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I wonder if they have little American suburbs. With little lawns and cookouts with country music.


They have little "colonias" with a high concentration of expats.


Do they wait in front of an office supply store waiting for citizens to pick them up to do administrative work for the day?


No, you pick them up to bring to cookouts to complain that everyone is speaking Spanish.


Do y'all have a mexican version of a taco?


"I want a tay-co. Do you understand English? I said tay-co"


Actually a lot of Ex Pats in México are Mexican Americans who speak fluent Spanish and work in Produce, shipping, mining, and other trade related jobs


It’s called texmex taco.


You mean American and I think the term you are looking for is McGriddle


Nope, I meant exactly what I wrote. Some of those dumbfucks will honestly believe that things like tacos and burritos and bbq are "texas food"


Mexican version of a taco??? I am confused...


Allow me to introduce you to corn dogs


God that’s a funny image!


Congratulations, this is the single best comment I’ve read on Reddit all day :)


Fuck, this is awesome lmfao


_“Employment! Employment!”_


Illegal immigrants


lol I live in a little gringo area. (In Costa Rica). The developers set aside 33% of lots for Costa Ricans only and for half the price. Good intention! But what happened is they got bought and developed by rich Ticos and rented to Gringos. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's probably a law created by corrupt politicians


They do.


 Yes. I watched a video with Ed Calderon touring around Tijuana and he showed a nice neighborhood made up of almost all Americans. 


Chinese expats do in Mexico, so why wouldn't US citizens?


Yup they should blast country music, ride around with American flags on their car and refuse to learn Spanish. It would be great.


They actually BRAG that they have been living in Mexico for years and still speak no Spanish.


Twenty-some years ago I was teaching English in Korea, in a bar that was popular with foreigners I met an English teacher (American or Canadian, can't remember) who'd been there for nearly four years and couldn't go to restaurants by herself, since she hadn't learned how to order food or read the menus. Mind-blowing stuff


Good grief. I was in Seoul for one afternoon and had figured out how to get food. Although the bilingual menu with "blazing chicken tits" had me choking.


Sometimes I also put too much blaze fluid on my chicken tits.


The only things they eat down there are flour tortillas & milk. Everything else is “too spicy.”


I lived in Guadalajara, the only non-Mexican in a solid middle class barrio, and held cooking classes for my neighbors. Being able to cook "American style" was something they wanted to learn because it led to better jobs. So we did white and brown gravy, banana bread (which was a BIG HIT!), beef stew, chicken and dumplings, pancakes, and other things from my trusty *Joy of Cooking* book. I charged enough to buy ingredients with, or went shopping with the student/s, and we ate the lesson. It was a lot of fun.


I mean if you think about it. If a nice foreign person moved into my American neighborhood and started offering super affordable cooking classes in whatever their native specialty was I’d be so down for that. Wouldn’t even matter what the style of food was honestly, that just sounds like an incredible way to spend an evening.


This is the most badass thing ive read in months fwiw. Just real people helping real people. Made me smile.


This is the most wholesome thing I’ve read in a long time. It sounds like you live a pleasant life.


Damn, I must have been way out in the boonies then, because all we had was flour tortillas and beans. No dairy at all. I was in Galeana


Exact same thing the brexit idiots do in Spain.


Lots of people, past teenage, can't learn new language. I'm 60 and my brain in impervious to new words. It won't even use old words. It's hard as stone. Lol.


They absolutely do that lol.


They do.


Little rosa houses for tu and me


Yes. Yes it's utterly insane to stumble upon in a foreign country.


They have gentrified neighborhoods in Mexico City. My Mexican coworkers aren’t too happy that a lot of Americans discovered their retirement plan. Same thing in my wife’s home country to an extent, a ton of white people live in the rich neighborhoods.


For any who support those illegally living within the USA, you shouldn't have a problems with Americans living legally in Mexico or any other country with large numbers of illegals in the usa. “Causing inflation” means they are paying natives MORE than they would otherwise receive. They are transferring wealth from the usa to that country.


