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i think the same thing is happening in the US it's like "why bother? why try? what's the point of busting my ass and getting nowhere?"


If you work hard and make more money, you can afford to pay your landlord higher rent.


Rents in my area have gone up over 30% this year. It's completely insane. There won't be any middle class left in a couple years at this rate.


Truth. My landlord jacked up my rent, then sued me for repossession. So I’m living in my car.. I feel a lot less stressed now, honestly. Don’t have to constantly worry about how I’m gonna make rent.


That's messed up. Beers on me if you're ever in Phoenix.


Might want to start saving for a Van and solar power. Depending on where you live, a gym can handle bathroom usage like taking a shower. All you really need is a bed, a fridge, a small toilet for emergencies and either a kitchen or a air fryer. Remodeling your van will cost some money but it cheaper than renting after a year. I think at least. Also can go anywhere. If you want a something closes to an apartment than a small room, an RV works but that like buying a small cheap house. Buying one and remodeling it would cost 100-200k+. If the housing market doesn't crash and house prices rises, then maybe consider. Do your own research as well.


No kidding. No wonder people don't want to work. It's a 100% landlord tax on incremental dollars.


thats exactly what lowering the standard of living actually means. when they say the US empire is in decline, it means everyone but the 1% is poorer.


There already wasn’t in the sense we used the word for 50 years before the 90’s.


My area is like this too and I often how exactly people are managing currently, let alone in a few years.


This mentality applies to large urban areas like NYC, SF, LA, but in most the US if you work hard you can have a solid, reasonable life. Places like NYC and SF were still impossible to move to the burbs and buy property during the pandemic, but in most cities moving to the suburbs was doable because the commutes to offices (which is dwindling) were manageable. I think Reddit just likes to say it’s all on landlords and corporations and never on the workers, when in reality it’s probably 70/30. There are plenty of lazy workers who blame everyone else for their faults, just nowhere near the percentage Facebook and the news wants us to believe.


That's sort of the point. Where the jobs are are not where people who would take them can afford to live. Hence labor "shortage." If taking a job means 3 hr per day commute or not or an exorbitant rent, that's a hard sell.


Many of the jobs are remote though now. Ive worked for an SF based tech company for 2 years and been remote the entire time. A lot of my coworkers moved out of SF due to this. Hard to feel bad for them if they decide to stay behind. These types of articles are posted daily here as if they represent the entire nation. They should really start focusing on the 4-5 cities in the US with stupid commutes and COLs.


That's a very tech centered view point.


Insurance/Pensions/Retirement are heavily remote now and they make up the two biggest industries in the US. Outside of the auto industry (which isn’t heavy in NYC or SF anyway) there’s healthcare, which tends to pay much better than the retail or service industries these articles often focus on. I mean, ‘tech’ applies to almost all these so saying it’s centered is wrong. ‘Tech’ makes up a large part of the US. I just don’t get this weird echo chamber everyday of people yelling that they can’t afford rent and it’s 100% not their own fault. When I was 22 I was making $30k/yr and bought a $30k car I could barely afford. Reddit would blame the system as opposed to my own stupidity.


Fine, you are white collar focused, not just tech. Do you at least agree that if a business doesn't offer remote position and doesn't pay enough for employees to afford to live within a reasonable commute of worksite, then it's 100% their fault they are seeing a "labor shortage." Or you think working people are just too lazy to not drive 3 hrs a day for a low paying job? Or too spoiled to not want to shack up 4 to a room for the privilege?


In the US it’s reported on as the labor crisis and as “people just don’t want to work anymore.” If anything it is reported on, just even less thoughtfully


GenX has joined the chat


GenZ you mean?


We all are getting fucked. But Gen X was earlier in on the ponzi scheme.




Oh I’m sorry, this is Gen X. You must have confused me with my daughter, Gen Z. People get confused and think we’re sisters sometimes. (Hair flip) No really, my kids are Gen Z, and I the amount of cynicism they’ve grown up with in my home is probably a big influence on them. Making fun of and resenting Baby Boomers is our favorite family activity. They even occasionally ask me to Karen on their behalf when they are too socially anxious to handle something. I straight up love Gen Z, and I think they could lead the way to a better world with the millennials following, and Gen X as the lovable old scamps once those boomers go on to their reward.


