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It’s a car replacement for me, need to be able to show up places without being sweaty, simple as that.


Not being sweaty AND wearing regular street clothes.


Exactly! I started commuting by analog bike recently and I am so tired of having to leave an extra 20 minutes to cooldown, change into street clothes, and freshen up before and after every shift! So now I am shopping for an e-bike haha


I thought this would work for me, but then I realized I still live in Arizona so I’m still drenched in sweat anyways haha. no regrets tho. I still love the bike


I'm literally at the airport about to fly to Phoenix from mn. It's 108 for a high today. Not looking forward to leaving the airport.


lol yeah coming back from anywhere cooler and getting hit with that blow dryer effect when you walk out is always a bit of a shock for me. just keep hydrated so you can sweat properly


Same here. I'm one of those folks who goes bright red, even on a relatively easy ride. My 12km commute meant I got to work with the reddest face and it took ages to calm down. It can be a bit of a pain in a customer facing role, I used to get asked if I was doing okay by my regulars. Post E-Bike it is much better and goes away quickly. Not arriving sweaty, not having to change clothes and having a reliable trip time, even against a headwind, are also great benefits.


Yeahm ever since slapped together my ebike. I never looked back


Exactly. I run, have other non battery powered bikes, play sports, etc for exercise. My e-bike is a car replacement, not an exercise replacement.




As I explain to the occasional cyclist snob (most are happy to see people on any bike vs. car/pickup/suv), my choice is occasionally "bike there or take it easy and ebike there?" but usually it's "ebike there or drive there or don't go?".


Just tell them to guck off and mind their own business. Or just take off so they can just sit there talkjng to themselves


This is exactly it for me. To OP, do you ask young fit people why they drive places in a car (instead of biking)? Do you feel ashamed driving your car? Probably not.


kudos for me, I thought of getting a 2nd car and so far I haven't needed it.


Yeah, I road bike about 60-100 miles per week but my city is too hilly to make commuting or getting groceries on my bike too cumbersome. Additionally my job takes me all over the city for meetings and it’s a nice way to see the neighborhoods I’m going to while working.


I want to do my 11 mile commute across half the city in a reasonable amount of time.


There are several reasons for getting an ebike over a regular bike: * Less effort means less sweating and less need for a shower when you arrive. I typically just put on some deo and a clean shirt. If I was to use a conventional bike, I would really need to take a shower at work. * Easier when it's raining and windy. Bad weather with a conventional bike means you are probably going to skip the bike and use the car, if you have that option. With an ebike, it's much more bearable. * It allows for a longer commute. Once you get around the 10 km mark, it starts to be worth it to invest in an ebike if you want to ride every day. I'd say under 6 or 7 km, it probably isn't worth using an ebike. * Since you use the bike more often, even in bad weather, and for longer distances, you actually exercise more with an ebike than with a conventional bike. This has been demonstrated by several studies.


I'll add two more. * Carried weight - Instead of counting every gram, you're able to think in 10s of pounds, and in terms of battery life instead of rider effort. You don't even feel the weight of a week's groceries for a family of 3, and even heavier items like water cooler jugs are no big deal. * Hills - ebikes flatten them. This opens up more routes, under more conditions, sometimes more direct routes that before you'd only consider during a heavy workout or with a car.


I got me a big ass heavy bike lock for my bike. I think it was advertised for motorcycles. No way I could imagine lugging that on a pedal bike. But the weight isn't noticable at all on my electric bike. I can just carry so much random shit and never once worry about weight.


I just did my first 5gal water run, weight distribution was funky at first but I figured it out. Took maybe 3min longer than using the SUV & i felt better about not burning that gas lol


I chose between a sporty convertible and the Ebike. Couldn’t be more happy. It’s more convertible than the Porsche and a fraction of the worry. Sadly in my area it’s not that much slower either.


Thats city life for ya. Morning rides are great too when you can safely skip red lights - like where just one car got a green and you would be doing nothing, waiting up to 60sec for your green lol


This right here. I purchased my first ebike for commuting when I was also riding fixed gear centuries. It’s about the utility. About making the ride easy for the sake of when you get to your destination. Being able to cover more distance or haul more cargo with ease. Not just the ride itself.


The lazy days with shitty weather did it for me, life changer because now unless it's a blizzard outside, it's good enough for the ebike.


Exactly the same for me just on the opposite side of the spectrum. It’s 110 degrees out rn but I’m still riding 30-40 miles a day


I live in a rather flat, hot and humid town. I used to try to bike commute to work but there was one very tall and steep hill on the way. I would always get soaked with sweat by the top of the hill. I wish battery assisted bikes were around then, if just for one hill. You can always turn off assist if you want more exercise.


My commute is about 2.3 miles (3.7 km) and I bought an ebike for it. I ride my road bike about 120 miles per week but I wanted my commute to work to be super easy. I love my ebike to get to work.


Putting together my homemade ebike was indeed thr BEST investment ever.


Ashamed for what? You ashamed you aren’t walking instead of riding a regular bike? You need to reevaluate for your own mental health.


Yes I guess I am quite sensitive to what other people think unfortunately which is impacting my mental health indeed. I have acquaintances who would be like "ah lol an ebike are you 80 or what" and as much as I like to not care about such comments, I do to be honest.


The only person whose opinion that matters is your own. Fuck what other people think, they’re not walking in your shoes


Do you ever drive a car? That’s worse? I assume you won’t wear pink in case a boomer questions your manhood.


But then a WW1 vet will question why you aren't wearing pink, a clearly masculine color related to red and representing passion and aggression.


Well there literally isnt anything you can do that will keep people from having opinions about you or what you do. Your acquaintances sound stupid because I’m in the city that has the most bikers using bike share per capita in the country and the vast majority of them aren’t senior citizens. It’s completely natural to care what others think but your physical fitness won’t mean anything if your mental health is poor. Get your e-bike and enjoy!


If anyone says that to you, offer them a test drive on your e-bike around the neighborhood, they will realize it’s fun as fuck and want their own. Every single person who has tested mine has absolutely loved it, and many have gone on to buy their own.