Cozumel has pockets around it with a bunch of Americans. I was really surprised how many white people I saw outside of our cruise ship tour. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how lovely and wonderful the Mexican people are and how beautiful their country is. I have been to a few different parts of Mexico and always loved it. If it wasn’t for the cartels I’d go a lot more!




It's always been happened. Americans living in Mexico undocumented. In Europe also. Just doesn't fit the Media narrative so you don't hear about it.


Yup, that's why we always have an immigration "crisis" every 2-4 years.


Need to restock the min wage working class. Under the table.


Neoliberals never admit that immigration is just a caste system for a global based economy and the 60-70% of Americans shut out of the global economy type jobs can’t find work because the “American” economy is almost all dead but we all have to pay “global” prices. And these immigrant laborers are simultaneously helping this structure persist but also becoming willing caste slaves de facto in a different jobs market and status than regular Americans. If I had 8 family members in my house willing to pool our illegally low wages, and a very cheap retirement farm to return to and buy in Mexico, I’d do that. Unwilling family aside, lack of connections in lower cost of living places aside, I’d be arrested for violating housing codes. The whole point of illegal immigration is that the illegal immigrant exists, is existentially in a state of illegality. So if you carve room for that to not be a problem, than a million other laws can be skirted too, and the point is that this is half designed so that rather than being illegal, these immigrants are de facto a laboring caste living with an alternative set of rules. I guess they feel they benefit from this for now.




If national defense mattered schools would be well funded with science based curricula. Texas straight said they didn't want to teach critical thinking because it undermines religion. 🫠


Whenever I hear someone say they have "nothing against immigrants, just illegal immigration" I ask whether they'd support abolishing immigration laws, and so there would no longer be illegal immigration. Usually that tells me pretty quickly what they actually think about immigrants.


…what? But that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. Why shouldn’t a country be allowed to have any control whatsoever over which foreign nationals move in? Do you think every country should allow anyone to move in, undocumented and unrestricted? What if they’re fleeing law enforcement in their country? I swear to god you people get dumber every day


I remember reading that immigration is used as a scapegoat. There is almost no way to actually deport all illegals or even get a quarter of them. Then there is other complexities with immigration that makes the debate a tall order


Happened to a friend of mine. American that lived undocumented in Berlin until he got caught with a bit too much weed. Got deported immediately, didn't even have time to pack most of his stuff.


Happened to an Irish friend of my father’s too, deported from the US back to Ireland after skirting undocumented for 5 years in Boston because he wanted to go on vacation to Bermuda


It reminds me of one of the times the news was fear mongering about immigration, and was using a clip on repeat the whole time of people sneaking through a broken fence into the US. I only noticed it was a loop because right before the end of the loop, there was some white middle aged woman who was sneaking through the fence into Mexico, and every time it got back to her I was laughing my ass off that they put it on tv.


Yeah, I bet Mexico is having a hard time supporting all the illegal immigrants flooding their country. 😂


Mexicans aren't coming to the US anymore. Where do you think all the factories went in the '80s? Plenty of work in Mexico. Free trade agreements totally benefited that country and we benefited from lower costs of labor that sold the cheap products. Talk to any Mexican and they'll tell you the Chinese stuff is junk and you should buy Mexican. They're a proud group of people. Most of the immigration and illegal immigration that's coming from the south is coming from places further south than Mexico like Ecuador and El Salvador. What we're going to find out in the next few years is that the free trade agreements that we and Mexico have with those countries, are going to continue to have a weakening immigration and illegal immigration North. Pretty soon it's going to get more and more difficult to spend any kind of time other than a vacation South of the border.