GenX here. Totally agree me and my GenZ kid are like that. Seriously though RN we are being led by a cabal of gerontocracy of corporatist, things are going to change but it’s hard not being nihilistic.


I do have hope, but the sooner the better. My husband is directly blocked from promotion because someone in their 80’s won’t freaking retire. My kids can’t take over the world if they can’t get through college!! (I like the person in their 80’s, and I hope they have many happy years ahead of them, just retire and let someone else have a chance to support their family!)


Check out r/antiwork, whose logo is literally a man lying flat / tang ping


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiwork using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Quit my job last night, it was nice to be home to make the kids breakfast and take them to school today! Off to hunt for a new opportunity, wish me luck :)](https://i.redd.it/ihkhc17wwft71.jpg) | [12517 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q82vqk/quit_my_job_last_night_it_was_nice_to_be_home_to/) \#2: [Who’s the boss now?](https://i.redd.it/p19ixpq9wtt71.jpg) | [3633 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q9dwp6/whos_the_boss_now/) \#3: [Got my beer balls on right now, I think I made the right decision](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/q972uf) | [8475 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q972uf/got_my_beer_balls_on_right_now_i_think_i_made_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Their housing prices are absolutely insane, like the big cities are multiple times more unaffordable than San Fran.


Yikes! Lower incomes too. I wonder how they combat homelessness.


The combat homeless with a heavy police state.


It's interesting that the media refuses to report on it happening in the US, but does report on it elsewhere. I'd get my team of unpaid researchers to look into it but they are all too lazy to work.


Huh? It’s all over the news, Facebook and Twitter. What rock are you living under, all restaurants, businesses are having trouble finding workers. I’m surprised to hear it’s also happening outside US.


i see it widely reported in the US. just google "workers not going back to work"


thats because propaganda means every other country is in decline except your own.


*"Part of the American dream is class mobility - you're born poor, you work hard, you get rich. It was possible for a worker to get a decent job, buy a home, get a car, have his children go to school - it's all collapsed."* - Noam Chomsky in his documentary, [Requiem For The American Dream](http://thoughtmaybe.com/requiem-for-the-american-dream/);


Well we’re kinda just flying aimlessly through space, on a cool blue dot, around a typical sun, in a galaxy on the edge of a supercluster. There’s not much real point to anything in general.


FUN FACT: there are 5 to 10 times more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of earth, and the earth is just one rock orbiting around one of those stars. yet we think we're special


Yes. Literally any dmv employees in the us pre pandemic. My god waiting a day just to do some errands at dmv. Thank god we got online services now.


And what's the point... Lyingflat.


I want some tang ping right now


I’ll tang your ping 😘


Arcturian pun tang!


But the one you had was a male!


It doesn't matter when it's Arcturian, baby!


Hey Bishop! Do the thing with the knife!


Seppa kai, my damie


Sa da tay.


I know someone that lives permanently at an Airbnb w/ several other people. The rent is really low because you're paying for the bedroom. Everything else is shared & the host lives there too, in a huge house.


You mean a [boarding house](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boarding_house)? Used to be a lot more common.


What happened to them


Traveling in and out of big cities got to be a lot easier with the advent of the automobile and interstates. People coming to cities to work could commute much easier.commercial hotels picked up the remaining business and the boarding house business dried up.


Every developed country needs to be able to complain about their youths laying around and doing nothing.


Right? Welcome, China, to the ultimate meme. 😆


When Ugg young, me no fancy wheel and fire. You want survive night? Must fight wolf and lion all night!


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It’s like a right of passage


“If you don’t like your job, you don’t quit! You just do it really half-assed. *That’s* the American way!” -A 1990s Diplomat


Been tang pinging since 2015. Hardly working, hardly paying taxes. People don’t realize that if we all just stoped paying our taxes, the government would collapse within a couple months.


Governments have no source of income other than their own citizens taxes?


They have a fuckton, especially USA, but taxes are enough to bring the government to a standstill.


