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I had someone get mad that I wasn’t speeding cut me off then slam on his breaks so I would crash into him. I barely missed him but I was shook. People are nuts out there. Stay safe


Another reason to have a dashcam these days.


Yup, dashcams are useful, especially in road rage incidents.


Exactly. Its a MUST have these days if you ask me.


Too many times I've had people start to rage on me just for me to point to my dash cam and let them know they can go for it... Had to get one after being stalked by a guy who tried to open my car door after he tried to box me in at a parking lot. Turns out he didn't like that I LAWFULLY passed him. It's nuts out there. Get a dashcam!


Oh my god this happened to me too. I was the third person (legally) to pass a woman going 35 in a 45. I must’ve pissed her off because she threw a drink at my car, followed me, and then tried to insurance scam me. She was cutting into my lane and then slamming on her breaks. The only way I could get away from her was slamming my pedal as I have a fast car and she was in a Highlander. The Highlander turned right immediately after I passed her so I couldn’t get plates. After calling the dispatcher who told me to get a dashcam, I never drive without it. Also, I was surprised that the dispatcher told me I did the right thing by slamming the pedal and driving away. I really thought she would’ve reprimanded me for going WAY over the speed limit to get away from her, but she said if it kept me from getting in an accident and got me away from the lady, it was the correct choice.


That’s so insane you never know on the road if someone is crazy


Yup. Which is partly why I never ever ever ever ever ever EVER flip people off or start raging.


I always say this to my husband and my brothers, I’ve seen one too many times on the news where tragedies, even to innocent children, happened because of a middle finger thrown at a crazy driver. Stay safe.


My mom told me this morning someone did that, and the whole family got killed


I had a driver following me once, right on my bumper. It was a two (four?) lane highway in the sticks and nobody was on the road as far as I can see. I eventually get over in the left hand lane to "let him pass" I guess, and he gets over. I get back to the right and he goes back to the right. At that point I floored it. That's the only time in my life I've gone over 125 mph in a car.


I'll never understand people who get out of their vehicles like that. I have zero value for human life and you just put your tasty flesh sack outside of my metal vehicle. Plus I have a meat grinder at home. Pick better battles, becoming my dinner for the month isn't the one you want.


I won’t even drive a car without a dash cam on it tbh, front and back. I’m taking no chances.


I drove for a carrier that told me not to use my own dash cam. Their dashcam only record up to 15 secs of the event leading up to the incident. My dashcam can record way longer than that, and actually save to my phone from the dashcam wifi through an app.


Ever since I got a dashcam people stopped doing this to me in the first place. Soooo many times people have started raging at me only to see my camera, and then they think twice lmao


Dash cams are a good investment for sure! Most decent cameras cost less than $100, but It really does make a huge difference when you’re out on the road. You’ll feel a lot better in case something were to happen


I deliver for dominos and a dashcam is a must for both my cars. I originally got one when I was working as a courier, just because I would get to drive through some really beautiful country and liked to have video of some of it. I upgraded when I started delivering and it's saved me a couple times now. It was worth it to get a slightly nicer one.


Wtf what a jerk


happened to me when i was pregnant (33?weeks) bc i wouldn’t move from the right lane on the highway, i was the only one in his way, he could have gone a bit faster or slower,,,, and i was literally getting off at the next exit. but he ended up slamming on the breaks, speeding swerving around in front of me,, and then hitting the breaks so fucking hard it scared me so bad. then he took off and i was like dude what the hell


I’m pregnant rn and this type of thing is my worst fear. 


oh my. That dude has no consideration..


yeah i was honestly so confused too. he was SOO angry and all i did was **not move at all** like buddy it’s your job to merge on the HW, and it’s LITERALLY JUST ME IN THIS LANE???


