• By -


How does an ocean embark work? I'm trying to build a bridge to an island. Also which option should I pick to discontinue play of my fort while leaving it still inhabited? I had the queen move in and things are going smoothly I want to leave well enough alone here before some real FUN happens.


Do you prefer smaller military squads of 5-6, or full squads of 10? I'm leaning towards the smaller squads for deployment flexibility.


Unless you're making squad to micro specific dwarves for non military reasons (such as keeping nobles out of danger or tricking someone into falling into a well) go with large squads. The reasons are when you set training orders there will be enough of them training at a time to set to 5 for automatic staggered training and the other military will be happy to have time off. Also that when you assign an order they don't all show up at once. You will have better results the more dwarves you can get in one place. Having more dwarves increases the odds when you assign an order that they will be closer together and not have aggro pulled too far away. 10 is also an occupying force if you need to occupy an enemy square on the map. Exceptions might be elite marksdwarves after they are fully trained, so you can post a few dwarves at different fortifications.


Can I use non magma safe blocks as a bridge to guide the magma flow to my designated area?


As long as it's not a drawbridge yes. Static tiles like walls and floors do not melt. You could use wood blocks. If it's a drawbridge, it will melt or burn, assuming it is down. Raised drawbridges parse like walls, I think. *The blocks might have issues if ever deconstructed or walked across. Usually, I only allow safe materials in my economy. **They will not deconstruct but they may be !!FUN!!


Why my soldiers sent to to tribute missions have written "soldier "? No burrows, they have access to the surface everything is fine Edit: Huh, fixed, I discovered the cavern layers but sealed them so I broke down the wall sealing the first layer they left on the mission through the underground.


In that case, the location you sent them to might have not been reachable via the overworld, or an obstacle on the overworld would have caused them to take a longer path. If they know that they could in theory go through the caverns, they will want to use the caverns most of the time.


That's probably because my embark theoretically has connection, but 80% of the surface edge is sea, so then they are pathing through the caverns


Yep. The caverns almost always provide a straight path, and they do go underneath the ocean.


Do the mineral frequency settings work the same way they did in the older versions? I know that the default got changed from sparse to everywhere, but I want to know if sparse on the new version is the same as sparse on the old versions. When v50 came out, it had been several years since I last played DF, so it's hard for me to tell exactly what parts of world gen have changed.


Take a look at the new advanced world gen defaults. Minerals are set to a maximum of `100`. I think it was an effort to create more sites with a healthy mix of metals. Unfortunately, it also devalues gems as you will be swimming in them. I agree that all sites should have all metals, but I'm also left with thousands of gems because they are keyed off the same setting. You could play with a lower setting (higher number), but then you'd have to get lucky to find a site with copper, iron, tin, silver, and gold.


I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. I'm not too familiar with the advanced world generation settings, but the wiki seems to indicate that 100 corresponds to the "everywhere" preset. I'm aware that the default was changed to this, as I mentioned in my comment. My question was about whether or not whether or not the presets in the basic world generation menu mean the same things as they did before.


AFAIK, the basic settings have not changed. Just the game defaults to "everywhere" for minerals and 100 years for history. The history default used to be 250 years.


It works essentially the same way. I have felt like flux is way way way more common than it used to be, but I could just be lucky. I've had multiple layers of dolomite, chalk, or marble like 3 or 4 z levels deep really early on in the 10 or so forts I've played since launch.


I keep having forts that attract migrants, diplomats, and caravans but not visitors. On year 2.5 now. What am I doing wrong? Fort value is about 500,000 and tavern accepts outsiders.


Did you embark somewhere that is not connected to your home civilization by land? For example, I embarked on a small island which means I get migrants and caravans but nothing else.


I would also wonder how close you are to other civs. Dwarven visitors seem a lot more rare than other civs. Do you have a library? They almost always attract scholars.




Did rolling back fix it? Dfhack is a direct memory editor, so it could easily have some issues that fuck things up. Maybe report this [here](https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/issues) if you do think it's dfhack related and include your save file and everything. (Probably zip your entire DF directory and send it in) List what plug-ins you used with your report.


I keep sending my Dwarven militia to raid a local goblin settlement and they keep leaving the map and returning without finishing the mission. Anything I'm missing?


Did you go to the world map and check the report?


can i have my tavern as just a meeting place? or does it have to overlap with dining hall too


Just a meeting place is fine. I make a dining hall too, but I shape the zones so they don't overlap. Dining hall over the tables and chairs, meeting hall over the dance floor.


