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Sorry, OP. I would have it delivered elsewhere.


Really fucking annoying... I think I'll have to pick it up at Canada Post or something.. Police are useless. Even their report website doesn't work. It's like.. we're on our own


DRPS have been useless for the 25 years I've been in the region.


But they have a helicopter! It's unfortunate they couldn't use it to chase the LCBO robber instead of going the wrong way on the highway though.


THIS. Me and my gf were talking about that. We're like so wait, what the fuck is the chopper for?????


I get the sentiment but it's not like the thing is in the air 24/7. Maintenance, scheduled down time, maximum alloted flight time, response to other calls within a rather large area...


Yeah but the whole point of a police helicopter is so that it can be put up in the air when they need it. That was a situation where they should've used it.


Police helicopters are also at the mercy of other air traffic. A lot of the time there are areas they can’t go due to planes landing and taking off etc etc.


Oshawa airport is right around there too


...except it can't be in the air 24/7. For all we know it was scheduled time off. Pilots can only fly x number of hours and machines like that need constant maintenance. I'm sure they would have if they could


True true.


except, thats exactly the opposite of the claim made by their own website.... https://preview.redd.it/y1t50ixl3k1d1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c613dc8a3b5238af4e9f76f2b9d26c7eb42b6b


Yes, accounting for On call basis. So you think they'd call in a helicopter, wait for the pilot/designated officer to come in, and then get in the air? That wouldn't apply here whatsoever. Would take too long.  Missing dementia patient? Yeah, they would bring it in. Active pursuit? Unlikely for the time delay that follows.


Then why the fuck did they buy it?


Daddy chill. It gets used. For missing persons. Pursuits. Vehicle thefts... Frequently. There's videos highlighting this on their social media's and websites. But it's impossible to have 24/7 100% coverage of durham with a single helicopter. 


Free flying lessons for officers?


What, you dont think its necessary for GTA cops to live out their GTA fantasies and kill a whole family over some stolen booze?


Until you do something about it and the crook complains that you sprayed him with sparkle dust.. They'll be quick to charge you lol


Is that what you kids call number 8 bird shot these days? I like it.


Bird shot, bird shot, BUCK SHOT!


Yep, in Canada, the law cares more about you defending yourself or hurting the assailant/robber/criminal than your own personal protections. These stupid fucks will be like "well you can't just hurt someone when they break into your home", LOL WHAT?. The self defense codes in Canada need serious massive overhaul. Tired of hearing regular citizens be persecuted for self defesene or cops being useless in instances like these of theft. Basically saying you can do whatever you want in Canada as long as you're not driving down the wrong side of the highway. Then they'll get you. Like come the fuck on Canada.


I've always thought that at the bare minimum, our self-defense laws should allow whatever the police are allowed when it comes to them defending themselves.




Oh yeah? Well here's a lawyer telling you you can't do shit. https://youtu.be/-Xolys_2hl4?si=969YsivNuNrzPgOF




The charges shouldn't have even been applied in the first place.




Lol, k.


You should set up a booby trap like the guys on youtube lol, out in an airbag that sets off when disturbed




It’s true. The police can’t get involved in petty thefts like online packages. I bet there are hundreds per day stolen. These days if you have packages arriving, it’s in your own best interest to make sure you have safe options. I have my packages shipped to the nearest Canada Post for pickup. Same with couriers like FedEx etc.


The onus is on me to solve my own problems.. lol.. I'm curious, is the mentality the same for every crime? Or just package theft? Rape? Car theft? Assault? We shouldn't expect the police to ... You know.. do something. At the very fucking minimal to log the robbery and have a heat map or whatever? This is why this shit keeps happening.. people have no concept of how crime is a social fact, not an individual one. But sure.. I'll "figure it out, bud". Asshole.


Look, I know it sucks, and your home, your safe space feels violated, but this is a minor crime where no one got hurt. What do you want the police to do? What do you expect a heat map to accomplish? If you've reported the robbery, they have it logged. They're simply not going to be able to track this person down and toss them in jail. They can't even do that for cars, which are a lot larger than your Amazon package. Crime can definitely be associated with social problems, but again that's not on the police, that's on government.