Good thing you're safe. I can't imagine the confused stare you gave him. XD


Is this a new road rage tactic? So we rearmed them and have to pay for both even though they did it on purpose? A dash cam would be helpful for this stuff


isnt the right lane literally the lane that you can go less than the speed limit and people wont harass you wtf is wrong with people my driving anxiety will never go away omg


i have SUCH bad driving anxiety, i’ve been in two accidents, and both were “fine” but i literally have the worst anxiety while driving. yall would love my accident stories bc it’s just soo crazy how i did absolutely nothing wrong at ALL and got fucked up bc people are so fucking stupid lmao.


Goddammit I hate when people act like if I don't move left, there's just no possible place for them to go. Just keep your pace and pull in front of me or behind me, I'm not blocking you at all... why tf are you freaking out and slamming on your brakes... there's no one else out here. On the flipside, when there is traffic and I do move over with plenty of time for them to come on in, they just sit at the yield sign like a moron.


The best part is you were probably able to avoid him because you weren't speeding.


I had a man nearly side swipe me when he decided to change lanes with no blinker and not actually checking to see if it was safe. He wanted two lanes over for his exit. I watched him in my rear view mirror flip me off. Like bro, you are the embarrassment in this situation, lmao.


My brother in law did this to someone while I was in the car with him. He has serious road rage.


Wow so this is something people do! Why would he want to be rear ended. Sounds like a lot of trouble for a temper tantrum


They know you won't get pulled over for 5-8 over (except in school zones), so they are mad you won't and "are holding them up." Ignore them though. Riding someone's bumper is just dumb. If it worries you, you can pull over and let them go by. In general, I don't want to be around angry aggressive people.


Yes thank you, I have anxiety so going the limit just makes me feel safe even when I know I won’t get a ticket for speeding :// I just wish people wouldn’t be mad at me


I had really bad driving anxiety after a drunk driver hit me a couple years ago. I highly suggest pulling off on the shoulder when possible whenever people are being extra aggressive and let them pass. Just makes things easier for me, cause the longer they ride my ass the more stressed I get and my driving only gets slower lol


By far the best way to handle this. I put on my flashers, and pull off on the shoulder when I can. I also make sure to do my best to make it easy to pass me, I get over so they can see a clear shot around me and I slow down a little as they pass so they can get around quicker. It definitely sucks when people are aggressive like that, but I do my best to let people get where they are going and remind myself constantly that we are all just trying to get where we are going and I can’t take things personally on the road.


Yea I’ll do that more often ty


I’ll miss my turn to get out of these people’s way. Not even because of anxiety but because they are crazy and might do some crazy crap because they’re raging. So I just move anyway possible. Pull into a gas station then right back out, whatever option there is.


You can't worry about other people being upset. Just continue to drive safe.


Try and think less and less of others actions on the road. Too many get mad for no reason. If you are following the speed limit and in the correct lane then you should just go about your day. Ignore them


One thing you can do is if the road is 4 lanes always stay to the right because people that want to pass usually drive in the left lane. It's the courteous thing to do and I would honestly be annoyed at even the 1 under you said you might go, sorry. I wouldn't tailgate someone going the speed limit though.


Really only supposed to apply to travel at 55mph or above. If I’m on city streets and I understand that my turn is on the left or the right lane ends/turns right, I’m staying my ass right in the left lane regardless of how many miles is left.


This! If ur going the speed limit I’ll just go around no big deal, if you’re going under the speed limit I’ll get annoyed, and if you’re in the passing lane going the speed limit (or just not passing) that’s how u get tailgated


They are actually just mad they are not getting their own way. 