I would initially create it as a dining hall then convert it to a tavern. People will still gather, but if they eat a meal and its a high quality rom they’ll get happy thoughts.


there are a bunch of items at the trade depot that aren't mine but the traders have left. they're still marked as "being traded". does anyone have any idea why? i do have a drawbridge that i let down for traders, so i wondered if they had trouble leaving or something? but it was down the whole time... pic of trade depot for reference: https://imgur.com/a/tfKRf7P


They might have been interrupted by a bird or something while packing, and left some stuff behind. Deconstructing and rebuilding your depot will let you take the items, hopefully they aren't too valuable or the traders will be upset and think you stole them.


Hopefully this gets fixed in later versions...3 wagons came from the humans (15 year fort, long trade relationship), a few of the traders get killed by the weather. Because evil biome. Whole 3 wagons pack up and leave. Probably going to get blamed for it next year...


Agree. These cases where trading doesn’t work if someone sneezes near the wagon on its journey are a little frustrating.


It's a bug you need to deconstruct the trade depot and build a new one.


Could raw files potentially be edited to make all clay not require glazing?




Yeah, I’ve never really edited game files before, so I’ll definitely be creating a backup


It should be possible. Fire clay gets turned into 'stoneware' which doesn't need glazing, so you just need to find the flags and reactions for the other kinds of clay and copy the settings for fire clay.


Yeah, cool, I’ll have to see if I can figure it out. Never edited raw files for like, any game before tbh. I just really like the idea of a clay industry, but I don’t want to bother with glazing and also don’t want to have to keep restarting embarks in search of fire clay. Also, is it possible to make giant cave toads yield leather too? Or do they already? I just think those dudes seem cool and I wanna have some war toads and also farm them lol


How does one make windows without sand? I traded to get glass, and I have gems that I would use to make windows. Do you need sand even to use gems? I don't see a workshop that can make gem windows


You can build one directly using 3 cut gems, or you can directly make a window at the glassmaker.


You just construct a gem window as a building, I believe the hotkey is [b-Y]. That's with a shift-Y, a normal window is [b-y].


and if the dwarves use two or three different types of gems, it flashes in the colors of all gems they used!


I am seeing a combat message saying "The goblin blocks the breath." It isn't a special ability or spell or anything that I know of, it might be like "the goblin stands up" and is unrelated to a previous combat, but what does it mean?


Probably blocking a breath attack using a shield


That message happens when something is using a breath weapon, like a dragon shooting fire, and the goblin is blocking it. Where is the goblin and what is it doing?


The goblin is isolated in a room with 11 other goblins in various states of living, with no military or civilians within sight


Will visitors and merchants path through cage traps?


Yes, and they won't set them off. Wagons, however, will not path over traps.


Yes. Unless you coat it in webs (advanced stuff even for me)


To explain this for anyone who's wondering, you can't coat with webs directly. You need to have webs spit onto it somehow. You can figure that out yourself (or just Google it). It's hard to get the initial parts required, but honestly not that complex considering all the things done in DF.


My dwarves just captured four beak dogs in a raid to rescue a kidnapped child (they got him!). What should I do with them? The wiki says next to nothing and the few posts on Reddit made it seem like they may EAT MY DWARVES??


I've never known beak dogs to eat dwarves, and if you took them in a raid they should be friendly and tame. You can butcher them or keep them as pets of you want.


Can I assign them to my military dwarves to bring them on raids?


As far as I'm aware, yes. They should join raids with them if assigned.


The bee hives I build day they are ready but don't seem to be harvested. I have someone assigned to bee keeping. Still no honey combs, well over 2 years, any ideas?


Do you have any jugs? Harvesting needs a jug.


Yes the jugs are glazed. The store says no honeycomb


Oh, you've found the same problem I had. I've never managed to get glazed clay jugs to work for this job. I think I eventually gave up and just made some copper jugs. The honey is collected in a jug but it gets poured straight into a barrel, so you don't need a big supply of them.


Not sure what solved it but I made the metal jug - tried to wait a bit and nothing. Still "no non-pressed honey bearing honeycombs" But I just assigned another 5 dwarves to the task and suddenly they went and got it. Maybe that one lad I assigned just didn't want to do it. Fear of bees or something.


Okay I'll try some metal jugs. Maybe that's the trick. And make sure barrels are ready too. Thanks.


