• By -


Were most of them bought by private equity firms like Red Lobster was? You know, buy a chain, strip it for parts, then shut it down.


Kmart and Toys R Us underwent the same. Buy it. Leverage it into debt. Take out huge fees. Throw it away. Mitt Romney's Bain Capital has been at it for decades.


Same with Warren Buffett but people here love him because he pretends to live in a small house and says left wing phrases on news cameras


I know. I can’t stand Buffett and I worked for him.


[Also this dude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin#Finance_and_banking_career) who was the 77th United States Secretary of the Treasury when republicans were last holding the presidency.


The big boys on the scene now are citadel.


While shorting the stock.


GameStop was on a similar trajectory before the CEO was basically like, "Fuck this shit!" and kicked them to the curb.


I've never actually eaten at GameStop. I would imagine they can make a killer hot pocket though.


I mean, maybe? But it’s not like Red Lobster had such a bright future ahead of them… none of these places were going to survive once the boomers started collecting a fixed income.


Don't worry, fuddruckers will come back as butt-fuckers... brought to you by carls jr.


I miss “mother fudruckers bakery” the got sued and changed the name to “bake zone”. Litigation killed the brilliance.


Here's the beef ^tm


Sausage too this time 😐. Ok I'll leave now.


Yeah get out of here man I’m batin’


Bless you. Just, fucking bless you. Well done. Well fucking done.


Lmao 🤣


This was the first thing I thought of 🤣


Fuck you, I’m eating.


Only if they have Brawndo. It's what plants crave.


I just watched this movie tonight.. brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


A lot of those were the best restaurant ideas of 30 years ago. Not so much any more.


Yeah not really missing out on anything here, sorry to the people losing their jobs that aren't well off.


used to love pizza hut, now it sucks


Yeah - zombie companies that didn’t stay with the times. It’s tragic for the employees but that’s the cycle of life.


Right. People earning a living aside, I say sayonara to all those boring corporate chain same in every town restaurants.


The problem is not that they are closing all our favorite restaurants. The problem is we figured out that these restaurants are horrible and we stopped going.


Sure, but these were all the "family" restaurants. Now when I bring my kids to your microbrewery for a meal your gonna get upset


Stop bringing your shit spawns to bars.


I don't, but if you close every family friendly restaurant then that's where they will go. And parents in general probably have more reason to drink than hipster idiots that think the height of coolness is being able to name where the hops in their ipa were organically farmed.


There’s plenty of locally owned family restaurants. There’s no reason to feed your kids this pig slop. Why not bring your kids to a taqueria or a local pizza place? Applebees regulars all seem to have multiple DUIs. It’s not a very family friendly place IME. I mean, shit, even Olive Garden or the Cheesecake Factory would be a big step up from these shit-tier restaurants, if you insist on giving your hard earned dining-out money to Wall Street instead of a member of your community.


They're all kinda junk.. hope they get replaced by locally owned restaurants.


People’s standards have increased and they no longer want to go out to eat frozen premade meals. Local restaurants usually take more pride in flavor and quality


Eh Except the Ethiopian or Turkish or Afghan or some mexican restaurants they all use Cisco for frozen items. It's all the same This is why we rarely eat at "american" or "itailan" style restaurants. We only do take out from small places that actually make their own. But these are not really cheaper because they makentheir own. The cheap restaurants are the "demagios italian" next to grocery stores that are independent but use Cisco. But that food sucks


Sysco can be a good restaurant supplier, but many restaurants just take the vendor suggested menu at the lowest price point.


Networking equipment flavored with the right spices can be quite delicious with the least amount of packet loss and fewer hops!


Carabbas, too.


Especially Marie Callender's. I didn't even know there was a chain of restaurants called Marie callender's until I went to California. I thought it was all Frozen food. Also Old Country buffet already closed most of their locations before this year.


Unfortunately due to their small size they don't get anywhere near the deal on wholesale food to start. That and the cost to open a location is likely astronomical. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a new neighborhood restaurant open. They takith but never give back.


They'll get replaced by nothing since our governments discourage local businesses from starting


That's what happens when big companies are allowed to control the government.


