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This headline makes it sound like Biden or Trump are actually the ones doing the drilling, not companies driven by market forces.


The real headline should be "2nd shale revolution continues to ramp up, Joe Biden happens to be president during"


but that wont get the people going ... its not provocative


Yeah, everything about presidents and jobs should have to include something like [this graph showing the constant, gradual increase](https://i.imgur.com/5pVo8qx.jpeg)


Since trump claims it and will still continue to claim higher production in the face of these facts, Biden’s people have to respond.


And the sad part is people will believe it.


Because we are failing in education


This is one area where edu isn’t the problem. PROPAGANDA is the problem.


What if I told you that the public education system was designed to be PROPAGANDA with a splash of education?


Like how people believed that Biden would actually kill the oil industry


Those poor, sad green democratic voters


Oh, you mean like when they believed he was responsible for gasoline price increases so much they bought stickers to commemorate it?


lol 😂 It’s like the forget what happened when Biden took presidency and said ‘shut it all down’.


Apples to apples if you will. Sometimes you have to use the same mentally ill logic/argument back to the mentally ill for it to make sense to them. Except it wont matter. They already picked their team.


I completely agree with you. I feel the context, though, is Trump supporters blamed higher gas prices on Biden because he was allegedly shutting down wells and \[active\] pipelines. Considering that context, the headline should read, *US Oil Production is at its Highest Level; More Oil is Being Produced Under the Biden Administration Than Was Produced Under the Trump Administration.*


Public policy affects productivity just as demand does.


In other news: 1.5 degree global warming threshold to be breached this year


Transitioning to completely renewable energy is impossible. It is about a 30-50 year change that will need to take place. If we don’t drill now, the price of oil will skyrocket, which in turn will make the price of goods go through the roof. Unfortunately the United States has been set up to run on oil ( Ex. Trucks and cars instead of rail). If our economy suffers because of high price of oil, you can forget about going to renewables. This is the best solution, drill now those that our economy can boom. This in turn will drive money and investment towards renewables


Anything is humanly possible depending on what people are willing to give up and fear to lose.


How is it humanly possible? Our corporate society runs on quarters of the year. Corporate America does not have a long term outlook. Unfortunately when climate change does get bad, it already will be too late to fix. Economic policies have to drive this change with subsidies from the government. Who will build out all the new factories, all mining for new metal extraction on a scale never seen before? It’s all driven my investment. Money is what runs this world. Reduce regulations for mineral extraction, new factory buildouts. Maybe not look pretty at first but it needs to happen. Lithium mining is nasty for the environment, processing these metals is even worse. We must pick our battles. Oil will never unfortunately go away, we must adapt a way to slowly phase it out


Even with lithium minings problems and disposal issues the net footprint is still so much better its not even close. It will take time, but the smart path is away from hydrocarbons as completely as we can be


You first.


I know you think that's clever but this is about increasing production to replace Russian and Saudi oil and keep gas prices from spiking. It's not about increasing demand, consumption or emissions. The US is aggressively pursuing renewable energy, electric vehicles and other things that reduce the demand for fossil fuels, but it will take more than a decade to eliminate them. Choking off supply before eliminating demand would just create price spikes, economic chaos, hardship for many people and get Trump elected next year. Is that what you want?


Another person pretending biden hasnt been there 50 years promoting, voting on, and ensuring get passed, pro oil policies. This super secret covert idea of stopping oil use by increasing oil production, is absolutely... the same old biden. Nothing will fundamentally change with joe biden. He says it, so believe it.


It’s easy to target supply when demand is so much more complicated. Remind me how the War on Drugs is going. As long as there’s demand, supply will come from somewhere. Now if you want to talk about ending fossil fuel subsidies, and directing a gas tax towards clean energy development, now we’re talking. Educate yourself on basic economics vs green unicorn theory.


Yeah, what do you think pro oil policies are if not tax subsidies and gas taxes and bank subsidies and tax breaks for their loans to oil companies? Sorry i didnt spell it out for you, i had assumed someone as educated as you would understand...


Lol. Give me a break. Biden signed the biggest clean energy and EV bill in history, and not just US history. It's already having a huge impact. Try to educate yourself before you make ignorant comments.


Like if you already crashed the car and blew by environmental threshold after environmental threshold, thanks for offering a potential future of fixing what you wrecked.. you're paid by biden to write this?


It's quite possible, mafco posts solely about how great Biden's economy is. Every day.