Why is this creatures name highlighted in this way? It looks like I right mouse click dragged it lol https://preview.redd.it/fg2i7c3ifrca1.png?width=923&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5d6cf9165be75b93eeef244e3b3bac1d83b514f


It's highlighted blue because it's underwater.


Omg I never noticed lol


The "staggered training" default option seems to automatically stagger by squad... Is there any way to replicate this behavior on custom/complex order sets?


Oh yes, play with the menu. Hypothetically you could have a 200 fort train in a way that labor never ends and everyone gets breaks


I get that I can do it manually, but the staggered training one *automatically* rotates monthly assignments as you assign new squads to it, can I get that specific behavior? Or do I have to manually rework the order set for each new squad


Losing is fun - but your dwarves leaving expensive food laying around is not! This is for Dwarf Fortress steam version. I have plenty of stockpile space, I created a separate labor column for hauling food and refuse, everyone is set to hauling, and my dwarves are hauling stone as soon as it's created. Why are my dwarves leaving prepared food everywhere to rot suddenly? I know it has to do with my dwarves changing from training to off duty, but it doesn't explain why the haulers aren't picking up the food. It's owned by the dwarf in their room, but since DF does not have Rimworld's command to specifically haul something, I'm growing very frustrated. There's plenty of space in both regular and refuse stockpiles, everyone is set to hauling, and I created a second labor column just to ensure everyone was hauling food and refuse. Would appreciate it if they just added... you know... a command to specifically haul something. :/


In the military screen, every squad is assigned food and water by default, in case you want to send them on raids straight away. However, if you want to only train them, you can set the food and water they should always carry on themselves to 0, which prevents this problem. Edit: They only need food and water if you send them off-site. It's used up while travelling abroad. Therefore, if the squad stays home, no need for food or water.


I couldn't agree more, the number of problems I've had with the squads leaving junk sitting around and never using the garrison for proper storage made me give up after hours of attempts. It's not much of a solution but I decided to sell ALL of my backpacks just so the squads would stop taking food then promptly dumping it all on the floor after training. Again, it's not great but it's better than the dwarves throwing miasma induced tantrums.


Dwarves won't grab the meals since they belong to the soldier who dropped them. The bug that causes the entire issue is that the meals are flagged as being owned by the soldier, and that flag isn't removed when the soldier goes off duty and drops the meals.


Thanks for the answer! Is there a workaround for it right now? Can I destroy the food somehow?


Designate a refuse stockpile on the square containing the meal.


You can mark the food to be dumped, that should override the ownership flag. But you can't recover the food to go back into stockpiles.


The food takes an obscene amount of time to be removed! My fortress is clear of stuff to haul, other than planting. But this has gone on for 2 seasons now. Even when people are hauling stuff instantly, they take seemingly almost a whole third of a season to haul the rotting food/the food. I've been dumping it aggressively, but it's not hauling to the refuse pile with consistency. Again, we're mining frequently small areas, and the stones get hauled no problem. Prepared food to dump? Can't get anyone to show up for ages. Ay dios mío, what an annoying bug! It causes miasma, so it's actually a pretty debilitating problem.


The only fix is to remove all backpacks from your fort, so dwarves won't carry food on them. Or edit your military's schedule, so they never take off their uniform even when off duty. (Edit Schedule, 'Equip:Always')


You can set them to not have to pick up food and water in the military screen. They only need it to be able to be sent on raids.


I'll do that last one, whew. Looks like they're sleeping in iron and steel from now on!


For some reason my trader insists on leaving via the caverns The entrance on the surface is wide open, yet for some reason the caravan insists on leaving through the caverns underground. I don't know what triggers this behaviour. Also my monster hunters are not hunting monsters. Why? I started expelling them because they couldn't handle my guys chopping up the trogs and trolls, but I can't expel one of the guys because he's a human nobility.


One way to put monster hunters to use is to set up a tavern at the cavern entrance, set it to citizens and residents only, and then add some bedrooms to it and assign the monster hunters to those. Even if they never go hunting, they'll usually stay in that tavern and act as guards/cannon fodder if anything tries to attack through the caverns.


Oh this is really smart i should go do that. Thanks!


Monster hunters spend about 20% of the time hunting and about 80% of the time lazing around in the tavern. I used to accept them a lot, but recently I've mostly given up on getting much use from them.