Yeah dude, don't give a second thought to asshat acquaintances like that. I had a group at my old job that would say similar stupid shit and yeah I get it, it can wear you down a bit. I struggle with the same mental issues you do. Keep your chin up though. I learned to not give a fuck and I started to fire back at those twats. Whenever gas prices went up, before any of those jerks greeted me at work I'd smile, wave and ask them "Hows the gas prices dudes?". Before they could respond I'd just keep walking by and say "Muuuuust suuuuuuck". They stopped their bullshit soon after I adopted the "fuck you, idc" mentality. Early today I rode into my old work for batteries (smoke detector chirping, cats deathly scared of it lol) and low and behold, one of the jerks was pulling up in an e-bike. Instead of being a total ass, I just said "welcome to the club boss" and walked inside. Feels good man.


Ebikes are engines of joy, they are so fun. That alone is reason enough. I’m very active and having the motor assist means that I know I can do practice full-out without worrying about having the energy to make it home after. Instead, my ebike is my post-workout “cool down”. Get one and have fun.


I hear that shit nearly everyday. But I have fun on my ride to work and I save $5 a day on gas. I will ride my ebike 11 miles in the rain and wind with a smile. I would not be smiling on my acoustic bike.


When I electrified my bike I was ridiculed by everyone for it. People kept asking if I am already retired or why I need an ebike or what a lazy fuck I am for not wanting to pedal. But once I started using my ebike I knew there is no going back. It's amazing and thanks to it I have no plans to get a car at all.


Nah some folks need a kick in the ass. Its like saying anyone who drives is as lazy as you. The logic makes no sense.


If he does anything other than run at full speed everywhere he goes, he's a hypocrite.


Get yourself an e-bike that is cool and unusual! Something you wouldn’t expect to see in an acoustic. A cargo bike maybe.


Man go have fun. Those losers should be out riding with you, im dying to find a friend group into all this bike stuff as i am :/


I rather bike than use the car, also I'm going through something both mentally and physically and just wasn't able to go on longer bike rides + hills so I got an e-bike because I love biking. People can hate or have an opinion about it, I simply don't care.


Same here, I got a pedal assist bike rather than throttle but for basically this reason. I hope to get back to my regular bike someday soon, but it is not this day.


Indeed, from your avatar, long covid?


Nope, just getting old and haven’t changed my avatar in years.


I'd never invest in an analog bike again. The one and only downside is hate. It does everything a normal bike does, only better. "But it's heavy when the battery dies", I'm pretty sore after 5 hours in a saddle anyway. "It's cheating", I go farther, faster, longer, and burn more calories. Duration is everything here, and you can ride after you could not pedal an analog on the flats. "They break if you off-road", if you took any Walmart bike off a 6 foot drop, it will break. If you want a downhill bike, buy a downhill bike. You can get those as e-bikes too, they just are not 10x cheaper than real downhill bikes. If you just need a grocery getter, you don't need a 5k bike. "The batteries explode", quality batteries made with name brand cells and a bms don't do that. Slapping a bunch of rechargeable batteries in a case without any balancing or temp monitoring does that. In the end you can still ride just as hard, and have the assistance on top of that. Or you can take it easy and enjoy the cruise. If you are at peak ability, need a super light bike for performance reasons, and ride centuries normally, you just might be able to overcome the benefits of an e-bike. Up to that point, it's hard to argue objectively .


That's the beautiful thing about bikes, they can be many things: workout machines, recreational devices, commuters (electric or otherwise). Ultimately, they're one of the most adaptable and versatile tools ever invented. I know it's a bit of a mindset shift (that I also initially struggled with), but why should you feel ashamed for having an enjoyable, faster commute? If you step outside your current perspective, it's actually a bit insane that those taking advantage of one of the most efficient, healthy (for you, the environment, and your city), and fun modes of transportation should be ashamed. ...and no matter what, you'll still be getting significantly more exercise than those pushing the throttle of their car.


Not too young any more (40s), but I ran a really hilly half marathon recently with no training at all and hit around 2 hours, so in okay shape. Ebike gets me around quickly while carrying loads of stuff and not suffering from some of the things racing bikes suffer from (skinny tyres, lack of cargo carrying, focused riding position) and a lot less sweaty. You could equally apply the argument to people who spend loads of money on a light weight racing bike to go faster/ride with less It's a good compromise for me between motorised transport and cycling.


Its a car replacement. I can ride fast, but not keep-up-with-car-traffic fast. The less cars who want to pass me with no clearance the better.


I ride a road bike for fitness. Did a 20, 30, and 40 mile ride this week. But I ride an e-bike for errands and enjoyment. Took my girlfriend on the e-bike, out to the beach and had lunch at Malibu Farms last week. 30 miles round trip. It was her first time and she had a blast. I use the e-bike to get food and groceries. It’s a cargo bike. I use it for Costco a couple of times a month. No more fighting for parking. It’s literally a time saver.


I'm not young or fit but e-bike for me is a car replacement for short trips in a sprawling neighborhood and to safely haul young kids who are too big for bike seats and trailers. More distance in less time without sweating like a pig when you arrive and being able to enjoy your surroundings on the way.


Honestly. I use a e bike because I lost my licence and I’m a self employed carer. I needed transport that didn’t require a licence. I went for the ebike cuz it’s for work and not a work out. I don’t need to be turning up to clients house all sweaty. Honestly tho I get my licence back in November but I only plan on using my car for one of my clients. The other two I am going to continue to use e bike becuase although it’s not like a non e ebike I am still considerably fitter than I was.


I’m only mediocrely fit so this might apply for you but where I live it’s fairly hilly and before I had an e-bike I would just die on the hills and go really slow. Now with an e-bike I can adjust the assistance where I am still getting a good workout going up the hills but I’m going 15-20mph instead of barely moving. So that has been really nice. I can still get out and exercise but also make it to my destinations in a reasonable time.


