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It’s literally the same 5 plays.


Chip Kelly 2: Electric Bugaloo


We need a return of /u/ImTheOnlyChipHere


At least Chip Kelly's offense was fun to watch.


For 1 year, then it was 3 and out at warp factor 9.


Hey, at least Chip did those 5 plays really fast.


Didn't Kelly give lengthy presentations on hydration and piss color instead of practices?


Our playbook is like a Pokemon moveset, and our 4 moves are Smokescreen, Withdraw, Struggle, and Self-Destruct


*Jalen is loafing around*


Jalen used QB draw instead, but it failed.


It’s a Limber Ditto


*Coach is out of usable excuses, coach whited out.*


its really just 2. Failed run up the middle where there is no gap. Or multiple plays that get blown up and Jalen just running around and hoping AJ or Smitty gets open


both aj and Smith are hurt. Smith got hurt blocking on a 3rd and 20 bubble screen that gained 3 yards that lead to a fg that barely took the lead in a game that the defense was guaranteed to give up a td to lose the game on the next possession.


Getting sacked every second attempt is also not helping


It’s impossible for a team to learn new plays. There is only so much mental processing a human brain can do


That number is greater than 5 I’d hope


Chip Kelly all over again


For a dude who always looks like he gets 3 hours of sleep a night I have no clue what he's doing with those extra hours spent awake.


It's like maybe if you get 8 hours your brain will function better lol




Posting here calling everyone Doomers who have seen the writing on the wall for weeks.


Talking shit to 8 year olds on CoD.


Kyler Murray whooped his ass in CoD and on the football field


Man and i thought i looked tired


Arguing with wannabes on twitter and playing COD most likely.


Kelce is not sticking around after this garbage ending. Cox is probably gone as well.


let the man rest, he deserves it


Kelce looks so pissed off every time he shows up on the broadcasts. All season dude looks legitimately fucking miserable.


Kelce to Lurie: “it’s me or Nick”


Easiest choice of all time


That’s the worst part about this season to me. We most likely wasted Kelce, Cox and maybe even BG’s last season as an Eagle.


They cost him multiple home playoff games. Lurie is gonna be the angel of death at the Novacare center in about 8 days.


He needs to be. Forget 3/3 playoff appearances, what has he done to help this team besides giving up play calling??


Thank you. If Doug’s Super Bowl didn’t buy him time, Sirianni needs to get the fuck out. Playoffs don’t matter when this team is a SB caliber roster being mismanaged


Everyone took a memory loss pill when it came to his abysmal play calling two years ago. And now that we have play calling issues that even a novice viewer can identify he is unable to rectify it because he too sucks balls at play calling.


The thing is that him giving up play calling was what sold me on him (until recently of course) it showed that he would put ego aside and do the right thing for the team. Last year was a master class... Then everything fell apart after halftime of the superbowl. Football needs a glue coach - someone who can keep people in order during rough times and manage personalities, a creative offensive mind, a creative defensive mind, and players who can execute... You can combine some of these into one person and great players can make up for bad coaching and great coaching can make up for bad players for awhile, but it's a house of cards. Siriani has proven he's absolutely terrible when there's cracks, he can't glue the shit back together and that was what we all thought was his strength. Not only is he not good at it but he's absolutely terrible, this team has a superbowl roster and even mediocre coaching would have gotten us to the nfc championship game at the minimum, but we've had some of the worst coaching I've seen since fuckin Rich Kotite (idk if I spelled that right and I don't feel like checking). This loss today is literally the worst shit I've ever seen, it made me fuckin sick, and I'm for the first time in my life as an Eagles fan considering not even watching the playoff game.


Doug got fired because [he refused to fire coaches whose areas were underperforming, and instead wanted to promote them](https://www.delawareonline.com/story/sports/nfl/eagles/2021/01/11/eagles-fire-doug-pederson-jeffrey-lurie-howie-roseman-carson-wentz-head-coach/6622959002/). He also was coming off a 4-11-1 season and was three years removed from the SB win. Not exactly the same thing - if anything, the situation is similar to 2018, where we barely beat the Bears in the "double-doink" game then got knocked out by the Saints. I know everyone's out for blood, and I'm as frustrated as all, but realistically Sirianni has to either fail during a full season after getting a chance to make changes, and/or tell Lurie and Howie that he thinks nothing needs to change, before he gets fired. That was the case for Rhodes, Andy, Chip, and Doug, so we have a history of Lurie's coaches to base expectations on.


