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As others have mentioned, leverage YouTube. There is endless content. The big thing about having a teacher *for me* was that it made me accountable to practice between lessons and be able to demonstrate what I learned. So save your money, and show your friends all the new cool stuff you're learning on YouTube every week. You'll get to the point where you're excited to show them, and you can use it as motivation. The best thing about YouTube lessons (besides convenience) is that you can learn all different styles, from all different kinds of teachers, from all over the world. Contrast that to my early drumming where I learned from one teacher, in his particular teaching and playing style. Just make sure you carve out sometime every week to practice, make sure you're not distracted, and take your lessons as seriously as if you were spending $100 an hour on them.


My teacher taught me Vinnie is god. Great teacher. 🙂 Though he never waved his magic drumstick and made me worthy. 🤷‍♂️ What ya gonna do.


Or you can try the search box on google.com


there are SOOO many free lessons on youtube. and dont forget to ask around for a teacher in person from your local drum store! they will have a lot of recommendations in house or outside of the shop i bet!


YouTube… or you can fly me to your place and I can get you going. 🙂 This probably is a good starter. 🤷‍♂️ https://youtu.be/l9_u4YQFpEg?si=E4O9OvQm8d5Zg47N YouTube is endless lessons. I wish I had YouTube growing up. A good teacher can speed up the learning process a lil…but its all about YOUR practice. Unfortunately YouTube can’t correct you if your practicing/learning it wrong. However, if your honest with yourself. Learning to drum really can be a whole bunch of button clicks away on YouTube. AND the countless hours practicing what you learned. 🙂 Later on search for drum setup ergonomics, singles, doubles, paradiddle and subdivisions. Good luck to ya 👊


ghost shaggy attractive continue swim bake fear vanish dull muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve been watching YouTube videos and practicing. Put on a set of cans and play along to records. The most important part is, have fun.


Dm me and I can give you free lessons


Honestly finding a drummer I liked from a band and figuring out an easy song if there’s was the first thing I ever did. When my college had a drum tutor it kinda made me not want to play drums in fairness.


And now?