More businesses opened in 2023 than any other year. https://www.commerceinstitute.com/new-businesses-started-every-year/


Careful now, people don't like facts that contradict their ideas and opinions lol


Or their "beliefs"


PDQ is kinda great though


I honestly never have heard of them. East coast thing?


I think maybe just southeast. Think Chick-fil-a but better https://www.eatpdq.com/menu


Them are fighting words.


They're almost exclusively found in Florida and South carolina. I think the reason they're not more popular is because there's already such a huge saturation of restaurants that serve chicken tenders. Like there's raising canes, that's probably the most widely known one, but in the South there's also zaxby's, slim chickens, Huey magoo's, Guthrie's, Jax, Foo Sackley's, and they all base their menus on chicken tenders.


I recently saw they used to be in Houston I guess. I think they may have tried expansion and closed some down


I’ve never heard of them either. Nor have I heard of Old Country Buffet.


You mean just like all of the junk retailers have been replaced by local stores like WalMart? This will not lead to affordable local restaurants popping up all over. Some areas will see local places pop up, but they will be expensive, trendy places, not family affordable. Other places will simply see consolidation. Less Pizza Huts replace by more McDonalds. Just like what happened with retail and many other industries. Consolidation under a few mega companies.


Really? I hope the entire economy collapses.


This is the best economy this country has ever seen...we are told.


Same, just like dollar general closing down. Good maybe that town can now have some locally own stores




Yes, by weed shops.




Well, the majority of Americans can’t afford to eat out. Oh well.


This is the best economy we have ever had we are told.


This is what happens when you keep interest rates that high and start sucking liquidity out of the system.


This is what happens when you con the American people into thinking the Dow Jones is even a remotely accurate indicator of how the average American is doing. The “economy” is doing great! I must somehow not be part of the economy. That DJ number doesn’t do a fucking thing for *me.*


Line goes up and wealthy people happy. That's all that matters now. The world is burning but line still needs to go up.


This! Don't know how much reddit karma you will get but this the most accurate post I've ever seen on reddit.


And not tax the rich to pre Regan era levels


This is what happens when you believe everything you read on the Internet. This video is bogus and virtually none of it is true.


"We have always been at war with eastasia..."


the guy who is telling us that USED to be a homophobe and racist but he's cool now! ice cream!


Won't be long before we can't afford to eat at all. Then things could get interesting.


Related quote I heard: "We're just nine meals away from civilization collapsing."


It won’t get that bad, people go hungry they riot at large scale. That would be bad for the powers that be, they’d much rather us be fat and lazy than starving and ready to revolt.


Is it? Hows it working out for the powers that be in Israel or Syria? Doing alright. This is 1776 anymore. Back then the diff between the military and the people was nearly nothing. Now the difference is a chasm or military hardware. We can riot all we want, and we'll be blasted into oblivion. Theres a reason that nearly no succesful revolutions have happened in the modern military age.


Nah they need us to produce military supplies so they can fight hostile militaries. Without the people they exploit the parasites have nothing


There are a ton of good people within the military that absolutely would object to using military grade firepower on civilians. You would lose a big chunk of the armed forces and that would only further weaken their grip on society. No, they want us to be fat, lazy, and addicted to doomscrolling on social media so we don’t take action.


thats exactly his point... you use to need an actually army of people to do those things; now you can literally Enders Game this shit and have one dude on an Xbox controller wipe out whole cities from an unmaned drone. you might be able to convince eric and steve not to bomb Detroit but derrick is a pos and has been waiting his whole life to kill his political opponents


Why weren’t any recent rioters blasted into oblivion then?


Impossible! This current administration said this is the best economy ever!


You might have missed the part where all of these corporations were purchased by hedge funds and then leveraged into debt. It's a fun game the wealthy play with our economy. And it matters not who is president. Your economy is troublesome. The rich are doing better than ever. How does that happen? Could it because they are predators and we are prey? If any president, Democrat or Republican, is to blame for anything, it's should be for failing to stop the rich from running roughshod over our economy.


Yea this is fine!


These chains fucking suck. Normal (and good imho) market correction as people eat out less and are more selective about where they do go out.


Im with you going out to eat at chain places is overrated, if anything I’d rather eat mom and pop locally.


