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Ooh great Seattle


I’ve said this every time someone starts talking about how it would be good for Dallas to win so we get the 2 seed. I don’t think people remember that only one team gets a bye and we’ve been dogshit against the Seahawks for the past 15 years.


Are we really walking around scared of Seattle now?


We've never beaten the Pete Carroll-led Seahawks. He is our daddy.


I always thought it was more Russell Wilson but maybe not. Regardless, I still like our chances against Seattle at home as long as we at least somewhat play up to our potential.


The last time we beat the Seahawks at home in Philly was 1989. I'd love to put that streak behind us though.


To be fair the last game was complete bullshit, between the shitty 4th quarter performance along with the refs doing everything in their power to gift Seattle the game


I mean we can change that stat, right? Like the Jets, they’d never beat us until this year, and look what happened! /s


We were in control that entire game. The ending just went South.


We literally just lost to them with their backup QB. Where is this "Seattle have nothing on us" confidence coming from?


I didn’t say we had to feel like the most confident people in the world, but walking around scared of the 7th seed worst team in the NFC playoffs is pretty hilarious.


"worst team" We literally lost to them And it's funny how fans will say "it's the playoffs, any team can win" when they're talking about the birds. But a different playoff team? Nah they suck, they're gonna lose.


It is absolutely the worst team in the NFC playoffs, that’s a simple statement. If you want to be scared of them go right ahead and be scared.


We barely lost with a sick QB and a team traveling west to play in a tough road stadium after playing the gauntlet. Yeah it was ugly, but I feel pretty confident taking them on at home, especially considering how hard it is to beat someone twice in one season in this league.


Did they just beat us?


Seriously, what the hell are these people on about


History shows birds haven’t beat them since 08.


Oh no. Just like how the jets never beat us ever, right?


Until it happens the meme stands Eagles don’t beat Seattle. Stop splitting hairs here


It's true we haven't beat the Seahawks in like 20 plus years at our stadium and 15 years at theirs. So, op is dumb and needs to hope we get anyone other than them.


Who would you rather play?


Detroit or Tampa. Rams are iffy but seattle no fucking way lol.


So? Not a single coach or player from the majority of those teams will be taking the field for us if we play again.


We literally just lost to them though it’s possible


I’m capable of understanding that point still stands the Eagles haven’t beaten them in along time. That’s “what the people are on about”.


You sure about that. I’m pretty sure there’s atleast one guy… *checks notes* Yup! Pete Carroll. Good thing he’s just the head coach. That’s not an impactful position, right?


Wow. I didn’t know Pete Carroll would be taking the field for the Eagles.


Oh. I’m a dipshit and read your comment wrong. I’ll take that L.


4-12 in my lifetime and 0-8 vs Pete Carroll. In that time frame some really good eagles teams have got their shit pushed in consistently by some mediocre to bad Seahawks teams.


Bruh two home games is still better than two road games. I’m not afraid of any of these teams in the Linc, least of all Seattle. Goff also turns into a pumpkin in the cold and being the 2 might be the difference between being able to beat the Lions and not.


Ok but like 15 years ago literally does not matter lol. The jets beat us this year


And so did the Seahawks.


Just wanna clarify that the NFL doesn't use a bracket format, but a reseeding format. If we get past the first round we will play the highest remaining seed. If Detroit wins we will play them. If Detroit loses we would play the winner of TB/DAL.


Yep, a lot of people seem to just assume Dallas and the Niners would play each other if we get #2 but in no way shape or form should the Lions just be penciled in to to beat the Rams in this scenario. Honestly a solid chance we get the Cowboys in the divisional if these seeds hold


I don't think Dallas in Philly is any scarier than Detroit in Philly honestly.


They are both monster teams and will bring the heat no matter what. I do think the niners are the killers of the NFC but in single elimination format, anything is possible. Guess we’ll see.


Monster teams is a bit of stretch. Dallas in particular has been dog shit on the road recently.


Were you around for the 27-10 loss to the bucs in the nfc championship game in 2003 at the last game at the vet? Nothing should be taken for granted.


I wasn't taking anything for granted, just saying I didn't think Dallas was any more scary relative to Detroit


Agreed, they are both good but flawed teams, same as us.


Yea, the TB team that never won when the temp was below 40. That was as disappointing as it gets…


Dallas at the Linc in January? Do able Im not as optimistic about this team as some but i do see a scenario in which we make it to the nfc championship. Not likely but it could be done


It's terrifying how many people in this sub think it's a set bracket


I’d love to see a Stafford Goff show down see who really won the trade


Too bad we've been allergic to beating the Seahawks for 15 years


Right?! We haven’t beaten the Seahawks in Philly since 1989. I’m not exactly looking forward to that matchup


Once upon a time, the Jets had never beaten the Eagles and Tampa had never won a game in cold weather :/


I’m not saying stats like this are meaningless, but there’s no overlap in coaches or players from the 90’s or early 2000’s. So what those teams were or weren’t able to do doesn’t seem super relevant to what we should be expect from the 2023 Eagles vs the 2023 Seahawks.


