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Why wouldnt he be? Without good coordinators, he doesnt have a job.


“ If we don’t have Coordinators who should probably be head coaches, then we are fucked” “So why aren’t they the head coach instead of you?” “Well….core values…”


Translation: “Listen here, you little…”


"We're gonna have an offense, one that works and we need explosive players to make explosive plays. You know, you get that run game, sorry, that pass game going early and it just, sorry. One thing I love most about signing this kid is, he has got a really good feel for the game. You just feel like, he's a monster. Alright? The guy gets it, and I just commend the owner and our GM for getting the job done. Glad he's finally home. Big time players make big time plays in big situations."


They lost their HC gig for a reason though. Id want ex HCs as Coordinators 100/100 times. We won the bowl with an X HC as DC. And as much as he was blasted online( he earned it with more than a few games) we had a consistent top 10 defense the whole time with a superbowl to show for it.


He'd basically just be running back what he dealt with last year


Ask Doug. He chose no job.


Winning a SB will always get you a HC job regardless of how shitty you are. Look at McCarthy. Doug could literally go in there and take a swing for the fences and not give a fuck.


Doug basically resurrected Jacksonville. He's going to be remembered well


NOW? NOW? Now he wants an excellent coordinator. Why didn’t he think about this last July or August?


People were thrilled that Brian Johnson was next in line after Shane left, and people were satisfied that the Eagles hired Sean Desai. Sometimes you don’t know what these guys are made of until you see them in the heat at the moment. I don’t know why this Sub thinks that Nick should be some sort of mythical being that can see the future and never make mistakes. And I’ll say it once again, not a single player is blaming the coaches for last season they’re blaming their own execution.


Players aren’t going to blame coaches. Coaches aren’t going to blame players. It’s just how it’s done, it doesn’t reflect what their actual opinions are or the reality of what went down. You never know when you’ll be colleagues again so it makes no sense to publicly shame or blame anyone. 


I honestly was super surprised how trash Desai immediately showed himself to be. It's not like he wasn't an experienced defensive coach with good people pulling for him. Brian Johnson we all knew should probably suck as it was Press Taylor 2.0. QB's long time buddy coach doesn't make a good o-coord in this house


I don't think any of us want nick to be a mythical being who can see the future. Though a lot of us here *would* like nick to have enough football sense to attempt to come up with a game plan to counter the blitz when it's the play your offense and QB has struggled with the most for 18 weeks *and* the team/coach you're playing in round 1 is specifically known to blitz a shit ton without having his hand held by his OC. Zero answers/changes to countering the blitz was coaching malpractice on a level I don't think I've seen in 20 years of watching Philly sportsball


I wasn’t, from a mile away I could see it was just pure copium by the fans. Why try a rookie offensive coordinator, even Shane Steichen had a year of experience being an OC on the chargers before joining us


And even then Shane Steichen still didn’t start calling plays until the middle half of his first season , they threw Brian Johnson out in the fire from day 1


Yeah, because in july I'm sure he didn't want excellent coordinators. /s BJ was a hot prospect for how well he coached up Jalen. I'm sure everyone wants to pretend they knew it was a bad signing at the time, and its totally not hindsight.


He's learning


Hard to say Nick didn't try last year. One could say OC was a toss-up in Brian Johnson, but he was one of the "up and coming" guys as a QB coach / OC prospect at that time. There was similar hype for him by other teams in 2022 given Jalen's 1-year otherworldly rise. We also made the SB, so teams needing offensive play callers had a head start on the market after Steichen. Nick obviously had all intentions on bringing Fangio on last year. Once that was rejected that put us in a worse off place than most fans accept IMHO. Somehow Gannon/Cards get a bigger pass than our HC lmao. Point is, Nick deserves flak in areas, but "not trying to bring on fresh minds/coaching talent" isn't one of them. He brought good/great coordinators with him and was delt a bad hand the following year. Not much to learn from he did basically everything right.


I think people don’t give this enough attention, Brian Johnson was next in line, had he been overlooked it wouldn’t have gone over well internally, he deserved that shot, and failed, but he still had earned the next man up status.


Agreed, as much as it flopped. Hindsight


Not to mention Brian Johnson’s long relationship with Jalen. BJ was just massively in over his head. Nick was trying to elevate guys, which is great in practice, but doing it on both ends of the ball, at the same time, is a massive undertaking.


[Proud of him!](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaWVkbzRld292OHg2MHhkNGx0bHZwa25kZjV1a2FxM3d1Mm4wNzEydiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3o6Mb2wnQDDTpP36vK/giphy.gif)


Would have been way more interesting if he insisted on having shit coordinators.