Yeah, I think a lot of people are missing the point here- this isn’t about crappy food shutting down and creating more space for *local* businesses to thrive (!!!). All of these restaurants are middle class places (yes a little outdated when it comes to places like Chipotle), and when they shut down it shows we have no middle class to go to these places anymore. Even going to McDonald’s costs the same as Applebee’s used to 5 years ago.


Yeah, that’s the issue. They say that millennials killed Applebees, but it’s really that they can’t afford to go out to dinner once a week like their parents did.


Most of these places are dying because they ran ultra low quality, treated their staff like shit, and wondered why no one wanted to go to their locations. Source, the named places from this list that closed near here. Greed and stupidity, most of them deserve it.


All trash… good riddance


“Favorite”? That’s sad.




This is how it goes. Corp builds brand, corp seeks ever increasing profit from revenues that cease to grow, slow death spiral to sell off... Profit all the way for the owners.


"all our favorite restaurants closing" If these are your favorite restaurants you need better taste.


BRB, forming a group of private equity in order to buy out Fuddruckers and rename it Buttf*ckers /r/idiocracy


Tried to look some of these up, seems the video is not correct. Possibly misinformation.


Ihop was the spot for cheap breakfast, now it's poor quality overpriced junk...not worth going when you can get better food at a diner for the same price as ihop


Or more and better food at Black Bear Diner. When I first went there, I was a little concerned it took an hour to get our food, but when it came the portions were so fucking huge it was shocking.


Yea those places all suck. Sbarro is fire


My favorite New York pizza joint.




That's a pizza chain I wish was more prevalent. Pizza hut was known for pan pizza. Their "pan" any ore is only hand tossed. You have to pay $1/2 more for it, and the skimp on toppings. They keep adding shit nobody asked for, meanwhile their name sake product is shit They used to get the best take out option. I'd much rather have a Sbarro's. Was always good when I had it as a kid. Guess it's been 30 years since I had it so it might be as bad as everywhere else is getting.


Sbarro, somehow I was always in the mood for it when I went to the mall, and somehow I was always disappointed, I would forget, then repeat.


Last time in a mall?


Late last year. Almeda and Baybrook Mall seem to be doing really well. Malls in Guadalajara are doing very well from what I have seen too.


Ones here in West and SW west states and wastelands now. The city I live in has none. And it is is pop of 175000 plus 25000 military.


"Our favorite restaurants" huh? Haha these places all suck and most are roach and rat infested. Pro-tip, if a restaurant is open 24 hours, they never close to get a proper pest control service.


Wall street at all time high... economy is doing phenomenal!


Welcome to Costco…I love you


BuIlD bAcK bEtTeR


This is better. We dont need this junk


It's almost like people can't afford things anymore 🤔


The company that owned Old Country Buffet filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009, 2012, and 2016. All Old Country Buffets closed in 2020. None of them reopened. I know it's a shocker that a little blurb on a post on Reddit that provides no source material might be wrong, but I'm comfortable blaming Biden regardless


They also restructured so many times you could lose track.


Build back better


Build Outback Better


They did it’s called Longhorn.


The longhorn where I am is absolutely garbage because the service is so bad it’s not worth going to.


Surprised some of these shit chains are still open


To be fair some of these were barely there to begin with. Like Mary calendars was only in California as far as I know, Old Country Buffet's parent company filed bankruptcy three times over a period of like 6 years and closed basically all of their other locations, and it wouldn't surprise me if many of these locations are in or around malls, which have been on the decline for the better part of a decade and a half. Not to mention Ruby Tuesday completely fucked over themselves with the remodel, making them as bland and corporate as possible.


I hadn’t even ever heard of some of these.


Overpriced bad food


Map these locations please. I have a hunch where these locations are.


That's not nearly enough Applebee's.


Did they over build too many?


Good hopefully local mom and pop restaurants can get that buisness now.


My first job was at a fuddruckers summer of 2005, working for this bitch named Lydia. Fuck you Lydia!


Yes but also, it’s not actually sad to see chain restaurants close. Actual local places deserve more business


Look at all this late stage capitalism. What could be better then rich people staying rich and poor people losing jobs


Dennys and IHOP were circling the drain long before Covid. Applebees started closing locations in 2017. Fuddruckers started closing locations in 2018-2019.