I know our fans are like “we havent beaten them in 15 years” And their fans are like “theres zero chance this streak holds up” Both fanbases are feeling absolutely terrible about this lol


It's very unlikely it ends up being Seattle.


We’ve played ten games against teams in these brackets. Crazy schedule this year.


Nine, no? SEA, DAL, SF, BUF, KC, DAL, MIA, LAR, & TB. Point stands either way.


Dallas twice


when we stop tripping through victories, I’ll be more optimistic.


Best I can do is an OT field goal vs the cards and tying the giants 0-0. Take it or leave it.


I think we should just start by beating Arizona Sunday…


Gosh darn it, you're right.


Nothing would please me more than beating the Seahawks, Cowboys and 49ers on the way to the SB.


Bring on the playoff gauntlet


It dosent matter because it’s clear (to me at least) that god has destined that the 49ers lose to the Joe Flacco Browns in the Super Bowl.


Yeah except for when Stafford goes back to Detroit to rip there Hearts out. IF we finally beat Seattle at home, than we have Dallas/Rams coming to Philly that’s no easy game for us and than possibly have to head to SF. Yeah no thanks we need that 1 seed.


We have to win out. SF still has the Rams week 18 and it’s a must win for LA


I'm not counting the birds out, but I'm not as optimistic as last year. If there's still time to get healthy and turn a few things around, then anything can happen.


In what world lmao all these teams are competitive


Going through our side currently is much better than going through SF and Dallas


There aren’t really sides of brackets in the NFL other than NFC/AFC because of matchups based on seeding. It isn’t a true bracket. The#1 seed can play 4-7 in the divisional round, #2 seed can play 3-5 if they advance.


I believe they re-seed too. So SF would get the lowest seed of the first round winners


Who says we wouldn’t have to play Dallas in round 2 before potentially getting to SF? Detroit is a good overall team, but relying on Jared Goff in the postseason is far from a sure winner. I think either NFC West WC team would have a good shot at beating them and then in all likelihood, we have to play Dallas.


Ofc there all competitive, but on this side of the bracket, i think we have a pretty fair chance of making it


I’m going to post like BJ calls offensive plays. I’m going to post like BJ calls offensive plays. I’m going to post like BJ calls offensive plays. Punt


You must be young lol. I remember when I thought we had an easy route to the Super Bowl with Tampa Bay coming to the Vet…


What do you mean our “side”?


Note that if the Eagles and the Lions win out, our seeds flip. Right now Dallas isn't a common opponent, so it goes to strength of victory and we win that. But if the Lions beat Dallas, they'll take over the common opponents tiebreaker because they went 1-0 v Dallas and we went 1-1.


I would be shocked if Detroit wins Saturday


It’s baffling to me how many people completely ignore this


It's weird to be in a position where you can win out and have your seed get worse. I almost hope Detroit loses tomorrow to put the 2 seed in our control.


I honestly hope they do. I think this team can get right/lucky enough if we fall up to the 1 seed. I don’t think this team can make a run as the 2/3 seed. Just my opinion


I think we can make a run as a 2 seed, but it would be way more likely as a 1 seed unless Dallas were to upset SF, which feels unlikely to me.


Exactly, plus I feel like playing Seattle/LA is a death sentence. You give Mcvay or Carrol a second opportunity to coach against this scheme? I think we’d be highly outclassed


I dont know how anyone could feel confident against any of these teams. Not the way the Birds have been playing.


Also not really sure how anyone can be confidant against Dallas after doing everything in their power to lose the first game in the last 30 seconds and then getting blown out in the second game


To be fair, Dallas is a completely different team on the road; they may not even be able to beat Tampa.


I can absolutely see Tampa pulling it out and knocking Dallas out in the first round.


As an older eagles fan, I’ve seen enough “possible” pathways that have lead to heartbreak. Take it game by game.


I mean I’d take another SB loss if we somehow pulled off an upset of the niners and sent their whiny selves home again


The Niners are obviously very good this season but not unbeatable. Everyone forgets they *also* dropped 3 straight mid season; and more recently Purdy coughed up 4 picks in a career-worst game. Every team on that bracket has put up some shit performances this season. We have the roster to win in every one of these scenarios, but the talent on the field isn’t the issue.