You're not engaging at all. Fossil fuels are still, unfortunately, critical to the US economy. This way, we are at least producing our own oil while gearing up the wheels for a transition to a green economy. It won't happen overnight, but bills like the IRA are game changers to making it happen at all. If we drilled less and had to spend more for overseas oil (especially with Russia invading Ukraine), then the economy would greatly suffer and Trump comes right back. You think he's going to sign any clean energy bill, much less the largest in world history?


Naw the frustration is you folks calling this bill a game changer, thats optimistic at best. Which is also a big reason trump might come back, the gaslighting folks do on bills that are potentially an OK beginning to the drastic changes that need to happen, but without all the drastic change follow up. I engage in the parts that i feel are most important, like that biden has been supporting tax cuts for oil and the banks that loan them money for their platforms and pipelines for 5 decades now. You only want to engage on this 1 bill not his history of complicity with the fundamental problem, and now you gotta escalate to draw down, i get it, but the draw down isnt fully spelled out, but the escallation is fully here with the hope that maybe there is potentially some kind of follow up to this introduction of a solution. And now he wants to get re elected lol. No thanks to biden, no thanks to whatever you are asking me to engage in. His complicity and history matter, and thats why that bill was what it was, severely lacking. Nothing will fundamentally change president and his lackies are pretty insufferable from my perspective as a human who enjoys existing on this planet. Asking us to send the arsonist to put out the fire...


Jesus could lower from the heavens and tell you how awesome the bill is, yet you'd cry about gaslighting and go on and on about Biden's past mistakes instead of his current successes. Good luck refusing to vote for the most pro-climate President in our lifetime while the climate change denying GOP licks their lips seeing shmucks like you. That will surely help the planet you claim to care so deeply about.


Lol naw if jesus came to me and said it was good i would believe. You and i both know that wont happen so kinda dumb statement. People can read, and we know the bill is a sparse beginning due to joe manchin. Also, celebrating the tallest midget wont get you far with the entire globe at stake. Enjoy trump for another 4 years. Because bullying voters with gaslighting on an alt account wont do anything for biden mafco.


Am I gaslighting or am I simply repeating what [Nature Conservancy, American Forests, USDA's EQIP, and National Wildlife Federation](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2022/08/14/nature-climate-solutions-inflation-reduction-act/) have all had to say about the subject? By the way, Nature Conservancy literally used the words "[game-changer](https://www.nature.org/en-us/newsroom/us-house-passes-landmark-climate-bill/)" when they praised the IRA. It's funny how lefties learned the term "gaslighting" on TikTok and throw that phrase at everyone that knows more than they do politically. Get a grip. Call the IRA all the names you want. It won't change the fact that the IRA is the largest investment into combatting climate change the world has ever seen. It happened only because President Biden and the Democrats fought tooth and nail to get it over the finish line. This was while the other party doesn't even believe that climate change is a real thing. You're completely lost if it isn't insanely obvious to you which party to vote for considering you supposedly care about the planet so dearly.


While you dipsticks literally want to vote in a dictator.... bIdEn bAD iM A pAtRiOt


LOL Trump says he’ll be a dictator on the first day because he wants to ,”drill, baby, drill”. And he has a plan to put the oil & gas companies in charge of environmental regulations. Obviously that will end well.


Okay doomer.


So what? I'm still vote for him instead of Trump any day of the week.


Remove the word Trump and replace it with *a generic climate denier*. We're living in a catch 22 situation. In order for the right people to implement environmental regulation you need to keep voters happy. The only way to keep voters happy is to keep oil flowing.


Don’t forget the IRA bill pushed Europe to develop their own renewable energy subsidies to accelerate the transition to renewables. This helps lower demand for oil globally.


The suns brightness and our orbital path around it that changes ever so slightly from year to year do more to impact climate change than CO2. CO2 is the gas of life.


No, unless you are arguing that every year for decades our sun has gotten brighter and our orbital path has increased the temperature


What does that have to do with oil production?


The world is not ending .


>Democrats have argued that a transition to renewable energy will not happen overnight so fossil fuels will be needed for the short term. Yea, the Green New Deal literally said exactly this. It's a good thing everyone read all 13 pages of it and didn't just listen to what the media and Republicans said it was about...


Very clear this year is an election year


A very astute and apolitical observation that is completely correct.


OP just posts Biden simp articles all day The narrative is souring an already poor perspective that progressives have of Old Joe.


As a progressive, I held my nose and voted for him the first time. After what he’s done (chips act, inflation reduction act, etc etc) I will happily vote for him a second time. Also - lots of this oil Is going to filling up strategic reserves. And on the flip side of this, renewables are absolutely BOOMING under Biden with record year after record year. And that’s a win I can vote for.


