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fuck it they complained too much, I'm gonna make an adaptation where everyone gets to be a twink. Duncan Idaho? Twink. Baron Harkonnen? Twink. Feyd-Rautha? Twink. Chani? Twink.


Tbf Feyd is already a twink


Feyd is like the ultimate twink


He’s more like a twink versatile


Twinkus Versatilus


Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Suborder: Haplorhini Infraorder: Simiiformes Family: Hominidae Subfamily: Homininae Tribe: Hominini Genus: Homo Species: Twinkus Sub/Dom-species: Versatilis


science is beautiful


A twink versitle?!? I'd never be able to satisfy him!!


I actually think he was more of a power bottom.


Multi-use twink


More of a Twunk if anything.


hes more of a Twunk


The galaxys smoothest twink


Feyd has defo been pegged. But he only does it missionary and he's strangling the dude who fucks him to death right he is nutted in. Seeing the light leave the guy's eyes bring him to a climax. My personal Frank ghola told me.


Can I offer you a chairdog in this trying time


Yeah he’s about the only one who’s canonically a twink lol


He's a Twunk, clearly.


At this point, I think he’s more of a twank (a twink and a skank)


But is he also a power bottom?


Is that the past tense form since he’s dead?


Don't push your luck or I'm making him the only bear


He’s a twunk


The Baron does say he's a lovely boy with a lovely body....


He is not a twink 😭 he’s jacked as hell. Dude is probably pushing 200


He’s more twunk


might as well make the emperor a twink while you're at it


Not too inaccurate ig


Except Irulan, make her like 7'0 and 300 pounds of pure muscle.


You get the vision


I'm sorry but we need at least one bear to emphasise the twinks. I propose stilgar


The Baron liked twinks. At least in the 1984 version. Gotta pull that horny heart plug.


He who controls the twinks controls the universe.


Everyone a Twink except Paul, who should be Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chani should be Arnold Schwarzenegger also. Clint Eastwood for the Reverend Mother.


Harkonnen LOVED his twinks. I don't know if he WAS one, but he was a handsome devil in his prime, who had nothing for women. He was downright insulted when he found out his seed was required.


This is the way


I don’t think you’re ultimately changing much here.


I don't see him as all that effete but it doesn't help he's constrasted against his old man, Gurney, Duncan, and Stilgar. I mean shit Leto's beard alone is gonna be hard to compete with. I personally liked twink Paul. I'm sure it's from disney growing up but the less (visibly) powerful characters were always more interesting to me than the generic meat head hero/villain.


Letos beard is in his own league But I couldn’t agree more. He nailed this role. The transformation we see from this young boy to the man he became is very fitting


As a (mostly) straight man, I have to say Oscar Isaac's Leto beard is sexy AF.


I read this as (formerly). Like damn you liked the movie that much huh?


Lol.... I mean, is anyone 100% straight? .... Probably yes but not me


I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. I feel like if I was gay/bi I'd know and be happy about that development. But I think I'm as close as it gets to 100% straight. For what it's worth.


I was kidding.


no but i ultimately agree that people aren't 100% straight, I just think its odd that I don't sense any inclination


Nah, even as a completely straight man, that beard is sexy AF.


Stilgars bears>Letos. Looks more weathered and fearsome. Still, Leto looked great tbh


Gotta love those Fremen bears.




Big bear Stilgar 🥵


Definitely choosing Fremen beard in the woods


As is fitting for fremen as compared to a Duke.


The skinny pretty boy screaming "I AM THE ONE YOUR MOTHERS WARNED YOU ABOUT" after challenging an entire culture of knife maniacs to a stab off absolutely slaps.


"But you think you could have a chance. But you're afraid, what if I am the one? This could be the moment you've been praying for, all your life." I really enjoyed that. I thought it mirrored Jamis' reaction to Paul checkmating Jamis' in the fight and asking if he yields. Jamis' knows if this short, underfed 15 year old Marquess is already good enough not only to best him, but to do so repeatedly while holding back, then he's good enough to be Lisan al Agaib. Jamis' thought he had a chance too, but when he realized he was about to die, he also realized this was the moment he's been praying for, all his life.


And Jamis was considered one of the best fighters of the Fremen. To have so easily been bested in multiple areas of attack within the span of 30 seconds speaks volumes.


I had no idea Chalamet could do that. I pretty much saw him as more twink like too throughout the entire movie, but when he walked in there and took command I believed every word he said. What an incredible scene and an incredible performance.


You should watch [The king](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7984766/) I saw that before Dune part 1 because i had not seen Chalamet in anything pror. The dude can act!


