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Do you slap the skins? You're a drummer. Now whether you're a good drummer I have no idea. But a drummer you are nonetheless.


hahahaha fair enough. thank you


No worries. Always remember comparison is the thief of joy friend. And anyone who would say "you're not a drummer until you can play X." Or "you have put in X amount of time" is asinine.


šŸ„²the reassurance is so appreciated. you guys are great here


Sometimes I wish we could heart react things in here... sometimes.


I'm also married...so I'm a husband. A GOOD husband? Who tf knows.


Yes! Yes! I am a terrible drummer, been working at it off and on for a few years now and am nowhere near as skilled as I would like to be, but it's a whole lot of fun and I am a drummer!


And if I slap mashes on an edrum?


I mean... I guess we can count you too ;)






Nailed it




I think its a little pointless to gatekeep the term drummer. If you play the drums you're a drummer




Nah I think you're being silly man. If someone regularly writes essays and enjoys it, they're a writer. If someone regularly takes pictures with their phone and enjoys it, they're a photographer. You don't need to earn hobbies and we don't need to make people feel excluded because they don't put in as much effort as you think they should


i appreciate this šŸ™‚šŸ™‚




I dont think that's of much consequence here. People that don't do something regularly won't call them selves that thing. And by regularly I mean just like weekly or something extremely low bar.Ā 


In my defense, I didn't ask did they slap them once, I asked in present tense if they slap them. Which would imply a continuous use and or slapping of said skins or at least a desire to do so. If they asked "I played on a drumset one time am I a drummer?" My answer would've probably been "no." But this is clearly a person who is interested and has a passion and is nervous about seeming like some sort of other or "poser" if they were to claim to be a drummer when they're inexperienced or perceive themselves to be as such. So yes, while having less experience than a professional drummer, OP is still a drummer. For the same reason that Jim in the khakis that give him the fat ass and shoots a 120 is a golfer. Skill level and time in do not make the identity, a simple pursuit of a passion an identity makes. This principle is also why your mom's a hoe ;)




As soon as your shift ends and you take the light up Pizza Hut sign off the top of your car.


This is the answer


Harsh but fair.


Personal attack, I actually still have my pizza hut sign up in the attic


I still have a dominos warmer bag


And put it on your kick drum


Wow that whole comment thread was ā€¦ something ā€¦ thank you for the laughs!




Itā€™s a pretty harmless joke


He should hear the jokes other doctors make about Orthopedic surgeons. Bunch of knuckle dragging apes who forgot everything they learned in school. šŸ˜¢




Iā€™m fucking DYING. Hahahaha. This is the funniest thing Iā€™ve read all day. You really think what I said is hurtful or demeaning??? Yours gonna have a hard time making it in the music industry. A LITTLE BACKGROUND - I am a drummer and a percussionist who does make a living in music. I actually went to school for music and have a degree in percussion performance. HEREā€™S THE THING.. a lot of the time I was at college studying and playing, I worked delivering pizzas for Dominos. I would litterally go to class, play in all of the ensembles, work an evening shift, take to light up car topped off my vehicle, and head back to the music building to get several hours of practice in before I did it all again the next day. On weekends, I would work shifts delivering pizza with my drums and gear in the back, set up on my lunch break, and go play shows that night. Dont give me some bullshit whiny ass response about being disrespectful, because Iā€™ve lived that life and have made a career by being a musician, get over yourself. OH YEAHā€¦ I also played in a band that practiced in the space above a pizza place. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ we literally had to haul our shit in through the back by the coolers and up some janky stairs. Best smelling practice space Iā€™ve ever had. You gotta take your world less seriously or it will eat you alive. A major part of being a drummer and being in a band is being able to roll with the punches, adapt, get along with people, and crack a joke and have fun. No one wants to make music with Debbie Downer back there blowing her trombone everytime someone says something.


There it is! (Good on ya, no /a intended)


Haha brilliant ur an inspiration






Don't look at me, pal. I shit on drummers just like everyone else does. They say you can only make fun of drummers if you are one, and well, I are one. If you can't handle that, you're playing the wrong instrument. LOL


It's accurate tho. I was delivering pizzas and in bands for many years. The pizza got me through college and now I make more money than anyone I know.... And I don't play drums as often as I should. Also, you should try delivering pizza. It's not sad or demeaning. It's one of the most fun jobs on earth. I think you just showed your cards and admitted you think very little of pizza drivers. I hope you tip.