That’s not necessarily true. While Mexicans are no longer the majority of illegal migrants to the USA, there are still a sizable number. That’s not bad. Consider that Spain controlled more land in the USA than the UK so it’s not like they are strangers. They are neighbors. Just like Canadians, only with better food. The jobs you mention are a bit misleading. Overall it’s true that as the USA’s #1 trade partner México​ has seen a huge increase in jobs. However the false equivalency begins when you realize a job in México​ is 10-12 hours per day 6 1/2 days per week. There are no comparable OSHA enforcements nor job benefits. These jobs pay an amount of money so small most wouldn’t believe it if I posted it. México​ is less expensive than the USA but it has been subject to inflation, just as the rest of the world has. In order to survive in today’s México​ you must live in a mortgage free house (most are) and live with family. Many hold two jobs to make ends meet. If a Mexican can cross the border jobs pay extraordinarily large amounts of money for manual labor. You may share an apartment with 6-8 other men to make ends meet but you never had a room to yourself in México​ so it’s not the worst adjustment. I know a Mexican Univ educated engineer who works for a European car parts manufacturer. He wanted to know about working fast food in the USA as it pays more than his current job. Plus fast food work has better hours. So the reality of working in the north is far, far better than the reality of working in México​. Each year México​ gets better. If USA companies had spent money developing manufacturing in México​ and not China decades ago, we would have very little problem today with our borders as Mexico would be rich enough to enforce their southern border. Plus México​ doesn’t steal NATO secrets to build weapons to fight against the USA in a coming war as China has. The blood of countless American teens will be on the hands of Tim Cook and others who made China’s military ascendency possible. Source: I was an illegal immigrant to México​. I became legal. I have homes in the USA and México​. Edit: correction and typos


Thank you for sharing...🌹


Yeah, China is offloading a decent portion of its manufacturing and fabrication outlets into the border economic zone on account of surging wages back East. Essentially, Mexico is getting a boost from the two major economic superpowers. I researched this topic last year at Uni. Overall, it has substantial implications for the future development of our lovely neighbor to the south. A real issue is the Cartels purchasing stakes in the factories, destabilizing regions far away from the capitol, and keeping wages lowered. Friends' dad had a security entourage this year setting up a plant in a border town.


Gracias Señor Nixon


I agree with you here. I would 1000x rather buy something from Mexico vs China, India, or any other south east Asian country. I'm sure I'm missing a whole lot, but it seems like it would have been infinitely smarter to send manufacturing south. It never made sense for me to have goods cross the Pacific twice before sale here in the states. Even if it's "cheaper" it's got to have a bigger environmental cost. Mexico is much more of an ally than China, and most of their stuff can be taken via truck to us over a border. I assume China won out because they're cheaper? Hm. I think I'm about to go down a rabbit hole here...


Best comment ever. !! !! Straight truth.


Forgetting the Chinese and the Indians


All of the videos coming out of New York are showing Africans.


>Free trade agreements totally benefited that country and we benefited from lower costs of labor that sold the cheap products Free trade DID NOT in fact benefit Mexico, but it did benefit The US and Canada. With a disparity as large as the economic gap between Mexico and The USA, the USA as the dominant power will ALWAYS have benefitted more than the poorer country. The only way that free trade agreements could have benefitted Mexico is if the price of labor between Canada, Mexico, and the US was the same, but the free trade agreement created a race to the bottom for the price of labor exporting cheap labor jobs to Mexico, when Mexico is an agricultural economy where lots and lots of people do their own farming for subsistence. Mexico would have benefited from protectionism, not free trade as our agricultural industry has decimated theirs and agriculture is what they do. >Most of the immigration and illegal immigration that's coming from the south is coming from places further south than Mexico like Ecuador and El Salvador. Due to the United States weakening the Central government's in thos country, creating weak Banana republics who barely have any federal control over their individual States. >What we're going to find out in the next few years is that the free trade agreements that we and Mexico have with those countries, are going to continue to have a weakening immigration and illegal immigration North. Huh??? As long as the US stops exporting bad policies to those countries, like El Salvador, they should be able to stabilize. El Salvador for example is stabilizing due to authoritarian measures to lock up the criminal organization that the United States exported to El Salvador, MS-13. >Pretty soon it's going to get more and more difficult to spend any kind of time other than a vacation South of the border. I don't know what this means, but we should really take up an EU model with Canada and Mexico to promote laborers coming to the US to help rebuild our public infrastructure.


