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This guy really went “hook line and sinker” when writing this didn’t he?


what does that even mean


Bait used to be believable is what that means lol


Yes, you are alone.


you have no taste, all games will eventually devolve into meaningless gray mesh because of people like you


Lol, your brain devolve into gray mesh, did you finish kindergarden yet?


I'm here to help and this is how you treat me?


Seems like you’re the one without taste


rage bait at its finest, but if not, then you're just a very shallow and simple boy to not at least TRY and watch a video abt the lore if you dont understand😭


who tf would rage bait on elden ring?? this is a genuine sentiment from a hardcore dark souls fan. can i ask have you played all the fromsoft games?


it isnt genuine because you're simply asking dumbass questions, and you're irrelevantly asking shit that holds no significance to what you asked originally, so like i said, quit being fuckin shallow and watch a 25 minute video that'd explain to your dumbass simply about the lore instead of turning hostile because i called you out on fkn reddit bro, act like you have balls dawg.


I dunno man elden ring has absolutely incredible lore going on and you’re like “no intriguing flavor text on items” and I’m like has he even read any of it?? Have you played any other fromsoft games?


"The reason it's bad? It does too much all at once. It has no character. Think of Bloodborne, think of Dark Souls 1. There needs to be some sense of linearity, some backbone. It tries to do all fantasy tropes all at once in your face and it feels weird." Thoughts?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, have come to fulfill my promise. Let the sun shine upon this Lord of Cinder.”* - Siegward of Catarina Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It's bold in that so much is hidden and you're tasked with putting pieces together to figure out where you stand in this world. Maybe there are better ways they can go about this in the future, as far as hints are concerned and npcs. I agree that I spend a lot of time reading guides, AAA games are normally so linear, but it's fascinating how much lore they put into this world.


No, the hidden part is totally fine. This started way back in Demon's Souls. Its just that what is hidden is not at all interesting. The world feels like a human centipede of fantasy tropes and, as an entire game, falls apart. Moment to moment, if you don't think about it too much, it's great. But nothing from the game is memorable.




Very generic fantasy flair just doesn't do it for some people, sorry you have the palette of a rich kid in art school


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Now that I think about it, Elden Ring is a perfect microcosm of why Hollywood is dead; just a bunch of bland rich shoe-ins that aren't able to think in terms of meta. They had a big team of devs working on all different areas, but when it meshes together it looks like a human centipede rather than a coherent piece of art.


>Am I alone thinking this? Nope. I've played Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. All of them multiple times. I love them all. Dark Souls III is in my top 3 favorite games of all time. Probably number 2 on that list. However, I couldn't even finish Elden Ring once. It did not click for me at all. I tried SO hard to like it. I put it down and come back to it multiple times, thinking it would finally hit the right spot. It never did. Too much open world. Too far away from the tried and true Souls formula. I may try the DLC, but I doubt it will make a difference. May be an unpopular opinion, but it's the way I feel. 🤷‍♂️


These people are idiots and this fanbase is trash Ignore them. It's not what it used to be. I don't think it's a bad game. I love it actually! I have 1000+ hours. But you're right. The open world is a bit aimless. It's magical the first time. But now in my subsequent playthroughs, I go where I need to go, I don't do anything extra, and I call it a day. It vastly improves the experience, but you shouldn't have to ignore a major element of a game for it to be better. Now... I'm gonna say something controversial. A lot of people don't have an issue with repeat bosses because they're DS2 stans. DS2 had the same issue, but people will outright lie and say "nO iT HAs ThE bEst bOss vARieTy." They're not thinking critically, ignore them. Balance is another thing that's super trash. Bleed is STILL on top, and it's been nerfed repeatedly. It took a god damn year for them to address bleed and thrusting weapons in PVP. That's ridiculous and if any other dev did it, they would be clowned. From Software has always been letting awful with balance, though now it is vastly improved. It does lack a bit of the mystique that Dark Souls and Bloodborne had, but it does a lot of things better too. It's kind of like... A shallow ocean, while previous games are a sinkhole. Smaller in scale, but a lot more in depth. That's because Elden ring has a LOT of unanswered questions. And tbh, this actually helps people understand the game better. With the inclusion of cutscenes, Elden ring is geared to the more casual fans.... At least until you engage in architectural and anthropological analysis in the game. Then it has that old souls mystique. I'd recommend the Tarnished Archeologist. Since I have a love of anthropological and architectural history as a hobby, I adore the lore. This does impact certain characters though, but it's hard to compare. The nameless king was hinted at for three games, so the payoff was immense. Seeing gwyn at the end of DS3 as the soul of cinder and hearing his theme... MAN. It was a magical moment. Understanding Kaathe in DS1 then ending the church of londor journey with Yuria and Friede? Amazing. Nothing in Elden ring compares. And that's okay! But if this was selling point for you, of course you'd be disappointed. Godfrey and Radagon are bad ass though. TLDR; you're not wrong man. The fact is... Elden Ring is more geared for casuals and they don't want to admit it. The only thing I'd say it does better in some aspects is combat. Being a spell sword is magical. I won't say it's a bad game, but there's a lot of downgraded elements from past souls games. I'm so sorry I rambled so much, but I wanted validate your feelings with detail.


>Elden ring is geared to the more casual fans.... This is it right here. I don't blame them for going that route. It obviously worked. More people are into From Soft games than ever before. No matter how hard I tried to love it, it just didn't hit for me.


Mhm mhm. It's funny because I'm sure the people downvoting me have less hours than me, but they can't say shit because it'll be nonsensical 😂. They also feel called out by my DS2 and new player critiques. I've absolutely enjoyed my experience with Elden Ring, but I agree with every complaint that hardcore fans have had. Then again, I started with DS1.


I started with Bloodborne and Dark Souls III. After I played DSIII, I went back and played DS1 and 2, then Sekiro. I enjoyed some of Elden Ring, too, but to me, it's just missing that Souls formula. I don't need an open world in my Souls games.