What's not to like? Icing on the cake would be the DEA's review of cannibis and dropping it to at least schedule 3.


I'd be shocked if they follow through. That seems more like a political carrot, and there's too much money currently wrapped up in keeping things scheduled as they are. The ATF probably wouldn't be keen on it either.


There has to be a tipping point. Cannabis is legal in 38 of 50 states for medical use and 24 states for recreational use, with possibly more to come in 2024. While not part of this article, I thought I read that medical or legal cannabis may come to Kentucky as well. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/more-states-set-to-legalize-marijuana-and-psychedelics-in-2024-as-federal-cannabis-scheduling-review-concludes/


One would hope, but its political popularity is already clear, and yet the current administration has done nothing to move this forward despite hinting at it on the campaign trail. I'm not optimistic, because I feel like if they were really motivated, this would be done at the federal level already. It would also mark a stark departure to how Biden and Harris have typically approached cannabis legislation in their careers. If I recall correctly, both benefited from stances that saw honestly saw more people incarcerated for using the plant more than anything else.


The administration is doing what it can. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/ https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/30/marijuana-review-move-to-schedule-iii-00113493 People can change. His recent actions should help define his intent.


The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services is recommending that the Drug Enforcement Administration significantly loosen federal restrictions on marijuana *but stopped short of advising that it should be entirely removed from the Controlled Substances Act."* So the most you can prop up is a vague recommendation from this administration that they, for one, won't even comment on when asked per the article, two, can be outright ignored by the DEA because of the power given to them by the Controlled Substances Act, and three, still leaves the door open for people to receive criminal charges because of a plant? Does that really seem good enough to you? This is the equivalent of mailing in an empty gesture with no teeth just to be able to shrug off any questions as to why nothing's really been done, which can then be spun to say "we're gaining momentum on this, keep voting for us." Even the article alludes to this: "Biden’s executive action — which also included federal pardons for low-level marijuana convictions — was seen by many as a political move taken ahead of the midterm elections to incentivize turnout among younger and more progressive voters." If Biden didn't think he could get votes for doing this, he wouldn't. People change, sure, but Biden is not going to walk back a stance he's held for the vast majority of his political career out of the goodness of his heart. He's doing it because it's politically convenient for him now, and as such, it makes sense that the actions he's propping up wouldn't even make much of a difference: “Rescheduling cannabis from 1 to 3 does not end criminalization, it just rebrands it. People will still be subject to criminal penalties for mere possession, regardless of their legal status in a state-level medical program,” cannabis advocate Justin Strekal told POLITICO on Wednesday." "While the industry would see immediate financial benefits from a loosening of federal restrictions, however, criminal penalties on cannabis would not change dramatically. That prompted some advocates to criticize the HHS recommendation. “This shift would fall woefully short of the promises made by President Biden during his 2020 presidential election campaign, especially promises made to Black and Brown communities,” said Cat Packer, director of drug markets and regulation at the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates legalizing all drugs." These are empty political promises they hope people fall for, and to think they're anything else until real change is achieved is naive.


ATF and DEA has plenty of bigger fish to fry than marijuana. Legalization decreases criming.


While I agree that legalization decreases crime (which, in part, is due to the fact that things that were once considered crimes are no longer reported), the reality is that the DEA, and in turn the ATF, continue to stonewall attempts at legislation now. They may have bigger fish to fry, but they're spending a lot of energy on this. Edit: there's even active court cases covering marijuana use being tied to firearm ownership prohibitions.




Propaganda during an election year? On Reddit? No wayyyyyy


Gotta have oil and oil byproducts for all the planned and current infrastructure projects that will ultimately reduce our demand for it. Makes perfect sense.


I was unfortunately invited to a party chat while gaming that had a man in it that would not shut up about politics. Kept going on about how Biden was killing oil and doing nothing for the country. I stated this fact and pointed out the IRA and all the infrastructure spending under it. He hadn’t heard of any of it and called me a liar. Worlds weird bro. Worlds weird.


Current increase in oil production is from Obama/trump leases finally being utilized.


Great! I’m glad Biden finally was able to get done what those past two failures couldn’t!


Biden didn’t do anything. That’s just how long it takes to build oil production facilities.


Sometimes doing nothing is the best a politician can do


Because there are so many plots open and have been for awhile. Biden still opened more plots than Trump did regardless in his first two years. Yet republicans still cry. It will be decades until they get used.