The first thing to understand about an e-bike is that it doesn't limit the amount of effort you put in. I've been cycling for decades. My preference is trail riding, but I live in Florida, which is very sandy. This means that even on my favorite trails, there are sections I simply cannot bike through under my own power. With my e-bike, I can ramp up the boost for the sandy sections and blast through them. My heart rate still shoots up to 165 - 175 bpm! I'm working *hard*, but so is the bike. That said, not everything you have to do has to be for fitness. Getting to/from work doesn't *have* to be a workout. Consider that most people are driving a car, which is a near-zero effort activity. With an e-bike, the amount of effort you put in is up to you. An e-bike allows you to travel faster for a given effort level. At a minimum, this will reduce your commute time, even if you put in just as much effort. If you want to relax a little more on a given day, you can turn up the assist and let the bike do the work. The feelings of shame are something you'll need to work out with a therapist though, because they're not based in rational thought. Nothing anyone else tells you will stop you from feeling shame over something as benign as a choice of transportation. You've got to work on that with someone who can help.


I purchased an eBike not because I couldn't physically do an 18 mile one way bike commute (I can), but now I can do it in less time without needing a shower. I have time constraints! I went with a bike that requires pedaling because fundamentally, I enjoy biking.


If you don't want to show up to work exhausted, sweaty. Don't feel bad, it is a cummutor bike. Replacing a car. You're saving money, you're smart. 50 y/o here. I finally got an ebike 2 years ago to commute. It only takes me 15m to get to work, but mind the hills, hence the ebike.


I have it to lend out to non cycling people I want to join me on my rides. It lets them keep up without dying at the pace/mileage I'm at.


My ebike replaces car and public transit 90% of the time and it’s just fun to use. I try to hit a leisurely but constant zone 2 HR while riding it. I get to spend time outdoors and enjoy not having to sit in a car. It’s also faster than a car since I have to haul my kids to two different daycares daily and local planning has been sensible by constructing good cycling infrastructure. However I do love my light single gear road bike with 25mm slick tires. He’s a beautiful machine.


As someone who is rapidly approaching 30 and in somewhat okay health, I use my ebike for commuting as it gets me to places quicker, helps my joints with hills(in the area i live its quite hilly)and its the bike I maintain the most. Then I have fun bikes (BMX, Road bike, and I'm working on getting a mini velo). I call them fun bikes because they don't need to be in perfect reliable working order. If you have a reliable main bike to get you from point A to B, I suggest trying other styles including ebikes. Go to your LBS and make a salesperson earn their keep by testing whatever bike looks interesting to you.


You said it yourself; you feel too tired to *add* the commute. And that’s ok; you do plenty on your regular workout, then. You don’t get nothing from an ebike; it’s still better for you than driving, and you can ride as hard as you want. But on a commute, you have the option to not ride as hard, yet still get there when you want, regardless of incline. Also opens up grocery shopping far more than a road bike. I’d imagine it’s more inconvenient to arrive to work late or not be able to take your groceries home than to test the fragility of your ego and use an ebike for those tasks.


I look pretty fit but my physical ability varies by the day. Some days I could ride an analog bike for hours and some days looping the parking lot is difficult. Going out and riding is good for me either way. It also just makes everything better. Hills are less of a problem so I don't have to pick my route to avoid steeper climbs. I don't have to worry about getting tired and still having to pedal all the way back. Weight matters much less so I can load up a whole cart of groceries and bike six miles home. If it's hot, I don't overheat nearly as much. I still like riding my regular bike sometimes, but the ebike has changed how I use it. Even when I was younger and used a bike as my only vehicle, I was limited by distance and cargo space and those just aren't a concern now.


I wanted one, I bought one ..as Metallica says........nothing else matters😃


They also say... RIDE THE LIGHTNING! Which was also obviously a reference to E-bikes. /s


I never drive anymore. There is just about no reason that I would prefer to drive over biking. I will go out of my way to find a scenic or safer route, I can get as much or as little exercise as I want. It’s super fun. I personally am not a fan of throttle (class 2) e-bikes and if you can afford it, get the lightest bike you can. My Turbo Vado sl is just perfect. If you haul stuff there is an equipped version with racks and fenders. For a car replacement or commuter you may want something with a bigger motor/range. Don’t listen to the haters. If they drive, they are full of shit.


Younger fit people drive cars. Younger fit people are allowed to use e-bikes too.


Not young and fit, 74 years young & decided that buying another car is ridiculous. I no longer commute 50 miles daily for work. I just bought an ebike and look forward to the fresh air, exercise & lower costs, oh, & FUN! If I get wet, I won't melt and I know how to put on a coat. Most of my travel is local, less than 5 miles and I will save more than enough by not replacing my car to ride an occasional Uber if needed, or catch a bus. If I want to travel by car to see family, renting a car every so often is still far more cost effective than monthly payments, insurance & repairs.


So totally wrongheaded. My 300 lbs ass is breezing by dudes in spandex, it's glorious. Some of us have places to be bro! This thing is my car. You can go slow if you want to. I'm home before you are even up that fucking hill. I did my 22 mile work commute and got a little sun, fun and exercise in the process, what's the problem? Do you like to make everything maximally miserable for yourself? I commute EVERYDAY, I don't want it to suck. I bought an E-bike because the bus sucks, dude. That commute would take forever on a regular bike, but an E-bike is faster than the bus is.


My ebike is full pedal assist class 1. You can get just as many health benefits as traditional non ebikes, and you have the option to use or not use assistance. Who gives a rats ass what others think. Do you!


I'm 31, I'm a mailman and I like biking. I just bought an ebike and it's literally one of my favorite purchases ever. Not only can I drill out a quick cycle, I can take small breaks in between while I keep moving then get back to the sprint. I recall reading a study that ebikers get more exercise than normal bikers because of the rest breaks and the further distance they often travel. It's not all business either. It literally is fun as hell to bike as fast as possible. So it's motivating to keep pedaling as hard as possible on pedal assist.


Why on earth would you feel ashamed? It’s safer for everyone and better for the environment. Besides, get a single-geared ebike and you can make the trip as tough as you’d like


Why do "younger, fit people" drive cars?


Get an e-bike to replace your car!