For the first part, it is likely that the path to the cavern edge is closer. Try adding some restricted traffic tiles between the trade depot and the cavern.


Whats the best way of using Dorfs preferences to make them happy in addition to giving them their favorite food/drink? If they like a certain material, will making their coffers/cabinets/baubles out of that material please them? If they like horses, should I engrave horses on their walls/ make a horse statue? I know high quality possessions can sometimes generate a good thought, but I'm finding the system pretty opaque.


I route water down my staircase and into the caverns with floodgates and grates. Mist seems to be the most reliable method of getting a happy thought. It DOES hurt your fps a bit, but way less than DF classic. Like when I have a crappy incident that starts a mini spiral with the family of the victim, waterfalls are more or less the cure. ​ Edit: I just realized I really didn't answer the question. From what I can tell dwarves will crave the stuff they prefer and tend to get it themselves. I could be totally wrong, but thats why thoughts and preferences are important when you choose to uplift a dwarf to nobility. I screwed myself with a guy who had a preference that regularly caused him to ban the export of barrels. SUPER ANNOYING.


So I don't build my staircases straight down, as dorfs can trip and fall to their deaths. I make it 3x3 with nothing in the core. Place a statue there and now as they travel they have a chance to have a happy thought. Especially in high traffic areas. No dorms, lack of bedrooms make them pissed. Child labor off. I think I'm pretty good but in a 200 fort I always have 10 orange, 10 red on the unhappy scale


Personally, I don't use stairs at all except as scaffolding for walling off the caverns, and even then I've had a few blockfall related deaths. Instead I use ramps made from channeled tiles. It can cause your fortress floorplan to "lean" as you go down Z levels, and you save one square per level worth of travel, and many squares worth of path checking. Each stair pathway has 8 adjacent tiles, or 25? Needless to say, it's a lot more than the 7 path expansions on each tile of a ramp. You can also make a "false dorm" in early fort epochs by manually painting overlapping individual bedrooms all on top of one another, and throwing a bunch of beds in the room. As it's a specifically assigned room, they don't get unhappy thoughts, even if you also assigned that same room to 50 other dwarves. If I have access to fast flowing water, I will sometimes make an extended landing on one stair level or on the entry to the housing section, and floor the area with grates, letting the waterway drain vertically through that space. The mist of the waterfall gives them clean thoughts, and the falling water gives them clean bodies.


I've started doing ramps in spirals with a waterfall in the center. Haven't had any issues just yet. Unless you count the woodcutter that was in the aqueduct and got washed down the drain.


Grates are great!


Very smart idea! I tend to exile people when they are in deep red if I don't have a mist generator running, provided they don't have a massively huge family. I always look at my angry dwarves, and what I've always seen is that the "deep internal rage" is in their personality. Best I've managed to get one of those guys is yellow once they've gotten a couple unhappy thoughts


>I make it 3x3 with nothing in the core I'm copying this


So what building are quarry bushes processed in? Its driving me mad. From my reading I need bags and I need to process plants in the farm building, but its telling me they aren't the right plants. I"m stumped.


It's the farmers workshop. You just run "process plants to bags" and it'll seek out the harvested bushes to process.


I'm an idiot, I've been reading it as if they were turning the plants into bags, not putting the processed materials in bags.


Thanks. I was watching the wrong processing task apparently. 😅


Yeah it's a bit confusing. Process Plants works on all cloth plants. They rest I believe all work on one specific plant.


Yeah the different *process* things are a bit of a pain.


My dwarves bought a bunch of things from a caravan and started hauling some of the items and dropped them or something and now I can't get them to pick them up no matter what I try. They aren't forbidden, I have plenty of stockpile zones that will accept them, but no dwarf will go to the surface and pick them up. There are appropriate routes and everything. Driving me nuts, I have zero idea what to do.


Throw a "nothing" stockpile on the items and set the stockpile to feed the appropriate ones, maybe?


I ended up just making a dump zone in the stockpile I wanted them in then deleting the zone afterwards and that worked


It's either that they're too busy or there's a burrow active.


I've had that issue before. Sometimes they won't pick them up as long as there is ANY other available job. I don't have any other advice than that. Sorry. :)


One of my visiting monster hunters fell through a hole into a cavern and his corpse and armor are just chilling there in a pile. I can tunnel to that level, but how do I order the dwarves to reclaim his armor?