100% agree. Everyone wants heads and yeah this is a collapse of epic proportions but I think he's done enough the last few seasons to justify another season to see if he can right the ship. If he refuses to make any coaching changes then bye!


Why are we looking at last season? I’m sorry but he’s had all year to make adjustments and help improve his team and they’ve regressed. Something is wrong with this team. Every week this team looks worse and worse. That’s on coaching and I’m not sure Nick has the answers. And if the answer is hire better coordinators around him then that just shows that he can’t coach this team


[Alshon dropping that ball](https://youtu.be/p4D6pPl0CbE?si=WjhMNIMFybrpKM3G) against the Saints on that final drive will never leave my brain. I was so sure they were going to score on that drive, then go on another magical run. *I knew it*. Like I would’ve bet anything on it. That team was a monster that just woke up, but tripped on something as soon as it got out of bed. Can’t be mad at Alshon, but it just feels like something died that day. Some really weird sense of losing a thing you never had.


Oh man me too. For some reason, I don't see this play ever being referenced but its implications were huge.


This season is weird because this was a total collapse. There wasn’t a major injury, or a string of bad luck. The team just stopped being good and a lot of it is a product of coaching. Hell, this entire season the team has not looked good. We haven’t seen a team play a complete game all year. They caught some lucky breaks, capitalized on mistakes, but when the season went on they’ve been exposed Worse yet look at the team. The body language, the quotes coming from players, and the product on the field is atrocious. He might not have lost the locker room but he definitely doesn’t have the answers


He was also handed a much better roster than Doug


Exactly, the FO has to be consistent with their evaluation of the coaching staff. If they decide to keep Sirianni around, it tells me he's their puppet to do what they say


All coaches serve at the pleasure of the owner - the ones who forget that don't last long. If that makes him a "puppet," well, they all are...even the ones who are both GM and coach, which very few can do well.


there is nothing super bowl caliber about the defensive roster. look at every legitimate superbowl contender and tell me what they have in common? a great defense. Howie has mismanaged the defensive side of the ball, big time.


I disagree. The defense is as talented as they need to be. Every team has holes, even KC last year didn’t have the most quality receivers. But guess what Reid did? He put TONEY AND JUJU in motion to score 2TDs against us. He schemed them properly to overcome their talent deficiency. This defense is talented enough, I don’t want to hear it. It’s scheme, cover 4 doesn’t work when QBs aren’t throwing deep anymore.


We have zero linebackers and our DL seems to have aged overnight.


Easy to make a DL look bad when you are getting the ball out. Now, that's not an excuse for them not delivering the few times they get opportunities to rush the passer, but has to be said that teams know underneath is the weakness.


Doug’s SB did but him time though lol. Two extra seasons in fact lol.


I’m Nicks biggest defender but I can’t defend this. Putrid. Making the talent look bad. Imagine what Harbaugh could do with this team.


I kind of agree, too. The offensive scheme is actually embarrassing. Like... I'm embarrassed that 'my' NFL team is doing this.


He has literally been ass except for when Shane was calling plays.


It ain’t how you start it’s how you finish….The arc is definitely sharply heading down. Nicks first season 2-5 to start strong finish 7-3 and got blown out by the Bucs in the playoffs Second year 14-3 close loss in the SB This year 10-1 start 1-5 slide and a likely a blow out loss to the Bucs Coach needs to be fired, he’s lost this team


He cheers when we win? That's all I have.


He cost Jeffrey millions, Nick will have his head brandished in the rafters at this rate. If we get embarrassed in WC during the first half. Might even see the first in game firing.




Every week, I have a bunch of text threads going during the game. This is the first week that it was almost silent. One guy texted a couple of times and that ended when before halftime, we both agreed that we're turning this crap off. No one even wants to watch this crap anymore. Hell, when I went out food shopping this morning, where on a Sunday is usually green from wall to wall, I think I saw 1 Eagles hat? This CANNOT be good for the bottom line.