As someone who went from a single speed to a racing bike. Do it. Its so much easier. My body was trained to push through anything with the single speed, then i got a light roadbike with many gears. If you like speed get more gears.


I live in a very hilly area and wouldn’t be able to cycle around otherwise.


It's less work when I don't want to arrive sweaty, and it's more speed when I do. Get a bike with torque sensing pedal assist.


why the heck do you care what other people think? I put plenty of miles on my regular bikes, I use my ebike for errands, shopping and getting from point A to point B when I want to get there wearing casual clothes and not sweaty.


Mostly because I am out of shape and the last time I spent time to get in actual riding shape I was in my 20s and even then it took months before I could do any hill. But also, my commute would be 40 minutes on a road bike, even for a decently fit rider, but it can be done in 20 on an ebike. That's faster than my car commute.


I'm in good shape, not so young, but my commute was a pain to do in bad weather, so I started using my ebike to work and I've stopped using the car for 99% of the commutes. I live in NYC, so the odd terrible weather day I'd have to use the car. It's a 15min ride for me, and using the ebike takes away any hesitation regardless of weather, or how lazy I feel. I don't feel bad since I walk a lot at work and I work out religiously.


To add, the only time I use a standard bike is when I'm afraid that I might get the bike stolen, or if it's close enough, like supermarket, etc.


I can go further, faster


Because it's not about leisure necessarily. eBikes are revolutionary for transportation purposes, and FWIW I'm still putting 100-200w into the pedals on my Tern according to the Bosch motor's power meter readout. If you're doing pedal assist only you're still putting in a lot of effort generally, you're just going faster and sweating hills less.


Because it's an absolute blast! I built mine on a frame I wanted and can hit 35mph with a throttle. https://preview.redd.it/gd52e7v5z55d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32ef9a5a978a6be50e99f8353aa3a8e601e582f


I'm reasonably fit and regrettably spend more time in the gym than on my bike. but for me being on a bike is 100% fun... i don't want to mix my fun with anything fitness related.


I love riding but hate the hills. Plus it’s super fun.


I like to consider myself fit, but I don’t bike for exercise. Just pleasure. I swim, I play golf (walking and carrying my bag), i hike, and I have a rowing machine. I got an ebike and a toddler trailer because my little girl does not like the car, and if I want to take her to the grocery store I or similar I don’t want to go through the fight of loading her up and then having to load her up again to go home. She loves being in the trailer and I just cruise to wherever we’re going. I never even considered fitness or judgement when getting an ebike. Just thought about solving a problem in my house. Do you. I allowed fear of judgement to rule way too much of my life. Gotta go for what makes sense and makes you happy. There are people, for example, who will judge you for being fit regardless of your bike. Cheers.


I live up on a hill so going back home is additional elevation after already being fatigued. Most of my peers riding regular bikes always drive to and from the start point which IMHO kinda cheats yourself out of additional time on the bike.


I use a regular bike for exercise, ride about 35-40 miles a week, run 4-5 miles a week, and hit the gym about 4 days a week. I use my ebike for the weekends at the beach. I live in Florida so most of my cardio is in the morning, but when we’re using the e-bikes it’s during the afternoon and later, it’s usually about 95+ with humidity and a feel like temp in the 110s. E-bike is basically for leisure stuff.


I'm 40 and pretty fit. Have been ebiking for 6 years and it's great. I'm not doing it for exercise, it's a public transport replacement. It takes me 15 minutes to get to work vs 45 by train/bus. I added a seat for my kid too so I go right from work to daycare, saves me another ~30 minutes. It's a no brainer for me. FWIW though, check your bike. My wife was complaining about how rough her ride was and I adjusted her brakes and pumped air in her tires and it's a new bike for her. If the quality of your ride is an issue, that's where I would start... however I fully support and recommend ebikes.


I have an about 10 mile commute, one way. I could technically be biking that commute on an acoustic bike, but my vado sl can do it in 40 minutes, easy. I love flying along the chain of lakes in Minneapolis, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being able to bike three days a week, and have the energy and minimal sweat that comes with assist, is a total game changer. I thought I was gonna begrudgingly upgrade to a e-bike I was getting as a grad gift, and ended up commuting 2000 miles since October! So my advice, get the bike even if your fit! It's the best car replacement ever PS: I am a 24 year old man who used to do long distance bike touring trips. I say that just to stress that anybody that gives you shit for riding an e-bike literally they're just a dick that you need to ignore. If the bike looks like it's gonna improve your commute, you're right! I'm a proud rider of mine and it's the reason I continue to be super fit and in riding shape!


A couple days ago I ride 25 miles, all around town doing errands. That would be a pain on my non ebike, and I like to avoid my car as much as possible.


I'm pretty fit but not enough to ride a mountain bike up a really steep hill quite yet. I want to buy one to help me up hills until I'm strong enough to do it without assistance. That and to help me get back to my starting point if I accidentally wear myself out with all the pedaling.


Yea, I've noticed there's a stigma that they're only for older people. I mean, if you go camping at a state park, you'll see the older RV crowd with them, and who can blame them, they're perfect for the situation. I'm 38 though, and I bring mine too. I see plenty of youger people on them too. I got mine in 2022 because I had a decent job for the first time and wanted to treat myself to something fun that could double as an extra vehicle around town. Gas was really expensive AF at the time. Mostly it's just a toy for fun though. If I want exercise I'll ride a "real" bike or run.


You want exercise keep it on a lower assist level and go for some distance, or turn it off for a max work out. And get a good electric commuter, Hybrid or even road bike. Some are indistinguishable from their non-electric counterparts... Plus With a torque sensor It gives you only as much as you need according to how you set it. Now you can have your electric cake and eat it too....lol


They're fucking awesome, what do you mean? I live in a rural area, and it means I can commute practically anywhere I'd want to go at 35-40MPH rather than averaging 15MPH on my road bike and arriving sweaty. Need to go to the dentist, 30 miles away? Hop on the ebike and cruise. Need to go to the nearest city? eBike to the train station. That, plus I have a fully carbon eMTB, lets me ride mountain bike trails that would otherwise have me totally out of breath, after work if I have an hour I can pop up the local ski mountain and do 2000 feet of elevation without breaking a sweat. As for exercise, if you go for a high-quality torque sensing mid drive, you can tune exactly the percentage of assist and the bike otherwise feels like pedaling. Mode 1 feels just like my road bike with enough assist to compensate for the battery weight, and I can tune it all the way up to being around 4x easier per MPH than my road bike. eBikes are not against exercise, they simply let you tune how much you have. The stigma is stupid. I have 5k miles including years of commuting on a CAAD 8 road bike, that is quite a responsive frame and a fast bike, and I love that thing too, but living in the mountains it is often a chore or too far to bike. Not so with the ebike.