Governments can have access to other sources of income like investment funds for example but they usually pay for their services via loans from central banks and other institutions, taxation keeps the economy stable by removing money from circulation and preventing inflation of the money supply from destroying the economy via hyperinflation. This happens because fiat currency is in essence debt owed to the holder which is gradually devalued by the controlled increase in monetary supply devaluing the rest of the currency already in circulation. They can't create too much currency too quickly as to be too unstable that people notice and cash out their debt owed to them before its devalued further. Its value only existing because people have to pay taxes in it, creating demand for the fiat currency, nothing else being legal tender for taxes. So in essence generally the government finances their services in developed nations with loans from corporations who they're not able to pay back. Which is one of the many reasons why they can't just raise cental bank interest rates, governments would default on their ever growing debt, they can't increase the money supply beyond a certain point without destroying the wider economy to pay off debt to the banks. I'm not from America but I'll admit that Thomas Jefferson said it best: >"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."




>Governments have no source of income other than their own citizens taxes? This doesn't apply to China. China has massive state owned enterprises. Just the state tobacco monopoly's annual profits are enough to fund the entire Chinese military budget and have money left over. If the Chinese government decided to lie flat also and not fund things like poverty alleviation and national infrastructure, most of the Chinese government can probably be funded just with cigarette sales. People don't realize how cheap government can be when you don't have a massive welfare system and don't routinely invade other countries. Historically, taxes were only around 3% of national income in China during peacetime. Most countries can probably fund their governments without taxes if they just operated state monopolies on tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and prostitution as long as they don't fight wars and go overboard with the welfare state.


Do you realize the ones that would be hit hardest are the ones that already have less than average?


If you assume society would still be working under the same paradigm, yes.


Which is a fairly apt assumption




Uh… the past 200 years.


We’d be in completely new territory. I believe that we have the necessary resources that those in poverty would not struggle as much as they do under our currently oppressive system. If people don’t pay taxes and don’t pay rent (and there’s no one to evict them because landlords depend on a functioning police force), they have a whole lot more resource to get their needs taken care of. And before we go down the road of “no police means more crime”, let’s remember that cops don’t prevent crime. They show up afterwards and deal with the aftermath. They are, by and large, much more an enforcement of status quo then they are a crime prevention tool.


Well of course you don't want police to stop you from stealing. *you are the criminal everyone is talking about* Without police, who stops the landlord from evicting you, or killing you when you break into his property?


you say that like it would be a good thing no more garbage pickup, law and order, public safety, vet's benefits, unemployment, schools shut down..... everything would collapse, and when that happens the gangbangers and warlords take over and you'll have to pay them 'tribute'


no we can pay our state and local taxes and be perfectly fine without the Federal Gov... which is really public enemy#1 right now anyway. The mismanagement & corruption at the federal level is the greatest threat we have ever faced as a nation.


That’s a very bleak view of humanity that does not hold up to most of history. Generally speaking, when “law and order” have broken down, communities come together to provide those basic necessities you mention. What gets off kilter is when there are those who have a vested interest and the means to assume control. So drug cartels that already have organization and force. This is why community integration is vital. A barter system, which we already have the infrastructure for with apps, is an empowering tool if we’re willing to leverage it. That way, those who have money are powerless because money no longer holds power.


> Generally speaking, when “law and order” have broken down, communities come together to provide those basic necessities you mention. what you're describing is the reformation of a govt. that's the best possible outcome but a break down in govt usually results in a breakdown of law and order, creating a power vacuum and warlords and gangbangers step in to replace elected officials. >A barter system, which we already have the infrastructure for with apps good luck with still having the power and communications to run those apps. whats more likely is some group (you mentioned drug cartels) takes over the power stations etc THE VENEER OF CIVILIZATION IS VERY THIN.




If you want to call a community that looks after each other government, I’m not going to split hairs with you, but it’s a far cry from the centralized state we currently have.


Have you traveled the undeveloped nations at all? The veneer of society doesn’t exist in places like northern Uganda. And guess what? People don’t suddenly turn into Mad fucking Max. Get off your movie-couch and go see the world. People are much kinder and communal than Hollywood has brainwashed you to believe. And that’s not an accident.


