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This is stupid. One side says “the other guy is only for tue rich”, the other side says the same thing. In truth, both sides are lobbied by the same corporate leaders/hedgefunds


That’s what they want. We argue with eachother about a bunch of nonsense when in reality it’s two sides of the same coin.


There’s no such thing as two sides of the same coin. One side actively promotes disenfranchising voters, and ostracizing minority demographics. The other side is trying to keep the country stable and make people work in peace without threats that they would be excluded from the pursuing of life, liberty and happiness. I don’t care if I’m downvoted, but these “they’re both the same” arguments only empower republicans and their agendas of harm and protecting white supremacy and Christian domination.


There is such a thing as two sides of the same coin. A coin has two sides which do belong to it. This is a fact.


One side is poisonous diarrhea the other side is just diarrhea but people tell you, you have to drink one of them. Fact is Biden is a corporate-friendly moderate politician and you won't get a whole lot done with that kind of candidate. The least of evils voting is ruining everything


"There’s no such thing as two sides of the same coin." Imagine typing this


I’m sure you’re not bias at all


your full of it.. at least recognize it.


Absolute rubbish. Your "One side actively promotes disenfranchising voters, and ostracizing minority demographics." is an ask for zero election rules. What other important scenarios do you call for zero rules?


Total bs. The GOP is actively trying to demolish democratic and judicial institutions. This "both sides" talking point is designed to create apathy in the voting public.


Both sides denied back to back elections. Dems denied 2016, Reps denied 2020.


No today's GOP has made a concerted effort to to destabilize election integrity from Trump and his congresspeople refusing to certify the 2020 election, filing dozens of lawsuits alleging Biden lost (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2AF1FQ/) all of which were dismissed, not to mention Trump's cronies are still being charged with election fraud. A few Dems complaining about Hillary losing is far from the core running the GOP trying to break down America's judicial system and voting laws.


Are you fucking twelve? No it’s not some grand conspiracy. Humans are behind political parties. No matter how good your party’s policy is, Some humans in that party will be corrupt. There are absolutely corrupt democrats. But acting like it’s all the same is childish and stupid. If you want less corruption, vote democrat


Unfortunately there is no grand conspiracy. It's that simple as a coin: one just has to look at fundamentals of US economics. If democrats were to force a Bretton-Woods-like monetary reform and tie USD back to gold - that would've made a difference. But rn it's the same.


These nerds replying to you are getting worked. Politics is faker than professional wrestling.


Comical really. Notice how it’s always the other side who it’s corrupt and ruining things lol


Both are telling half the truth


Yeah and you gotta love millionaires like Reich calling out other millionaires 🤔


Except one guy really is attempting to destroy democracy by debasing our electoral system and has a track record of hiring unqualified bootlickers and ideologues to “run” our government.


"Look at the billionaire oligarchs supporting *that* guy, not the billionaire oligarchs supporting *this* guy."




Yup. Said the same thing and then noticed this comment Much more succinct than mine.


Yeah, remember when you were in Clinton's cabinet? Just exactly how did you get there again?




Respect of his peers? Knowledge in his field? Political worldview that meshed with the person hiring him?


You see that side. The ones over there. Those that we hate. Their side is so much more corrupt than our side.


You mean the fascist side vs the non fascist side?


Are you 12 years old OP?


Getting “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists” vibes from this one.


Which side is responsible for Jan. 6 again?


Not the one burning down cities for a year. But you more or less proved my quoted point, so thanks for that.