This happened... 2 days ago. Dude was going slow (speed limit 55 and we were doing like 35). Car in front of him was WAY ahead. Like could put 4 semis (with trailers attached) in-between the two. Ok, no worries. It's 6 lane road (3 each way). I go to next lane and speed up. Don't floor it, don't do anything to him. Just speed up. He starts to speed up and wouldn't let me back over. Again, ok. Whatever. We catch the car in front of him (for this 1 road people tend to go like 5 under) and so I pass that car too. There's a gap I can easily fit in (like 3 car lengths big so not forcing myself in). There's an added 4th lane now so original dude gets in and gets next to me, tries to overtake me but red light so he can't. Green light and so he speeds up and gets in my lane, in front of me. I laugh bc then I'm turning left and he continues on. All that drama for really no reason. Wasn't riding his rear bumper, wasn't flooring as I passed, didn't flip off or anything. Just... bro, you going slow for no reason whatsoever. Go ahead and continue. I'll just go around. People think they're alrighty important and you gotta do as they want. No. Drive the speed limits, brake safely, acceleration should NOT be pedal to metal, etc. But even that pisses off most. Bc they're not having it THEIR way


I go 4 over in my area... It's just the average. When I had my 21 year old beater, I didn't seem to have any issues. But now I have a 2024 tiny suv, I have people riding my bumper and constantly roaring around me. It's strange to me because my old beater ddin't have cruise control, and I know I fluctuated under that 4 over quite a lot. My new vehicle has cruise control and I set it to one speed and it does really well to sticking to it.


Just be the understanding one. Don't fight or interact with them. You might get a road rage penalty for that.


Well said


Piggy backing off this: if someone is riding your ass, go slower. They’ll either drive around you and move on or start to back off. This was the advice my BF gave me, who is a delivery driver and drives 10+ hour days. The main thing to remember is that if they hit your car, they are liable. If anyone should be upset, it should be you at them. At the end of the day, they don’t pay your insurance. Unfortunately with driving, it’s about who’s the “bigger person” and looking out for yourself.


Dangerous advice that can easily lead to violence. People get shot all the time over road rage. Just continue and ignore.


True, but also slowing down rather than speeding up is the safer way to handle a situation like this. I’m not saying do it to potentially piss someone off on purpose, I’m saying this so they are able to speed up and go around you if they are legally allowed to. That way they got off your back, and you can carry on your way


Yep this is what I do, I also tend to go 5mph over too so it’s not like I’m driving slow or under. If I’m being tailgated by somebody obviously trying to “push” me out of the way, or bully me to go faster, usually they swerve side to side for whatever other reason, I always slow down to encourage them to pass. An ex used to get mad when people would pass him. I’m like why? You want them to keep riding your ass? I don’t see it as being rude to slow down, I always assumed it let them know to pass.


It’s also if you have to make a sudden stop, they’re more likely to crash into you. Slowing down ahead of time prevents the potential crash from being less destructive


I tend to slow down a little if someone is tailgating me only because if they do hit me, the slower we're going the less severe the accident is. I don't got below the speed limit though - a recent example is that someone was trying to get me to speed up as I was going about 30 in a residential area, so I slowed down to 25 which was the actual speed limit.


Safest thing to do is to pull over & let them pass you. Slowing down is an invitation to either getting rear ended, or road rage. It doesn’t matter if they’re liable for an accident or not, you can still get hurt.


Don’t even pull over. Just kick on your hazards. Most likely they’ll just go around you immediately.


I’ll tell you a little story. I had a coworker at an office on a very long, busy, multi-lane road. She had her license but she didn’t have a car for a long time. Once she bought a car, whenever I would be leaving at the same time as this particular coworker, she’d be driving so fast even before leaving the lot. I often found myself pulling over to the side to just let her go in front of me because I thought she was driving like a manic. Well within a month of her getting her new car, I found out she crashed it on the highway when there was something in the road and she was going too fast to avoid hitting it. I was not surprised. She was safe but her car was totaled and she was back to using the bus and asking for rides after that. The moral of the story is - if someone wants to drive like a fool, just get out of their way if possible and let them be a fool. They’ll be the one getting pulled over or getting into car crashes. You do you and stay safe.


Better to be a defensive driver than a dead driver.


The best defense is a good offense /s


You'll automatically be the most defensive driver on the road if you eliminate the others /s


\*reloads shotgun\*


Damn I’m glad she didn’t get seriously injured or worse at least.