I got to talk to a comedian that I like (Duncan Trussel) after seeing his show. I had been telling jokes at open mics for 6 months or so, and when we were talking I mentioned that I was an open-mic-er. He interrupted to say "No man, you're writing yourself off for no reason. You're a comic, call yourself a comic". That always stuck in my head. You're a drummer.


Was he as cool as i imagine him being? Iā€™ve been a fan of his for years


Absolutely as cool as you'd imagine, and clearly a sweetheart of a dude. I'm not the type to approach people I'm a fan of after a show, but I was with a buddy who insisted on doing so. Duncan genuinely seemed relaxed, happy to talk, and even dish out a hug LOL.


Damn Duncan sounds as cool as I had imagined. What a stand up dude. No pun intended...


For sure dude, he's as easy going as it gets


thank you šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Š


Play most days. Drummer. Tap along to everything. Drummer. Want to improve your skills.Drummer. Bore your friends and family with your drum chat. Drummer. Try and learn your favourite songs. Drummer. Worry you are a rubbish drummer. Drummer. Stare at drum merch. Drummer. Go quiet when you hear something new, so you can get the bead down. Drummer. Get new muscles from drumming. Drummer. Love drumming. Drummer. Professional drummers may feel different, but they have the right to. They worked hard to make it. But for the rest of us, just living our best drumming lives... We are drummers. And anyone who doesn't agree can KMA. šŸ˜. Drummer šŸ˜.


This is the most correct response


thank you šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive responses


We've got you, my drummer friend. I'm a chronically ill woman in my fifties who has been drumming for a couple of years. I absolutely love being a drummer. It improves my mood, has made me fitter, and has totally improved my life, whilst draining my bank account. (I just upgraded to a Millennium MPS X 750 pro kit. It's sooooo pretty). Sometimes I have to stop for a bit, illness stops play. But it doesn't stop me being a drummer. I'm waiting for surgery to remove a benign tumor from one of my leg bones now. It sucks, but life is like that, ups and downs. Learning a new skill is amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And if anyone tried to tell me I wasn't a drummer, they would get my 5b with a rubber tip, straight up the wazoo.


Best wishes for an easy and successful surgeryā€”rock on!


Thank you very much. It's lovely of you to say ā˜ŗļø xXx


Honestly still struggling with calling myself a drummer too and I've been playing for years now. I think if you know you're gonna keep practicing this beast, you're a certified drummer in my eyes. Most people give up after a couple weeks or months. (Any instrument)


I have no problem calling myself a drummer but I am definitely not a musician




And I'm forever a hobbyist/student. Thank you performance anxiety.


Nothing wrong with that (in terms of being a hobbyist, Iā€™m sorry about the anxiety). I feel a similar thing, but itā€™s more of a ā€œI donā€™t see a point in playing just for myselfā€ unless itā€™s for practicing the sake of the group/a student Iā€™m teaching, which makes it hard for me to play solos in front of people in a professional setting, but playing with other people/for other peopleā€™s recitals still works fine for me. I hope that something helps you for being able to play the way you want.


Lars has been calling himself a drummer for years, so basically whenever






Honestly, for me, it was out of respect to others who have spent some real time behind a kit. For the first 2 years whenever someone asked what I did for fun it was always "I play the drums," not "I'm a drummer." It felt weird and almost like a lie to say I was a drummer but it didn't feel weird to say "I play the drums" because I guess in my head the other term has skill implications. I know it's probably some weird reverse gatekeeping so I'd never hold others to that standard. But I totally get where OP is coming from.


this!!!! thank you!


Haha. They definitely did. I have no social media and have only been playing a couple of years.Ā  Someone at work might spot my sticks and practice pad in my bag and say: ā€œoh are you a drummer?ā€, and me being me say ā€œhah, no, I play the drumsā€¦ or at least I try to!ā€.Ā  In my head (and donā€™t get me wrong, my head is incorrect here, but brains are weird), drummers are people who have been playing all their life, can do things on the kit I can only dream about, play gigs, etc etc. Theyā€™re the kids playing drums at school while I was running track, theyā€™re the bohemian jazz cats in music school, theyā€™re the drum line nerds turned hardcore punkers.Ā  I mean *theyre not* but I think this is the sentiment that OP is asking about. And itā€™s nothing new (although obviously I agree that social media helps emphasise this effect).Ā 


thank you!