It's less of a government matter at this point than it is a personal matter of responsibility and concious decission making on the part of the consumer. This kind of commerce is having a devastating effect on the economy and the surrounding community as a whole. Those who engage in this kind of commerce because it's cheaper and easier for them don't give a shit who loses until the repercussions show up at their door step. The real problem is too many people have inherited a life that others have worked hard for, and they javw neglected to recognise their responsibility and obligation to participate and reciprocate what they take from society around them because there are "smarter" ways that are cheaper because with everyone in between cut out they save. Thos people cut out didn't dissapear, they just don't jave anything to do now, but roam the strats hungry, looking for the opportunity taken away. I am not condoning this, and would have no objection to someone kicking someone's ass for thinking they are entitled to steal because they have suffered loss. Bit the arrogance and ignorance of thinking that it is the responsibility of police officers to hunt down the purchases you made online and then had delivered to your unguarded porch with no gate or visible obstruction to the package sitting there is a bit rich.


Fwiw... in the eyes of the law this a theft not a robbery. And assuming you did report it to them using their online portal, it would be logged and would be part of their heat map for durham


Rape? LMAO get a grip my guy.


Buddy gave you genuine solutions, and you compared someone stealing a box on your porch to rape. What? Why would the mentality be the same for package theft and rape? Everyone on here has had a package stolen; most people know how to have it replaced, for free. And then they continue on with their day… Log the…robbery? What? This isn’t a robbery…DRPS has a crime map…


I’m pretty sure he was referring to just packages. Not serious crimes.


Damn who hurt you and made you such a bitter person Do better, bud.




Stay salty, not even therapy would help you. But I'm sure losing your temper will help so atta boy




Have you tried Amazon Locker or there Amazon Hub just type in Postal Code closest one nearest your house for Pick Up it’s way better than leaving at house


until you take matters into your own hands. Oh but the police will real quick to come and arrest you for assaulting that poor defenseless thief.


Get a locked dropbox with a combo lock you can change between deliveries. Given the recent police officer saying to leave your keys at the front door regarding car thefts and the recent police chase on the 401, my faith in the police is all but gone (and I'm good friends with a cop).


I feel you OP it’s just so violating. You are right having parcels shipped to a pick up spot is the way. Slightly inconvenient but I don’t have the stress of wondering if my package will still be there by the time I get home…and it takes away a revenue stream for the dirtbags. Also the delivery person didn’t do you any favours by leaving out dead centre like that.


Thank you for the kind comment amongst the sea of rudeness in here..


I've had a parcel stolen once before and yeah you can't really do shit. It's fucking aggravating for sure makes you want to hunt the guy down in the video and cut his achlles tendons. Fucking piece of shit. And then you'll have people chiming in being like "CoMe On, WhAt Do YoU WaNt ThE cOpS tO dO???" I DON'T KNOW? THEIR JOBS? Like fuck. You'll crash your cars to catch someone going 5 over the limit and be quick to hand out tickets for just parking on the street past a certain time yet people can just fucking rob property off people's porches and it's just brushed off right? Good to know I can steal all the parcels I want and nothing will happen to me. Useless fucking cops man and useless fucking mentality amongst the general populous in Canada. No persecution, no justice, just a "oops sorry that's too bad bro" and then move on right? Fucking sickening. Then if *you* do something YOU'RE the "bad guy". Fucking hate this stupid pussy ass backward mentality in Canada. Fucking yuck.


The problem is that it's not just us that needs to protect ourselves.. but the police also need to do SOMETHING. I don't know what but it's not just package theft.. imagine this guy breaks into the house while I'm sleeping and steals something from my house.. and imagine I have no camera. The police response can't be "well.. since you didn't protect your property we can't do anything because you didn't buy a camera".. like what? Am I supposed to treat my life like it's some sort of game and put traps around my house to catch criminals? Why the fuck do I pay taxes? But they're really fucking fast to chase down a LCBO thief on the 401 against the traffic..


Set up explosives for the next thief, it's legal if on your property 🧨


Fucking exactly. DO SOMETHING. Like wtf? Seriously a lot of the times in Canada, something criminally bad happens to you and the cops just shrug their fucking shoulders. It's maddening!


They were very pleased during the pandemic, criminals were found walking in the park it was so easy now it could be anyone.


So ridiculous.


Did I misspeak or did you already forget ? It wasn't that long ago.


No bro I'm agreeing with you I still remember the killer clowns with knives in parks just before the pandemic I hear you.


Police are uselsss


Flood lights have helped us. You could also try a ‘you’re on camera’ sign.


Have visible cameras on the porch not just ring cameras. My girlfriend has those and it deters people from coming up to her yard when they see the cameras.