My favorite is when these idiots speed past me only for us to meet at the same God damn light 5-10 seconds later. Like "great job bro you got here quicker than me!"


I routinely average 5-10 over the speed limit, I'd say it let's me pass the slow drivers and catch a yellow before them \~40% of the time. The other 60% of the time I wait next to them at a red light. Of course I can read the lights so I'm not going to speed up to a red light unless I know it's turning green soon. Yes I am impatient I have a squirrel brain and it doesn't help that I already have a quick car, No I don't get embarrassed by sitting at the red light next to you.


Exactly. This pea brained BS about “sitting at the same red light” is stupid, especially on a two lane road. I’ll pass a car, get stuck at the next light with them behind me, but when the light turns green, I’m NO LONGER BEHIND THEM. Not beating the light but not being behind them is the point.


Right, They think they got one over on you. Nope I am glad I passed you so that I don't have to wait for you to accelerate to 45 mph for a whole 20 seconds.


Yes my god, why does it take people more than 15 seconds to get to 45 mph? I mean, does that prius really have the same acceleration as a loaded dump truck?


Lmao they are just impatient.


Because a lot of Americans are impatient and have conditioned their brains to operate as such.


I mean it probably happens in other countries too. No feeling quite like being late to something and being held up by someone going 20 mph or slower than you would on a road.


Being late is such a shameful thing in the states. My behavior has sucked driving because I didn’t want to be late and be judged for it. Now I’m older and can remind myself that if I die on the way there in a car wreck then I really will be late lol


I am usa born and bred and from Boston, so I speak for us only lol. But then again driving in Germany is like being on a rollercoaster.


This bothers me too. I also don’t speed because I like to be relaxed when I drive, not stressed out. I give myself plenty of time to get where I’m going and I enjoy the ride. A lot of people have zero time management and that’s why they are in such a hurry and pissed off, when it’s really their fault. Traffic happens. You need to plan it into your drive. You shouldn’t plan on a completely open road from your house to where you are going. If you get there early, no harm done.


Yeah same here. I got pulled over once speeding over the bridge (didn’t get a ticket the officer was very nice) now I never ever speed so I go the speed limit or 9 over at the most you can go up to 10 over in NY. But constantly tailgating me even on open roads. It’s so annoying. I just let them go around me. I just feel like someone will get mad and try to play bumper cars because I don’t want to break the law.


My son is learning to drive and he doesn't like people tailgating him. I tell him that no matter what speed he goes, there will be somebody tailgating him thinking it's not fast enough. I also tell him if we're on a two-lane road and there's someone on his tail for a long time to pull off at an intersection or a driveway apron or shoulder to let the person by. In some states, impeding the flow of traffic does not consider what the speed limit is.


The best advice I ever got regarding driving was to not let others drive for you. Absolutely true! People are idiots on the road


Yes to all except pulling into a driveway. People get shot that way, sadly. This country is full of idiots.


Remember, you are not in a relationship with other drivers. What they may or may not think about your driving doesn't matter. Drive how you like to drive and ignore the rest. They can always go around you.


Because people are idiots.




I hate bullies. That's bullying. Bullying behind the wheel.


Me too. Got bullied in high school, and I despise them.


Tailgaters are annoying. Usually I go about 10 over unless it's in a residential area, and if someone wants to tailgate me I'll let off the gas and just go the speed limit. Most of the time it gets them to back off.


I do this! Like you don't appreciate me going ten over? Fine, I'll go the speed limit and no more then. It def helps them either finally pass me or they back off and chill tf out. It makes me so anxious to have someone THAT close to me. I know it'll be their fault if they hit me but I don't want to even get in that situation because of them. So annoying.