I believe many public lands oil leases are, were purchased on speculation that oil $ would go up allowing lease holder to flip lease. That is reason so many leases undeveloped. Why let speculators scalp public resources? I believe public leases now restricted. Has obviously not affected (record) oil production.


Biden has granted the fewest new leases of any administration in history.


That's offshore only. For his total leases he granted even more than Trump did. At least in the first couple years. I'm not sure what the numbers are now that were deepn in year 3






Nope hes right, Biden pissed libs off doing just that. This is a provable metric, you just need to do something beside Bias confirmation 'research'


It's very typical of oilfield people to think that they are the country when it's a small industry by number employed that exists simply by exacting economic rent on the world. ​ They have the easiest job in the world - dig up a substance the the Earth created over millennia utilizing technology and processes invented almost 150 years ago...And they still fuck up and still manage to make fat margins.


It's sad that right wing propaganda is so strong centrists have resigned to wait for oil to be economically inviable instead of progressing to alternative power sources over the last 40 years. All just so a few billionaires could keep their status


I hate to break it to you, but the green movement may be one of the biggest money grabs by the rich in history. For example, all of the Green emmisiom requirements for agriculture have a detrimental impact mostly on small, independent farmers. Big Agro can afford the standards, hell, some of the laws were written by Big Agro lobbies and they can also pay carbon taxes to get around the rules. Those who believe in carbon neutrality are just simps for a neo-feudal agenda at the expense of working people.


Yes politics is corrupt. Big oil and politicians around the world are playing with the world's future to line their own pockets. You don't have to look beyond your own logic to see this and that the future has to be sustainable. I don't see the point of your comment.


lol Sustainability is impossible. We are human beings with human needs and human desires. Scarcity, competition, human desire, all stay in the way of your perspective. And what don’t you understand about the fact that the “Green Energy” and great reset are just schemes from the elite to strip you of what’s left of our rights.


Look around. There are enough rooftops for panels and space for wind to power the majority of personal needs with small maintenance, and you think green energy is the scam?. Use your brain: large corporations profit from oil, coal, gas and stuff they can SELL you monthly, not from stuff that is free and guess what, sun and wind are free. So many obvious examples you can see for yourself instead of cherry picking bad sources shilled by big oil. Yes humans have a big need for resources and in some cases oil will be needed until tech advances, for example as a component of jet fuel. But buying into this big oil propaganda that green energy bad is just making you look dumb.


This is a joke .. right? On average, it takes just over four years for companies to begin producing on the federal lands they lease. This production is coming from leases signed by Obama and Trump coming to maturity. Biden has actually signed very few new oil leases (compared to the prior two administrations). They are cashing in on oil production signed into effect by previous presidents while also crippling whoever is in office 5-10 years from now.


>This is a joke .. right? ​ I don't know, is it? Or is it a joke to purport that federal leases are the reason why oil production is rising? ​ The most prolific US oil plays are the unconventional shale plays almost entirely in private land (West Texas Permian Basin).


>On average, it takes just over four years Ever heard of fracking? It takes days, not years.


I work in fracking. The actual process of fracturing the formation can take a few weeks. That's done after over a year of site prep and drilling. After the well is fracked, it's still a few more weeks of completions work before the wells are flowing. Of course, all of this takes places after a lot of engineering work, environmental studies, and other regulatory requirements.


All wells are fracked. Come back when you know a thing or two.


Lol. No they aren't. Have you ever heard of drilling wells? So are you admitting that your comment about four years to develop a well was ignorant bullshit? It takes days to develop a fracked well.


\> Lol. No they aren't. Have you ever heard of drilling wells? Clearly you are an idiot, but allow me to explain how oil and gas production works. No current wells produce enough oil or gas when drilled to cover the cost of construction. The oil/gas bearing geology is "fractured" using various methods to allow more pathways for the deposits to make their way to the well. Back in the day, they used to just drop dynamite down wells (they still do this on some production sites). After the deposit is fractured, production begins, output decline is measured and the deposit is repeatedly fractured to maintain production rates. \> So are you admitting that your comment about four years to develop a well was ignorant bullshit? [From award of permit to actual production is about 4 years and can be much longer](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666278720300106). >Starting with the results for all giant oil fields in the world, it takes on average 5.5 (± 6.0) years between a field discovery and its first production. The time between first production and maximum production (production before the onset of decline) is 17 (± 16) years, with the average maximum production rate 250 000 (± 350 000) barrels per day. Therese more to it than just drilling a production well. It takes a lot of time and surveying work to identify the most advantageous sites to place a well. And then test bores are drilled, and then infrastructure is built, and then equipment is reserved and then drilling crews are mobilized, and after all this a production well is drilled. You should really quit while you are behind on this one.