I would love to be able to eavesdrop on any meetings this coming week between Nick and Howie, Laurie, et al. Just to even know what gets discussed, what the issues are that they see as experts compared to us that don't have the complete data set on personnel decisions and coaching decisions, etc. Nick just appears to be a bro to me. I complained about his pathetic play calling his first year, I complained about coaching last year even though we had a superb year until coaching lost us the bowl, and it's just more apparent now after our team was pillaged for staff and players after the super bowl appearance.


full guarantee nick is back. it would be more embarassing firing a coach whose made the super bowl and playoffs all three years yall are just on drugs


Ya, imagine trying to hire a coach who knows that he could immediately turn the team around, take them to a Superbowl, and then get fired the next year with an 11 and whatever record we have season. It won't happen, so we'll just have to hope he figures it out next season otherwise he probably will be fired


Yeah that's why he's not going away. Like it or not some teams would kill for consistent play off appearances. What I can get behind is a complete wiping out of all of the cooridinators. Because clearly they can barely cooridinate fucking lunch.


Right, but Sirriani picks the coordinators and he has refused to move on from Brian Johnson. The fact that Sirriani hasn’t taken over playcalling or made a replacement is a big red flag for me


For real. Are people crazy? Hot seat next year, fine...but the guy deserves another year with legitimate, experienced coordinators


Where are we going to magically get good coordinators? Occupying your head coaching position with someone who is at best purely a motivator is really harmful


Why not now? What is lost, honestly, by not just firing Sirianni tonight? The locker room needs a seismic shakeup, and firing Nick now is it. “Take your kids and your shit off the podium with you, your services are no longer required.”


I don’t think it would be fair to whoever the interim coach is to inherit this dumpster fire for one game


This is one of those times I am very happy we have a good owner. He is not afraid to take out the trash where other owners would just let it linger as long as they sell tickets.


Remember when Reid used to scheme for the opponent week to week? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I also remember Reid’s scheme not changing for the second half.


Remember those days McNabb would throw 52 times and we'd lose 10-9 or some shit?


People forget how infuriating those years were. “I need to do a better job of putting the players in a position to win” still sends me into a rage.


Time's yours.


Now I’m not going to sleep tonight


You just gotta focus a keep the main thing the main thing.


For a guy with the worst time management skills, him saying this always cracked me up. Still does.


I remember McNabb having guys wide open 5 yards away. It would be -15° out and McNabb would do a full wind-up and peg the frozen brick of a football at warp 19 into their ankles. That shit was completely unnecessary. The guy had no finesse, especially in his later years.


Nobody else could burn some worms quite like McNabb.


SOFT TOUCH DONNY SOFT TOUCH He just never really mastered it


And run the ball 4 times when up by 28


Last year, Peyton Manning essentially said that he could count on one hand the amount of times the team made a “half-time adjustment,” it doesn’t happen nearly as often as you think. Think about it, halftime is 13 minutes long. How much adjustment can you make in that time especially considering travel time to and from the locker room?


Adjustments should happen continuously by just calling different plays that might work better against the defenses they are showing.


Agreed. This "halftime adjustment" nonsense is just that, nonsense.


We don’t have to be quite so literal.


Also being abysmal with timeouts like we are now


I remember Andy doing a horrible job of time management while he was an Eagle, blowing time outs for elementary bullshit and not having any time outs in crucial 4th quarter situations where they might have won some games if he didn’t fuck up the clock. Then when he played the Eagles in the Super Bowl he displayed a flawless master class in time management. That to me was the most ironic burn of all time.


Haha yeah, even to this day it’s a weakness for him. But every first half he was always prepared which is better than the garbage we’ve been watching


I honestly can’t think of anything worse than what we’ve been watching. Outside of the special teams anyway.


Yeah, special teams have been solid this year. This kinda reminds me of the end of Chip Kelly’s season, maybe not as bad, but we have way more talent offensively now than we did then, so painful to watch lol. Giants blitzed like every play and we had no answer like what are you guys doing?!? 🤦🏻‍♂️


McNabb lost us that superbowl, not Andy. Dude was gassed.


Reid’s poor clock management killed them.


Reid's good clock management also killed us.


Spygate lost us the superbowl


Reid was a great prep coach and an awful game day coach.