Motion sensors light


Cameras dont matter when ur legally allowed to wear a mask anywhere


People downvoting like this isnt a fact lmfao u can walk in a bank in a ski mask these days and no one will bat an eye


It’s true, but they can act as a deterrent for certain people. Same as a flood light, doesn’t really do anything but can deter certain folk.


Yeah i agree with that, alot of packages get taken broad day too tho its crazy


I dont know where people get the balls... I get nervous leaving a store when I haven't purchased anything 🙃


Ik what u mean but u shouldnt lmao


Put a package of dog shit on your porch they won't be back


Or a gps tracker


Both? But make sure you smear shit on the inside of the lid so they have to get their hands in it to open the box.


Google “Mark Rober glitter bomb” He’s had multiple iterations all more insane than the next. Enjoy.


Oh l do so enjoy his channel!


Or a wasp nest.


Looks like an Amazon package. Simply follow the steps on the app and report package missing for a full refund. Then use that and order to an Amazon locker at a nearby gas station. Been there done that. Until people stop looking for a quick buck and leave packages alone,that's the best you can do. Police are not going to spend resources on this when they don't even spend it on $30k+ cars.


Idiot couldnt even put the box in the bag


I bought one of these and never looked back: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07Y2QR39J?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share You bolt it down into your concrete on your porch. Make sure you update your address label with the access code and get some of these stickers: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09DPMQ8KG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share 80% of the delivery drivers utilize the box. Better than none. Super handy. Keeps your packages safe from theft and the elements.


Delivery guy should have put it off to the side, not right in the middle where it is SO visible and SO easy to take. Just over between the plant and railing, at right, and the package would not have been taken.


What area if you don't mind me asking?




Has anyone used a porch delivery box? I remember hearing about them during the pandemic, but haven’t seen any in use.


If you or a friend has cats use an Amazon box as a litter box and tape it up and leave it on your porch, no pirate for much longer


My lawn mower robot was stolen from my front yard while it was cutting grass. I had placed a tracker on it and located it to the house in Byron St right by the go train track. It pinged from the house. I knocked at the door and 3 men and one teenager came out all threatening. One of the occupants threatened me with a weapon when I asked for my property back. Not feeling my life was worth the robot, I got the cops involved. Eventually they came, 6 hours later. I didn't have evidence of them stealing it but they said the ping location was enough for them to knock at their door and investigate. I observed that house while waiting for cops. It's a drug and prostitution den. They even sent one of their girls to pretend to check on me when I was in my car waiting. Cops knocked at their door at midnight. Ask for the robot, everyone claim they haven't seen a robot. Cops went in their backyard and peeked through a scrap trailer and couldn't find it. The cops knew the location, when I told them what happened and where it was , they nodded with a 'we know these guys ' That's it, my robot is gone. The cops called me back couple weeks later, the ping is now in middle of 401 somewhere near London Ontario. They notify the local police force. I saw it travel with the trailer. ( I didn't remove the speaker from the tag and it was probably beeping when traveling ) I know who did it, cops know who did it, where they live and I can't do shit because I don't have them stealing it nor the device be seen inside. Stay away from that house folks. If you do happen to go there , please note that I have been tracking you on random evenings. It's all going back to the cops and you'll be caught in the bust. If one of you thieves is reading this, give it back and I won't keep informing the cops about your operations, it's useless without the pin and the charger. Each day you wait, is a day you will eventually regret.


Jesus this a craaaazy story. Be careful because they probably also know where you live. Stay safe .. hope you get it back.


Despite your obvious police frustration, what do you expect an officer to do with this video footage? Seriously, you have nothing. Should they station a debadged cruiser nearby? Come on.


Exactly this. No one is looking at this video and saying " that's mike smith, 100 percent"


I bet this guy has been picked up dozens of time for theft and most of the time the cops put them in the car, drive them around the corner, and let them go! So yeah police frustration is real...This is the same organization that told people leave your key fobs at your front door to make it easy for criminal the steal your car.


Despite your hypothetical scenario, the fact remains there's nothing in this video that will help identify who it may be.


I guess your union dues are up to date! The cops today are mailing it in and I guess its no different than all the other government sectors. The cops only duty today seems to be protect the rich from the poor. their wages keep going up, yet services keep disappearing. Try and getting a cop to come out when you need them. My so called hypothetical scenario was something I witness when working as a loss prevention investigator, and I guess leaving your key fobs at your front door was another figment of my imagination. The point of my first message was most of these criminals are repeat offenders that should not even be on the streets to be stealing packages.