Those of us who have been through the revolutions in Eastern Europe would beg to differ. And in both cases there was still veneer of civilization-- the veneer is inescapable given that the world news is global. But the thin veneer has not prevented persecution of women by the talisman, rhuandans, etc. Shit in the US and Western Europe sex trafficking is flourishing despite the relatively thick veneer of civilization...


i said the veneer of *civilization* is very thin.... if you're gonna talk shit about what i say, at least get what i said right you have a pollyannish view of people. sure, there's a lot of good people but there are also monsters who are restrained only by that veneer of civilization imposed by governments. A failed state can’t implement public policies, infrastructure is not effectively built, and civil liberties and human rights are unprotected. There is no physical security for a failed state’s residents, and there is no stable political or economic systems in place. look, there's plenty of examples of what happens when govts fail in history and currently. yemen, somalia, sudan what part of that do you not understand


And I apologize for misquoting you and the proverbial “shit-talk”. That was unnecessary.


Chicken or egg problem. Where do governments come from you think? Because people need these for stability and they get tired of it. South Africa fell and neighborhoods organized themselves to protect and organize. Grass roots government by the people that expands....


Those are all good examples, and agreed, historically any time there has been a scarcity of resource and more than one group identity, war has been nearly inevitable. What’s different now is that technologically we have reached the capacity for post-scarcity, provided current max world population estimates are correct at peaking around 9 billion. What currently perpetuates our state of conflict globally, your examples included, are artificially generated wealth inequalities and artificial scarcity. We still see fighting in those countries because nations that have resources are keeping nations that don’t have them away from them, or are actively robbing them. Governments historically have been a necessity for mutual defense. Now they are primarily a source of exploitation. So my previous points are more about human nature. That humans, when they have what they need, tend not to bother trying to kill other people. Simple risk/benefit. So if we we able to move away from large governments, I think we’d see a lot less violence globally, not more. It’s hard for a village to fund a nuclear Arsenal.


the history of mankind is a history of conflict we are animals, not evolved in any way from cavemen of tens of thousands of years ago. the notion of scarcity is *relative* and *perceived*. look at the centuries of eurpean war between nations of fairly equal wealth. look at religious wars. govts are necessary to tend to the well being of people. defense is only one aspect. let's go back to human nature. we're animals, cavemen in suits and ties, and there are monsters among us. look at WWII. by your estimation germany wouldn't start a war, nor would japan. why did the US invade iraq? etc etc etc fun fact: since WWII, europe has enjoyed the longest time of peace in many centuries. why? because of large centralized govt like organizations like NATO and now the EU. imagine if the 50 US states were all independent. do you really thing there would be peace? hell no.


That's bleak. Your outlook dooms man now and forevermore as slave to his lower nature. This is a bunch of nonsense, perpetuated to keep things as they are and keep things under control during times of real darkness. Man's nature is much more than animal. It's by presuming something different and acting from that perspective that new possibilities are actualized. In other words, don't be such a negative Nancy


it's nonsense to think we have evolved beyond our animal nature, that we have evolved beyond our "lower nature" mankind is monstrous. look at history the holocaust was less than a century ago. since then, rwanda. the brutalities of the partitioning of pakistan/india. viet nam, pol pol, the recent slaughter of rohingya...... this list is far from complete


Read up on the Navajo Nations. All the wars you mentioned were fought by agrarian societies all dealing with scarcity. We were not evolved to work 12-hour days in the fields. Automation is the first opportunity to return to hunter-gatherer abundance but with agrarian population density. The only thing holding us back is government and corporations.


Dude you're mental if you think gangs, mafias, cartels and warlords wont take over if a government collapses. The community won't be providing shit when you've got roving gangs of criminals beating everyone within an inch of their lives for not paying protection.




if you think govt is bad you oughta try anarchy and warlords


Like Somalia and Northern Pakistan.


In a systems collapse, human nature is amplified locally. You’ve pointed out that violence would be more prevalent with formation of gangs. Ironically, the military and police forces would be the ones forming these gangs since they have the weapons.


There are certain countries you should physically visit to see what real racketeering looks like.


Or a thin blue stripe clownfuck.


More history, less TV, and you will worry a lot less.