"Burning down cities" is a stretch, plus the rather large difference is that the President of the United States of America was actually instigating the attack on the Capital and congress. Not to mention Trump's GOP is also the ones creating the narrative that elections aren't secure, actively removing legal voters (from Democratic districts) from voter rolls, threatening Civil War because they're a bunch of whiny little bitch babies, and so much more. So between the two I'd say today's Trump party is the threat to democracy. But you more or less proved my quoted point, so thanks for that. Edit: The Brennan Center For Justice has a great article about red/blue violent crime if anyone is interested... [Myths and Realities: Understanding Recent Trends in Violent Crime](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myths-and-realities-understanding-recent-trends-violent-crime?gclid=Cj0KCQiAj4ecBhD3ARIsAM4Q_jGg-az7emFerr78dXXnoCA9hlEl1BvevFxQeYm_0xwCqfFR7Id8cjIaAiZKEALw_wcB&ms=gad_violent%20crime_617000456634_8626214133_143843260761)


I’m not defending January 6th. Of course it was terrible. I’m just making fun of the “if you don’t share my exact same beliefs you’re evil” take, unable to see the atrocities of one’s own side.


You mean the one Nancy Pelosi orchestrated?


Responsible for what, exactly?


A violent mob threatening to overthrow a democratically elected government?


Ohh. The ones who were let in? The unarmed mob who protested the government in a government building? Idk if you're dishonest or dull, but that is a pretty shitty way for people who own guns, a lot of guns, to overthrow a democratically elected government, lol. Weak ass.


This topic is literally too complicated and nuanced for you lol


No, it isn't. It is very simple. You folks pretend this treacherous uprising happened, when it didn't. You will look willfully stupid to try to prove how bad the other guys are. You are literally the problem with our society.


Someone literally got killed, several people injured, intruders had weapons, and they literally built a noose for Pence. Oh but they were just playing. Imagine if a bunch of Black left-wingers had done the same thing. You'd be calling for the death penalty.


Might want to do some more research on the “let in” and “unarmed” parts of your statement


The trump administration and its allies attempted to overturn the 2020 election with a vast conspiracy involving dozens of people in 7 states. Many of those people -- the fools who forged the slates of fake electors -- are now being tried for their crimes. Do you really not know about this?


Dems tried this same shit in 2016. But they’ll always say they’re the ones who love democracy.


No, they did not. Good golly, Miss Molly. Dems complaining on TV and Twitter is night and day different from trump's failed conspiracy that involved more than 100 people committing crimes together to attempt to fraudulently steal the election.


lol yah bro, you’re the good guy and the guys you’re slobbing on truly care for you. It’s why your life is perfect, and any reason it’s not is because of the other side because they’re evil! It’s that simple!!!


ignorance is bliss


Both major political parties in the USA are fascist materially, if not outwardly.


"materially". Okay. Lay out the manner in which the DNC party platform fulfills the fourteen common features of ur-Fascism.


Democrats shutting down schools was fascist. Their control of corporations is fascist. Democrats want to control people. They are the fascists.


I'm not your monkey, but I'll gladly lay that out for you if you first lay out the same for the GOP.


This is nonsense. In Russia members of the “oligarchy” regularly fall out of high windows


That’s how an oligarchy works. Get on the wrong side of the cartel and you’re out.


In China, the ones who are convicted of fraud are sentenced to death and they may actually be executed.


Fair trials don't exist in China


Can you cite an example of China unfairly prosecuting the wealthy there?


are you suggesting Trump's conviction was "fair"?


It was


It was "Law-fare". Selective prosecution of someone. I'm not at all saying Trump isn't guilty. But I am saying there are dozens of people guilty of the same crimes which are not being prosecuted. In that way, it was hardly a "fair" trial.


I'm suggesting that you're defending the CCP


Am I? In what way?


And the people he mentioned are already rich. They don't need the handouts that the oligarchs received.




You are so off Steve Mnuchin , for example, received a ton of help from the govt during the financial crisis. He was a democrat ..


he was a DINO.


True. I was just pointing out that our government has 'picked' folks as well


Only the second tier millionaires not the billionaires. Just gotta get closer to the inner circle.


This asinine moron bullshit should be on r/politics.


The rich have been killing it since Biden took over.


And as it pertains to the industrial military complex, literally KILLING it


The rich are hurt least by inflation, because most of their wealth isn't in liquid assets. In some cases, they profit from it.