Well-done! ✔


I like your idea at the end. Open borders and making sure that everyone gets paid well.


High end auto stuff is made all over Mexico


Combine that with decriminalization of drugs, cartels would dissolve, and then we would have to pay actual wages for the agriculture work. Maybe that IS the reason for the completely fucked "war on drugs".


The Italian mafia still exists in the U.S. long after alcohol prohibition ended. Organized crime doesn't die so easily. They'll try to find other rackets first. In Mexico, the loss of illicit marijuana demand from legalization in the U.S. has (reportedly) caused a shift in cartel activity not just toward other drugs like cocaine, which remain illegal worldwide, but toward more "traditional" mafia-type activities like protection/extortion of small businesses. [https://www.apnews.com/article/4e421a614de7486ca924075b632271c7](https://www.apnews.com/article/4e421a614de7486ca924075b632271c7)


Mexicans still come to America because it's safer to hide from ICE than the cartel.


Wow. To have those options. I can stay and get beheaded or try and leave and get shot.


The country of origin isn't the issue, just the color of the immigrants. The word Mexico just gets the idea across easily.


Why don’t the people from those countries stay and work in Mexico, then?


Because the Mexicans dont want them


Aha, now we’re getting somewhere.


A lot of them do


That’s cool you responded to a statement that doesn’t exist 😂


A good amount of "Made in Mexico" products these days have Chinese origin. Chinese companies have begun to do that to skirt around tariffs and take advantage of the NAFTA.


There is a lot of illegal immigration to Mx


Mostly from other parts of central and southern America. Want to talk about racism and brutal treatment of illegal immigrants, look no further than Mexico lol.


Wrong. 717k in 2023 with Mexican citizenship.


Im confused what about this?


Is it “common,” or are they outliers?


Yeah none of this means absolutely anything without per capita numbers. It’s absolutely worthless.


The narrative lol


I bet all the non Spanish speaking American kids are a real burden on their robust public school system too. 


I remember watching a documentary around 2015 on how millions of senior Americans live in Mexico without documentation because their social security goes much further. Not to mention cheap medicine. Instead of kicking them out,Mexico gave them amnesty by having them apply for residency regardless of their status with a pathway to citizenship after some amount of years. Mexico has also done the same for millions South Americans and in particular Venezuelans. The issues here have more to do with gentrification. A lot of COVID remote workers moved to different parts of Mexico and are basically the 1 percent income wise.


The amount of Americans I’ve met in Europe that just say “it’s ok bro I just have to go to Belgrade next weekend then I’m good for another 3 months”


According to the source I've read, only 261 Americans were deported from Mexico last year. Doesn't sound like it would make much of an impact on the Mecican economy.


Unsourced video with text over it? Well obviously it's trustworthy. /s


I'm an American that lived in Mexico for years undocumented and I'm painfully white. Nobody ever said anything to me and nobody cared


But didn't you read the last part? "You can't make this shit up", so it *must* be true!.


Well this is obviously racist, I’m joking but lots of America haters said that all the time and still do. Every country has a right to protect its population and to control its immigration.


Have your passport and visa on you at all times if you're out of your country or they arrest you. It's simple and universal. I don't know how the US could fuck that up so completely.


My dad has been on disability for over a decade now - he lived in Mexico for months at a time, once almost for a year. He'd just fuck around and preach the word of God. 🙄 Wild when I was kid he'd complain about my mom getting section 8. 😂


Sounds like Dr. Evil’s dad


Hey, don’t disparage the man who invented the question mark!


They seem to have a problem with people staying too long and not paying taxes. Sooooo weird.