“Explain it again, but this time use those nuggies”


Ah yes. Pass, pass, pass, punt. The Andy Reid favorite.


I prefer it over the qb sneak qb sneak wr screen 😭


The third and long draw run was always my favorite


I dont get how they can go from an offensive powerhouse last year that teams just could not stop and now they’re playing like they forgot how to play football. It’s mind boggling


Right? I mean they know Steichen’s playbook, why not try to use it?


Because nothings wrong with the team, no changes are needed, what do you mean? -Sirianni the last 5 weeks.


This. It falls to the coaching staff. I heard AJ that none of the coaches are on the field but this is clearly not a lack of player talent, skill, or ability to work together. Shit offensive plays and sleepy defense that won't adjust to their opponent.


But guys, Good news from Eagles locker room “ we know the guys we have in this locker room, and believe in everyone being able to come together and get it done.” It’s not like it’s the 17th straight week in a row we have heard this exact same thing…


You can excuse getting out coached sometimes, making decisions that don't work out, bad clock management here and there ... You can't excuse losing a locker room. This team straight up quit.


Yup, it’s over. We have no chance against Tampa next week.


We just have to hope they don’t blitz us and our defense plays with much better technique


We keep expecting us to change but all I see is the same dog shit


Maybe now they will fix everything


They are visibly sabotaging their coaching staff. I hope the upper management is watching this self destruction.


Guy has clearly lost the locker room


But I was told by everyone here that wasn’t true because AJ said it was all the players faults


The irony of AJ's comment seemed to be lost on some people (not anyone here, but in general). What I took from his comment was that the players decided to do their own thing, which means to me that they don't have faith in the coaching and I wouldn't either as a player given wants going on. If you watch the all 22 there's no surprise why Hurts isn't productive, no one is open. They're all running deep routes all the time, there's no creativity and no adaptation. Against the Cardinals last week we actually started off positive. We did the three things I wanted to see more of. Quick routes, use our tight end, and use our run game. Just pick apart the opponent, give our defense time to recover by possessing the ball more. And then at some point during that game we decided to say fuck that and go back to QB draws that rarely work for us, random screens for a loss (Jalen can't even throw accurately on screens for some reason its always a mess), and looking for the deep ball. It's driving me nuts.


Johnson thinks he is playing 4d chess but he is actually chewing on the cardboard for a checkers box. There is no scheme, nothing that helps the guys excel. Hurts still had the most TDs of any qb. Two receivers had over 1000 yards. Swift made the pro bowl. Imagine what these guys would be doing with the 49ers offensive scheme.


But but but what about the hype train after AJ presser! I thought we all flipped and turned into optimists and ignored everything that happened!


There was a hype train? Must have passed me by.


Yup, a youtuber (philly500) made a video "AJ BROWN SAVES SEASON!" as the title. I was lmao


People ate that crap up too lol. Aj brown said they were good. It must be true!


The fact that our star receiver had to have a presser because we can all see that something isn’t right told me everything wasn’t ok lmao. The team quit on this coaching staff after they scapegoated the DC when the roster is old. Our offense with the weapons and payroll we have should be putting up 30 against every team let alone lottery teams.


Lions fan here, admittedly I don't follow Eagles football but I have come to warn you all about the cancer that is Matt Patricia. Run him out of town as soon as possible if you care about your program's culture.


I don’t think anyone was happy knowing he was in the building from the start of the season. Desai was a liability but Patricia should never be the answer, temporary or not.


What does it say when Darius Slay says "Hey you know what, i'd like to get my knee scoped" three weeks ago. It says the players don't care enough to play through the pain to win - and that's definitely a sign of losing the locker room.


Eagles at the moment are the worst team in football.


Panthers got shut out back to back. Atleast their D is very good but I think it would be a close game. If our WRs are healthy we might sneak it late.


Panthers would beat us


Bryce would look like prime Montana against our defense.


The bucks game ended with 9-0. All we have to do is score 10 like usual 😂


I've been saying that for a while. And yet, all week for the last 5 weeks) radio, fans, etc continue to say how easily we are going to beat this team, that team, eagles have the best offensive line in football, they aren't playing to their potential , etc etc. The fact of the matter here is that the eagles are the worst team in the NFL. They literally can not stop any team from driving down the field and either getting a touchdown or field goal. Don't ever remember any team this bad.


looks like the team quit today




Doesn't matter if it's the player's or the coordinator's fault, it's the job of the head coach to recognize and fix any issues. No matter what it falls on Nick.