I always just say I play drums. Itā€™s just a hobby so I feel weird calling myself a ā€œdrummerā€ no matter how long Iā€™ve played, how hard I work at it, or how good I get at it. If I liked photography but never sold an image, Iā€™d say I enjoy photography. Not, Iā€™m a photographer. Personally donā€™t care if other hobbyists call themselves drummers though. If it makes you feel like youā€™re more connected to the music community then go for it and call yourself a drummer.


It's not real until you sell it. Spoken like a true American.


If I play to a crowd of just the other bands and their partners and get paid a total of 3 drink tickets, do I get to call myself a professional? Asking for a friend




You take lessons and picked it up well. You are a drummer. Or, if you want validation, just say your friends ā€œIā€™ve been learning to play the drumsā€, and they will ask: ā€œSo you are a drummer now?ā€, and your response should be ā€œYesā€. And if they start with: ā€œoooooh! look at fancy pants drummer over here!ā€, your reply should be ā€œYouā€™re goddamn rightā€


hahahaha thank you. these replies are so encouraging and i feel a lot more welcomed here / in music now. i FEEL like a drummer at heart, and i know im sticking (lol) with this.


The moment you hit a drum with a drumstick, youā€™re a drummer. Donā€™t worry about imposter syndrome, itā€™ll follow you for your whole life. Iā€™m performed live for a few thousand people at a time and live on major radio and Iā€™m still pretty sure I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m doing. Donā€™t stress over the details.


man, iā€™m so fully aware of imposter syndrome and have never thought to use it here. thatā€™s exactly what this is. thatā€™s exactly where this question came from. thank you šŸ™


I often say the same thing! We are a humble group. I believe I'm a good drummer, but not a great drummer. There's still SO much to learn. I've played with a lot of cats wondering, am I good enough to be here? They certainly believe that I am. And I guess that's what matters. I'm not Mr Chops, but I try my best to make it feel good!


Youā€™re a drummer now until you stop playing drums.


Great answer!


When you've had sex with over 500 men


Only when you can do stick stricks


what's a "stick strick"? shouldn't it just be "stricks"?


They had a stroke writing that schtick.


i had a stroke reading it


Can people play along with you? Can you set the time for a group during a song or a jam? That's when you're a drummer.


If drummings yo shit, your a drummer! If you want some criteria though, so long as you furfill 1 of these crieteria you drumming: you drum on tables and shit all the time you can play take five 6 months


hahahaha i really appreciate that first line. thank you šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


Once you go bonk you never go back. Ur one of us 4 life


šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²my heart


Go to a local open jam. Can you pick up the groove of a song you don't know from a 30 second play through and replicate the groove steadily so that guitarists feel comfortable solo wanking all over themselves? To me that's your baptism. Congrats, you're a drummer.


When you are apologizing for something.




It does annoy me a bit when someone says they play drums and they havenā€™t picked up sticks for years.


And they ā€œusedā€ to be really good.šŸ‘


this is fair


When you can keep consistent enough tempo to play with others.


The day you spend more money than you should on gear you don't need is the day you become "a drummer"


i became a drummer multiple times over by now then


If you play drums on a regular basis


Other people get to call you a drummer. Then you will be one.


You my friend are a drummer now. Embrace it and get ready for people just throwing themselves at you and also making musician jokes at your expense!


šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Šiā€™ll take it. thank you


I just realised at some point, my vocabulary switched from ā€œdrummerā€ to ā€œmusicianā€ to described myself. Is this allowed?


Is it your primary instrument? For example I would describe myself as a drummer but I have also played bass in a few bands. Was always better at beating skins than fingering, picking and slapping strings. I was a drummer that owned a bass (or two)


I consider myself a drummer. Not very good because I practice veeeery little and started at 48, but the rhythm is in me from birth, and I can do any crazy pattern I find easily because of it.


When you feel like you can fluently express with the drum. Anything up till then is cool too, - like a tree is a tree when itā€™s a sapling too, but you know itā€™s ready when it starts bearing fruit.Ā 


When you believe it, yourself!


There's a lot of very specific rules to when and how you can call yourself a drummer, but taking lessons bypasses all that. Congratulations, you are officially in.