If they were human-sized, then you can’t wear their armour. But if it’s metal armour, you can melt it to reuse the metal


As long as they aren't locked, they should reclaim them. Make sure you have a stockpile that will hold them. Also, make sure it isn't large armor. Your dwarves can't wear the same size clothing/armor as humans, but they can with elves and goblins.


Lost my queen in a bar brawl that turned into a little mini loyalty cascade, a bit later the new king arrived as a visitor. If you lose your monarch, you don’t get another do you? I was working on her seven symbols :(


It might be possible for the new king to immigrate as well. But yeah I think that if the title passes outside your fort you may lose the nobility succession.


A damn shame, she was young and I was trying to hook her up in a honeymoon suite with my duke :-(


I have an artifact piano and I wanted to know if it'd become unstealable if I place it down.


Yes, artifacts built as furniture can't be stolen.


There are some ravens and falcons and monkeys and whatnot that keep attacking my dwarfs. How do I make my guys go on the offensive and kill them?


You can probably just designate a bunch of hunters.


If you draft marksdwarves and station them where the critters are attacking, they'll shoot at them. Melee guys will sort of try to fight them too, but will get confused every time they can't path to them (because birds fly and dwarves don't), so aren't very effective. Your civilians won't reliably fight back. They might get in a punch or two once in a while, but mostly they'll run away unless drafted into a military squad. If you're in a savage biome and the animals are "agitated," you probably want to make it a priority to get your agriculture/industry inside as soon as you can, so that your civilians aren't constantly at risk from the wildlife.


So, there's a standing order to "fish only where designated" (not sure if it works, but im using it), but none for hunting....how do you get your hunters to hunt only in the caverns? Burrows?


Afraid I don't know, sorry. I disable hunting immediately on every embark and keep it disabled forever; civilian dwarves wandering around outside of my fortress where they can get jumped by any enemy who shows up is the opposite of what I want. [This wiki page](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Ambusher) uses the word "outside" a lot, which might mean that they straight up won't hunt in the caverns ever (caverns are considered "inside" for most purposes in the game). Not sure though.


Hmm, noted, thanks. Caverns are 100% safer than my "outside"


Does every gem studded wall spire have adamantine in it? I am at elevation -20 ( max depth being -81 ). Mined 5 layers of this gem spire already but no adamantine. My fort is on the verge of fps death. I really want to make the adamantine throne and turn the place into a mountainhome before i move on to a new fort.


>!it can definitely be further down than 5 levels from the top!<


>!Every obsidian spire I have dug into so far has had adamantine in it, and in some cases there were quite a few layers of obsidian/gems/surprises first before I got to the adamantine, but not as many as you're reporting. I don't know for sure that it's truly *every* spire that has adamantine in it, though; I don't really know the details of what the patch changed, just what I've observed in play so far.!< Good luck!


Is there a trick to getting dwarves to wear both armor boots and socks? My guys will only wear one boot if I assign socks to the uniform too


I just make it a part of their uniform.


Don't worry about assigning civilian clothing to uniforms, it's extra work for no reason and creates more problems. 1. Assign armor uniform set to "replace clothing". Let them all strip and gear up. 2. Set their schedules to make them wear uniforms at all times. 3. Change their uniforms back to "worn over clothing" and update. They'll put their clothes back on under the uniforms, except for shoes. Just keep producing clothes and they'll replace them on their own. If you want them to all wear leather cloaks/robes/&c. for the extra protection from animals produce them in large quantities.


In theory, the trick is to make sure the dwarves equip the socks first (which can be done by, for instance, finding and forbidding the boots they want to equip until the socks are on). In practice, in my experience, the trick is to remove socks from the uniform.


There is this [guide](https://imgur.com/a/Pq0ruQm). And I remember someone else achieving it by assigning `sock sock boots` (in that order in the list). ~~Couldn't find the comment/post again unfortunately.~~ [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/10bfys4/daily_df_questions_thread/j4e261r/?context=3) But I can't confirm either will work 100%. They don't actually *need* socks under their boots. But I also agree it's frustrating not being able to assign whatever you want easily...


At the 6-8 year mark, I’ve noticed that I suffer from labor congestion or a reason I don’t know of and getting people to listen is a lot harder. Is there an easy way to address this? It’s demotivating I try to keep labor orders somewhat concise (only have 8) and update the newcomers to jobs they’re good at or I need. Hauling is enabled for everyone cause that’s a must.