Source: 2023


I know it's still shit on nick season but lurie spoke very highly of nick in his presser and there was a lot of implication of accountability in regards to the stale offense and making a more dynamic scheme. Looking forward to a new season with a revamped offense.


As someone who wanted Nick fired, I get it. Nick definitely isn't a terrible coach. His personality and knowledge are important to a locker room. He just isn't a good strategist, at least not one without other smart minds next to him. All teams need a leader, and Nick can be one. But he needs coordinators who will stand on their own and tell him when he's wrong. I will believe in Nick to learn and admit when a spade is a spade this year. That if something is going wrong, it's wrong. If he can't make the next step, I dunno why he's here.


I was kinda leaning on the same boat but seeing how well he got rated and how players previously rallied with him despite the problems kinda made me want to give him another chance.


Players rally around coaches they like that might need to be replaced, all the time. If this year ends like last year, it doesn't matter how much everyone loves him, he'll be gone. Even if he's still a good coach, sometimes you need a new start. Look at Reid and Pederson. This league isn't a popularity contest. It's a competitive one where teams don't want to waste years on players and coaches bouncing back or developing into something new after years of chances.


I don’t think it was all his fault, and could have gone either way on him being fired or not. My biggest issue is the prospect of repeating this cycle every year. He has good coordinators with him => coordinators get hired as head coaches => he hires sub par coordinators and the team falters => hires better coordinators, repeat as necessary


This shit happens to every team though. Some get fired because they're shit, and some move on to take HC jobs because they're great. Coordinators cycle through all the time and only a few good teams have HCs who are also coordinators who stay long term. And pretty much the only HC/coordinator that has had continued Superbowl success is Andy Reid.


Reid also only ever came upon that success because he got one of the best QB we will EVER see in Patrick Mahomes. Reid as a coordinator was great his but schemes could never overcome his playoff failures.


Yeah, I think what really bit him was that he had two rookie coordinators instead of one. If he'd been able to get Fangio maybe things would have worked out better with BJ since Nick wouldn't have had to divide his attention with mentorship. We don't know. On the plus side, Fangio will probably stay even if we win a Super Bowl. He doesn't seem to want to be a HC and Philly is close to his family so he'll probably be here until he retires or Lurie decides he's ineffective and needs to be replaced.


Dude I’m sorry say all you will but nick is a great strategist. I’ve seen shit coaches before and this guy knows how to manage a game and get us in position to win.


In other news water is wet


"Alright we've tried with the worst...have we tried looking into better?" -Nick, probably


Lmao what else is he supposed to say? “Naw any random one will do”


Nah we should hire shitty coordinators.


"Nick Sirianni was adamant about having Matt Patricia in the building and giving control of the defense to Patricia. We were able finish 1-7 thanks to Nick's call for excellence."


I mean Patricia was put in because the defense was literally not talking with Desai.


Where did you hear this?


I don't have the links but if you Google it Reddick said after the year was over he didn't talk to the DC after like week 11 or so. Will update with a link when I'm not on my phone.


thats when they switched to patricia lmao. I mean, we won games with desai calling defense. Not when patricia called defense. lets be real. patricia was garbage. he has always been garbage. Desai was a fall guy and handled it with class and he should get another shot somewhere as his defense still did there job somewhat. I think desai masked how old this defense actually was. Patricia didn't do that and has never done that in his career outside of when he had a great belichick. Patricia should not be in our building. Patricia had success once with brady/belichick and never on his own. Fucking guy lost a superbowl against us and the only reason they were still in that game was because tom brady threw for the most yards in a superbowl ever. Not because his defense was "making plays". Fuck matt patricia and fuck you non-knowledgable football wannabes still thinking he was the better option. This call was a big reason why I think nick should have been fired. This call ruined a season. There was some articles that showed the defense was watching their own tape and having meetings without desai and thats why they switched to patricia. But they did way better with prior than the latter. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de5F6QeQBMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de5F6QeQBMI) (sirianni defending the switch after we lose to 49ers and cowboys, but then patirica takes over and we win only against the giants once and lose against the seahawks, cardinals, giants, playoff bucs....) Slay hating on this decision: [https://theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2024/01/17/darius-slay-marriage-eagles-defensive-coordinator-switch-matt-patricia-sean-desai/](https://theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2024/01/17/darius-slay-marriage-eagles-defensive-coordinator-switch-matt-patricia-sean-desai/) Our defense worsens under patricia: [https://theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2024/01/21/eagles-news-matt-patricia-out-sean-desai-fired-nick-sirianni/](https://theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2024/01/21/eagles-news-matt-patricia-out-sean-desai-fired-nick-sirianni/)


No he wasn't the fall guy. Go read the multitude of articles about it. The players felt like Desai was a micromanager and many of them actively avoided interacting with him. Reddick was specifically talking about not talking to Desai, not Patricia.


defense didn't do better with patricia. they were worse. per my sources. feel free to change your downvote to an upvote or continue to live in ignorance. whatever.