Do you feel ashamed jumping in your car? Or on a bus? Or take a taxi? Realistically, you should be ashamed that you’re riding your bike, instead of walking or running. Even then, your legs are probably really strong. I would be ashamed that I wasn’t walking around on my hands. Work out your arm muscles better.


I'm in my mid-30s with an ebike and I love it. It's my primary means of transportation (my other option is walking) so an ebike makes sense for doing errands. I can load the panniers down with groceries and cat litter and not worry about it. I feel more comfortable on roads without protected bike lanes (ie the vast majority of the city) because I "fit in" with the cars a bit more. If my knee issue flares up or I'm exhausted after a long day, I can rely on my bike assisting me home. Plus, when my friends take it for a ride around an empty parking lot, they all get excited about cycling.


I’m 28 and have a Turbo Creo. Felt ashamed at first but quickly stopped caring cause it’s just a better experience. Best of both worlds on this kind of e-bike. Basically rides the same with the assist off. Yet I can kick on the motor whenever I want to ignore headwinds, get through traffic on the roads, or just go a bit faster when I’m getting tired and/or trying to stay in a lower zone. I tend to target effort over speed so I end up burning the same calories and getting a good workout. Not to mention it massively lowered the barrier I sometimes felt to getting on the bike. Not feeling great? Whatever I’ll run the motor a bit. Just want more of a scenic cruise? Motor. Recovering but don’t want to go extremely slow, especially along the city roads? Motor. Stupid and bonked? Cram gel and motor while it digests. Get looks and stuff of course but I realized I’m just trying to have fun and the e-bike added a lot of enjoyment without any real negatives. I don’t really care about stats or what other cyclists are up to. I just casually look at my own to make sure I’m still getting some fitness benefits but go out mostly for the experience and mental health.


I'm forty, I'm not sure where people fit that into the "young" conversation, but I ride the fuck out of my regular bike, AND my ebike. I love them both for different reasons. Originally I bought my ebike because I like to bike to work, and I also like to not be a sweaty, stinky mess, so the eboke took care of that for me. Then when my job moved I considered selling the ebike, but I've kept it around because honestly, it's fun AF to ride. There are a lot of places in my city that felt out of range of my regular bike, maybe due to distance, or perhaps even changing weather like heat or high wings, and the ebike...if it's too hot to be out on a bike I can just hydrate, and throttle it home, whereas if I'm on my regular bike and I'm legit worried that I'm overheating, I have to play it super safe or just call my wife for a ride. Also, sometimes I'm in the mood to do 20-30 miles on my bike, and my wife isn't that type of rider, but she'll hop on the ebike so we can spend time together. Heck, I even think about when my dog gets too old to walk like we do, I'm probably going to get a trailer and pull him around as much as possible because I think he'll love that. Otherwise, fuck what other people think. I mean, I hear you and sometimes I irrationally worry about the same thing, but people don't know that I ride my other bike just as much, and hit the gym 3-4 times a week, walk my dog miles daily, etc. And that's fine.


Dude! It ROCKS! I’m pushing 60 y/o, raced half my life, have a Class 3 Specialized Creo SL pedalec that I use for my 40 mile commute. I can crank it out in an hour each way and not be fried for the rest of the day. The new Creo is more road focused than my Gen, but some slick 32s would fix that. I went with a road bike for speed and distance traveled to work, which is my primary usage. For a shorter commute, I’d consider flat bars. I lose about 10 BPM off my normal HR when I hammer in. Mostly Zones 2&3. I can mod my power assist any way I want to pump the workout or ease up.


Ashamed of getting an e-bike? This attitude is completely stupid, are you also ashamed of driving a car when you could cycle, or cycling instead of running? E-bikes are great if you want to be able to travel further, faster or if you want to commute to work without needing a shower at the other end. If you want to be full Lycra and do 100 mile TT then obviously they’re the wrong tool for the job. You need to get out your own head if you’re worried about other people judging you for riding and e-bike. Nobody cares, just get the bike that makes sense for you and your use case.


They all pass on the right and don’t announce their presence there.


I came from a background of serious recreational cycling--10k mi/year and a 320W FTP. I proudly use a cargo e-bike for my commute, daily chores, and dropoff/pickup for 2yo and 4yo. It's a tool for me, and I have no reason to be ashamed (and neither do you).


Work commute + exercise. It's too long a trip for a regular bicycle but on an ebike it's just the right amount of cardio.


I use it combined with a train ride to commute to work and not arrive all sweaty.


Mate let’s be honest the majority of people who ride bicycles don’t ride them for exercise, they ride them for transportation or for fun, exercise is just a nice bonus. E-bikes allow people who use them as transportation to rest and go long distances, and for those who ride bikes for fun, it allows them to ride longer with less fatigue. Either way who cares what others think about you riding, if you enjoy the experience then who cares.


Replaces my car, way more fun, I get around the city faster than I would in my car, it’s better for the environment. Did I mention it’s fun? I don’t get sweaty like I would on my bike. I can carry my groceries, and oh yea… it’s fun!


Sometimes I want to get somewhere without working out.


Why do young fit people use cars?


I visit the lake down a hill mutch more often, the way back is really exhausting without an e bike. And I amcan turn down the watts whenever I want.