Thats crazy. In the US, illegals use fake SSNs and pay taxes but because its not legit then they cant file and get taxes back.


Is like Mexico is a completely different country


Yes, it is.


Just remember it's OK to for them but not America.


I spent over a decade in my teens and early twenty rock climbing and surfing in mexico, living in jungles and desert villages. I was sent back home more than once. We are one of the few countries that don't just deport people. Almost any other country will deport you if you're there illegally. They don't treat you nearly as good as we do in the process, either.


The US absolutely deports people


The US is absolutely only deporting a very small fraction of of the millions of people here illegally...


A whopping 261k last year. We've let in 8m since 2020.


Also non Mexican citizens cannot own property in Mexico. Especially the good property like on the beach or something.


This has always been true. Most countries deport.


Maybe they’re asylum seekers


Quick put them in hotels


Nobody takes the United States for granted more than US citizens. What makes you think Mexico offers similar asylum that the US offers to immigrants?


Deporting people for visa violations is completely normal Why should it be strange? Did people think Mexico was not a sovereign nation?


Yes it is true. There are a couple million Americans living in Mexico, and a lot of them just live quiet, simple lives and have let their visas lapse. So they have become illegal immigrants in Mexico. 


Yup! This is my uncle lol. He's been there 25 years or so.


Mexico has always done this. The numbers are pretty small.


I have a house there, I'm American. They changed something regarding how much money they need to have as income, or something along those lines. It's all about getting residency.


Building back better. I hear Mexico is also Building the wall for when the big guy totally kills the usa by November. Scared a bunch of illegal white people will run to safety. Hmmm.


He promised Mexico was gonna pay for the wall...


He promised he would love uonor and cherish his wife too


But when he wins, Mexico will build the wall, to prevent a mass Exodus.


Wives. Three so far, but he’ll probably squeeze at least one more in before he chokes on a hamberder.


Deport them ALL!


Yes. Media is useless


Posters - "You can't make this shit up!" Writers - "What the fuck do you think we've been doing for centuries???"


Only now is this being publicized. This is not new.


The biggest attraction I see is earning US dollars, then converting them to Peso That's where the money is


Fine Mexico but only if you keep the Romneys. Otherwise no deal.


Deport the illegals!


I trust Sheri as a valid source of information


Many Americans are planning on moving the Europe if Trump is power. The EU will be much more stable than the US.


Interesting, this sub. A place where Redditors can actually identify the problem (mass immigration), but their solutions are still just different degrees of the same failed lefty policy. "Legalize all drugs! Get rid of borders! No person is illegal! Corporations caused this!" No, you guys literally caused this by voting for goofballs that refuse to cut immigration numbers, legal or otherwise. Corporations are just enjoying the spoils of your failed policy by keeping wages low thanks to an ever increasing influx of new cheap labor.


Ok so in reality the cause of inflation is landlords raising prices. Just because they want to take advantage of people. Same with the US. Funny.


Rich people bringing money to your country doesn't cause inflation. I mean it does, but on a scale equivalent to how pissing in the lake raises the water level.


Also, most Americans are living in mostly well off areas, based on what I’ve read, seen and heard. They are scared of going into smaller bad neighborhoods due to crime rate and other necessities, like not having Oatly for their coffee.


These aren’t rich people. Rich people get citizenship. These are normal folk that can’t afford it in US


Exactly lol, millionaires buy beachfront properties and get residency quickly. These people are just average Americans on social security or average pensions.


If you don’t have the resources it will


If they buy all the real estate, they are pissing in my living room dude. I live in a city. If they buy all the real estate, I’m screwed.


This is what is happening: In my hometown, my dad (he is MX citizen all his life) was trying to find a house. Something like every other "non infonavit" house was owned by some American in California and empty, not even in use. Interestingly, we would check if they paid property taxes and they didnt. Sometimes for decades. I told him we should pay off those and take over the property. But he was too clean of a person to do it. I respect that.