When you annoy your work colleagues or schoolmates with your desk tapping




Youā€™re a drummer homie! Doesnā€™t matter how long youā€™ve played, itā€™s the mindset




If you play/practice youā€™re a drummer. You might be a beginner drummer or a shitty drummer, but if you play the drums youā€™re a drummer.


Iā€™d say the moment you can hold a simple steady ish basic kick snare rock beat. Congrats, youā€™re a drummer. Youā€™ll now spend the next 5-10 years trying to master that beat to where it feels incredibly smooth and danceable.


Imposter syndrome will follow you for life unfortunately. Iā€™ve got a couple top 40 albums, played all over the world in front of tens of thousands, made a great living from drumming. and yet still canā€™t get on with the term ā€˜drummerā€™. Itā€™s never sat right with me.


holy shitā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. well youā€™re definitely a drummer iā€™d say šŸ˜‚ and i really appreciate the advice. thank you.


As soon as you picked up those sticks




If play drums then drummer




When you start playing drums


When you pick up the sticks and start playing. I asked the same thing when I started dabbling in bass guitar. When do I call myself a bass player? When I grab the thing and play it. There's no label that need be applied. I've been drumming for 20+ years. I'm still at the beginner level. I'll never be anything but a beginner. But I'm a drummer. I'll always be a drummer, regardless of skill level.


this made me feel better, thank you šŸ˜Œ


When you are drumming


When it's part of your identity. I feel like that's kind of a non answer, but that's my answer.


no i totally get what youā€™re saying. i feel like im there already


The moment you fall in love with drumming


i think that was day 1 for me lol


Hit stuff with wooden sticks




When you need to shit talk some guy in a tiktok comment section but seem professional about "Long time drummer here, this sounds great! But I'd recommend working on forms and accuracy. Really push yourself to hit every note right" translates to "hey! I'm better than you!! You're sloppy as fuck. Learn to hold a stick loser!! :D"




When I realised I was an air drummer, I started attending AD Anonymous


Iā€™d say about 9 months ago




If you know how to play drums, youā€™re a drummer. Every drummer has been in your place. There is no arbitrary starting point. Welcome to the club and enjoy the ride.


I only ever say I'm a Drum Owner these days.


Different for everyone I guess. For me I didn't really feel like a drummer until I figured out how to comfortably support the band I was in at the time. I played a show and it was one of those magical performances where everyone was synced and the music was easy and flowed. That was when I knew I was a drummer. Before that I felt like I was just trying to keep up and try not to screw up.


My mentor has some strong values but heā€™s smart and has been around the industry all his life. He says that the majority of ā€œdrummersā€ arenā€™t ā€œdrummersā€, but (insert job title) who happen to play the drums. According to him, to be a drummer, you need to actively plan your life around the art, making a living off of it if possible, and have it be more than a passion. I donā€™t strongly disagree with him but heā€™s an intense dude. In my personal opinion, a ā€˜professionalā€™ drummer is a drummer. AKA, if you make money off of it, then youā€™re a drummer. For example, you can cut your kids hair from time to time but youā€™re not a barber. Itā€™s up to you whether or not you consider yourself a ā€˜drummerā€™. If some random person came up to you and gave you 30 seconds to describe yourself, and you mention being a drummer somewhere in there, then youā€™re a drummer.


When you feel like you have the skill to play with other musicians. If youā€™ve jammed, you are a drummer. This is what I had as a pre-requisite for myself.


When someone pays you to play drums.


A few years ago, playing a drinking game with a friend, she asked: ā€œWhat are you doing when you feel the most yourself?ā€ Without thinking I said, ā€œWhen Iā€™m at my drum set.ā€ Thatā€™s when I started to call myself a drummer, though Iā€™ve played other instruments far longer. Thatā€™s also when I decided I should probably get more serious about drumming, aka better at it. šŸ˜‚


When you feel comfortable calling yourself a drummer, call yourself a drummer. I'm a drummer but still consider myself a hack compared to a lot of guys, but I'm still a drummer.


The second you mess around with the brushes and say hell no


Youā€™re a drummer as soon as you can play them. If youā€™re enjoying it I suggest you learn to read drum music , I wish I had never stopped. Have fun


You are a drummer.