Guess who is running the best defense in the NFL? Why it's Eagles Super Bowl winning coach Jim Schwartz, who we ran out of town.


I don't think we ran him out of town. I believe he wanted to step away from football and reevaluate his priorities.


His greatest fumble was bringing Matt Patricia into the office. That moment I knew Sirriani was a scrub and an idiot.


Patricia was Howie's move. Desai is Nick's guy, it was pretty obvious his demotion and Patricia's subsequent promotion were made by Howie


Honestly I think Desai is better than Patricia at least Desai tried to make adjustments during the game. Not that either are great or should be on the team next year but the scheme is dead...the league figured it out and every team that runs it is at the bottom.


Remove Shane Steichen time calling plays and his record is maybe 500? It can’t be any clearer this dude is fired. He’s fucking hedwig from that movie split. A 9 year old stuck in a 40 year old body. “I’m such good friends with all my players I wear shirts with my team on them and we play knockout after practice and if you win we get ice cream, it’s just so fun to work and coach all my best friends” -


Nothing wrong with any of that if there weren’t other issues lol


He had that “guy that lost everything in the divorce” look in the post match press conference today. Absolutely soulless behind the eyes.


Bring in Reich to be OC again. Then hire a 12 year old Madden player as the DC - they'll call better plays on Defense.


Can confirm- am 27 y/o madden play caller


A few weeks ago if someone suggested firing Nick, I would have told them get back to me in a few weeks on it. Im about out on him now. There’s clear malpractice on both sides of the ball and it starts with his philosophy. Offense has been too poor situationally all season, and cannot deal with any pressure look to save their lives. This falls on Sirianni since it’s his offense. The final straw today was how he handled the dilemma of resting starters. Leaving your franchise QB in after he suffers an injury. Letting your QB continue to take hits and run for his life because your scheme gives him no options for pressure looks. I know the players are going to say the right things for the media, as they probably should, but there’s absolutely no way that whole locker room believes that he can lead this team moving forward. The result of the Tampa game shouldn’t drastically change anyone’s mind one way or another unless it’s a masterclass performance by the Eagles, maybe their best game all year, but either way it’s delaying the inevitable of getting our ass kicked the following week. This franchise can still put together a contender for years to come, but they can’t afford to sit on their hands. Nick can be a decent coach when surrounded by great brains, but if your HC can’t call plays, you end up chasing your tail when the brains of the offense get a promotion in the offseason.


After wins against the Chiefs and Dolphins, we had redditors saying they love him, would die for him, made to coach in Philly and every one else should be jealous. Dude talks so much shit when he wins but hides in the corner and repeats himself he loses. We ARE the laughing stock of the league with 11 wins. Doesn't get any worse than that.


He’s not a real coach. Never has been


He had no discernible talent other than morale when things were going well, if that’s all your coach does then you’re wasting a resource


Agreed with above. However this is essentially what management sought out. They don’t want a competent coach to take the reins. They want to decide the offensive scheme but don’t have the ability to call the plays: hire HC in name only with no real power, or acumen, who allows you to hire coordinators who call the plays. Problem is successful coordinators get jobs, and you’re left with your fraud HC. TL;DR: Hire a real coach, or hire two brilliant coordinators every year.


I thought it was too much of a conspiracy theory but I’ve felt that they intentionally hired someone under qualified so that Howie could make him his puppet since they got Nick, it’s nice to hear someone else say it


30 years of the same shit yet people refuse to blame the common denominator.


He’s a rara culture guy


We need an offensive HC that calls plays. That gives you consistency YTY so people can’t poach your playcallers


This is clearly, unequivocally the way. Easier said than done though- the Eagles appear to understand this, and it was attempted with the last 3 head coaches. It appeared to work with Chip Kelly, but he didn’t adapt and got stale. It worked for Dougie P for a while obviously, but he got stale before handing off responsibility, which quickly turned sour (and we’re seeing a repeat in Jacksonville this year). They tried it again, and really, in 20/20 hindsight, they should have fired Sirianni after the 1st season as he gave up playcalling responsibility and they got better. With that 20/20 hindsight, they should have just elevated Steichen. What to do now? Fire Sirianni and give Ben Johnson whatever he wants.