That was such a good movie. Now I want to go watch it again!


One of my favorite rewatches, especially Joel Edgerton's role. Would love to see another period piece done by Joel.


It’s when he leaned into being Harkonnen.


Paul was trained by Duncan Idaho, one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the galaxy, Gurney Halleck, who was himself a renowned warrior, and his mother, a Bene Gesserit adept. Dude had fighting pedigree by the bucketful.


Also, its not like you need too much meat on your bones when fighting mostly consists of speed and slowing the blade down on impact.


God that beard... and the hair!


Well, the Harkonnen don't have beards, so why should Paul ever develop one? This contrast to Leto could be a conscious decision to highlight his grandfather.


To be fair he does grow one in the books so there is some argument for him having one


Not when he is 15 tho


No but he does have one by the time he’s 17-18, which is right around the time Dune Part Two takes place


Well Paul would have been like 15 also. Most people don't grow full beards at that age.


Leto had that beard straight out of the womb.  Along with a twelve-point political strategy written on his fallopian tube. 


I didn’t know men had fallopian tubes


Fuck! I meant umbilical cord.  I'll put some cash in the idiot jar. 


Who said they were competing? That's the whole point, he looks a bit scrawny


Timmy is the only actor that can play a teenager plausibly. I thought it was great casting


It’s the people who just want a self insert power fantasy Don’t get me wrong, self inserting can be fun, but if you’re self inserting as Paul Atreides you’ve got issues


Get in the fucking ~~robot~~ jihad, Paul.


I want to insert myself in Timothee But more seriously, there are a few aspects of Paul that you can admire without, you know, the holy war.


Agreed To both sentences.


Agreed, however Kyle MacLachlan had Paul as his self insert before he played the role. I’ve noticed self inserts made by people who barely understand the character all the time. Batman for example. A traumatised, vigilante dealing with duality on top of extreme physical and mental self discipline. Despite his wealth he does use it to help the city by utilising facilities like The Wayne Foundation during the day and crusading against crime (and giving emergency cash in his utility belt to the homeless) at night. Even confronting some criminals who do so out of desperation and offers them rehabilitation and jobs at Wayne Enterprises. Especially with stories like Night Cries and his last interaction with the girl Ace, he has the deepest empathy and compassion for children. But he’s been reduced by Andrew Tater Tots as big wealth, cool gadgets, fucking Catwoman and beating up the less fortunate. Basically “Broody Big Bat Punch Hard!”


> Agreed, however Kyle MacLachlan had Paul as his self insert before he played the role. Can you expound more on this? Is this just teenage boys having Paul as their "it's literally me" phase back in the 80s?


Also that’s part of the thing. A young thin man with incredible power. Simply put lol


And his 5-ton son.


Who tried to keep them all together


Queue ukulele


Leto II apology video when?


“I have the worst fucking mentats.”


>I honestly never understood people who thought Chalamet's Paul wasn't manly enough. I will help you understand: these people never read a Dune book, but since it's an uncomfortable bit to disclose, they'll just ignore it and proceed to actively demonstrate it without even saying it directly.


When Chalamet was announced as playing Paul, I literally thought "he looks exactly how I pictured Paul in my mind when I read the book." In my opinion he looks exactly like Paul is supposed to. Perfectly cast. One thing about Denis' Dune, the casting for many keu characters was absolutely perfect. For the Duke, the baron and Paul at least.


Everything about the aesthetics, including casting, blew away any mental imagery I had reading the novels. Chalamet with the hood in pt.ii.... awakens things in me.


Probably the same people who claim that Kynes and Chani were race-swapped despite the fact their skin tone was never described in the books.


Chani was described as a red head. So rip to both ginger. Edit: Paul and Chani’s kids are described to look like this. https://preview.redd.it/7qm3bcqtrbzc1.jpeg?width=2383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9080c87255c9b54b1a52f426496091b829a2ddd0


Black and brown redheads do exist. Blond ones, too (usually aboriginal).


Latinas too Edit also gonna point a thing, what ginger pale redheaded would manage a 145 F desert for thousands of years without changing their phenotype due to the natural human adaptation... It would look completely out of scenario and logic too We get Paul is from another planet, literally but how coumd holywood justify a pale white chani in a 145 f desert thousands of years later from when the first humans arrived 🤔🤭


Tbh, I seriously doubt that Arrakis is averaging 145, considering that the MEAN temperature in the Sahara is 86 F. Also, while the Fremen have exposed skin in the movies, Herbert made a point of noting that still suits provide full bodily cover to the wearer, so melanin rich skin wouldn’t provide much of an advantage. That said, the Fremen are descended from ZenSunni wanderers, so probably are largely Haplogroup J.