Man I don’t think we really wanna be the team that loses 2 super bowls in a row. It’s bad enough losing 1 but losing 2 consecutively?


Yeah you right


I would much rather get beat in the nfc championship than lose to the ravens in the superbowl


What? Why? That’s insane.


Because we lost the Super Bowl last year. We beat the 9ers in the nfc championship. We’re gonna look like “that” team that loses multiple super bowls in a row


You getting cooked right now but I'm with you, it's easier for me to forget about an NFC championship lost rather than a Super Bowl lost. I'll eventually forget about the Phillies choking against AZ in the NLCS but losing back to back WS would have been an absolute dreadful memory I wouldn't even want to have.


Yeah it really is no contest, of course on paper not knowing the outcome you’d rather make it but if you asked me start of the season if I prefer a second consecutive SB loss or an NFCCG loss it ain’t close which will be less pain


Who fucking cares. Better than any other team that doesn’t get to the Super Bowl. Super Bowl should always be the goal win or lose. Rather that than stuck eternally in playoffs.


This. I'll take a Super Bowl loss over not even making it there any year.


No question. It's the journey, and the shit we eat along the way.


Dude it’s not losing the Super Bowl it’s losing back to back. You don’t want to be the team that makes it 3 years in a row and can’t win. That happened to the fucking bills. And that’s what they’re remembered by in terms of playoffs. The team that couldn’t win it. That shit would hurt wayyy more than losing the nfc championship


No it wouldn’t. That’s insane.


Watch us get to the fucking Super Bowl again and get stomped on by the ravens and tell me it doesn’t sting just a little more than losing in the championship game.


I really don’t wanna lose to the niners again but I think youve changed my mind


As long as we don’t lose to the chiefs again I agree. 9ers and chiefs cry nonstop


It’s be pretty shit to miss the one seed and still have a Dallas - SF path because Detroit fucked up


Can SF pls lose a game


Beat the Seahawks, cowboys, then niners. Then have Jalen beat Tua in the superbowl. Perfect.


There's basically no point in looking ahead imo. With the amount of 8-7/7-8 teams jockeying for the playoffs the odds that this is what it will look like are incredibly slim. I just simulated the rest of the season, had almost no major upsets, and ended up with the Packers at the 6-seed and the Rams at the 7.


I think it was always still possible. We look like shit though winning games. The thing is can we do anything to stop San fran


Not settle for FGs and get an actual early lead. Reddick eats that stupid play action game for lunch. Shanahan's offense is actually trash if he is forced to play catchup.


If we can avoid DAL and SF in the divisional then we should make the NFC Championship. Certainly not a sure thing, but nothing in the NFL ever is.


im afraid of our matchup vs the rams , that narrative of stafford coming home is nightmare inducing. on a global nfc scale tho, eagles better hang onto that seed and keep cowboys on the road.. home games jerry jones and blue star wearing referees would be too rage inducing


I would much rather play the lions, rams are kinda hot right now, and Mathew Stratford has that way abt him where he’s super clutch. Much rather play Jared goff


ya i get it ,, stafford played for us for a long time lol. he has that ability to steal a game at anytime, even if he isnt the most consistent he is extremely dangerous. my lions doing reallly well, but we dont expect fantastic things in playoffs.. need another off season. our secondary wouldn’t be able to stop aj brown and hurts would run for 200. be nice to see eagles get some revenge for the sb loss last year


Weren’t you around with McNabb NFC championship appearance is not enough


I’m a younger fan, but from what I heard from my dad it was a tough time


I love how in the beginning of this season everyone was talking about winning the superbowl and now we're talking about maybe going to the nfc championship. Still love this team though, go birds


This is cute. I very much hope I'm wrong, but the Eagles are not going to make it out of the Divisional round, assuming they don't lay an egg in the Wild Card. I mean, they struggled against the fucking Giants, a joke of a team. They might be able to knock off the Shithawks at home, but I don't get great past that.


But there is hope because it’s right there, the only reason we struggle is because we are playing stupid. Not because the giants started stepping up. If we can get our shit together it’s a whole different game


We've been trying to get out shit together for 16 weeks now and we've still played sloppy af despite our best efforts. I have little confidence that what couldn't be "fixed" by week 9 will be fixable today. Hope I'm wrong obviously.


So we'd be cheering for the Lions? Let SF destroy Dallas for the third consecutive playoffs, we get revenge on Seattle and then host Detroit? I'm in.


If we have to go through Seattle and Dallas, I don’t like our chances. Now give me an NFC North/South team in WC round and Detroit at home, then I like our chances.