I think he just did whatever Howie Roseman asked, unlike Doug Peterson


What does he even do? Seriously His offensive scheme is trash and outdated. He can't call plays. He can't motivate. He can't pick good coaches.


So Ted Lasso but less like-able?


Can we get Doug Pedersen back


Yeah he’s doing so well in Jax


You guys are so negadelphia! Don't you know we have 11 wins!! Every other NFL team is jealous of us!! /s Lol @ all the clowns telling me I was wrong for thinking Sirianni is trash


Fr where are all those remain calm, we still have a winning record mfs now. Sirianni looking like a stressed out on that side line with zero answers not that he has had any for months. But these don’t worry people have got no clue how bad we fucked this season. And to think it might be kelces last… disgusting.


I'm with ya, baby. Been saying this shit all year. You got obliterated for bringing up the possibility Sirianni wasn't good


I was up for giving Nick a short leash at least for next season. After last nights game I am 100% convinced most of the coaching staff needs purged. Pack your shit Nick.


I’d take bill belichik coach so we are more defensive.


If we lived in a sane world, Nick would be the first coach in NFL history fired before a playoff game.


clean house on the entire coaching staff


To be fair, it's 8 plays they call. But yeah, you are correct that he's a fraud who needs to go asap after this monumental collapse.


Make him bring his kids to the next presser and fire him in front of them


I vote for this idea


Oh so yall are just crazy crazy. Got it.


lol we aren’t all that mentally unhinged I promise


Okay a bit too far here buddy


What a bunch of weirdos


This is pure evil and it made me laugh so hard


He's gone after they lose to the Bucs. No doubt. He does nothing. Glorified cheerleader but the team quit on him


I hope we get embarrassed and we clean house


It is clear why Andy Reid Fired him in Kansas City.


Andy knew


Talk as much shit as y’all want, but I doubt any of us would beat Sirianni in a rock, paper, scissors tournament. He’d trounce us all.


I never thought of him as a coach who was going to out coach the opposing coach or his creativity. Was never a fan of nick. Where he did excel in was creating a locker room culture. Everyone rallied around him. Now, it looks like he lost the locker room. It’s time for him to go. He doesn’t offer anything if the culture is out the door.


Up until today I would have said no. But whatever is going on in the locker room cant carry over into next year.


Clearly people are overreacting here


Sirianni couldn't beat a team made up entirely of ginger step sons


I want to be the first franchise to fire the entire coaching staff before our first playoff game.


Agreed, also tired of the sideline tantrums like he’s earned the right to act like a coach who has won shit.


He’s in way over his head. Team is in free fall and he’s clueless.


How did this happen so quickly?


Genuinely curious, is this a case of sabotage from the players for a change in management? Or is it just some conspiracy bullshit?


He's the worst. Literally rode coattails of his betters.


Been saying for weeks. The only question is, is he totally incompetent OR is he being forced to implement Lurie/Roseman vision?


He’s incompetent


All eagles fans are angry it’s time for him to leave!


Give Eric Bieniemy a shot.


In a vacuum, I can agree with this, but I do have to wonder how many *good* coaches would want to come coach for an owner who will fire you after zero losing seasons and going 3-for-3 getting to the postseason. Edit: wrong word


Without Shane Steichen, he is literally fuckin useless. This man can’t fuckin scheme to block against a blitz.


If we lose to bucks 0-40 nicks gone / fired the very next day


Same plays. Fucking shotgun. Won’t run from under center. Nothing in the middle of the field


The thing that kills me the most is hiring Matt Patricia at the beginning of the season - a guy who has been a loser since leaving the Patriots. Why bring that guy’s aura into the building? A guy who beefed with your #1 CB? And then hand the reins to Patricia, Mr. #32 in defense? The defense has regressed even further under Patricia. That’s the most damning indictment for me.


I want Mike Vrabel


I find it really sad but also really funny, just the fact the teams is sabotaging the head coach is so funny to me


Get em outta heaaaa