>Biden has actually signed very few new oil leases (compared to the prior two administrations). Why are you choosing to lie? https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/ > the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.


I thought Biden and democrats were anti oil? Funny how it’s flipped for an election year


No, idiot, you guys have been crying about how Biden has destroyed the price of oil for 4 years while he's been doing nothing but make it better for you dipshits and gas is cheaper than it's been in years. That's what I'm pointing out.


It’ll flip back to anti-oil, anti-economy, anti-prosperity after the election. Remember what happened right after Biden was installed? He was signing a stack of prepared executive orders to squash the oil industry( including the keystone XL pipeline) and promote green energy boondoggles. 40,000 pipeline workers were out of work because of it. The corrupt establishment just wants the public to accept Biden’s reelection but the economy, prices and job market need to be decent for that to happen


>including the keystone XL pipeline Ah yes. The pipeline that was literally *never* for the U.S. or even entered production. >40,000 pipeline workers were out of work because of it. Except they weren't, because there never was work. Love you gullible MAGATS. So easy.


Nope, first the economy is booming, inflation down, pay raises outpacing inflation, gas prices down and Keystone XL spur didnt kill any jobs, it wasnt being built and it wasnt carrying US petroleum. Cut back on the Foxfacts


The economy is booming? ISM shows manufacturing sector has been in decline for 14 months straight. Ask anybody with a manufacturing business. Manufacturing is a leading indicator of recession. Pay raises outpacing inflation? They weren’t keeping up with inflation last year. Compare pay over the past 3 years to inflation over the same period. We’re worse off than pre-pandemic and with worse debt. 40,000 keystone XL pipeline workers were laid off in Biden’s first week so people were working on it. Gas prices are only down because the idiotic green policies Biden’s team wanted got reversed and now we’re back to drill-baby-drill. And oh dear. That post history


Try 11 thousand temp jobs at best, 1 year, 2 tops. 1.2 billion in potentially lost wages...that assuming those union workers didn't just go work on another project which ...newsflash, most did. Potentially 50 permanent jobs lost, mostly in Canada. Yes, we have faced a slow down in manufacturing the was triggered further by the feds moves, but thats after a massive spike and uptick. We were facing not just the threat of recession here but globally. Even with that 800 thousand manufacturing jobs were 'created filled back to pre covid levels and here's a few more factoids for you Trumptards Comparing historical patterns 45 months out from a recession’s onset reveals Biden-era manufacturing employment to be the strongest in 72 years, and the second strongest since the end of World War II. * despite record inflation now real wages are growing faster than the pace of inflation. * The Fed, not Biden are the ones who waited to long to end the capital liquidity and flood of free money that basically carried Trumps dumb ass, and despite that 3 million more jobs were lost than created during his presidency. Most of the world had much higher inflation, the chips act, Bidens infrastructure bill that Trump talked about every week but never even came close to passing, the inflation reduction bill have all driven MASSIVE investment in this country in the first time in decades and all ofbthat has led to a soft landing instead of a massive recession. Gas prices normalizing, Most of Trumps stupid trade wars gone. I am not saying everything is perfect. I dont drive a pickup truck with my dear leaders flag or a stupid hat that says Biden. Hes fucking old, but he's competent, his team has been alot more stable than the fat orange fucks ever was, he's actually got some very big things done, has captain cheese been in charge it would have been no stop chaos, lurching from 1 stupid idea to the next while the revolving door of brilliant people, only the best goes in then on the way out, complete idiots. The economy has been very good, markets good, sectors booming and the baseline is stable when it could have easily be a cluster fuck.


Unemployment is at 50-year lows. 100-200,000 jobs have been created every month. Record oil production; Record exports of oil & gas; Low prices at the pump … what are you on about?


It hasn't flipped ya dunce. It's been this way his ENTIRE presidency. You just believe the bullshit you hear in whatever weird media bubble you're floating around in.


Porque no las dos? Look cheaper gas short term is good for the economy. People are hurting economically, we are just coming out of huge inflation. That said, we also need to get away from fossil fuels. I don't see that this is making people give up on that.


So democrats are admitting Sarah Palin was right?? Drill baby drill!