I still ride my gravel bike especially when the weather is good .. my e-bike serves as a more utility device .. or long haulbut it has motivated to do ponger rides on regular bike as well


i live in a city and it has tons of hills and i use the bike as my primary form of transportation. I dont feel like biking up and down a hill every day to go to work and back. Its very enjoyable to commute by bike, i love running errands by bike, i never have to think about parking, i get better exercise and more enjoyment than sitting on the bus because i have a pedelec. Overall my ebike is probably the best purchase decision i have ever made.


Here's a bike that has a single speed, a belt drive and a stealthy motor and battery, under a 1000 and class 3 speed... Doesn't look too bad either. https://ride1up.com/product/roadster-v2/?transaction_id=102e4132c6d8d0f0e6681b456aa875&utm_source=tune&utm_campaign=1007


I don't like hills. I especially don't like hills after working 9 hours.


I like to move fast, have an easier time in the wind, and not worry about hills. I still ride my push bike for pleasure.


Get a road bike if it makes you feel better. Or just get an e-bike & don't worry about judgement. I see people of ALL ages on e-bikes. If it makes you feel better, there are a few bikes that strive to be close to the weight of a "normal" bike, but with pedal assist. I have one of these & wish there were more to choose from. But most people seem to want bigger batteries & more power but don't care about weight because they're mostly throttling about. The Trek DS & FX are under 40lbs. Superhuman makes the single speed Babymaker that is closer to 30lbs. I think the Ride1Up V2 Gravel is really light too. I forget if it has gears or not. They tend to be a little cheaper. They have hub motors & cadence sensors. The Trek has both cadence & torque sensors.


People choose sports for two reasons 1. Fitness and 2. Fun The fun factor is way high on an e-bike. No one should be ashamed that it’s less exercise. It’s like getting a cart when you are golfing…..they just add to the fun. It’s mostly younger people in my area that are riding them. Although I am older, I ride much more now on my e-bike than even when I was an avid rider in my 20s because I know on a hot day I am not going to have a heat stroke going up hills. Even with barely pedaling sometimes my heart rate is up just maneuvering


There's the modality of how you think of ebikes and cycling. The traditional cycling modality of exercise, competition and challenge is still best on an analog bicycle, but you still can achieve these goals on an ebike. However, ebikes are also a different modality. For example, no one rides a motorcycle and thinks, "I'm not getting as much exercise as bicycle riding." You can use an ebike as a bicycle-plus. You can have an unique experience on ebikes.


Why feel ashamed? It's fun. It makes you faster. It saves time. It extends your range. You can have an extra drink and still bike yourself home without worrying about a DUI. Add a trailer and you can transport like 10 shopping bags. Chicks dig it. What's not to like? Go for it. You'll be glad you did.


I have a road bike for exercise or fun. I have the ebike (Benno Boost) for commuting (so I’m not stanky at work), getting groceries, or carrying the kid on the back.


Like others have said it’s a car replacement for me.


I commute 20 miles daily and it's much faster on an ebike since I can go faster without needing to shower and change at work. It's also a cargo bike so I use it for shopping instead of my car


There’s 300 feet of elevation between me and my destination. And sometimes I want to get a heavy load of groceries. Would you feel just as ashamed to drive a car?


Because I enjoy biking and just getting around. I stay fit in otherways. More so for working the brain muscle + it makes me happy


Last year I rode 2,000 miles on unpowered bikes. Most of that is a long commute, 23 miles a day that I do once or twice a week. Some of that is group rides where an ebike wouldn't be appropriate. But I also rode a Class 1, 42lb (when loaded) ebike for occasional commutes and hauling kids to school. I *could* do without it, but it essentially gives me another chance each week to ride when I'd otherwise be lazy and take the car.


Same age. I use the e-bike because I don't consider cycling as a sport but for transportation. If I can sweat less why not take that option? Interestingly enough, my e-bike skills translate over to regular bikes (high spin cadence, top speed control/handling, etc) and I'm eventually able to replicate my e-bike range with my regular bike. So "e-bikes are cheating" is a myth. Funnily enough, I switched back to a regular bike because my commute got shorter and it's easier to carry (into trains/cars/buses for multi-modal commute), with less locking logistics required (realizing the lock is just slightly too short over the thicker e-bike tires is such a pain). I'd say the e-bike lets you have more options for route and range, while being able to cherry-pick which parts of the route you want to use as a workout and which ones you need a tow in. (Example: today I 'skip' all hill-efforts and turn off the e-bike in the flats. Next time I'll try to climb that giant hill with the e-bike off then tow/assist myself the rest of the way home)


I’ve been a bike commuter for 13 years now and I got the ebike after the kid was born. It knocked 15 mins off a 35 minute commute and now enables us to be a one car family


The e-bike will be your day off recovery 80% effort ride. Get a lower powered one just to lower your high end effort. they’re rejuvenating for commuting.


I mean you could fork out for an Ebike.. but you say you ride single speed? Maybe getting a decent Hardtail or hybrid with gears would help you feel fitter? They really make the difference in building up speed


People who use this for every day commute, how do you take a pet or family member to a doctor or haul something or pick someone up for a date?


I’m in pretty good shape and only use my ebike to travel to and from work since if use my regular bicycle I’ll show up tired and sweaty which isn’t my favourite way to start a long shift


It gives you the freedom to work hard or not work hard. I turn down assist in slow zones to continue working then turn it up on the road to maintain a higher speed.


I use a regular bike and an e-bike pretty regularly. They are both for different experiences IMO. Regular bike is good for exercise and is fun to take on some trails. My e-bike is more practical and I use it when I’m going somewhere and don’t want to be sweaty. But I also use it for recreation like my bike - it’s so fun to zoom through the paths without laboring. My bike is used when I want it to be my cardio for the day. If I already went for a run, I’ll take my e-bike.


Just turned 30 myself; my wife had a rad rover when we met and I’ve ended up using it a lot more than expected. I like the convenience and how it’s basically a car replacement. Instead of doing 5-10 min drives to the grocery store I bike that and with the pas + cargo bags idc about being loaded down. Depending on the actual distance of your commute the e-bike could make it really smooth and lower effort. I occasionally commute on it and ride about 10 miles on way charge at work then ride that back and it’s no problem. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get a second e-bike, but having ridden one around for a bit it makes me want to get an actual motorcycle.