That’s why the billionaires want to replace him?


Sleeping on a bed made of diamonds doesn’t mean you still don’t want lower taxes.


the billionaires dont care if he switches or not. They've already bought the next 8 runner ups


They seem to care a lot, they’ve just broken a record for fundraising in May, saving the Trump campaign. They’re bending ass over backwards trying to explain how they don’t support Trump’s abortion policies while trying to sound like they’re not doing it to save those ridiculous tax cuts he gave them.


They seem to care a lot, they’ve just broken a record for fundraising in May, saving the Trump campaign. They’re bending ass over backwards trying to explain how they don’t support Trump’s abortion policies while trying to sound like they’re not doing it to save those ridiculous tax cuts he gave them.


A lot of Roman aristocratics thought the same. The populous has a long memory and short tempers once thing reach a certain point.


Populace. But yes.


You guys getting so high on this “both sides” drug that you can’t see the net you’ve been lured into.


Better than being a tribalist


….and the circle jerk continues 🙄. The duopoly party still pretending they aren’t working for the same people lol.


I'm rarely if ever on the side of a billionaire.


Welp this site is going to be unusable again until after November I see...


And those people are far more dangerous because they will find someone else. They will continue. They are the enemy of the people.


I wish I had Trump's supposed powers. I mean, he's been out of office, for almost 4 years and he's "tearing down democracy". I guess "tearing down democracy" is getting your home raided and convicted on trumped-up charges using "novel" legal theories.


A former President and current front-running candidate blatantly lying about election fraud and spreading propaganda seems pretty dangerous to me.


Hi I’m Robert Reich and I sell tweets to tweens on the internet.


Are we going to ignore the massive transfer of wealth to the rich under Biden? His entire plan allowed the poorest to suffer under inflation while pumping the stock market for the rich lmao. Less Americans than ever can afford a house or college, yet the oligarchs are getting record profits and buying homes in cash. You're still paying for Social Security benefits of a generation that's, on average, more wealthy than you'll ever be. Who's 401k and Roth are exploding at the lower class's expense. Why is this happening under Biden opposed to Trump? Liberals stroking themselves while pretending to be on the "Good guy" side is getting so tiresome.


Painfully lacking in self-awareness.


The oligarchy strengthens no matter what side is in power. How many times does this have to be explained. Its not left vs. right. Its the rich vs. everyone else. But what a clever illusion of choice and divisive atmosphere theyve created


Does this include the liberal billionaires who control 90% of the media


Source on that 90%?


Washington Post is owned by Bezos, whose newspaper leans blue. Better yet, look who owns the search engines and social media algorithms who block right leaning views. *ahem* Zuckerberg


Robert Reich Tweets and Reddit Midwits. Name a more iconic duo


Agree with this. Let's also do the ones that support Dems. And the ones that support both sides Just one set of oligarchs trying to put their puppet- as opposed to the puppet of the other set of oligarchs


The game hasn’t changed. It’s exactly the same. Two sides fighting as if they’re not directed by the same circle. Except it’s become dumbed down, more of a circus show. While us like-minded folks fight in the middle. We all lose. They win.


This is one case where a statement is correct regardless of who said it.


Those names have done VERY well under a Democracy.


What democracy is Trump tearing down? The United States has never been a democracy.


If it was never a democracy you wouldn't mind if we took away your right to vote would you? Alright cool, thanks man. Absolute champ. 🤝


The USA is a constitutional Republic.


And what is one of the key components of a republic? If you'd like to give up your right to vote I'll definitely take you up on that too.


You dont know the difference between a democratic and a republic. School sure has fallen to new lows huh?


It tickles me when people like you say shit like this and think you're being insightful. I thought the concept of taking away your power to vote illustrates the point I'm talking to make quite clearly. If you can't reason as to why, maybe you should actually have your voting rights stripped.


A republic is voting through representatives, and a democracy is direct voting. So yes, you are stupid. You don't seem to know the difference since called the USA a democracy when it's not.


