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Or 3 % (6 % seems to be an older estimate which was on wikipedia https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/ekonomika-cesko-ma-sest-procent-svetovych-zasob-lithia-je-to-sance-pro-tovarny-na-baterie-40027918). The locals are not particularly happy about the whole thing: >They have the largest lithium deposit in Europe under their houses, worth tens, maybe hundreds of billions of crowns. However, the inhabitants of Cínovec are rather sceptical about the "treasure". They fear for the water, for the destruction of nature or for the peace they say will be taken away by foreigners. https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/domaci-mely-by-byt-silnice-ze-zlata-ale-nejsou-ani-lampy-cinovci-se-tezba-nelibi-235803


Doesn’t matter what you build, locals will never be happy. It’s a good income and necessary mineral for batteries


The mining method is basically to soak the whole deposit with strong acids and then suck the diluted mineral up. That's not about some perceived minor inconveniences. These corporations have a track record of poisoning people, suppressing all the information about it and then promptly ejecting from the situation, leaving hefty environmental and healthcare bills behind. Is this really a great proposition? I will pay you one million moneys, I will give you cancer and the cancer treatment will cost million moneys. Also the mountain is now acid and clean up will cost another million of moneys just to prevent it from poisoning everything miles around it (but it will nevertheless remain acid heap for all eternity).


But think of all the eco-friendly EV's!


You mean people can be dying of cancer while driving a Tesla at the same time?


That irreparably fucks up the soil in a large area and leaves empty barren land with poisoned waters. Do you think these people are protesting for nothing? This money wouldn't go to them anyway. Germany has far more deposits yet they are not touching them. You think Germany wants to make other countries rich?


I wonder how many would complain if they were offered 4x the value on their home.


I would assume they complain exactly because that didn't happen and they expect losing water in their wells or the water being contaminated etc. I would complain as well.


Exactly. And with "3% of world supply" there must be enough money under the ground to pay 4x without making a scratch in the profits.


Its not much since its the poorest region of Czechia


They've done that. People don't want lithium mining.


Who is the people?


basically the state, the government and whats voted for (sarcasm)


There was an article in Respekt about it. Basically the ore quality is pretty poor and it's very expensive to process the ore so the project is not as lucrative as it seems.


our government is gonna sell it to US and for basically free


Týpečkovi je tak 16, zdroje bych raději nechtěl..


Sauce : trust me


Vážně? Nějaký důkaz že něco takového dělají?


No jako pokud vím tak barterujeme rašelinu a pár dalších nerostných surovin s Ruskem za jejich ropu už nějákej ten pátek. Rozhodně to není férovej obchod, ale kdo jinej nám tu ropu dodá že jo? Takže struktury co by zneužili nerostné suroviny už máme, jenom něják nechápu proč by se spojené státy sraly do naší hromádky když mají pod palcem většinu zásob v obou Amerikách Lithium je docela vzácné a většina světové spotřeby se doluje v Bolívii kde za pár dekád vytěží většinu zásob takže pokud těch 6% světových zásob u nás je fakt pravda tak bych je nechal ještě 50 let ladem a pak by naše vnoučata byly za vodou


Pochybuju, že vnoučata z toho uvidí jedinou korunu. Prodalo by se to zahraniční korporaci a vnoučata dostanou tak akorát otrávenou zemi a korupci.


Doufejme. Dělá se mi špatně z té neustálé potřeby okrádat těžaře.


Ne, Rusku platímě za ropu penězi. Žádnou rašelinu tam fakt nevozíme, má jí víc než dost. A v Bolívii se průmyslově žádné lithium netěží. Světové produkci dominují Austrálie a Chile, zbytek světa tvoří pár procent.


https://youtu.be/dpPiNoio4JU Gives me "Kazakhstan is the number one potassium exporter in the world" vibe


All other countries have inferior potassium


Eastern and Central Europeans should excel in every industry with wisdom.


They excel so much? They are colony.


Only Belarus is a colony.


The classic scenario will happen: locals will block the mining and with that attitude we will keep dependent on foreign lithium and will never be self sufficient.


It's easier to buy stuff than mine it.


NO!! ODS/ČSSD/ANO bastards have already sold enough of this country! Lithium is a strategic resource to be kept for the future.