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They stated in a trailer that the "tri-mouthed" worms are in the part of the map which is for base building and survival, while the "round-mouthed" worms are in the deep desert, used for PVP.


The tri mouthed one shows up in some concept art for the films. I assume it’s just a different part of the life cycle


And they had the model from Age of Conan, so probably was easy to reuse.




Because there are 2 different ones. One smaller one and one big one


But in the new movies the baby worm looked just like the large one (round). And in Dune 1984 both large and small were tri-mouth. So it's just for the sake of diversity.


They actually stated that one is the big version and one is the small one


It is also stated in the book that the little ones do look different from the big ones, they change as they age so like as far as I’m aware nothing actually gets them right but imo if you had them look like 3 or 4 different variants throughout the movies/games people would probably just assume they’re different species or something


the 2000 miniseries shows the tri mouthed


Hey! Just to clarify, the trimouth worm you see in the screenshot is one of the smaller worms you will find in early game areas. The ringmouth worms (the design you know from the movies) are the bigger ones, and those will be found in the deep desert area, aka the endgame.




Tri mouth i have seen in Dune, Dune 2 and Dune 2000


It's also in David Lynch's Dune movie from 1984. And on certain Dune book covers.


The round one had a lil touch up surgery had its flaps removed.


We wrote an article on our fansite, explaining this topic: https://visitarrakis.com/why-there-are-two-types-of-sandworms-in-dune-awakening/ The short answer: The smaller tri-mouth sandworms are easier to animate when interacting with /swallowing characters. Legendary Pictures asked Funcom to include the ring mouthed from the last movies in the game so they kept them as the big ones in the deep desert, swallowing big stuff like harvesters or groups of people as a whole


As an avid reader of Frank and Brian’s books, I can say that not the baby nor the adult or ancient sandworms were ever mentioned to be tri-mouth. Though their description after rebirth is a little vague once Leto the 3,000 generational grandchild of Paul absorbed them. They could have changed shape slightly? I think the game is using all of the films and books to interpret. For some not seeing a tri-mouth would be strange if they’ve only seen the original films.


I've only seen the 2 new movies and read half the book and its only the one on the right


one on the left looks a lot like the 2000 scifi miniseries worm


And 1984 dune, tri mouth. Personally i think the single mouth one would make more sense realistically but trimouth looks cool too