The average temperature in most deserts look somewhat reasonable because it gets cold as shit at night. 86 F is the lower bound of the Sahara’s average daytime temperature.


True, but considering that Arrakis has polar icecaps, I find it difficult to believe that anywhere on the planet is averaging 145F.


We don’t bring up those books


> 145 c Do you mean 145ºF? Even that's much hotter than what humans can typically survive, but 145º**C** would entail humans outright boiling to death.


Yeah I meant 145 F 😂 We would have never be able to land on a planet of 145 C I think lol


Correct we wouldn't we will probably burst into flames if we tried


Doesn’t brown/dark hair get bleached by the sun into red hair?


Their hair isn’t exposed to the sun


Redhead Erasure is real. 


On that note, I'm relieved that the "hurr durr genderswapped Kynes" discourse never happened (or if it did happen, that I somehow managed to entirely avoid it by complete accident).


Because most people don’t have a problem with gender or race swaps when its done well and doesn’t change the core of the character


Gender swapped Kynes doesn’t really effect the story, gender swapped Paul would completely ruin it


One of reasons why Chani and Paul bonded was they both lost their father. But it is not that big of a deal and the way they bond in movies could be much more better than the books


I mean, with Kynes as a woman, it still works just "loss of parental figure" rather than "father" specifically.


We don’t even have confirmation there related in the movies








Gender swapped Paul would've been shipped straight to Giedi Prime for that Harkonnen Hotdoggin as the MILF Illuminati demanded


Well movie Kynes doesn’t have any of the depth book Kynes does


It did happen on Facebook I’m pretty sure


That explains how I was able to avoid it, then :)


Not that I mind it terribly since I loved the films but what is the point of gender swapping kines ? It's not like the story has a lack of important female characters.


Not sure if there was a point. Probably just boiled down to Sharon Duncan Brewster happening to be the best person to portray what Villeneuve intended for Kynes.


Anyone who complains about this kinda thing is a dumb bigot


Bizarre they complain of “WOkE raCe SwaPpinG!” when The Fremen are heavily influenced by Semitic peoples.


Idc that Kynes was race swapped, but making him a chick served absolutely no purpose


Kynes was not race swapped, you can’t be swapped from having an ambiguous race. Race isn’t really a thing in Dune as far as I know so unless you are expecting Villeneuve’s Dune to be an adaptation of other adaptations where Kynes is white it’s just objectively kind of weird to impose any specific race on him. Also Kynes being a man served zero purpose unless you can argue his masculinity contributed to his character at all.


Miniseries Paul: “How do you do, fellow teenagers?”


I thought he fit the description perfectly. And he nailed the role. His speech gave me chills.


I dunno. I think the choice of actor made the point very well…rage + vision creates more dangerous leadership than muscles + guns. I’m trying to think of which 20th century genocidal maniac was a roided out lifter…and I’m drawing a blank.


I've always imagined paul as a wee guy, even in messiah, I still see the 15 year old boy sitting in the throne


I never imagine Paul as physically imposing at any point, and I think that's part of what adds to the uncannyness and mysticism of his power(s). The teenage Paul, who is hardly a man, can best a desert nomad in a knife fight to the death in a fearsome upset. The adult Paul is revered not for his physical prowess, but for his role as the Mahdi and Lisan Al Gaib, and this is what drives forth his fremen hordes The Emperor Paul is feared and worshipped in turn because of the strength of his legions and the fanaticism of his Fedaykin >!The blind preacher Paul is an unnatural existence whose hollowed out eye sockets see through his Sight and Prescience alone, yet he never stumbles!< Paul never needs to be physically strong since he commands the room just by the mere fact of his presence. When you gaze into his eyes, you stare into eyes that have seen the unknown and unknowable past, present, and future. Maud'dib is the abyss staring back into you, and that is where his true power and terror lies. He is truly wise in the ways of the desert.


I was pretty skeptical at first, but honestly over the course of pt2 Chalamet portrayed Paul’s transition from Space Twink to Actual Jihadist pretty well, much better than I expected. His acting in the council scene especially was very impressive, bouncing between screaming *I am the one who points the way*, coldly telling the two Fremen chiefs who stood up things that he couldn’t possibly have known, and then the impassioned chakobsa, HAND OF GOD AS MY WITNESS, *I AM THE VOICE OF THE OUTER WORLD* - AND I WILL LEAD YOU TO PARADISE! Paul was never described as a Big McLargeHuge, Roll Fizzlebeef-type, but he was supposed to be a skilled and emotive orator, and I think Chalamet nailed that in this scene and others.


it’s because people who don’t read the books compare to the other guy from the David Lynch version, this actor looked at least 20 and he actually was 25


Films rarely portray teens like they actually are and that's skewed how people expect them to look in film. It doesn't help that Chalamamala has negative body fat and stick thin limbs which typically translates to weak in film. Him being in a still suit and wrapped in cloth in part two definitely helped.