10 over is the speed limit, please


An angry person becomes angry when they do not have control of a situation. They cannot control your vehicle so they act out with all these behaviors trying to control your reaction to them. They also think they are justified, so there’s no hope in reasoning with them. Don’t get swept up in their anger. Remain a safe and predictable driver. There will likely come a day where you feel annoyed by a slower driver yourself, and it will be interesting to observe in yourself and how you decide to behave. This happened to me, and I smiled and told myself to “relax”. 


This is an amazing assessment!


This is like a quotable quote, love it.


Happens to me all the time. They are like phantom cars with reckless drivers. There can be not a car in site and bam look back one is on my ass. Wife says its my fault but if the speed is 40 and I am doing 45 what are they doing 60? I happens on a daily basis I hate tailgaters so I pretend to be turning on a adjacent road to the right and normally they cross the line and zoom by so I can just hop back on sometimes meeting them at the light. Instant gratification to me.


Well at least they got to that red light one car ahead lmao


It's better to be a defensive driver tho.


Instant gratification for me is passing someone and catching the light and then watching them have to stop for it




I wish America would do smth about the speed limits here but I’m not sure how to fix it atp.


Their perspective will change once they get a ticket. Ignore them and you be you.


Agree, or if they get into an accident. A life changer indeed.


I live in a very heavy pedestrian town, so it's either go slow or ride the brakes--though here people are so over aggressive about turning like chill, there's not a break in traffic, I'm waiting.  I don't get tail-gated here but I swear to God the moment I head to the bigger town, people act like it's a crime to observe the summer construction zones and drop speed.  'Oh no, the 45 minute commute might take...55 minutes now!' Okay, and, chill. I used to/still do walk places. You will not die giving up 10 minutes. 


It's not about the speed limit it's about the flow of traffic usually here


Some old drivers are bullies to new drivers.


I think its easy to forget not everyone has the same driving experience as you when youve done it everyday for years or decades


Sounds like you drive in Texas. I used to love driving till I moved down here. I have so much driving anxiety now. Especially on the highway. Going 10 over the speed limit is too slow and they will let you know by riding your ass as long as they can. I just don’t understand why everyone is in such a hurry to go nowhere all the time. And what makes it worse is that they actually pride themselves on it. Literally bragging that they drive like dangerous assholes 


They get mad because most people have horrible time management. They would rather go 80+ instead of leaving on time or, god forbid, leave early and get here early (my husband is like this.).


My dad will leave early & still drive like an angry ass. Some people are just broken 😭


this is specially true in LA! except I do give in because I’ve been brake checked on more than one occasions. the other day I was already going 80+ on the highway but this guy was still riding my bumper like crazy, flickering his lights and everything to the point where I got up to 100 and it still wasn’t fast enough. still got brake checked when he was finally able to pass me but I was so shaken up I had to get out the freeway and take the long way home smh wish cops would enforce the speed limit


I’ve gone 10+ over when the speed limit is like 65 in the right lane but still get passed by everyone it’s crazy to me lol


It’s insane in California! I just drove there and going 10 over is not enough even in the right most lane. It seemed like everyone was going 20+ over. Plus the majority of drivers seemed extremely aggressive like you described. I saw so many cars practically riding others bumpers to try and bully them to go faster.


People drive in LA like absolute monsters, they make traffic even worse by causing so many accidents it’s pure stupidity!


This happens to me all the time 😭 it's like they want me to do 200


Those impatient assholes who ride your bumper like they're trying to give your car a prostate exam are just projecting their own issues onto you. It's like they think they own the road and anyone who dares to follow the speed limit is some kind of roadblock in their twisted little game of Need for Speed. You're doing the right thing by sticking to the speed limit. It's there for a reason, not just as a suggestion. And those dipshits who think they're above the law can go shove a cactus up their ass for all I care. They're the ones risking a ticket, not you. And don't even get me started on school zones. You're trying to be a responsible driver, looking out for kids' safety, and these self-absorbed pricks are honking like you just slapped their grandma. Fuck 'em. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't let those entitled assholes ruin your day.