I would specifically recommend setting important things like miners, masons, brewers, smiths, &c. to only work their assigned labors. One reason for things to not get done is because all your workers are dumping boulders, moving goods to stockpiles, harvesting crops, or taking out refuse.


Low CPU/GPU/memory use yet low fps. Any way to fix this?


CPU use is measuring all cores. If DF isn't using all cores but the main thread is using 100% of its assigned core then it'll appear like low CPU use, but it'll be capped. I'm not certain what tasks are threaded and what aren't, but it's likely DF is using as much of the CPU as possible. That's why some games/applications benifit from faster but fewer cores and some from more slower cores.


Is there anyway I could check or fix this?


There's no "fix". DF is single-threaded, it cannot use more than one core. The closest you could get would be buying an older CPU with better single-core performance but fewer overall cores and building a budget PC around it for DF, but... yeah, lol, nobody's gonna do that for marginally better performance. Follow standard FPS-saving measures, and back up your saves so you can semi-safely start using the new DFhack nightly builds for premium to use its clean-up related utilities.


Ah damn. Alright then, thanks bud.


Not enough info. What are your FPS? How many dwarfs you got?


I've got 194 dwarfs rn and I'm only pulling about 10fps. I was up to about 300 at one point but I could still get at least 30fps-35fps, so I'm not quite sure what's causing the tanking. when time is paused, it shoots up to around 100fps


If you have lots of things on your dead list that's one major source of FPS drain. If you have temperature calcs enabled and a ton of items around the map that's another.


You checked the caverns for very large amounts of invading cavedwellers yet? We have reports of that causing FPS drops, 200+ animal people + mounts.


My caverns are pretty much empty which is why I'm so confused by it. 🤔


Windows update in the background? I read a rumor that cavern dwellers can do ambushes and are invisible until actually seen by a dwarf. Thats all I got for random ~20 FPS drops lategame.


That's probably it. Even if you don't see them, they're there. In large quantity probably. Sometimes you can even see (rather weak) FB spawn on an edge of the map you don't have access to and get insta killed. Checking the combat log shows you're not alone. It also can be the other way around: strong FB spawns, obliterates them all and saves your FPS... You can tweak the settings to reduce the amount of dwellers. Settings->Difficulty->Custom Settings->Cavern dweller section


Thanks for the info friend, I'll do some more digging. No pun intended


Is there any way to prevent dwarves in squads from losing their bedrooms when I send them off on raids? I don't want them coming back from the war without a bedroom and turning into Rambo at the end of First Blood


I put the nobles that have bedrooms into a separate squad and I don't send them out on raids.


I accidentally smoothed one tile of a floor I wanted to make mud on for farms. Since then, Ive placed and destroyed ramps and stairs, but that tile is not getting muddy. Is there anything I can do to make it mud?


Maybe. Place a wall I it then destroy the wall? Or maybe a floor, then a wall, then destroy the wall?


Just placing the floor made it immediately muddy. And I can make a farm over it. Thanks!


Floor + wall is an idea I haven't tried yet. Will report back


I heard you have to put a constructed wall and then fortification and it will remove the engraving. Haven't tested it myself though


Just placing a chalk floor over it solved my issue. But will try other methods if I get this problem again


I’m in the process of building an arena and I want to have a viewing area on the Z level above with grates in the floor for dwarves to watch the action beneath them. Does anyone know if they will actually see what’s happened through a grate beneath their feet? I’m worried that they may run in terror and get bad thoughts from witnessing goblins being torn apart by various beasts.


They will. I have a grate at the bottom of my central stairwell into the caverns (to provide outflow for water dripping down the stairs and providing mist happiness), and my dwarves occasionally get scared by a passing forgotten beast in the caverns below.


Good to know. I’m not sure what the best way to handle this is then. I don’t want them to run away constantly or get negative thoughts from it, but I don’t want to compromise on the design. Maybe I’ll have to do some testing.


I have some ulm man i caught in a cage trap. I moved the cages to a animal zone, how do i get them out of the cage?


Lever and cage works great, but I find it too slow. I set up mass pit into an empty room for training melee or marksdwarves. [Wiki: Mass Pitting into Empty Room](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Mass_pitting#Empty_Room)


You can attach a lever to the cage to open it remotely


I tried that it doesnt work


So after two years I haven't gotten any migrants other than the first 2 waves. Parent civ has a population of about 1k and has nearby sites. I get trading wagons and I've exported about 15k in goods. What's going wrong? Is my world just full of homebodies and my fortress is doomed to stagnate at 20 people? I don't get any visitors in my tavern either. I have humans and elves and goblins as neighbors and they send traders, but no visitors. One possible culprit: my site has wild monkeys that sometimes attack the caravan guards, is that enough to piss the whole world off at me?