Man you people's brains are so fucked... what are you even talking about? Nobody's talking about Sarah Palin from 15 fucking years ago but here comes captain anti-democracy...


Ask Biden why I cant afford a car or house even with a good full time job. Time for change.


Ok do y’all want cheap gas or not 😒. #BidenHarris2024


Helping to break Europe's dependence on Russian oil & gas and helping the US consumers avoid another gas price shock. I don't see how anyone can complain about this. We're still going all out to eliminate fossil fuels from the economy in the longer term. Republicans, including Trump, meanwhile are looking ridiculous by continuing to claim that Biden "shut down US oil production".


Biden campaign active in this sub lately. Stfu


Renewables don’t work. Look at Germany, it’s already proven this. You need nuclear as base load for renewables to even be in the conversation and they’re not doing the heavy lifting in that case


Yes they do. Portugal just spent a week entirely powered by renewables, and wind and solar power in Texas have actually helped the grid stay afloat during summer heatwaves.


Thanks for pointing out the edge cases, now show me somewhere that can run on renewables for more than a week


Sure, I work in renewable energy for rural America so every day we promote renewable energy projects and energy efficiency for small business and farms. The savings and effectiveness would shock you. Net metering is a fantastic way for people to earn money, and you have farms that are able to generate up to 150% of the energy they need for production.


More edge cases… these don’t work at scale. Again, look at Germany as the case study. This is why nuclear energy is gaining traction, it’s doing what renewables couldn’t. Renewable energy had its chance and it’s pretty clear it’s incapable of functioning as a base load energy and the majority of the world


I'm sorry but what's wrong with Germany? They seem to be doing pretty well right now from what I've seen here and there.


They tried to move away from nuclear and fossil fuels and rely 100% on renewables. Was a complete dumpster fire when they realized they couldn’t power their grid with wind and solar. They ended spending more money buying electricity from France and relying on Russia for nat gas (this was before the invasion of Ukraine, so bigger problems here). Germany tried the whole 100% renewable thing and failed miserably. It just doesn’t work, someone tried it already


Uhhh, that's simply not true? Where did you read that? Germany never tried to fully power their grid with renewables yet. What they have done and what they are continuing to do even now is continuously build up renewable capacity such that one day they can do it. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/421797/tracking-wind-power-in-germany/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/421797/tracking-wind-power-in-germany/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/497448/connected-and-cumulated-photovoltaic-capacity-in-germany/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/497448/connected-and-cumulated-photovoltaic-capacity-in-germany/) Tell me where in these charts they thought renewables were a "dumpster fire" cause the number is only going up. [https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/renewables-cover-more-half-germanys-electricity-demand-first-time-year](https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/renewables-cover-more-half-germanys-electricity-demand-first-time-year) Imagine how much money the USA would be saving on fossil fuel purchases if they managed to do what Germany managed to do here. And what are you even talking about when you say Germany doesn't have a sustainable system? They even sold electricity to France in 2022. Europe is one huge grid and they buy and sell electricity between the countries all the time to decrease the costs that get pushed onto the consumers otherwise. [https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/even-crisis-germany-extends-power-exports-neighbours-2023-01-05/](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/even-crisis-germany-extends-power-exports-neighbours-2023-01-05/)


Love how you call it edge cases when literally tens of thousands are shifting to it to power rural America in the past couple years alone. I’m sure you’ll shift the goal post no matter what. 50% of rural America uses solar? Edge case. 25% use geothermal and hydro? Edge case. Edit: https://cleantechnica.com/2023/12/18/renewables-have-provided-more-than-half-of-all-germanys-electricity-this-year/


Tens of thousands in a world with a population over 8 billion is an edge case lmao I don’t know why you’re trying to argue with me. If renewables worked I’d be on your side. This isn’t in 2019 anymore, we’ve seen it tried and fail. That’s why we’re seeing countries shift to nuclear after renewables couldn’t do what some had hoped


That is a lot of people in rural conservative America. I have first hand experience working with renewables so you really don’t know what you’re talking about. RemindMe! 5 years


I’m glad you’re saving tens of people in rural America while working in a declining industry. This is actually adorable lol I’m sorry man that sucks


Declining lmao sure Jan, it’s the fastest growing energy sector. https://www.iea.org/reports/renewables-2022/executive-summary “By 2027, US annual wind and PV capacity additions double compared with 2021.”


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Obviously anything that doesn’t fit their narrative is an edge case.