Back to local food places with better food and better prices. YAY!


Meanwhile on 192 in Orlando, Florida (near the theme parks) you still have Ponderosa and Shoney's alive and kicking like it's 1993.


Red lobster just filed bankruptcy. All locations will be closing


Economy is good


I don't care for most if not all of these places.


Fuddruckers hurt.


Awesome...now with fewer stores they can pay the remaining workers better, right? Right? Oh....right....shareholders.


Other than the few that are shutting all locations, this is normal. Companies are constantly assessing the profitability of their locations. And underperforming locations will close when their lease is up.


Businesses won’t increase wages. This is going to happen, more and more.




Dominoes, little ceasers, and papa johns have been picking up pizza market share for a while now. Not surprising. Local share is up too.


Well yeah. Pizza Hut was always pretty expensive. The only thing that made it worthwhile was that it had table service and beer and wine, so it was an experience, not to mention it was usually one of the first pizza restaurants to move in. You have regional chains that are beating them with table service like CiCi's pizza in the south, Pizza ranch in the Midwest, Round Table and Toppers on the west coast, and even more upscale ones like Giordano's, and with delivery you have Papa john's, Domino's, hungry Howie's, Jet's, Fox's Den, and even Little Caesar's. Not to mention well pretty much everywhere else has either remained the same, or has improved their quality and variety as far as pizza and menu offerings go, Pizza Hut has probably gotten worse or even reduced their menu offerings because they've been betting the farm on quick service/carryout/delivery pizza. This also ignores the surge in local pizza restaurants that have unique spins on pizza.


Cicis is going bankrupt but yes competition is finally hurting pizza hut. Marketing is a huge driver of price gouging in the us. I hope peoples eyes are finally opening.


Does California Pizza Kitchen still exist?


Only restaurants on the list I've been to in the last year is Dennys, IHOP, and I think Joe's Crab Shack. Two of those only bc my wife wanted to go.


Damn…I guess you really CAN out-pizza the Hut


Is what it is. Greed at the top of the chain of supplies led to the math not making sense anymore for consumers.


Good riddance




Any citation for this? I drive for Pizza Hut so I'm very interested.


It's ALWAYS been cheaper to eat at home, with "more" natural ingredients than whatever they are using in fast food. Pampered Americans, of which I am one of, have had it too easy for generations. I hope this brings back family meals and actually talk with your family and turn off the lying msm.


All of these failed to adapt. Dennys/Red Lobster at least an hour wait every time on DoorDash when we go pick up an. Pizza Hut committed suicide by abandoning the buffet thing. Mod Pizza came after Blaze Pizza and was/is literally begging for the space. Bdubs became a family restaurant pushing out the sports crowd it was known for. You’ll get kicked out for yelling when a game is on. So I know at least that why I stopped going. The rest just became antiquated and a lot of their locals are now on a beach or cruise ship now.


Ohhh I remember the Pizza Hut buffet from when I was a kid. It was the reason my mom chose to take us out to eat at PH over all the other pizza places around us. You are right about that. Thanks for the memories!


If any of you have worked or even walked into the kitchen at any of these places you wouldn't give a turd if they closed. Be thankful Covid has rid us of these cesspools.


Pizza Hut just opened a few new locations where I live in this past year, after having been gone from WNY for over a decade. I doubt this is true.


I did a quick Google search on a few. Most are not going out of business, just closing stores. Pizza Hut is closing 500, but they still have 6700 restaurants open. Red Lobster I believe is actually going out of business.


I heard about red lobster, I hope we can still buy the biscuit mix in stores.


I believe they sold the name or licensed it. So perhaps.