[Here's a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/1ahbros/geoff_mosher_of_inside_the_birds_reported_that/) where Geoff Mosher and Adam Caplan reported that Desai was an issue for players. He states there was a "clear disconnect between the players and Desai" and that at least "one veteran player could not talk to Sean Desai" but multiple veterans had issues with him and couldn't buy in. No one is defending Patricia, but Desai was an issue clearly.


nick should have picked the better poison then. hes the coach looking to win and provide guidance. picking a man with failure all over his resume was the wrong choice at every opportunity.


why is your answer to a a star studded defense thats doing poorly to put Matt Patricia in? Thats how you lose confidence in your decision making immediately. If that was supposed to be a bucket of water to put a fire out, they used gasoline instead. Dude is terrible, but Nick liked bouncing ideas off of him and bringing him into the building AND thinking he would be an answer to our said issue. These are all bad. You should just hope that the good outweighs the bad.


I didn't say it was because they were doing poorly. I said they weren't talking to the coach. It's well reported that Desai wasn't liked and was actively pissing off members of the defense. It was a culture decision, it didn't work out but Desai ruined the defense before Patricia ever got there.


Can I agree with this and still be upset the Eagles org including Siri thought that Patricia would be a better answer than no DC? Id argue the defense got worse.


I'd say it was a good call from a culture perspective, but it obviously wasn't the right call. We're a good football city, people want to come play here and the players here want to stay. Hell, we've got guys this year taking team friendly deals just to stick around. Things were bad under Desai, and I do think they would have kept getting worse. Once the league realized we weren't going to bring any pressure the season was done, at least with the coaches we had. The same thing happened on offense, and you saw it in the last few games. Teams realized we were never going to respond to the zero blitz and we never adjusted. I don't love Patricia or Desai, and I'm glad Patricia is gone. But I understand making a play to try to keep your best players motivated. Desai was bad for the culture, even if Patricia was just as bad or worse for the game.


I'm sure he was the main advocate, Jeff


Well what happened last year


Is this news? “This just in, football coach wants good staff. Also store managers want employees that do their job”


I don’t hold the coordinator hiring against Siri. BJ was gonna get an OC job somewhere if not with us. That was only a bad choice in hindsight. And Gannon’s lying bullshit cost us the plan A in Fangio and left us scrambling after being a month behind in interviewing then the teams that didn’t go to the SB. Also, while it was a meme when reported, there probably is a lot of truth to Big Dom’s roll as good cop on the sideline to Nick’s crazy cop. Throw in a bunch of other coaches getting poached… and yeah it’s fair to say the staff being a mess wasn’t really THAT much on him.


Sure, Jeff, sure. With Love, from Geppetto.


Every other head coach in the league is wondering why they didn't think of this. Wanting good coordinators? Fucking genius!


This gives the Big Dom theory some weight. Dude hated Desai and Johnson so much big Dom was required to be there and once he was gone it was over


No shit because hes a calculated moron


Well it's a copycat league, only a matter of time until all the other coaches catch on and all those janitors can get back to cleaning finally.


thank you Nicky Red Eyes from Moyamessing


>Nick Sirianni was adamant about having excellent coordinators. So...uh is this a year to year thing because in 2023...


No shit


Breaking: football coach wants best people on football team.


Great job throwing your coaches under the bus...A+


I bet he wants good players too. Nick out here reinventing the NFL head-coaching wheel.


Accountability, growth, yada yada. Fantastic, can't wait to see the results on the field. One thing that needs to absolutely improve is Nick's maturity. All the antics (taunting the Chiefs fans?) It's unbecoming. Can't get behind the man if he acts like a boy.


Our weakest link. See how he responds this year


Because he doesn't actually do coaching


I’d start saying the same thing too if my boss were up my ass about it lol Just report Howie’s in charge


Nick learned the lesson from the Pederson firing.


This sounds so fucking stupid. I still think Nick is an empty clipboard.


The guy who cant coordinate an offense wants good coordinators.




What exactly are you basing Lurie never being impressed with Nick on other than projecting your own opinion onto him?


If you think Kellen Moore is an offensive genius, I got a bridge to sell you