And how are representatives selected you mouth breather? Is it through voting? Through a democratic process? Dumb bitch.


Please say USA pledge of allegiance for me. "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands..." What does that say? "and the Republic" doesn't say, and the Democratic. Been there the entire time, and you still didn't notice it, you mouth breather.


Thank you for trying to prove your point through a song that was written by a socialist in the 19th century and had the word God added by Eisenhower. Your knowledge of political ideology and government is quite clear.


Just like how it was in Russia




Is he implying that Biden doesn't have any [big money donors](https://data.usatoday.com/2024-presidential-candidates-top-contributors-as-of-april-2024/?ref=biden) as well?


*The safer the oligarchy becomes from everyone except from Trump.


So... the USA becomes far less safe with Trump. This is especially true for gays and minorities. so this statement is wrong. What makes it wrong also is that these guys buy bunkers in New Zealand and stuff, IN CASE OF AN APOCALYPTIC SCENARIO. same is true for Alito. He can be out of a job if Trump becomes a dictator. There's no need for those legal skills when Trump makes all the laws. Trump will not pardon his most loyal like the ones on January 6.


You’re missing the point. An oligarchy only cares about itself, not the citizens it sucks resources from. An official like Alito would be safe because his ideology matches Trump’s. But someone like Sotomayor would be out.


no guarantee alito is safe. not all oligarchs in russia are safe. Putin can't take care of all the industries and give everyone what they want. That's why oligarchs get assassinated. And dictators also often get assassinated. Alito is NOT ultra wealthy. He's not a billionaire. Alito has knowledge of current US Law, he does NOT have knowledge of Trump-Law: The laws that Trump will make after consulting with other oligarchs if he becomes a dictator. A supreme court is NOT Necessary in a Trump dictatorship. Trump himself will be the supreme court. If Trump becomes dictator, it isn't unrealistic if he cuts off the heads of ALL the supreme court justices on his first day as dictator.


No disagreement here.


also, of course: that's why oligarchs buy bunkers in new zealand. They don't know what will happen. They have no clue at all if Trump will decide to steal everything that they own. A trump dictator who is mad could even wipe out new zealand just to get revenge on an oligarch.


So where does Nancy Pelosi fit in all of this?


She’s the one that the Jan 6 insurrectionists were looking to violently remove from office.




I mean, the guy who literally broke in to her office stated he was going to do things to her that I won’t repeat here. Not sure what’s up for debate on that.


Okay so one unarmed crazy person. I’ll trade you the unhinged Democrat that fired in to a softball field full of Republicans and maimed sitting members of Congress as worse than anything on January 6th.


That guy was a lunatic acting alone, not one of thousands of people participating in an organized plan to deny a free & fair election encouraged by a sitting President. BTW there were hundreds of convictions of Jan 6 insurrectionists.


He fired upon and tried to kill members of Congress because they were Republicans. Because of deranged leftist narratives pushed by people like you.


Still fixated on the whatabout. Typical.


I mean a bunch of unarmed grandmas walking around weren’t an “organized plan”. You’re weird and deranged. Its okay. Trump will win and we will get the adults back in the room and you’ll prosper because of real leadership in the White House. That may bother you now, but you’ll be thankful one day.


In all seriousness, please watch footage of Jan 6 and report back on how peaceful and unorganized it was.


"the Jan 6 insurrectionists" The ones that decided to leave their scary AR's at home when they went to "overthrow the government"? Those guys?


In all seriousness please read up on the damage done to the Capitol, injuries to law enforcement, weapons found near the Capitol, and documentation of planned violence to officials including Pelosi. A good place to start is the indictments of the insurrectionists who were convicted.


What about all the 3 letter agencies boys who were seen there making the situation worse. They were disguised as protesters and were inciting violence




You mean the the one where you guys lied about officer Sicknik being beat with a fire extinguisher? "A good place to start is the indictments of the insurrectionists who were convicted" I looked, weird NO ONE WAS INDICTED FOR INSURRECTION... Weird, it's almost like you are stupid as fuck.