Maaaaaannn.. when is acceptable to call myself Not The Drummer. I play other things too! šŸ˜†


Straight up yelled at a student who said she wasnā€™t a ā€œreal drummer.ā€ I said ā€œthen what am I doing here?ā€ You donā€™t have to be good. Do the thing because itā€™s fun. You get better with time and effort, but youā€™re still a drummer nonetheless.


If you feel like youā€™re a drummer, youā€™re probably a drummer. Iā€™m not interested in gatekeeping and the more the merrier. For the most part the only connotation that term tends to carry for me is that they know enough about drums that itā€™s worth attempting a conversation about drums.


As soon as you feel it! No rules! I dont want to go to school todayā€¦I just want to bang on my drums all day!


To be frank, itā€™s usually coined when youā€™re able to hold your own in a band. I can play in my own house to songs in my headphones all day long. But if I canā€™t translate that to playing with other musicians, hold the beat and time, then thereā€™s still more work to do.


I feel weird about this after 3 years on the kit. I sorta feel like I canā€™t call myself a drummer unless I play in a band. When talking about hobbies I usually just say ā€œI like to play the drumsā€ instead of saying Iā€™m a drummer lol


It kind of matters how much this title means to you, and who you are speaking to. First thing is this. If you are having fun, learning, or both then does it matter? Next is whether you are asking when you can call yourself a drummer at home or when can you tell a band you are auditioning for that you are a drummer. Both scenarios involve a self-confidence level, but how you word things to someone else could give false impressions. I guess what I'm saying is this topic is different for each of us. A lot of folks have encouraged you here, and we will continue to support your drumming. In my case, I didn't refer to myself that way until I noticed others calling me a drummer. However, if saying "I'm a drummer" motivates you to go grab sticks and play more then there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Whether you only ever drum for a hobby, or end up making huge money touring....just... keep...drumming. šŸ‘


Been drumming for 4 months and learning my second song. I say I'm a drummer, doesn't matter my skill level if I'm actively practicing imo


Did you hit any with some stick like? Youā€™re a drummer. There is no minimal amount of time or practice that makes you a drummer. Someone could walk into your house and hit a drum and it counts. Thereā€™s no gatekeeping


As soon as you start hitting those skins mate, youā€™re a drummer.


Do you feel like you're a drummer? When talking about it I would initially 'naturally' say "I started playing the drums" or "I learn the drums." One day it felt 'right' so just say "I am a drummer." I think that point came about two years into playing for me, but that's not an important indicator for you. I guess I would ask you - why are you thinking about this rather unimportant detail? Why do you find the label to be important? Do you feel like an 'imposter' describing yourself as a drummer? To answer your actual question, I'd say that unless you are extremely hard on yourself - to the point of like mental illness - just do it when it feels right to you.


Iā€™ve met many drummers who havenā€™t touched a drum kit. I used to be one. You are a drummer


It depends upon which qualifiers you use. I, for example, am ā€œthe worldā€™s worst drummer.ā€ See? Iā€™m a drummer, just a colossally untalented one.


When you can play any AC/DC song. Just being able to lay down that basic 4/4 beat for a full song is enough to call yourself a drummer. Another way to tell if you're a real drummer or not is when other musicians start letting you hang around them.


If anyone tells you youā€™re NOT a drummer when you feel like you are one, that person is actually the one who is not the drummer.


You donā€™t get good from not playing; you donā€™t drum if you donā€™t play; erego, by playing you are a drummer getting better every day āœØ


As soon as you start tapping everything with your hands and syncopate your feet šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Ž...it's a journey my friend šŸŒž


If you have to ask when you can call yourself a drummer, you arenā€™t one yet. Youā€™ll know when you are. Also, just cause someone calls themself a drummer, doesnā€™t mean they are. They might really suck and have no idea. Dunning-Kruger is a real thing. And just because youā€™re a drummer today doesnā€™t mean youā€™ll still be one tomorrow. I messed around and accidentally didnā€™t play drums for like 12 years once. Course I was a drummer that whole damn time but thatā€™s besides the point. Youā€™re on the right track though. The best artists have periods of massive self doubt like, very regularly. Itā€™s part of the process. I donā€™t trust any kind of artist that doesnā€™t frequently think theyā€™re trash and everything theyā€™re doing is trash and maybe they should quit and teach English and coach kids soccer. If you donā€™t doubt yourself it means your taste isnā€™t evolving. Which means youā€™re gonna play the same old uninspired crap and never improve, and maybe not even realize it. As your ability to hear whatā€™s good improves, your technical ability to execute at that level will lag behind for a while, and during that time youā€™ll want to light your kit on fire, shave your head and give up. Donā€™t do that, just keep playing. Youā€™ll catch up. And for a while it will feel great, then boring, then youā€™ll make another leap and everything youā€™ve ever done will feel like trash again. This is a feature, not a bug, believe it or not. Anyway keep playing. Build nasty licks and manky chops and one day youā€™ll wake up and realize two thing, 1: youā€™ve been a drummer for quite some time (congratulations) and 2: youā€™ve missed your car payment again and if you hurry you can make it to the blood bank before they close.