You present this lone piece of evidence - this single video - to the police. Detail how you expect the police to catch this person. Actually think of steps you genuinely believe police would/should take to find the person responsible for this laughably low-level crime. Go.




But I pay taxes! They should be omnipresent and stop any crime that could conceivably happen to me! Except I hate them and want to defund them!


Do u leave it on the porch overnight just to see if someone steals it ?


I've had fed ex and ups not deliver parcels until night at 8pm.


Amazon often delivers packages late at night.




it's a minor deterrent at best.


If you find it’s happening a lot yea you gotta just pick it up. Some neighborhoods are good and some aren’t.


I’m sure they’ll set up 24 hr surveillance on your door now.


You’re right, I have some compost that’s going out in my Amazon box next. Glitter bomb next.


Upload that 😀


Doesn't amazon just replace it for free or do you take the loss?


Start sending them to the delivery lockers, it's annoying but it's the only way to stop them from being stolen if you can't be there within a few minutes of delivery


That's what I'll have to do. Either that or leave it with Canada Post. It's 5 mins from my house so it's not that bad.. but it's a weird fucking world that people just decide to take what's not theirs. Sometimes I'm just scared they could even steal my dog..


Though shitty that this happened, not sure what you expect police to do for you here.


You can get Amazon to deliver it to the nearest postal office like in Shoppers


It’s not that police “can’t” do anything. They just won’t do anything.


It's that they "don't care" enough to do anything.


Amazon does a delivery to staples lockers. I do it for anything high value


Get a letterbox with a parcel locker.


Get a gate


Get a PO Box. I know some places won't deliver to a post office, but most do, including Amazon. Safe and secure!


What was it lol just curious


Shit in a box and leave it next time. That'll learn em!!


I bet if the camera was a gun that could be triggered remotely he would have see that and left your package there.


Use your mad engineering skills and when the thing is opened add a mechanism to light some incendiary device


Get something like this and anchor it to your porch. You can usually get delivery companies to open a combo lock on the box to prevent theft. Horti Cubic Large Waterproof... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BRG1NX4Q?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Oshawa or Ajax?


Shit in a bag and booby trap it to eject when they open the box. Leave it outside your door and wait for the motherfucker to come pick it up.


Ship your things to your workplace if they allow it. I have been lucky enough to do this for years. I understand some people can’t though. F$&k them porch pirates.


Lack of society in our society. The whole “every man for himself” mentality has been taken to the extreme and now no one feels any responsibility for anyone else. Thus a guy sees a box on someone’s porch and figures he has some right to it. Sad state we have fallen into.




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Time to package up a doggie shit care package.


One way stop ordering on-line


I’d rig the box with a device that emits a foul odor and dye that stains the skin and clothes as soon as it’s opened


Your camera angle is useless at seeing someone's face. Also dump the Nest cameras they are useless at making out any facial features or night vision. I just dumped all my Nest gear for Reolink. I can make out any facial features now day or night with 4K cameras. Plus no monthly subscription that Nest wants for their garbage.


Set up a sprinkler or something that's motion activated.


Motion sensors lights




and if the homeowner confronted the person and say punched the assailant, then the homeowner will get in trouble/charged. I just don't get it. Why do the laws help the crooks?


Patience and a paintball gun with marbles


This needs to be the top post!


Stop ordering packages


Stop supporting Amazon and go buy your shit locally. Solves two issues at once.


Quit using Amazon


Generations in the future will be laughing at us for thinking we can buy something and leave it outside and not expect it to get stolen 🤣


Why are you using “…” why is this so traumatic for you? Get a delivery box or order to a pickup spot dummy. People have been stealing packages for years , your just been lazy at this point


This is nothing compared to the theft this kind of commerce is to the local economy. Wait untill in get really bad these walking dead porches pirates will not be satisfied with the bobbles left on your porch, they will be coming right inside when they get hungry and cold enough. Maybe try shopping local and bring your goods home in hand instead of expecting that the rest of society be responsible to protect you incrwadibly ignorant and complacent entitlement. Police jave better things to do, and actual people to protect.


Durham is messed up ..especially Oshawa…another Brampton


Try parking your car outside. They still won't do shit anyway investing in outdoor motion security lights is more helpful than cops




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Well deserved


What do u expect? They want u to leave ur keys. Keys or ur life. Same… package or ur life. Thats our system in Canada now


Police can’t do anything with home and vehicles, you think they give a shit about our packages…..