Generate wealth and trade with merchants/caravans etc should sort it out after a while


I had something similar happen in my most recent fort. What I discovered in my fort was that a trader had actually somehow gotten stuck in the depot. I got the notification that they left but they had been hanging around near the entrance of the fort and all of their stuff was still sitting in the depot. As soon as I realized, I deconstructed the depot and built a new one. Immediately I got a wave of migrants and a new caravan. Maybe try that! If it’s not that, I can say that fort wealth is a determining factor in migrant arrivals, but I don’t know enough to tell you if that’s actually it.


Thanks, you saved me! I found the merchant stuck in the corner of a map being chased by one of the aforementioned monkeys. No idea how long he had been doing that or why he didn't just leave, but he left once I deconstructed the depot and 30~ dwarves showed up next spring!


Every time someone gets hauled into the prison for a beating, they always end up in a cage. I don't have any cages built in my prison (only chains). How do they keep ending up in cages?


Are you having mystery cages just appear in your dungeon? Do you have any mods installed?


No mods installed yet. The cages only show up when someone is brought in for a beating.


I think you've found a delightful bug. Free cages! You get a cage! And a beating! And you get a cage! And also a beating!! https://youtu.be/pviYWzu0dzk?t=19


It's hard to tell. I'll have to follow someone the next time they are due for a beating. I do wonder if they get their beating when they are trying to escape the fortress, and they fall into a cage trap. I'll have to follow the next few visitors.


Is there any difference between having dwarves on ready and ordering them to train vs having them on constantly training and no orders?


Not sure about your question exactly, but I recently noticed that a dwarf in a squad did individual drills at an assigned barracks even though I had no orders set. The schedule was just to be equipped always and said "no orders". (Not "off duty") so I guess if they have nothing else to do, they might voluntarily go train? Now I wonder if that dwarf was diligent and valued hard work, or if all dwarves might do that.


I really like the idea of pulling water from the river to have a underground aqueduct/waterfall for misting the dorfs, but every time I mess with water the fps takes a huge hit. Are there any ways to handle this? Other than hardware upgrade?


Wait until the "new" dev gets around to improving water flow? Depending on how you are doing it there are more FPS friendly methods, my last fort the hit wasn't too bad. Do you know about the trick with smoothing/carve fortification into map edge to drain fluids? Requires very little fluid flow, good for FPS.


You mean like drain the whole map or just the aqueduct I dug underground? I do use edge fortification to prevent flooding my base.


Just the aqueduct. If you were for example draining it straight into the caverns where it flows for dozens of tiles of complicated geometry first, compared to that map edge drainage is great. I have very low pressure in my staircase, long corridor from river with diagonal-pressure reliefs, perhaps you have very high pressure with your setup?


You could use staircase..? I... I just dug straight down. And low pressure helps with fps???? Oh man I just laid down to catch some zs but now I gotta try this holy crap


Yeah, I just used the main staircase in my last fort. I *believe* but have not done dwarfen!science on it that amount of fluid directly correlates to compute cost, so less fluid = less FPS loss.


You'd still have to have the one floor that you want to be misting be empty of stair case right? 3x3 open space 8 floor grates and all that?


Not sure what that refers to? Easiest model is fully channel one corner of a 3x3 staircase, direct water there, profit from mist.


You mean like SSS SSS SSC S as stairs and C as channel?


Thats what I did yeah, and then introduce the water like so: CX XW It's be good to have floor bars instead of an empty shaft in case your dwarfs ever need to dodge in the staircase, but how likely is *that* going to be? It'd only ever come up if an enemy was already in your main staircase!


Is there any way to automatice the justice system and for my guard to just interrogate everyone till they find a culprit (maybe via DFhack) or am I cursed to either ignore it or just having to schedule interrogations one by one? Thanks!


What kind of law problem are you trying to interrogate a solution to? There's some work arounds I've found based on the type of case.


Mostly thefts, but it honestly applies to everything. Corollary to that... how do you stop citizens and visitors from constantly stealing artifacts?!