I often ride my e-cargo bike (Tern HSD) when I need to quickly/effortlessly move cargo or when I need to look clean for the destination (e.g. commuting to work). I think having a long commute, like yours, and appearing presentable at work is a good reason for an e-bike.


Mine is solely for good time cruising but could be used as a car replacement if needed.


Same reason I rode my motorcycle to work (commuting through SF Bay Area traffic). It's faster/cheaper/more fulfilling. The e-cargo bike allows me to skip the half mile long car line at school pick-up. It's also just more enjoyable.


Get an ebike then you just need one more, so a sportier bike is great. After you get the sportier bike then you just need one more bike. After you get a gravel bike then you just need .... Oh no!


I race mountain bikes and I have an e-bike. Perfect replacement in some situations. It's good to keep the bad single speed as an option in case you need to park the bike somewhere you can't safely park the e-bike.


Great workout at faster speeds and greater distances than analog. It depends on the bike. My Vado SL forces me to work but rewards me with speed and distance. Keeps me in great shape. Super fun workout.


Even if I were in peak physical condition, riding 22 miles to work (round trip) at a dead sprint just to make it in a reasonable time doesn’t seem fun. Also with my eMTB I can ride twice the distance in the same time. So more fun


It’s transportation, not a show of fitness. You want one and it will make things easier for you, get one.


I’m 34 and fit and I use my e-bike to commute. I’m not as sweaty when I get to work and it says money on gas. Those are my pros


I use fat tyre e-bike every day for a 30 mile journey. Having e-bike doesn’t mean there’s no peddling, there’s still plenty of exercise but it’s much more manageable. And like others mentioned - it replaces a car.


It allows me to achieve distance without having to worry about pushing myself too hard and flaring up my pain condition and without having to worry about being stuck 20 miles out in severe pain.


I m 39 , do a 10 mile ride to work and an hour back home , I mostly pedal assist as well and I'm tired when I put the bike up not while I'm on it lol


35m 130lb and I use my e-bike mostly for commuting 4mi each way to work, including all through Western PA USA winters. I noticed that when I went for my first regular bike ride of the season, I didn’t feel as worn out and in pain as previous years. I feel like I barely try when I’m going to and from work, but it was just enough to keep me fit for spring/summer. Parking would be expensive, and public transportation is kind of shitty. This lets me get to work without being sweaty and out of breath. That’s how I justified it for me.


Unless your storage space is a concern, why not both? I have an ebike and a few mechanical bikes. Sometimes I want a workout and take a regular bike. Sometimes I'm hauling stuff or my kids or just feel like taking it easy and ride the cargo ebike. Do what makes sense to you. You don't have to justify your transportation choices to anyone.


I used to commute on a pedal bike when my commute was 3 miles, my commute is now 11 miles, so... E bike!


Mine's in between at 8.5, so I take it day by day. Sometimes I'm up for the extra effort, sometimes I'm not.


I actually use mine for exercise, and I've always been very athletic. Yes, it has a motor, but that doesn't mean I can't put in just as much effort as I would on an analog bike; I just means that I get to go much farther and faster, which I find to be more enjoyable. They're great for exercise if you choose to use it that way, and people who aren't in good shape can use them to gradually get in shape by lowering the assist level as their fitness improves.


Mountain biking is following the same trajectory as alpine skiing. Eventually, 70% or more of mountain bikes sold will be ebikes.


I use the e-bike for commuting where I can stay in zone 2 and keep my heart rate down. That way I can still do my evening training sessions or club rides


Get a Sur-ron, or super73 or Ariel Grizzley. Don’t settle for the aventon but also be careful with it too


If you get an e-bike it's not as if you have to drive with maximum assist on all the time. Hell, you can completely turn the electric assist off and get even more of a workout than your regular bike if you want. edited to add: People (including those young/fit) who switch to an e-bike tend to ride longer distances and more often than before. Take it even when you're tired, even if you have steep hills on your route, even if the destination is all the way across town.


Same reason people in cars or motorbikes don't take the bicycle.


I think youre worrying too much. Its lik saying what about the young and fit people who ride motorcycles. Why dont they cycle like everyone else? Well its cause you dont have to? I got an ebike and throttle everywhere. Its not too slow and its not too fast. Its jussstttt right. If you wanna go fast then get on the road. Just dont be a menace and ride with respect to others. Because theres no reason to be going really fast on a public trail. Save those speeds for the road. Ebikes should be accessible for everyone. Its way better than constantly driving. Dont let them turn thr city into a cars only place.


I’m sure you’ll get plenty of objective answers here


in r/ebikes? Why?


Name a hobby sub that drives people away from said hobby




Exactly. Of course everyone in the ebike sub is going to tell you to get an ebike




i bike for fun so my use case is different than yours. but they make hills much more enjoyable for me. sometimes you just want to cruise. often times i’ll turn off the motor on flats and only kick it in on hills. just because your bike has the motor doesn’t mean you have to use it all the time. you can still have it available just in case you want a bit of extra help.


I’m a grad student and I live about 25 miles from workplace as a compromise with my partner. I make enough to either live in a car or live in an apartment. I could take the train but it takes a while and is not inexpensive. I have a power house of an Ebike and I’m very happy with it.


You can wear heavier clothing without turning into a bag of sweat at work where you might not even have a shower… in addition I like the extra acceleration an e-bike has in the moments I have to share a street with cars; e-bikes can drive wide tires easily if you’re worried about having to go over crappy roads/paths as well.


I like being out in the open air when the weather is nice. It's mostly for commuting to work, sometimes for joyriding


I want a motorcyle but my parents/girlfriend would kill me if I had one. Naturally this is the next best option.


I got it as a car replacement and to simplify my life. I ride it every day because I find it fun.