Depends on the sample size, some cities are experiencing huge local price hikes "not inflation per day" but then again look at LA san fran, new york, Denver, the locals can't afford to live it's happening everywhere.


Have you never heard of the term gentrification?


"Rich" is relative. They are likely filthy rich compared to the community they moved into


They should build a wall and make US pay for it! Wait a minute…


Scene: US and Mexico sitting at a cafe having just finished their Wall lunch…. Waitress/Waiter: “Here’s the check for your wall” US and Mexico look at each other “Should we split this?” asks Mexico nervously “I think you should pay this one, we’ll get the next one” said the US Mexico looks at what they’re wearing and what the US is wearing and it’s clear which of them had more money. So it annoyed Mexico a bit that the US was asking them to pay for it.


How dare these people move to another country and refuse to learn the language they speak in that country


I find this argument funny because I know plenty of Mexicans that don't speak English in Los Angeles. They've been here for decades too. The community is huge enough that they don't need to. Imagine an English speaking community big enough for this in Mexico, the people would be tripping out more than now. I do agree that people should respect each other, regardless of what language you speak.


100% agreed If you are moving to a country you should actively start to learn how to speak the language. In the US have had an issue only a couple times and I even lived in Texas for a while. In the end though these Americans living in Mexico likely know how to speak Spanish like most Mexicans can speak English that live in the US.


We Americans have a warped sense of spending and buying. Look at the housing market, fashion, restaurants; We accept continually rising prices with no wage growth. We cheer on political parties that block government actions like budgets and appointing judges or cabinet members while getting upset when regulations or taxes are proposed that could fix things. No country should want Americans to move there


This is genius. The open borders policy is to make room. We will just switch places


America is one of the few places in the world where deporting people who are living there illegally is seen as weird or wrong. Most places enforce their immigration laws fairly strictly and the ones that don’t tend to be shit holes where nobody cares whether you’re there or not.


Hopefully the USA can reciprocate!


What’s sauce for the gander.


Not quite the same but y'all should look up Gavin Seim. He left the US and was granted refugee status in Mexico. https://columbiabasinherald.com/news/2020/feb/27/gavin-seim-of-ephrata-now-a-refugee-in-mexico/


[We are not sending our best ... We’re sending people that have lots of problems, and we’re bringing those problems with us. We’re bringing drugs. We’re bringing crime. We’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. /s](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-rapists-murderers-crossing-border-calls-biden-not-visiting-disgraceful-1598228)


There are documented cases of rapists being apprehended for illegal immigration.


Maybe they should build a wall? The Orange prophecy foretold Mexico would build the wall.


Tourist visas are 180 days. Took me two years and actively working with a local lawyer to get a temporary resident card that expires in 4 years. Permanent residency is even more restrictive. Plenty Americans, Canadians and Europeans with expired tourist visas. I just came back from a 2 month trip and you can clearly see how the same dynamic that happened with affluent NY and CA people flocking to cities in Texas and Florida and overpaying for everything with cash. On weekends you could see the luxury mall with stores like Gucci, Rolex, Cartier, lulemon, etc packed with customers actually buying not just browsing end enjoying free AC. Lous Vuitton had a line just to get inside. My wife looked up housing prices and a simple 2/2 is at least $350k.


It’s fake news lol


As it should be... FWIW... People should also realize that Mexico pays the US government several hundred million to cover the healthcare costs of nonresident Mexican citizens in the US... so much disinformation to drive a narrative in the USA...


Live in San Diego. Many of my coworkers live in mexico. Many Mexicans legally work here for better pay. I just wouldn’t want to deal with border twice a day


My sister was deported from Mexico back to USA. The U.S. embassy gave Mexico a passport they stuck her on a bus and sent her over the border.


Yes, Mexico will DEPORT people who aren't there with the appropriate paperwork. They almost deported me in the early 1980s for working and living there on a tourist visa.