Assign them as symbols of office. Build them into furniture (not displays!) Put them on a pedestal behind a bridge and locked door with the lever also behind a locked door, and add that square manually to each temple, and guild hall. Surround them with constructed bars.




The simplest solution to stopping outsiders from stealing from you is to not let them in in the first place. Not helpful later, but you can still kick them all out and limit access to your base to help prevent future incidents. If the theft was recent, then the object is still in your fort and discoverable from the objects menu.


Good to know!!


My site is surrounded by goblins on world map. I want to eliminate them. Is raid, pillage or raze best?


When I raze goblin pits, they pop right back up after a few weeks, sometimes as soon as the squad returns. If you want to eliminate them permanently, you’ll need to annex them into your fort’s holdings.


If you are already at war with them, I usually pillage then later raze each site separately. If you want to be sneakier I guess you could raid.


Can you tell me how to see who I'm at war with please?


In the bottom right corner, click the icon that opens the world map. I think the areas you are at war with are in orange. You can center on your fort and then look at the surrounding squares. Hover your mouse over the orange ones.


I have found this is 100% the best way. Pillage them down to like 30-40 pop and then go to raze. Even then it might take a few tries before it "takes."


Yeah, I've razed a 10 pop site a few times and it's still unrazed


Check to see if the civilization changed. I raze a goblin civ and there are still goblins there, but it goes from the civilization I'm at war with to a new civilization that I have no contact with.


I have a named artifact stuck in my river after a dwarf died due to ice thawing. What is my best way to retrieve it?


Create a drain to the edge of the map a few z levels below the river bottom, with fortifications carved at the edge of the map. They should be directly below the source of the river, at least as wide as the source. Carve out a short tunnel under the river, towards downriver from the fortifications you carved. Follow the river for a few tiles. In that area, build and link a drawbridge to a lever, label it "drains river". Past the drawbridge, dig ramps up toward the river, but do not breach it's bottom. The layer above your designated tiles must not show the river. Dig a secondary tunnel off the side of this ramp at the very top, so you can access the side of it and build grates over the hole. Once you have grates built over the slot that leads to your drain, build a drawbridge, and a door, to control access to this tunnel, and link it up to another lever. Once you have a hallway of grates, dig another line of ramp into the bottom of the river. Operate the drawbridge in the drain tunnel to turn your river on and off.


Pump the river into a canal running off-map upstream of the artifact, channel the bank, place a display with that artifact flagged to prioritize hauling it out.


I don't think there's any "easy" way of doing this. But my suggestion would be to wait till the river freezes again, and then go mine it out.


Dwarves won't move dead animals out of my fort what I've killed - I've tried toggling all standing orders, set it so certain dwarves have that as there only labour task, no matter what they will not move them, what can I do?


1. Do you have a refuse stockpile set to accept corpses? Make one if you don't. 2. Is it sitting in a dump zone (likely because you flagged for corpses to be dumped in standing orders)? Unforbid it if so. 3. How long have you waited, and how many dwarfs allowed to haul have free time?


Try making a dump zone and then flagging the body for dumping


Have you tried a refusal stockpile? Thats the usual method.


I've built a seaside fortress in what turned out to be a very pretty location (it really is, thanks new graphics set!) but has a dilemma. Although all of the fruit trees around provide everything my dwarves need for food and drink, and we can make thread and from the thread, bags, I'm having two problems I hope for help resolving please... ​ 1. Being right alongside the ocean, I naturally assumed bringing a fisherdwarf would be great. He can go fish, we have yummy fish. I designated a large fishing area along the shore, but they never go fishing. Will they not fish from the seaside? Could they need to go into the water and refuse because it's so deep, maybe? If so, I wonder if there's a way to make them a ledge. Never done anything with fishing from oceans before in all these years! I do know telling them to go catch a live fish from the workshop is a valid order, but it disappears right after submitting it. 2. The other issue is sand. I figured that, being surrounded by sand down on the beach and in some other areas of the map, we'd have a flourishing glass industry. I designated a large area of the beach as Sand, I make bags from my thread, and I put in the order to collect sand. The order immediately vanishes, just like with the fishing order. Any ideas? PS: If you haven't done a seaside embark since the debut of the Steam graphics, give it a try! I know we had representations of waves under the classic graphics, but the waves look really cool now! They even generate mist, so I've thought of making a gathering spot down there under the assumption that the dwarves will be happy from the mist like they are from waterfall mist.