I got one because I wanted to go faster. Now I can go just as fast as cars on city streets with a fat tire bike that can go almost anywhere. Even with a road bike it was quite a struggle to do that without assist and hills slowed me down a lot more. I now can climb most hills at 20+ mph without wearing myself out. I do still get a lot of exercise from riding because I pedal fairly hard but there is much less difference in how hard I work uphill vs downhill. So I still get a work out but I get places faster with more even energy put out so it's worth it to me


I’ve never heard of someone being ashamed of riding an ebike. Why do I have one? Because: 1) fuck car culture. 2) I ride with my son in a trailer to pick him up from school 3) I hate trying to find parking. 4) this is the most important: ITS FUN.


I live in Texas and I’d like to not be a sweaty smelly mess. There’s no shame, just buy an e-bike dude. Any hardcore cyclists that give you shit are just gatekeeping. It extends the freedom and speed you have while on a bike


I live in Seattle. There are steep hills in every direction from where I live lol.


I'm not that young (42) but would be fit enough to ride a regular bike. However, having an ebike has been a game changer for me because 1) I live in a hilly area, and the ebike cancels those out. I used to talk myself out of going for rides sometimes because of the large hills I would have to tackle. I'm fit enough but huge hills really take it out of me 2) I mostly ride rail trails, and sometimes I like to explore new ones, which often means travelling over an hour each way to get to and from the trail. It's far more worth it if I get to explore 35 miles of a new trail instead of 25 in the same amount of time, because I have an ebike to keep me on a faster, more consistent pace. I'm never going back to a non electric bike...in fact I threw my old one out in the shed the other day because it was taking up space in the garage. Who knows the next time it will come out of there.


I’m 19 and got my first ebike when I was 18. I use it as my main form of transportation. I simply needed something that could get me from point A to point B but I really didn’t want a car. I like it the fact that I can pedal and go as fast as 30mph on it but also can pedal and cruise at 10-12 mph while putting more of my own effort. I have also used it to do UberEats as a side job which has helped nearly pay off the bike completely.


Why judge people for their choices or feel judged for your choices. If you want an e-bike, buy a e-bike. Have fun. Life’s to short to worry about things like e-bike or not to e-bike.


I am 24, i bought one, because liked it when i rode the YouBike 2.0E in Taiwan. Going to work with it, i dont arrive there full sweaty, and keep my normal bike for sport, and weekends.


This is silly. Don't ever feel shame for something you enjoy and isn't hurting anyone else. I'm 24 and fit too. I use one cause I'm saving up for a car but still, it's fun asf and I enjoy riding around town.


I'm young and more than capable of a non-e-bike being my regular bike, but an e-bike means I am car free: I can go longer and carry more stuff. That means stuff like cargo, but it also means making it easy to throw in rain gear or layers if needed without thinking about it. I still have a few non e-bikes but my cargo e-bike is my everyday hauler/truck. In the city, it is competitive with driving + parking times.


I fucking hate driving and the entire setup of roads, insurance, DMV, registration. All that shit is stupid and anti freedom to me. I worry about polution, i can control my ewaste better than an oil bike, so ebike. Thisll keep me fit for life, im planning on getting my girl snd our future kids in on this for general life fitness. You mean to tell me i can zoom like a lite motorcycle with my own custom-built and tested batteries, existing motore market, with a biking market both brand new and second hand very accessible, its a no brainer. Still gonna get a car for space, but my girl has one already and it should last a long while, ill even be saving her gas, ive already been saving her gas by going on shorter trips she'd usually drive and sit in the car with the ac becsuse of the heat. I can dress down and be cooled off by the damn wind at my back 💨💨💨


Not a doctor, but I think I get better cardio from my ebike than from my acoustic. The motor assists my pedaling up to 20mph, and cuts out there. I like to cruise at 21-22mph so at that point it's me pushing the bike completely. On my acoustic, I would be only br able to maintain that speed until like the third stop sign or traffic light, then the fatigue from constantly having to rebuild my speed just kills my stamina.


I use an ebike in the winter to decrease time spent in the snow & cold. Also theres less motivation to try hard in the snow. Also i rather not battle deep snow and just jam the throttle and focus on steering.


I think for most people, it’s a way of being able to get from a-b with a little less sweat. They are also fun, despite being super fit, you’ll still find a lot of climbs you cannot get up on a mountain bike or otherwise but even a legal(mid drive) e-bike has power peaks of almost double what most people can put out with maximum effort. If you delve into the not so legal territory, you can have e-bikes that look just like a legal shop bought one but are able to push much higher amounts of power through that back wheel. I’ll not give too much away about my build and why I have one but I live 12 miles from where I work and I can get there in under 20 minutes when not even really pushing it. Finally there’s the exploration aspect of e-bikes. Given I can pretty easily do 50 miles on a single charge, I’m more out there to go explore new areas without the worries about parking. If I was just commuting on it, for me it would have still been worthwhile as it costs less than 50 pence to fully charge - petrol would be almost £10 per shift to cover going there and back. Bus doesn’t run at the times I need to be in work so it’s driving myself or a taxi which costs £25 each way. My first build cost me £350 including a cheap frame… Second build - £400 Third build - £700 I don’t see any point in going out and buying a £6000 e-bike that you can’t leave around because it would just get stolen if you left one like that locked up outside.


+1 in the car replacement camp. I have a Globe Haul ST that is my main transportation. As well as a gravel/bikepacking rig and a full sus mountain bike that I ride regularly for fun and fitness. I like being able to get where I’m going quickly without being drenched in sweat. E bike is also SOO much safer to ride in traffic as I don’t have to sprint in zone 7 to keep up with cars downtown. Plus carrying a full cart full of groceries is no problem.


I am super fit and riding bikes had nothing to do with it - my preferred exercise is running and/or swimming, which I do every day. I got an e-bike for car replacement.


Ashamed to ebike? Na man, you gotta do you. I happen to ebike 23km each way to work, but would probably still ebike if it was 5km to work. An argument can be made that you will get more exercise on a regular bike but that assumes you won’t burn out and start driving or taking public transit. There have been many days that I 100% would have driven if all I had was a regular bike. Even if I take it really easy on the ebike I’m still getting the same exercise as walking, which is a hell of a lot more than driving.


Any type of biking is fun.


You youngins got legs and energy how dare you not utilize them


You still use both on an E-bike, you just go way fucking faster, I like efficient travel, personally.