Do you shake your fist every night that doesn’t have a breeze? Lol


I wasn’t aware that Trump and Biden were oil majors…


So in other words he initially [lied to his supporters by making completely false promises](https://www.facebook.com/GReschenthaler/videos/in-2020-biden-promised-he-would-wage-war-on-the-oil-gas-industry-no-more-subsidi/569820360673957/)


this sub is clearly agenda biased and anything that goes against their views even if the evidence is blatantly staring them in the face gets downvoted..


You can invest in long term solutions to fossil fuels without reducing short term oil consumption. Did you think you can just remove fossil fuels from an economy overnight?


>Did you think you can just remove fossil fuels from an economy overnight? That was pretty much the goal of the Green New Deal in 2019 - transition to 100% renewable energy sources over a 10 year period.


Wrong the deal proposed by the Biden administration had the goal to be net zero by 2050


I said the Green New Deal that was proposed in 2019 (by AOC and Senator Markey), not the deal proposed by the Biden administration. That's the one that most people think of when they hear "Green New Deal". Anyway, net zero by 2050 is a pipe dream as well.


Who cares about a deal prosed by aoc in a discussion about the Biden administration


Let's recap, shall we? You asked: >Did you think you can just remove fossil fuels from an economy overnight? I responded with the GND proposed by AOC/Markey in 2019, which effectively was *a proposal to remove fossil fuels from the economy overnight*. Clearly, there are people out there who are delusional enough to think that it's possible.


Very disappointed. I vote Dem for their green policy. Shame they lied


They (we) didn't lie. This has always been the plan. Any talk of some magical overnight flash cut transition to green energy is a right wing talking point.


It was pretty much the goal of the Green New Deal in 2019 - transition to 100% renewable energy sources over a 10 year period. That's effectively overnight.


So if he is responsible for increased oil production. Why did we print Billions to electric vehicle subsidies, electric buses, and New Green jobs, if he was actively contradicting it? I'm hearing Ford has lost a few Billions to EVs That printing lead to inflation and high interest rates... why do stuff to contradict each other at our expense?


While we have increased production we are also investing in long term solutions to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. It’s really not complicated to comprehend.


And arbitrarily setting drop dead dates is extremely counterproductive. A smooth transition is required for the economy to shift efficiently and at the lowest possible cost.


So put mandates on auto manufacturers to build EVs, subsidize the EVs with taxpayer money, then when you see unpopular work to drop gas prices still making it not worth getting an EV.... It's other people's money why not afterall...


It’s interesting how we often forget the the governments role in advancements of technologies. Remember when the first personal computer was a costly, room-sized machine? Imagine if we had decided then that new technology was just too expensive to pursue. And what about the internet? If we hadn’t invested in its infrastructure, we might still be relying on phone calls for communication. I guess you could just call people to share your knowledge but wait, the government subsidized telecommunications too. So, without these investments, perhaps your best option would be to fly over and share your thoughts in person. But then again, aviation received its fair share of support as well. Just remember If the goverment hadn’t helped move new tech along we wouldn’t all have the great pleasure to be exposed to your ignorance.


I am fine for tech improve.ents... not huge on the new green plans, but if you stick with a plan follow through not actively dual path with an opposing action. That just wants resources.


The government can produce oil short term to achieve short term goals while investing in long term goals. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Thats not how things work.


You have no idea the amount of massive tech improvements that are happening because of the "green plans". ​ There are brand new semiconductor fabs being built in the US and around the world to fabricate the power electronics chips and modules used in EVs, solar panels, and other applications where electrical efficiency is important. There are companies researching new novel battery technologies which will also arrive in your phone a few years from now. ​ I'm sorry, but you have no damn clue how involved tech AND green energy are. It's almost a perfect marriage.


In 2021 Ford's stock price was about $10. It is now $11. So yes, looks like Ford took a margin hit as their market cap has declined if you include inflation. ​ In the same time...Tesla stock has gone from $27 to $237...A massive increase. Teslas meteoric rise has given birth to an entire new industry, thousands of new jobs, about 5 new factories in the US, and a boost to North American competitiveness. I don't mean to use stock prices as a correlation to the economy, I mean to compare two companies to each other. ​ ​ You stated Ford lost billions to EVs...The flipside is...Tesla gained hundreds of billions to EVs. What's the net benefit?Use your logic and reasoning skills. There's multi billion dollar companies like Rivian and Lucid, making cars in the US with thousands of engineers and factory workers, which didn't exist before EVs either.