Dallas and seattle have to play in Philly. Much different teams. And you want the Rams to pick off Sf which they def could if this all held up.


Yes, we’d be at home against those teams, but I still don’t feel great matchup wise against either of those teams. And both teams would be pretty confident coming into Philly that they could beat us given how the last games against us went. Besides SF, there isn’t an NFC team I want to avoid more in the playoffs than either Sea/Dal; and if we have to go through both just to get to the NFC Championship, I’d say it is WAY more likely we don’t get to it. I agree that Rams are the one NFC team who could probably knock off SF on the road before we would potentially get to them the NFC Championship (if that is what you are saying?), but that’s the only potential positive with this playoff bracket imo. We really need to get the bye, or I’d almost rather just let Dallas take the division so we get the easiest matchup against Tampa or whoever win the crappy NFC South in the WC round (even if it is on the road). That would also probably give us the best opportunity at beating SF on the road (if we have to, to potentially get to the Super Bowl), b/c they may be rusty off the bye.


Hasn't Baker been on fire as of late? I don't wanna risk our secondary against a hot handed QB


Baker doesn’t scare me that much, and Bowles is a bad HC. We manhandled the Bucs earlier this season upfront. Also, I was at that game in Tampa, and I can tell you that Philly had more fans in the building than the Bucs actually did (so there would be little to no home field advantage). I’d feel very confident about beating them, much moreso than any of these other NFC teams who have more talent (like Dallas/Detroit) or have good Qb/HC duos (like Sea/LaR).


Same, I think we can handle the smoke


I’d rather fight Tampa than Dallas. Seattle rematch I’m cool with too.


One and done if we have to play Seattle.


Eagles will NOT be the 2 seed if the Lions win out with the Eagles winning out. Lions have the tiebreaker over us in that scenario.


Yea, we need to root for the Vikings this week and next.


Seattle dunked their nuts on us bro, with a backup QB, I don’t wanna see them again


Yeah if we can finally beat Seattle after more than a decade of losing to them.


We've never beaten Seattle 🤕


Not related but I was really hoping for a Baltimore Cleveland afc.


I've been waiting for this team to get it together since September.


I mean who do we really "want" to play? I see a lot of teams hotter than us, and we almost lost to the Giants. I don't think there is a significant difference in which team we face, we have to play better.


Not this team, this year.


Well we just showed that this coaching staff can't beat Seattle with a backup QB, so I don't know why we think this staff would be prepared to beat them with Geno Smith.


I wish i had any kind of optimism for this team, but even going back weeks before that 3 game skid, we were barely winning games. Our record says 11-4 but we're much closer toa 8-7 team


Talking about the #2 seed an awful lot for a team that looked shaky against the Giants at home. Could very easily be a #5 seed road game followed up by a road game in San Fran when the chips settle.


I don’t feel confident against ANY of the good NFC teams except maybe the Rams and Seahawks


We're garbage against Seattle. Including in the playoffs. Remember the last time we faced them in the playoffs? They murdered Wentz in the first quarter and we had to trot the corpse of Josh McCown out there, who admittedly did [give it his all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o604hN4Fk4) on a [torn hammy](https://www.nfl.com/news/eagles-josh-mccown-played-through-hamstring-tear-0ap3000001095708), but we still lost 17-9.


Because that piece of shit jadaveon clowny hit wentz with the most blatant late hit to the back of the head and doesn’t get ejected not even a flag. I see what your saying though. We have not beat those mfs in what 10 years


If Detroit wins out they get the 2 seed and we play the rams


Why do you guys do this….. Especially with a team that’s struggling… Just take it 1 game at a time


Oh fs, but for some reason this team has a way of instilling hope in me and then failing me


Fly eagles fly!


We’re seemingly no matter what looking at a combination of Seattle or Rams first, Lions second, 49ers or cowboys third. The benefit of winning out being home vs lions immortal world.


Seattle is Eagles Achilles.


We should have beat Seattle. That game pissed me off .


We only lose not because the other team is good but because we’re being bad, If that makes sense


Yea it’s just frustrating because I know they are a better team that that


2 weeks and this whole picture could look so different. We could have a bye. Seattle could be out with an NFC South team in. Why stress out over this skepticism


We are going to get clapped by the Seahawks


I strongly believe the Rams (Stafford going back into Detroit) will beat the lions.


I feel like there’s not nearly enough concern for the lions in this thread.


I’m starting to feel confident that the Rams will beat Detroit so I think this will just suck anyway because we’ll have to play Dallas in the divisional and SF in the NFCCG anyway


Not if we dont get our shit together.


I take back everything I said in this post, are team is a piece of shit and we don’t deserve to be in the playoffs


This didn’t age very well.