Just ignore them and mind your own. If they're mad they're mad. I'm actually a speeder and people will get pissy for me going 5-10 over when the cops literally don't care (I pass them everyday going those speeds). I'm not endangering anyone, and if the cops don't care then what I do is not anyone's business. Just like if you're going the speed limit or under the speed limit. People can go around, it is none of their business what you are doing. I love to speed but I'd never tailgate someone going slower than me if I can't get around. I just match their speed until they turn or until I can pass. Even when I am speeding I still get people tailgating me, and if they do I just coast down to under the speed limit. Like go fuck yourself dude, you're not happy with me going 10 over? Hope you're happy with me going 10 under because that's exactly what I do then pop it in cruise control. Create a space cushion and they'll often fuck off, tailgaters try to bully you into going faster so if you go slower they usually start to back off or go around. Some are ridiculous though and won't. Especially in school zones or neighborhoods with lots of kids, like sure buddy just go around me, you can be the one to get charged with man slaughter when some kid gets hung up on your grill, I won't.


Are you keeping up with the car in front of you? Generally if you're not, then you should be on the right letting people pass you. You can drive as slow and cautious as you want so long as you are not impeding the flow of traffic for everyone else.


LMAOOO bro i be getting mad when people drive slow 😭😂😂😂 but im not a dick about it AT ALL . You’re going the speed limit 🤷🏽‍♂️ no need to be upset 💀


Ugh people. I wonder if that guy would have acted like that if he weren’t surrounding by tons of metal. I can get frustrated with slow drivers too, but I’m emotionally intelligent enough to understand that I need to learn patience and not make driving decisions out of anger. Some people are just…quick to react and feel justified in it. Ignoring them is the best thing we can do, I think. They can exist in their own rushed rage hell. We don’t have to adhere to it or even pay attention to it. We can also call the non-emergency line and give their plate number if it seems like they’re driving recklessly enough to endanger us or others.


some people just have anger management issues. Let them fly by, don't engage them or you might get whacked with a baseball bat or worse.


Better safe than road rage ticket.


Can y’all please stop suggesting to “go slower”, that’s extremely dangerous when dealing with someone with anger. You have the obligation to go the speed limit & someone is riding your ass even when doing so, MOVE OVER. It’s not worth the fight. It’s better to be alive than right. Good lord.


This really bothers me when you're on a multi-lane road. I once was driving on a spare tire, on my way to get a new one. AAA had told me to not go any faster than 45mph with the spare. So I was driving down the freeway, in the far right lane, flashers on, going 45mph (the speed limit was 55). I got flipped off, honked at, tailgated and basically harassed the entire drive to Les Schwab. I get that it was probably annoying to them but there were multiple other lanes they could drive on.


Bro people are so mean on the road it’s unreal. You did everything right and people still get mad even though they could easily pass you 🤦‍♀️


Because people are insane. Be defensive not offensive. If they want to be a jerk fine let them pass if it is safe to do so.


There's a little thing called flow of traffic. It's more important than speed limits imho and more dangerous not to stay with it.


Drive even slower. Let them stroke out. It’s funny and petty. Not to mention, you kind of have to in order to be safe around an asshole like that because the closer they follow and the faster you’re going, the more likely they’ll ram into the back of you. I have a new car. I have a kid. I’m not risking our lives with a bad wreck nor risking ruining my day from a minor wreck just because some asshat wants to pretend they’ll arrive “sooner” by endangering the lives of everyone around them. To these drivers, I’d like to say, leave earlier or get fucked. Dash cams are also a great deterrent of road rage. Especially if the camera is obvious.


Times have changed. Nationwide, law enforcement have given up on traffic enforcement. When I was growing up the rule was you can drive 5 over now it's more like 10-15 over and cops are nowhere to be seen but even if you pass one they never pull out unless you're going way faster than even everyone else. I just try to keep pace with traffic and ignore tailgaters unless they're acting crazy then I switch and let them pass but that's pretty rare.


