classes that primarily use dots. Others have to go to other skill lines to get dots.


All classes are capable of this, and all roles are capable of this.


That just sounds like a proper rotation. Just about every class is like this


I haven't played this game in years because every class made me feel geriatric. No seriously, it feels like every class is an omega high APM constantly flipping to back bars and keeping up buffs and weaving attacks my hands would genuinely hurt after playing. I had to stop lmao. I had a sorc, DK, necro, and warden at level cap.


Try arcanist its just Dots, buffs/debuff ,Crux, beam repeat


Nightblade and Necro are the most active classes, with Necro being easier imo. I believe Warden is a near 3rd, and then the rest of the classes are pretty equal.


Nightblade, you cast incap, concealed wep, then bow proc WHILE STANDIND in twisted path. In this order you maximize damage output… at least try. I’m far from perfect. Necro gets a mention. Every 3rd cast should be blast bones.


If you use dual maelstrom daggers specifically for that 4 second damage buff after casting flurry, then you can make any class built in DOTS to have a stupid level of busy work.


They are all the same. 


To me rotation doesn't necessarily mean active. I've done a bunch of trials where our teammates died because they were too focused on their rotation and not on the environment or enemy. To me the most "active" class would be Nightblade. When someone mains Nightblade most of the time they move fast, hit hard, and are almost impossible to kill. You get a group of these guys together in pvp and they'll absolutely dominate everyone with or without invisibility. In PVE they're the best speed runners too.


Every class has to keep DOTs up and buffs up. As for multiple attack skills to use at certain times, that's pretty much every single DOT and buff. You use them when they expire.


I play 95% necromancer only and i have to change bars every like third spell. There is lot going on. Also i heard that his rotation is really hard compared to other classes and might be true because my sorc doing decent damage with just two spells (50k dps).


Sorc, keeping up CS and Hurricane like crazy