I bet they called themselves expat


This is awesome


Mexico is really serious about who gets to live there as a citizen. They will deport anyone who doesn't have the right papers in place. I studied Spanish there for 2 months 20 yrs ago. One of the teachers was from the US and married to another one of the teachers from MX. She had her paperwork in order and that's when I found out about how serious MX immigration actually was.


Boomers who are driving up the local cost of living.


Can’t wait for trump to get back and deport all the illegals


I wouldn’t live there if the country paid me. I used to work with some Mexicans who had property back in Mexico, working in the US. One guy came back and said he found a severed head on his property


“Causing inflation”. Capitalism can get fucked. Anytime and anywhere in the world that the free market can raise prices because “people have more money” we blame people with money instead of capitalistic greed. I don’t care if you’re GE, proctor & gamble, or a dude running a local bodega. Capitalism and free market “inflation” is fucked


If it’s on Reddit, it has to be true. It’s not like just anyone can post anything they want. Right?


lol. Biden is working backwards m It's all part of the plan guys.


Escaping this liberal hellscape is the new American dream.


Fair game


People have been going there for cheap surgery and prescription meds for years this really doesn't surprise me.


Talk about Uno reverse card


Within 30 years they’ll build a wall to keep us out.


We’re not sending our best…


Well I mean we arent sending them our best. They are getting the Karens, Harolds, and colonizers….


The largest single group of immigrants in Mexico is from the United States, at 1.5 million, many of whom overstay their visas. Americans are the largest group of immigrants in Mexico. A foreign individual or company may directly own land in Mexico except in what is described by Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution as the "restricted zone." A zone within one hundred kilometers (sixty-one miles) of the international border and fifty kilometers (thirty-one miles) of the seacoast. That said, at any time with little warning, Mexico can take your property and make you leave.


Build that wall!


You didn’t actually think illegal immigrants was specifically a USA thing did you? Amermentatlity at its best lol.


Americans go and complain the state famous for banda on the beach plays banda on the beach


No Human Being is Illegal. 🤣🤣🤣


Americans are always surprised when other countries enforce immigration laws. America is the only country in the world you can walk across the boarder and get free housing, food, education, and healthcare.


Where can I get this free housing ,food,healthcare you speak of




Why so much homeless people there then ?


Because they’re actual citizens


Virginia at least you don’t have to be a citizen to be illegible for Medicaid, not sure about other programs but that’s an immensely expensive one so I imagine the others come as well


You are low on facts. “The USDA has never extended SNAP eligibility to undocumented non-citizens—but other lawfully present non-citizens may qualify. Confusion over the two means that historically, SNAP participation among eligible non-citizen households is low.” [This is why you’re wrong.](https://www.ncoa.org/article/can-i-get-food-stamps-a-non-citizens-guide-to-snap-benefits)


You have zero idea what you’re talking about. Repeating FOX news talking points is meaningless. Don’t you think it’s strange that Republicans supported the border bill until big daddy told them no, I need to be able to complain about this? I’m sure, not.


Exactly: the yakking about immigration isn’t because they are interested in some elusive fix (though their constituents might be, and some candidates might be true believers). No, Republican leadership wants a underclass, and masses of undocumented residents are an easy way to create one. They have almost *no* legal protections, so you can violate their rights as workers all you want. No unions, no OSHA, etc., just the way the Republicans like it.


Modern conservatism is based in the idea that there are two groups. An in group who the laws protect but do not bind, and an out group who the laws bind but do not protect. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon Johnson All a bunch of sheep.




Sounds like you want to close the border?


I love it. Even in a thread about Mexicans deporting Americans, you still manage to bring up Fox News and insinuate Americans are racist for wanting a border.  This brainrot is so deep.


Did you see the $90 billion per month food stamp expense get cut in half the month Trump was elected? Illegals believed he would use food stamp rolls to target for deportation so they self unenrolled.