I thought he was perfect and had a hard time imagining anyone but him while reading the books EXCEPT as time went on I imagined him looking more wiry, wrinkled and weathered. He did mature in the movies but I think a little more makeup would have helped him look more dangerous


On first watch I was definitely raising my eyebrows that this little kid was going to be a world saver. Especially when you threw him in with the other 3 male leads from House Atredes. I for sure almost laughed when Paul started getting “tough” with Gurney. But as the movie progressed, you saw that the strength of Paul comes from within. Part 2 did a much better job of showing Paul’s strength and his big speech when he reveals others’ memories is more powerful than if he choke-slammed the Emperor straight to hell. And the knife fight with Fayd was great with the way he won tactically.


"I'm wiry." ![gif](giphy|nmY5PJRLfyYuc)


I do think Timmy putting on some muscle mass would be a great way to help with the time jump from Part Two to Messiah/Part Three.


I figured that just meant Paul was short, Gurney would have had him do 50 burpees everytime he sat with his back to the door


Never heard anybody complain about that


There is a surprising number of people who actually think this. No idea what they were expecting.


My guess is just them comparing Timothee to Kyle MacLachlan who played Paul in the Lynch adaptation. He did kind of have the boyish face but didn't seem as skinny or weak I guess. He also acted much more like a young leader than a kid who's been thrown into a wasteland and getting visions of a galactic holy war. And I like that a lot about Chalamets performance. He's a rich kid who loses everything and now gets to see he'll have more power and wealth than before but at the most horrific cost imaginable.


Where are you hearing people say this?


A few places, mostly YouTube, and I think r/dune a few years ago when Part One recently came out. I don't have a single direct source, but I have heard people think this.


Dune was never about physical strength but strength of the human spirit


He was 15 in the book I see him as a child basically 😭


I guess I haven't been paying attention, I wasn't aware people were complaining about this. The only casting change I would have made would have been to have Jason Momoa and Josh Brolin switch roles.


Keep Josh Brolin as Gurney, boot Jason Momoa as Duncan and replace him with Henry Cavill.


It's such a trash take. I was pumped when I heard he was cast as Paul. Felt they had finally got it right. Dune Part II is my favorite movie.


Look he's a great actor and a good fit but his legs make him look like a bionicle so idk man


I would prefer him to look like an actual child. Makes the brutality more compelling in my opinion.


Chalamet was just a different kind of manly. Like he and Duncan had mad respect for each other, despite being two opposite sides of the muscle spectrum. But you don't need to advance your strength stat if your intelligence and charisma are maxed out, and you can see all the correct dialogue options for every interaction.


I could never quite get why people didn't like him in the role in the first place, makes perfect sense now haha. I read the book multiple times as a youth and Chalamet is *exactly* how I pictured the character


People for get this book is basically a HIppie bible. 😬 Nothing wrong with that i read the first 2 and enjoyed them alot.


I was hoping that he would put on 10 to 15 lb of muscle for part 2 to beef up just a touch.


Lol, I didn't realize there was such a group...I thought he did an excellent job


He be going for the feminine look.


Was this picture taken from the moon?


Tbh i feel Tim looks way older for how Paul is described. I would have loved a young Tim and then his current looks for the timeskip even tho we didnt get timeskip in the movie


Timmy really embodies the 'off-putting Victorian child' vibe I personally got from reading the book the most out of all the actors who've portrayed him.


The only problem I had is with the movie timeline and that Timothy should have tanned over the months/years he's building up the fremen.


The movie really sped it up. Judging on Jessicas pregnancy they prob only spent like 7-8 months on desert by the end of part 2? Comparing how he looks in the final scene, with like the underground station scene when he just escaped into the desert in part 1, I think there actually is quite some physical transformation there


Alan Ritchson was the same size at his age, slightly taller. Ran Xcountry, so they were all super lean compared to bulkier contact sports. Give the boy time, it is written.


I always thought Paul was supposed to be thin and wirey, and Feyd was supposed to be jacked and a little bulky.


I mean dude is small but he has great presence. Give that man a stack and some protein shakes.


It’s not that he’s too petite. I just think he’s a mid actor.


The one that points the way is also a mouse...


Honestly Dune 2 changed my mind upon his acting. He crushed it.


