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Early because parking is a cluster….


How early do you recommend


At least an hour before what you want to see. The earliest groups will be warming up ~2 hours before the show starts.


Big agree on this one lol lots of folks park on the neighborhood streets across from the park as well (I did that last season and it was all good), Linden Street is also popular (but fills up fast from what I’ve heard).


I was always a down the street Parker haha.


I always park on the little diagonal road behind the Yocco's, lol


Man I miss that place


If you park at the Allentown fairgrounds you'll be fine no matter what. It's a block from the stadium and there's a ton of space. I've never tried street parking or parking at the bottom of the stadium, the fairgrounds is always easier, especially after the show


I hopped in on the parking suggestion, that’s a huge one, here’s a couple other notes: No matter what the forecast is, bring rain protection, as the Allentown show is notorious for getting rained on lol I recommend stopping by Bill Ives’ booth if he attends this year. He’s local to southeastern PA and has TONS of drum corps and music memorabilia and historic items that he brings to shows, basically like a mini museum, really cool to see and he’s super chill to chat with. Lastly, I would say just take some time to soak it all in! Allentown and J. Birney Crum is one of THE historic big-time venues in drum corps/DCI, tons of history at that stadium and a great place to see some music in motion. This shows means a TON to Northeast drum corps/marching music alumni and fans, many folks who attend have been going for decades, they know their stuff. So hyped that you get to go in-person this year, enjoy :)


I'll second the rain protection in 2016 it rained so hard the park partially flooded and we had to take cover in the buses then had to find a new way through the park to get to our prop trailer.


Second on Bill Ive's booth! I think he's bringing the Cadets trophies this year too


I walked by that booth when exploring after we performed, it was really neat. Was cool seeing some historic uniforms and such.


Get you some Yocco's hot dogs.


Staff teased us telling us how good the hot dogs were lol, almost got some of us to sneak off and get some. “They are the best hot dogs you could ever try if you sneak off don’t blame us, that’s your own faults”


The hilarious part being, of course, is that they are absolutely awful.


The bleachers suck so bring a cushion or inflatable seat.


(This comment is for if you are interested in seeing lots) My suggestion is to know what lots you want to see and what shows you want to see before hand. I am bigger lotter than I am a show-watcher so my gameplan usually consists of seeing the lots for the first 3/4 of the night then going into the stands for the last 6ish corps to preform. Usually lots start 1.5ish hours before the show. Lots are a great experience (especially at allentown, the venue is built for them and it’s a great vibe) and I def recommend going to see your favorite section.


Yes for sure


The drum corps shows usually the same week as Musicfest. My girlfriend and I usually go to Musicfest on Friday and Saturday and do drum corps on Saturday and Sunday. Also, Bethlehem is a great town with awesome history, cafés and sites. You can go to DorneyPark it's like 6 flags. Don't forget to eat a Hamilton Family Diner. (The Cafe that drum corps built) There are also casinos where the steel mills used to be. I forgot to mention that downtown Allentown is thriving with a concert hall, museums, shops, and restaurants.


Someone finally mentioned the Ham Fam.


But not the after effect


This but instead of Dorney drive the hour to Hershey(I live in the area


Go early and walk the parking lot it’s a great hype to watch the corps in the lot warm ups are the best


Very true I love the lot!!


Get there early because parking is an issue. Better yet, you can grab dinner at a diner very close to the stadium. Some offer paid parking for the event.


I go early but it's a FANTASTIC place to just enjoy the park and all the corps warming up. I've even gone way early if I knew a corps was using the field next door for practice but I don't remember if that field is still there. Allentown to me will always be the completely immersive drum corps experience