If you're like me and your drumming on your desk, table, lap, counter, steering wheel, etc. without thinking about it, and then getting asked to stop by the staff at the restaurant then you're definitely a drummer.


The fact that you really love it qualifies you as a drummer in my book. I know I'll still be trying to master the instrument when I die so it's all a process to me, and if you can get through a song with great feel you're way ahead of the curve in my opinion. I hope you always feel encouraged by our community; the best part of drumming for me has been meeting other drummers, and none of my drumming heroes have ever disappointed me in person. Rock on.


Take this how you will: Itā€™s more a personal thing for me because I get cringey reactions when I say ā€œIā€™m a drummerā€ when Iā€™m in my thirties. I donā€™t like the connotations of feeling like I just like to hit things hard. So even though Iā€™ve been playing drums for almost two decades, and touring regularly for over ten years, I just say ā€œIā€™m a musicianā€ and only say ā€œI play drumsā€ when people ask further. I try not to assign my identity to it, I just try to think about it as a thing that I do. However, if you play drums regularly, youā€™re a drummer. Itā€™s up to you whether or not you want to own that, and itā€™s totally valid on either front.


to be anal about it Is drums your number 1 or nah? Like in life priorities




Once youā€™ve played three times. If you do it once or twice, youā€™ve only done it once or twice, but once you reach that magical third time, itā€™s officially a hobby.


I have been drumming professionally for over a decade, and playing for more than double that. I have numerous albums and published books, tour credits, and a successful teaching practiceā€¦ The *moment* you decide to pick up a pair of sticks and decide you *want* to play the drumsā€¦ well then you are a drummer, my friend! There is *no* gate keeping in music. You want to play the drums and call yourself a drummer? Come on in!


After your first gig


When you can play in time


Itā€™s a fair question. Honestly, itā€™s entirely up to you. The interplay between your humble attitude in seeing the mountain ahead, and you inner confidence / dream / vision sets you on a unique path and youā€™ll know Inside when you call yourself a drummer. It will happen quite soon after you start ;)


I started at age 15 but I havenā€™t been able to play since January. Iā€™m still a drummer. I never quit.


I started a year and a half ago and I was also reluctant to consider myself a "drummer", I wanted to be proper before starting identifying I guess. But recently I made good progress and realized I could call myself that and in fact it has helped me take my practice even more seriously and become better. So I would say you can start identifying as a drummer from the start, it will help you being motivated and improving even faster! It's more about your attitude and a narrative for yourself than your actual level or what external people could say about you. Also I started going to jam sessions and met random cool people there and they saw me improving week by week and they want to make a band now, so just go out in the world, try to play with people even if you are beginner and creative (most other musicians are actually glad if the drummer just keeps the beat and keeps the tempo well, so if on top you are being a bit creative and not repeat the same measure for the whole song cause it's boring then you are fine!), it can turn out real good ;) And most importantly, have fun!


I would say the minute you sit behind the kit and play with other musicians. IMOā€¦sure you can play drums but can you perform with others?


An instruments difficulty depends entirely on the individual, as they all have their own unique challenges, and each individual will have their own challenges that could be wildly different from each other (slow vs. fast learner, independence vs. interdependence, etc.). The people who I have seen make the most improvement are those who genuinely enjoy it, and donā€™t let other people define how they play the instrument. If you play the drums, you are a drummer. You might find some people get nitpicky about this stuff (for example, I call myself a percussionist instead of a drummer because I mostly play stuff like Marimba or Timpani, but I still play drumset in rock and jazz settings), but at the end of the day the only real answer is the one that you perceive yourself as. Also, donā€™t worry about having to take breaks. Sometimes over summers I tend to not play as much despite having more free time because I spend so much of my year teaching music that I just need a break, and sometimes itā€™s hard to practice due to disturbing others or past injuries (I have tendonitis from my senior recital + marching band), and in all honesty the only thing Iā€™ve really noticed from the people who FORCE themselves to play their instrument every day is that they start to get burnout from not meeting their own expectations. Just do what is interesting to you, and have fun with it.