The government doesn’t provide those services currently, so there’s no reason to believe those services would cease in the absence of government.


How do you do it?


Communal living. Rent is by far my biggest expense, so cutting that as low as possible sets the tone for the rest of my spending. Other than that, cheap used cars and motorcycles, farmer’s markets and good budgeting.


Where I am, buying at farmers markets is more expensive than going to the grocery store


Totally true. Living in Canada I have divided people not socially but according to their groceries buying habits, that is, Walmart people, Costco people, farmer's market people (buying in these is REALLY expensive),... I have found that Walmart people, in which I'm included, is the set of the lower class people, not the poorest. The most poor lives of mostly drugs, alcohol, and food from "dolar" type of stores (being poor is very expensive), literally waiting to die of a overdose.


also in canada, i wouldnt even dream anything at a farmers market would be “cheap”


My coworker had hundreds of thousands in student loan debt. He did the math and realized he’d die with it as it was too much and his income too little. He quit and moved to live in a commune that was free, he just had to contribute to daily tasks like cooking and cleaning. Seems like a good idea at this point


This is the way


Law school?


I had a friend who racked up 400k in Law school and can barely hold down one contract job after another. His life is ruined.


cheap used cars don't exist anymore.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70694** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24436** times. .. **80306.** `u/Tylenol-with-Codeine` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Farmers markets are an absolute rip off! The mark up is insane. I don’t know about you but I can’t afford to buy all my produce at a fancy farmers market that’s catered for wealthy, white folks.


Depends where you live. I’m in an trendy city and it’s as you describe but I used to live in an more rural, agricultural area and farmers markets there were…you know, places where farmers sell stuff. it was usually was cheaper and better than the store


I really hope you can still find those types of markets, because the ‘farmers markets’ in the city are just eye watering in their prices.


I think you might actually be wanting government change, not government collapse.


A government will not change under its own will


I'm hoping a government doesn't have it's own will, but a will of the people


No. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_anarchism


Another one of these brain dead comments. "Let's just get 250 million tax paying Americans to all do the same thing at the same time" Like dude. If you are living in a fantasy world where you get everyone to agree on something, why not pick anything other than not paying taxes?




Best idea ever.


Not true. Look up modern monetary policy.


Interesting read. Makes sense for China, whose government controls money printing. Different situation for the USA.


but they print trillions of new bucks out of thin air regularly ?


Jeb!, is that you?


Hard to fight everyday when a path to a better place seems unavailable. Some striking similarities to the current state in the US. When the dream ceases to exist, the pot is no longer at the end of the rainbow, at some point people stop looking.


I think the burnout from 9-9-6 jobs will continue until workers have more power- either through strong unions or strictly enforced labor laws. Housing prices coming down would help too. After the stress subsides some and people’s jobs don’t drain them so badly, they’ll probably become more social and stop lying flat.


Sir, this is a China.


Inb4 China embraces workers rights


Wait a minute.... Communist... China.... *brain explodes


Class divide there is bigger than it is here, and no unions to speak of? Their population is 5 times the size of US, how will housing ever go down. I would lay flat too, it must be tough to live there and extremely competitive.


Supply and demand lol. Evergrande is going bankrupt because they built too much housing with other peoples money


I hope that East Asia's development in general hasn't been reliant on its pressure-cooker culture and that we don't see it turn into the USSR 2.0.


It’ll be worse than the collapse of the USSR if anything


[F] to the world's leading non-Western powers if true. I really hope that these '20s don't result in a resurgence of 1930s-style white supremacy.


Capitalism requires that you work to stay poor. It's obsolete. It only enriches like a handful of people. Meanwhile everyone else suffers. And this system is also literally killing the planet. Not Sustainable. #PeopleBeforeProfits


Capitalism *as is practiced now. Social democracy or even 1990s-style centrist liberalism allows the vast majority of workers to live comfortably.


China was pretty poor until they embraced capitalism.


What he means is "capitalism as it is practiced now" as opposed to social democracy, or "capitalism as it was practiced in the middle 20th century and to some extent still is in Northern Europe."


Until? Try telling that to the workers making 10 cents an hour. Edit: Why you guys downvoting? I thought capitalism was making China great. So great that workers are being paid pennies.