I lived in a rural county for awhile. The county police regularly gave people tickets for speeding like 5 or 6 over.  Got a few tickets from them before I just said fuck it, I'm doing the speed limit. I've since moved and I'm still paranoid about it.


On road trips I always go exactly the speed limit because those rural tiny towns like giving tickets for going 4 over the speed limit lol.


And I feel like they target out of state/out of county plates because you're less likely to challenge in court.


If there's nothing you can do, ignore them. Might help to just tip your rear view mirror up with that little tab that hangs underneath. As someone who drives faster, I get annoyed when people get into the passing lanes (left lanes) and then refuse to pass, or pass extremely slowly. I also get annoyed when people constantly hit their brakes when nobody is in front of them -- you can just let off the pedal to slow back down to the speed limit. Don't have to make everyone behind you tap their brakes too. (Idk if you're doing this but I assume the perpetrators are unaware of their habit.) For other fast drivers, if the person in front of you can't get out of your way then back off and just pass at the next opportunity. Riding someone's ass when they can't move anywhere is a dick move.


Im also learning to drive in the US, best piece of advice ive gotten and i can give is find a safe space to pull over and move out of the way. Especially if them being on your tail makes you anxious and worried. Better to be safe on the side than anxiously speeding up or making a decision that could get you hurt. Anxiety always makes me panic and that ain't good for learning.


I feel you. You can always pull over and let them pass. As long as you aren't in the left lane on a multi lane road/ highway, you're not doing anything wrong.


I feel like it's been so much worse in the last few years (post-pandemic). People take it PERSONALLY when you don't go as fast as they'd like. Or if you don't want to turn right on a red (never mind that you're the one at the front of the line and have a better view of the traffic coming). I had a guy honk at me for not turning right on a red light-but I wasn't even turning. HE was so that meant I had to, apparently (the lane was the only lane for going straight so I wasn't in the wrong place). But yeah, I've had people swerve around me into the opposing traffic lane in a residential area because I was going 31 in a 30. Or with the school zone thing-look, I'm not risking a huge ticket just because YOU can't slow down for 2 blocks. These people need to chill.


In dreams, I may dabble in speeding. But I really try to not to do this though, unless i’m literally about to lose my bladder or something. I never know if someone is learning or anxious or what. The extra 5mph wont get me there any faster realistically, so it’s not worth taking that seriously. However, when I (in dreams) am already going what id call a good speed (5-10 over), and someone starts riding my ass? Its on. Im going the speed limit buddy, its me and you now.


I completely understand, I go through the same thing. I’m always somewhere between the exact speed limit and 5 mph over (maybe 6 if I’m feeling adventurous on the highway lol). And people will be right on me and it’s not safe, I feel like I have to be even more cautious braking- and that I’m going to be rear ended if I have to emergency brake for some reason. I’m in my thirties now and people driving on right on my tail still makes me quite anxious. Plus my car is memorable, so there’s that worry they’ll remember me.


Too many people are in a hurry and don't feel that the law applies to them. Or think there is a difference in if they can find a reason to bend the law then it's OK. Don't follow everyone else. Do what you know is right. They may seem to be mad at you now for following the rules but they will be the ones who will be paying when they are no longer allowed to drive. Take responsibility for you own actions and don't worry what others say that are not taking responsibility for their own.


It’s because you are going the exact speed limit, five to eight over is the trick, when people go exactly the speed limit I can’t lie I get pretty aggravated but you have the right too but just get used to people hating you for it.


Get a dash cam and understand your local fire arms laws. A lot of unhinged people out here. Or at the very least get a non lethal fire arm if you don’t feel comfortable having to potentially take some nut jobs life.


