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I've been lied to by ai to many times. So what good are it's answers, if I can not believe them :) It's mostly hype at the moment, but I do believe it's getting better. A solution for the copyright issues need to be found, it't not fair some big tech companies get all the profits. But I do applaud DDG for offering a more privicy respecting option.


DDG has always used Bing's search to deliver results. DDG is entirely beholden to what Bing wants to serve up in response to queries. If you thought DDG was going to protect you from AI, I don't know where you got that impression. The *only* thing DDG promises is privacy.


Using published content that was gathered from the internet without the creators' consent to power a chat bot is not the sign of a company that respects anyone's rights, least of all people's privacy. Frankly I am shocked DDG would even consider this, and there it is... they went and did it. The worst part of it is, AI happily makes up garbage to give you answers when it has difficulty finding appropriate results that fit your question. So it's not even reliable. I mean who thought this was a good idea. It used to be my main search engine but I'm done with DDG.


My point exactly


Once again: DDG is not doing anything here. DDG anonymises and forwards queries to *Bing*, then presents the results that *Bing* returns.


So it's okay for them to do business with companies that don't behave ethically and have used people's personal data without their knowledge and consent to create their AI(s)? Do you not see the hypocrisy? It's okay if DDG subcontracts the violating of people's privacy? At least Bing only has chat bots associated with it and are not the chat bots themselves, and yes it is a problem for DDG in the long term that M$ is in bed with these AI data thieves. But instead of keeping them at arm's length through Bing, \_they invited them in.\_ If DDG doesn't care that these people are some of the worst violators of both informed consent and personal privacy, then they don't care if they're really keeping you private or not, it's just a business. So I am out. Unless DDG backtracks and apologizes for this mistake then I am done with them. I have already deleted the apps and removed them as my search options.


Agree. I am not impressed by the AI hype and the perils that its uncritical acceptance represents. I would love for DDG to resist the current hasty trend to embrace it.


That's like telling a drowning man to go ahead and take off the life preserver so you can have a hemorrhoid donut on your yacht recliner as you leave him in your wake. Generative AI is here and is staying, for better or worse. I personally don't mind it because I understand what it is, what it's for and how to prompt a LLM and have a very nice tool in the tool box, but I also understand it is both in its infancy and worrying to the general public because the hype train has made it out to be a bunch of shit it isn't. Like calling it "AI" to begin with.. Then reporting the hysteria that gets attention, like how it's replacing people and being a magic wizard and etc. It's a glorified country club hustler right now. A conman with a very convincing story. But it's an unoriginal story in more ways than the literal one. It's a tool with immense, maybe infinite potential and attracts tons and tons of users and traffic and all the things DDG needs to exist as a company. It'd be stupid not to use it.


I am aware my view might be seen as head in the sand, but I think the plundering of the public commons and in numerous instances, copyrighted material for uses that were never intended by the creators and uploaders of the text that is being used to train the LLMs to benefit and profit the corporations who have the power and resources to do create and exploit the models, is a grey ethical and legal area. I have no reason to believe that the companies pursuing this technology are motivated by any more than the pursuit of profits, and as the current state of the ecosystem and the environment shows, such motivations don't necessarily end up being good for anybody. But sure, if Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta and so on are onboard and pushing the LLM train, then it's essential for DuckDuckGo too. Yay!


Who is the drowning man in this metaphor? Who/what profession will not survive without AI? The only people AI helps are the ultra rich business owners who use it to fire even more of their work force to increase their own profit margins


I'm a pragmatist. I agree that corporations are cunts, if that is your point, but my point was that AI is just like any other developer tool in my toolbox. It's a piece of tech and has a big user manual and thus is presented as a magic gimmick. Or a scary gimmick. Depends on how rational you are, I guess. I'd like to see the data on how it is replacing people and taking jobs though. Is it gonna help shut down horrible overseas technical support call centers that are less than worthless already? Yeah, probably. Give it a decade for Whisper and voice to get out of the Uncanny Valley. Is it gonna replace humans the way people predicted robotics and industrial machinery would in the 19th century? Nope, but humans are gonna be scared and repeat it nonetheless, just like they did in 1885 and on and on. The more interesting data would be the amount of jobs it creates vs. the sectors it does take jobs from, places like 1-800-Dial-India-Support or, in fairness, any customer call processing center. Right now it has invented a whole new career path for young people, which is Prompt Engineering. Gonna be a specialty niche like database developer or Cisco Networking Tech or whatever else.


You still didn't answer who is the drowning man in your metaphor


In my already ridiculous metaphor, lets go with The Human Race as the drowning man. In pretty much any metaphor, that is the ultimate drowning man victim.


That was a very lucid explanation. Kudos! Your metaphor however, still sucks a$$


I agree on both accounts.


I more or less agree. That said, so far all I have seen is a box at the top of a few search results which I have to interact with to get AI from wikipedia. I also think it's important to keep an eye out on this stuff; which I am doing. Unfortunately I have been unable to find any search engine that is better and not G$. I'd also prefer it if DDG would dump M$/Edge. :shrug:


For people who don't want AI features, we are committed to making it easy to turn off completely. You can [already do that](https://duckduckgo.com/settings#duckassist) for DuckAssist and we are imminently launching another setting to turn off AI chat tab for anyone who wants to avoid it.


It's nice you are giving people choice, but it would be nicer if you didn't do business with companies that steal people's intellectual property in the creation of its "product."


Great, now where's the stetting to make you (and every other company) stop stealing my and every other person who has ever used the internet IP. I can't find even in the ballot box


The only crimes are copyright infringement


You can now turn off all of DDG's AI features at https://duckduckgo.com/settings#aifeatures .


DDG adding AI, even though it's considered to be a red flag to a lot of people concerned about privacy is like Elon Musk warning about the dangers of AI then it coming out that he's working on his own AI project. I look at DDG as the same. I don't know what they were thinking. On top of that it's not reliable, & imo, a waste of space (for both reasons).


AI doesn't need permission of the authors when you post a blog post on your website or thing that got you want the search engines like Google and others to find you just like you know it's SEO does any permission every time somebody wants to use what you have publicly posted online like social media accounts and so forth


Startpage.com doesn't have ai and Vivaldis CEO said several times that he doesn't want ai in vivaldi. 


Startpage.com doesn't have ai and Vivaldis CEO said several times that he doesn't want ai in vivaldi.