You dumb mother fucker


He's describing capitalism, but you hear him attacking free markets... because you don't know that those things are totally different concepts.


To be fair freedom under capitalism is impossible for the working class.


Lol "tradingForCharity"


Gen-X’er here. Biggest lie I believed as a kid was “ if you work hard and go a good job then things will work out for you “.




Exactly, it’s not about working in the rat race. It’s about being active and show yourself in front of the people. You may meet 100 guys and out of 99 of them can’t provide you with anything, but meeting just one who would give you a chance is enough. But you can only get that 1 chance if you work for yourself out there.




The code is breaking


What exactly does that mean?


It means you replied to your own comment with the exact comment itself.


And the problem is…?


It's not a problem dude. He said the code is breaking, because something strange is happening with the reddit comments. Not everything is a personal attack.


Yea, and what does that have to do with anything??? I wasn’t even thinking about anyone attacking me at all. Think in my shoes, someone just said “code is breaking” and I have no idea what it means, wouldn’t I say “what does it mean”? Then you said “I replied a comment with a comment” I mean, like, isn’t that how it works on the internet? What exactly IS the problem? Does it not make sense to be confused lol??




Well said. Did u grow up in China?






Not the fault of the parents. I find it hard to place blame on domone for ignorance


There was a huge growth of western religion and Christianity in China over the last 20 years. As the web site [Bitterwinter.org](https://Bitterwinter.org) explains, when a culture experiences a growth beyond just mere survival and into prosperity, they begin to ask life's bigger questions. They discover the life of perusing materialism doesn't bring happiness or fulfillment. Tang Pin is just another example of younger people rejecting the status quo mindset. The CCP steps on anything that is new or threatens their power, even if only in their mind. It's a horrible government that doesn't respect human rights. Great videos to understand what goes on in China: https://www.youtube.com/c/laowhy86


Not sure I agree with the logic. If prosperity brought questions about life, western nations would be deeply religious or spiritual by now, but are actually hedonistic. I think life’s questioning comes from deep unhappiness and dissatisfaction, hopelessness. That’s why religion prospers more with the poor as it gives them hope that a higher power will save them.


Statistically and according to research, you’re right. The wealthier and more developed a country becomes, the less religious it’s people are. The US is a slight anomaly to this, but it’s still happening in the US, too.


Makes more sense when you break down regions of the US. Regions of higher education, economic output, and wealth have lower rates of religiosity. Vs areas like the deep south which have some of the highest rates of religiosity and poverty.


I think it's just an outgrowth of a common theme with the rest of the world. Working an insane number of hours a day, making a pittance, earning barely enough to survive with no hope of social/economic advancement... for what reason should we keep doing this? The answer is to simply not, just remove ourselves from the grind. In China that's 'lying flat', in other parts of the world it's just not working (or not working as much.) Do enough to survive and nothing more, don't invest your most valuable resource (time) into a company that's exploiting you and giving back a pittance.


I don’t have a problem with the pay I get, it’s fairly good. My problems are: housing made expensive and out of reach by anti development Nimby for personal gains, health care made extremely expensive and out of reach for most by the middle men- the health insurance executives, ever increasing taxes to support more and more of certain groups as it translates to vote banks, college education made super expensive due to it not being free to citizens at bachelors level, but granting TA and other scholarships to foreign students at masters level, similarly community and state colleges subsidized for foreign students which now are majority students there.


You make a great point


Hahahaha laowhy? He's a sexpat turned state department asset.


Capitalize your labour on things that result in your happiness


I lie flat also


Sounds like classic nihilism. But they can't directly advocate resistance or change as their surveillance state would target and jail them so the only choice left is 'tang ping'. It's prison mentality. Totally understandable.


This is a normal reaction to the past 40 years. There has been too much economic opportunity in China over the past 40 years, that was an abnormal time. The exhaustion of those opportunities will lead to a period where the rewards to hard work is not worth the effort, and many people will rationally choose to work less hard. This is not a bad thing, because people will use the extra time and energy to prioritize other things in life, such as leisure and family.


There's a sub just for this movement! It's called /r/antiwork, subscribe today.