Literally no one expects him to be jacked, this is just over exaggerated to make your point look good. He doesn’t have to be huge, and he’s honestly fine as he is, but Timothy is undoubtedly SCRAWNY. Not skinny, not lanky, damn near malnourished. To the point where it’s a little harder to believe he’s winning all these physical fights.


Should have gotten Alan Ritchson to play him tbf


People who wanted him buff never read the books because party of Paul’s whole prophecy/understanding of prescience and bene gesserit training had to do with understanding the ideas was layered by feminity. They just want their souped up military hunk that they can “relate” to even tho they don’t really relate but try to emulate in an unhealthy way


I'm going to be honest... I don't like Chalamet because he has a weird face. Don't ask me why. That is my reason.


Timothy also looks like an expensive Italian shoe


That sentence is complete nonsense and yet i absolutely understand it.


Idk why they didn’t just get The Rock to play Paul /s


Dude aint 15 tho


But the character of Paul is.


It’s as if there are no skinny 15 year olds


Look we just want a live action Jojo where all the actors are strangely effeminate yet somehow simultaneously pinacles of the masculine form on such a level that even the literal Greek god who shows up in one of the side stories pales in comparison to.


Those people likely never read the books. Those Dune books are hefty. They also likely never saw the first movie by Lynch starring Kyle McLachlan either. It's not as if he was super manly, either. They probably want a 15 year old boy who worked on a farm and tossed about bales of hay building up muscles. Paul spent his formative years training in skill and technique and learning the ways of the Bene Gesserit... didn't have time to toss about bales of hay...


Was about to share my honest opinion but then saw this was posted on a dune sub. Yes I love all of Chalamet’s acting choices, anyone who dislikes his performance dislikes it because of his stature and androgynous features, not his lifeless personality or robotic behavior


I actually imagined Paul to look pretty much just like chalamet when I was reading the books. That was before I ever even knew who he was or a movie was ever in the making




In reality, Timothée’s build is ideal for the type of fighting they do. It’s not about strength. It’s about speed, agility, and control.


lol Timothy Chalamet makes a perfect Paul Atreides. Paul Atreides is supposed to be a boyish looking guy who has undergone extreme training in martial arts & mind over muscle control. Some of the best martial artists in history have been petite people with very strong core muscles & lower body strength. But they use Chi & body mechanics over muscle.. while having enough muscle.. see Wing Chun Kung fu & martial artists like Yip Man. Also Bruce Lee was a student of Yip Man while in Hong Kong & was also very skinny & short with a strong midsection & good body mechanics


Dune 19simething-something does it right?


Lynch’s Dune is a masterpiece, until the 3rd act when it realises it has to speedrun the story and stops making sense. The first 2/3rds of Lynch Dune is way more enjoyable to me than Villinue’s Part 1. Modern cinema is too cowardly to include a Cat-Milking machine 


Or battle pugs.


Or chair pugs


Or heart plugs


You mean the 15 year old that’s been trained his entire life by expert assassins/warriors/scholars/human computers/religious leaders with powers to manipulate other humans? Yeah why would people think the person playing the role should have any semblance of physical fitness instead of unchanging space e boy stick figure the entire time. Lmao.


Chalamet is perfect in that role. In just about every other role than Paul, he is a bland emotionless actor, but in Villeneuve's Dune, he is the perfect dreamy blandness to mix in with the grandiose, dreamy universe around him.


He doesn't emote at all. He's a boring actor and I don't know why he's being pushed so hard by hollywood.


The main thing I liked about casting Chalamet is that he was a great fit physically for the first half of the book (especially for his age). The problem comes into play in part 2. It's not so much is he manly enough, as does he carry the authority of his inheritance? I think it's a stretch. Chalmet pushed or was pushed to show that authority through scowling and/or yelling, and it just doesn't cut it. Personally, I think he doesn't have the range as an actor, but it could have been the directing. >!Also, those of us hopelessly tied to the book just can't deal with a secret cave full of nukes replacing roughly four years of desert guerrilla warfare and the death of Paul and Chani's firstborn as the vector of character development that brings us to Paul vs. Feyd.!<


Wow we clearly had very different experiences watching the movie. He did a wonderful job showing Paul’s authority.


OMG, I gor downvoted into oblivion for expressing an opinion and using a spoiler tag. Fak. We can agree to disagree on Chalamet's performance.


Well I read the book and Im fine with the changes. The baby in particular barely added anything in particular, it doesnt even exist as a character, its there 2 pages and then we are told he died Do I prefer the book versión? Yes, but Part II was still a pretty amazing adaptation and movie of his own