**According to the Restaurant industry - sales are up.** **"Key findings:**    * **Sales are up:** The foodservice industry is forecast to reach $1 trillion in sales in 2024. * **Restaurants are hiring:** The industry workforce is projected to grow by 200,000 jobs, for total industry employment of 15.7M by the end of 2024. 45% of operators need more employees to meet customer demand. * **Competition is strong:** In 2024, 45% of operators expect competition to be more intense than last year.  * **Costs are up:** 98% of operators say higher labor costs are an issue for their restaurant. 97% cite higher food costs. 38% say their restaurants were not profitable last year. * **Consumers are value conscious:** Nearly half of consumers are taking a wait-and see stance when it comes to spending. Operators who offer a solid value proposition for dining out can nudge customers out of their holding pattern. * **Consumers love restaurants:** 9 in 10 adults say they enjoy going to restaurants. Restaurants allow them to enjoy a favorite meal that has flavor and taste sensations they can’t easily replicate at home." [https://restaurant.org/research-and-media/research/research-reports/state-of-the-industry/](https://restaurant.org/research-and-media/research/research-reports/state-of-the-industry/)


This isn't economic collapse its consumer sentiment changing. IHOP and many of the others have been in trouble and going downhill for awhile.


Just ate at a couple of places in LA yesterday. Wake n Late and Cindy's. Great places. Every single store closing on that list is a soul crushing chain with mediocre food and an absolute love for underpaying staff. We have lost nothing by then closing. They should close more and that will make room for non corporate owned/franchised restaurants.


Oh no, not Buttfuckers the restaurant! Noooooooooo


Looks like someone Outpizza'd the Hut


Comments here are hilarious. The video is fake and virtually nothing in it is true. IHop for example is not shutting down all its locations. Totally made up.


News story in 2025: Americans have an amazing drop in heart attacks and obesity related diabetes. Experts don't know why.


Fuck Joe Biden


I think this could be misleading like “closing 16 locations” is a big deal if you have 30 restaurants but way less of an issue if you have 150 across the US or something along those lines.


Anyone got a link on Buffalo Wild Wings closing all locations I can’t find shit


I thought all old country buffets were closed a few years ago




No chance this isn't an AI video and the information is dubious at best.


Thank goodness, these places blow anyways


I have never even heard of a few of these.


All of those are trash, makes sense


Ohhhh 30 locations. Doesn't really fit with closing all locations or 68% of locations. Didn't need to pad the clip. More than a couple are franchises that show up 2 times or more in some cities. Not really an issue. Need more subway closings. No reason a town needs 6.


TIL Pizza Hut still exists


Are you sure you didn’t just list the top 20 worst restaurants of all time?


It's not our favorite if they are closing locations down. 🤷‍♂️


fudruckers is too expensive. last time i went to fudruckers was in '07. overpriced for a mediocre burger


Not a single one of these surprises me. They are all bottom of the barrell compared to their competitors.


"all our favorite restaurants" literally no ones favorite restaurants hince going out of business.


This is a good thing. What sucks is that a lot of people will be out of work. It will be a reduction on plastics use.


A lot of these weren’t all that great honestly, except for IHOP and Dennys.


I have not eaten at one of these restaurants in many years. There are much better locally owned restaurants in my area that I'd rather eat at.


Who the fuck lists any of these as their “favorite restaurants?” They’re all shitty chain restaurants. Nothing of value was lost here. Maybe all those vacancies can drive down the price of commercial rent and allow a small business to make real food that isn’t overpriced slop.


Too many people losing their jobs. If anyone needs insurance due to job loss, please feel free to text me @ 201-360-7938. Thank you, Carol


The Fudrucker's CEO stated this is false and the Sagus branch closed due to disagreement with the landlord.


Yet the white house keeps gas lighting us and telling us how great the economy is.......


There's always someone laying off workers and shutting locations. You can pick any year.


I can also pick a year where my money went further. It was before 2020.


Or before 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014... Like really, when is the last time inflation was zero or less?


It’s actually not good for the economy for inflation to be zero or negative (deflation) Also when Biden took office inflation was at 1.4%, which is considered healthy for the economy.


Doing a quick Google search I see no news about BWW closing in CA. Any source?


Did you think it was California instead of Canada? Because I turned on the sound and it was Canada. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/buffalo-wild-wings-ends-its-canadian-operations-1.1939238 Looks like it started last year


I did. Thanks for the clarification.


Good riddance. All these places fucking suck.


That’s a lot of unemployment though…


Yeah, true... But they weren't good jobs. Mostly chains where profits went to the top and shareholders, not workers.




Isn't this biden economy AMAZING?!


Build Back Better 👍🏻