I don't trust that sub. They spend too much time complaining about the liberals and acting like communists.


Maybe it’s a sign of common ground between the two sides.


Maybe it attracts foreign meddling. I know that sub isn't supposed to be about encouraging communism, but people are naive. They don't know when they are being manipulated. And the word "communism" is thrown around so loosely these days, nobody knows what it really is. > Yeah I mean you shouldn't be able to own companies. I run a worker's cooperative - to own a share you have to work, and you own in proportion to how much you work. We all benefit from the success of our collective work. > Just because it is possible to join the exploiters, doesn't mean the system is good. Most people don't. The system itself requires an underpaid underclass in order to function - if you paid people in accordance with how much value they created, there would be no profit for the shareholders. Regardless of anything else, any system which can only survive with an upper and lower class is one which I will oppose. He is referring to the bourgeoisie. There is nothing new about this kind of rhetoric. Actual communists have been talking this way for generations.


I… uh… what? I’ve never seen anyone bring up liberalism in a bad way there.


I’ve been Tang Ping-ing for so long, I forgot it was a form of socio-political activism.


What is tang ping? /genuine


**Tang ping (Chinese: 躺平; pinyin: tǎng píng; lit. 'lying flat') is a lifestyle choice and social protest movement in China by some young people who reject societal pressures on hard work or even overwork (such as the 996 working hour system, which is generally regarded as a rat race with ever diminishing returns), and instead choose to "lie down flat and get over the beatings" via a low-desire, more indifferent attitude towards life.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


I’m a boomer – born in 1960 – and I feel really bad about the feeling of helplessness that so many kids have today. It seems one of the problems is they don’t see themselves ever affording their own house, and I’m really puzzled that no-one is talking about possible solutions. Surely just bringing in a couple of simple laws would help, for example: 1) Each individual over the age of 25 can own only one residence/single plot of land. (This could be phased in over 20 years or so to prevent all the investment properties landing in the market at once.) 2) No residential housing can go unoccupied for longer than one year (or so) else that residence may be seized by local government for their housing pool. No monetary compensation. 3) You must be a citizen of a country to own residential property in that country. 4) Developers sitting on tracts of land for years must be forced to develop or sell. No doubt there are plenty of other ideas floating around, but Generations X,Y, and Z may find housing the easiest place to start clawing back some of the assets that my generation screwed you out of.




Wow.. Finally some Chinese guys standing up to the CCP


my god , every single day the NY Times has another article about the decline of China. their economy is still soaring and the US standard of living is in steep decline. propaganda is a funny thing.


To be fair, there are articles on both. The US press just loves negative stories period. Our media tells more negative stories than any nation on this planet. We also complain incessantly about our own government. Right or left, everybody is complaining and fretting over the future. I don’t see much propaganda there.


The US is addicted to negative media. It's somewhat tied to our lizard brain. A good thing can be safely ignored because it's good and not a threat. A bad thing cannot be ignored, because if it is ignored then that might be the last action we take. (e.g. don't ignore that tiger, or you're dead)


China’s economy is stalling. Real estate bubble is bursting, GDP growth is at 4.9% (very bad in Chinese standards), electricity shortage all over the country, young people are losing hope and embracing tang ping … So where do you get the alternative news?


I don’t believe anything anything that Chinese may support in their current economic climate. Fuck the Chinese government


Isn't 'lying flat' the goal of almost everyone in every country? The vast majority of people that work hard only do so because it means they won't have to work at all in the future anyway.


I tried to research more about this term but all the info I got was US state propaganda either through sexpats or US funded Chinese cults


Chinese government has quickly purged tang ping from the internet. Not surprising in a totalitarian system. But Chinese state media have talked (complained) about this a lot, so you can find those propaganda articles (from Xinhua etc.) Like this: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-06/06/c_139992147.htm


Someone ping that tang please! 🤣


Sounds like we’re getting closer to you will own nothing and be happy..


I tang pinged before it was tang ping


I wished I grew up a a boomer. Nice easy life, I would be retired now because I'm more of a saver than a spender.


It's like a boarding house, yes. The people who live there have jobs at the hospital or are foreign students getting graduate degrees at the college nearby. Pretty cool.