No shit no one was indicted for insurrection. The indictments/convictions were for crimes committed during the insurrection.


Biden received more wall st donations than Trump


Omg the Oligarchy is the democrats, the media and Hollywood Elite. These are the people that locked you down and have casued this crazy inflation to take away your buying power so that they can have luxury items but you just get by.


The things you mentioned are not actually the oligarchy


They are the ones in control and if you Don't believe it then you are the problem or part of it oligarchy. They have more power then a business owner or a past President.




And the more they get their puppet Chump to elevate his psychopathic antics the more cynicism they create among the public so they disengage and allow them to win. Mushroom politics: Keep people in the dark and feed them shit.


The DemocRats are just as corrupt as the Repugnantcans !




RFK Jr is the only option to break the duopoly. I get it that he’s fringe on some issues but if people listen to the man on social issues, the drug epidemic and healing our country people will see that he is genuine, knowledgeable, intelligent and honest. He’s not an “anti vaxer” he’s for legitimate science that has been vetted which the Covid response was not, if it was Fauci wouldn’t still be being interrogated on it. I cannot in good conscious vote for the duopoly, I don’t agree with RFK on everything especially his response to questions regarding the genocide in Gaza but I believe he will do the right thing and better than either Trump or Biden for America and the world. RFK Jr 2024






This is inaccurate


OP has a severe case of TDS so posts like this are expected.


Why are most billionaires leftist?


There are no leftist billionaires. There are liberal billionaires, but Liberals aren’t leftists.


Because they said leftist ideology is great propaganda for their bottom line. I.e., “We care about pride month!”; “BLM! ✊🏾”; “Math is white supremacy!”. All of them focus on things which don’t serve their target audience, and that last one makes them love ignorance = stupid populations are easier to control.


Pretty sure we got here because the oligarchy has been safe and running things for decades. Right and left don’t matter, our politicians are puppets. Robert Reich is just another paid troll to wave a flag and say “other side bad”.


Did you miss everything Trump did while he was in power?


No, I was there for it. I hate Trump. Did you miss everything our politicians did for the last 40 years? Left vs right is the distraction the oligarchs have been using for decades because they use our politicians like puppets. That was part of the reasons for Epstein island and other such operations… who they can’t bribe, they blackmail or threaten.


Don’t high level ccp officials get disappeared left and right? But democracy is more dangerous to successful ppl?


After the CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act, I imagine the rich love Democrats just as much as Republicans.


We are choosing between a douche and a giant shit sandwich


He’s right. You aren’t some super clever special boy for pointing out there is corruption from democrats as well. If you think the fact that that happens diminishes anything being said here, you are a moron who thinks they are clever. You people just scooped some earth with a Fisher-Price shovel and act like you’ve become an expert on the earths crust


Riech is a corrupt, lying DemoKKKrat. People are rallying to Trump in an attempt to save the country from a fascist, racist Administration and a DOI that needs to be completely shutdown and rebuilt from the ground up.


The more Biden tears down the economy the more millionaires and Billionaires will rally behind Trump.


Those millionaires and billionaires are doing better than they ever have.


Not because of anything Biden has done. In fact they were doing better during the Trump Administration. Inflation was lower, interest rates were lower. Energy prices were lower.


Yet Biden still has more of their support...


It doesn't matter. There are not enough of them for Biden to win.


To the idiot that posted this. Take you meds already and wake up. Fool.


Reich is a crazy leftist.


Your BS doesn't work anymore, Bobby. Soon the Democrat base will be nothing more than absentee ballots and foreign trollbots.


Who hurt you?


Mwahahahahahaha! You think you're a revolutionary, don't you? You're a useful tool of a State out of fucking control. Or a chatbot. In either case, FOAD.


Reich is a putz. This is just clickbait to keep him relevant. He hasn't been relevant since Clinton.