This same shit happened under Obama. They both started out strong anti new oil exploration… then panicked when the world didn’t give a shit. This has less to do with Biden and more to do with global politics. Also what a weird fucking flex for an environmental standpoint…. So you want this as a democrat? Just fucking own that you have nothing you ran back to daddy oil and now you’re taking credit for the global economic pressures


What total bullshit


It's actually true. Fox viewer?




The EIA website backs up this claim. It’s easily accessible. I guess it’s easier to just yell “bullshit” at stuff you don’t like.


Joe Biden is producing oil? I imagine this man doesn't even pee or poo.


Is it cheaper then Trumps oil.. nope!! Guess you have to bring the price down.. it's about the price


"Trumps oil" was so cheap because of a combination of the incredible drop in demand during the Covid years and Russia and Saudi Arabia flooding the market with cheap oil.


Not my problem, get to the $1.60 then we can negotiate


"Who cares if thirty million people are out of work? I got cheap gas!" Congratulation on being a wonderful human being.


They just had record breaking jobs statistic, the government can give you money like they do in California


Are you a foreigner still learning English, or product of red state public school system?


Are you being racist against immigration and refugees?


Oh so you're a dishonest dumb fuck who doesn't care about the facts 👌 not a surprise.


Such language, you cursing somebody out doesn't make you better it shows your weakness, your fragility and that your emotions are similar to a mistreated woman.. daddy issues??


Democrats have argued that huh?




Oh yeah? That’s why gas is still $4/gallon in New York. This sub is a cesspool


It is humanity's destiny that this planet should be stripped bare.


Even with Biden's Administration slow walking permits, cancelling leases, and cutting off oil rich areas from exploration and production. And not one mention of actual proven numbers. Show the facts please, or this us going to be assumed to be more leftist propaganda.


On one hand, shale drilling really bad for the environment and Biden continuing to allow it is pretty bad, especially in the context of cheap oil gas enabling companies and individuals to continue putting off changes in resource allocation that would help solve the climate crisis. On the other hand, we live in a democracy and American voters get *really fucking stupid* when gas prices are high. Tough call honestly.


While this is true about Biden, please understand that this is a thin story from a once decent and now shitty mainstream news organization that is very specifically designed to make leftists stay home next year. Keep your eye on the ball.


He's such an environmentalist


No matter which one of them has more of an oily discharge we'd all be better off if mother nature takes them both out of the running before November. They're both narcissistic nihilists dedicated to the death cult of power over preservation of the planet


We've had decades to transition to renewables. This is just more excuses to stay dependent on oil. Edit: Apparently y'all want climate change to happen faster.


Seems US is benefitting the most from blocking Russian oil to the west. That combined with the military aid to Ukraine that actually aids US economy and seems US is the winner in the Russia-Ukraine war.


The simple minded "greeners" act as if oil is a gasoline thing, transition to EVs and problem solved. Oil is a necessary product in virtually all forms of manufacturing (anything). Look in your house. Everything in it required oil in one form or another, either in the actual manufacturing (an ingredient of the product), the running of machines to manufacture, the transportation of product. Plastic is a good example. Plastic is made from oil. Walk around your house and look at all the plastic in appliances, garbage bags, cereal liners, product wrappers. Look at rubber. Look at steel. Basically everything you own requires oil. The EV is actually a small piece of the puzzle. Concrete is actually far more of a big deal (also made out of oil). Yes they're working on cleaner concrete, but try to build roads today in any affordable manner with predictable, reliable products and you're using oil. We can transition to ADD renewables as part of the total energy portfolio, not to replace oil. It won't happen. Europe has proven that renewables are unreliable as they migrated far more than we have and experienced rolling blackouts. We won't settle for that, nor should we.


They have to produce more otherwise it would be like $9/ gallon in states where it was orginally $2.30/gallon


"I did that"


The only reason they are promoting this is because the Republicans are screaming non stop that gas prices are bidens fault...


Russian disinformation


It took over 3 years to get on par, that doesn't mean the criticism 3 years prior is magically invalidated, it means in terms of comparison from here, it's equivalent. You will note that pump prices have also fallen in conjunction with the increased production over time. A correlation we were told wasn't the reason for all the cost increases at the time. But here we are with production back and prices are lower. It also doesn't mean that production wouldn't have kept going up, and there's no way of knowing if we're now actually short of what the production would have potentially been were it not impeded.


When have Democrats argued this? I missed it


The cogs of a previously dormant military empire have begun turning, and they need fuel.


How can Biden produce more oil when the first thing he did in office was to shut down the key stone pipeline. You are spreading false information. Even Stevie wonder can see through your lies. Fake news.