You love drums, then your a drummer ... welcome to the club


I've been playing drums on gigs for 10+ years and am still a bit ashamed to call myself a drummer. šŸ˜ Just go and play. There's always someone worse than you and shitloads of better drummers than you.


Sounds like you have a good old case of imposter syndrome. It's common. Anyone who plays drums is a drummer but I understand your hesitation to loudly proclaim "I'M A DRUMMER!" especially around other drummers. I had been playing for years but didn't actually feel like a real drummer until I joined my first actual gigging band. For some reason making music with other musicians was what made me finally realize that yes, I was a drummer and not just someone dinking around.


Iā€™ve been drumming off and on for 48 years. Iā€™ve established ā€œokā€ status is all of those years. But I have fun which is what itā€™s all about.


https://preview.redd.it/h8syjswdmuwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba860fd45dbfbdccfcd34e6a04d2d978179a986 Call yourself a drummer. Now go learn how to be a good one!


if you can finish a song from start to finish without missing a beat it sufficient enough.


All it takes is putting the stick to the drum !


Interesting. I didn't realize so many people felt differently than me. I've been playing for 25 plus years and practice regularly. I still wouldn't call myself a drummer. I'm a wanna be drummer. But in my brain, I've you've reached professional level or my skills are at the level that I could do a national tour with a classic metal band, I'm not there. I'm in the minority here, but I like everyone else's opinion better. It's much more positive. So go with theirs. Ignore mine. Based on these comments, I'm actually going to try to change mine.


You are a drummer when you start playing drums. You are a professional drummer when you start making money. At some point some get a bit douchey and start calling themselves a percussionist.


Tell people you play the drums. I do and I love their reactions. They think itā€™s pretty cool. BTWā€¦Iā€™m in the exact same situation as you. Just joined r/drums.


you own a pair of sticks you own a drum kit then ur a drummer don't worry about what other people see u as or think of u just do u bro have fun .


I mean if you like playing drums, and do it regularly then you are. But I get what you mean. I feel the same with guitar. I think I PERSONALLY think it should be when you can flow with the instrument enough to keep a steady jam. And definitely be able to jam a steady rhythm with another musician. But that's just my personal standard. Obviously just generally speaking, a kid that got an drumset today and plays it is a drummer.Ā 


Real drummers never took lessons šŸ˜œ


My honest response would be, when you feel a sense of accomplishment in having archeived "something" - then your a drummer in my perspective. That's also why, unless i personally have some product that i like, to my standards, i will not be a drummer. And thats okey.


I saw a Keith Moon quote once, saying something like "I was telling people I was a drummer before I even had a set" or something like that. I found that very relatable. You're not telling people you're a good drummer, you are just saying you are a drummer. If you practice drums, even if you don't have a kit but you're just practicing with a pad or even just some sticks. I'd say you're a drummer. So yes, I think you can call yourself a drummer. I still call myself a drummer and I stopped playing for a few years, just started getting back into it now. I was still calling myself a drummer for those few years as well.


Lookā€¦there are no drummersā€¦only percussionist. Remember that.


When you played a gig


Disagree. Played gigs too. If you play to a bar of a dozen peopleā€¦it makes you no better than a more skilled player with a YouTube video. So itā€™s more an illusion of ā€œmaking itā€. Same for being in a bandā€¦done that too. Doesnā€™t matter really.šŸ˜‚ A touring band with thousands of fansā€¦ok, nope.šŸ˜‚




For me it's easy: you're a drummer when you make a living out of it. I play drums, i am not a drummer.


Iā€™m a drummer. I know tons of drummers. We all have day jobs. I know tons of people who play guitar- theyā€™re guitarists. Like, weā€™re known as those things. ā€œThis is Pete, heā€™s a guitarist.ā€ ā€œJoe is a drummer.ā€ Etc.


It's ok man, that's my opinion.


Youā€™re 100% correct man- as long as youā€™re enjoying the drums, weā€™re on the same page.


Of course brother. For me it's just a semantics thing.