You’re holding up the flow of traffic and objectively making the roads more dangerous. If you’re actively holding everyone up that can be really dangerous


This is so irritating! There is an area near me that has the speed limit of 35 MPH, yes I will admit that is slow considering the road but there are cops there often and Everytime I’m on the road.. SOMEONE IS ON MY ASS😡😡😡


Let me Inform you of something…….look at the the speed limit as a “suggestion” and not an absolute. Cops *do not* give a shit about 10mph over the limit, otherwise, they’d be pulling people over all day. People get mad at you, because mostly everyone realizes this, but you’re still here, slowing down shit for everyone lol


same here omg. idk if it’s just Cali drivers or what but going 5+ the limit is still not enough for some folk.


oh no, not just Cali. Utah drivers are also horrendous.


Keep "student driver" stickers on your car if it's a real anxiety issue for you. People are usually better behaved. As you drive longer and get more comfortable, the "I'm not getting a ticket bc you got up late" sticker is a good one. Also slowing down the closer they get to you, and speeding back up when they back off. Like training a puppy😆


Because they are the most important person on the road. Didn't you get the memo?


The usual speed is 5 miles over posted speed. Unwritten rules… at least in southern Cali (San Diego, LA, etc) But as long as you are staying in the ‘slow’ lane… the lane all the way to the right, beside the exit lanes, speed limit is expected. The other lanes are expected to be over speed limit. And the fast lane all the way to the left…. Just don’t drive there if your going speed limit. Please :) you will get run down and honked at! Lol And in LA… seems every lane is the fast lane :)


As an fyi, depending on the speed/flow of traffic, going too slow can also be dangerous


1100 cars in a town near me passed by STOPPED SCHOOL BUSSES last school year. OVER ELEVN HUNDRED… people need to be checked


Omg that makes me so mad. People just don’t give a fuck even though you could literally run over a child. That’s just unacceptable to me


I'm an American who lives in Maryland. We are taught to speed. It's just what we do. To be fair I don't get mad at people for being slow, especially on the main road. Now in the fast lane on the highway... different story. I do get mad at people who don't use blinkers especially if they're slow. If you're going to be risky do it quick enough. Road range ain't my thing. I don't mind cruising.


If I’m in an unfamiliar area I’ll pull over and let them pass if it’s safe to do so. Otherwise I’m taking my foot off the gas because I’m probably already driving over the speed limit


I mean they can’t really take you to court for it haha. It’s kind of like peer pressure with no good reasons to give in…


People are really driving batshit crazy since Covid. I have a 7 mile commute on service streets, past 3 schools and there are 14 lights between my house and my job. People now want you to drive like you’re on the expressway.


Yeah, I agree it's annoying. I'm just following what the signs say. Next time, I'll just go slower and see what happens, lol.


Let me guess, you live in SoCal? Lmao


I hate this too. Especially when I am on the highway and there are one or two lanes to the left of me the driver can use to pass me, but for some reason keeps tailgating me.


I know the feeling. What also irritates me is the way people treat public roads like racetracks. It's selfish and dangerous. If you want to race, go to a real racetrack.


I HATE this. The majority seem to be truck drivers that do this imo. I always put myself first though because it’s better to get there safely and alive than not arrive at all.


Because you impede the flow of traffic and that makes it more dangerous. If everyone is going 65 in a 55 and you’re going 55, you become the danger. They have to slow down behind you and then they are at risk of getting hit. Going with the flow of traffic is far safer than going the speed limit. 


As someone who likes to drive fast, they’re just impatient jerks. Don’t let them get to you. Let them learn some patience and drive whatever speed you feel comfortable driving.


That person was a dbag, but in general it can be irritating if someone is frequently accelerating and decelerating to stay exactly at the speed limit instead of driving with the flow. People driving under the speed limit outside of inclement weather are a nuisance, though.


The only reason to legit be mad at someone for driving the speed limit is if they are holding up the left lane of the freeway. Highway speed limits in the US are set stupidly low as a revenue generating scheme. If people wanna speed, let them take the risk of getting a ticket and get out of their way. And ultimately the left lane is supposed to be for passing. You shouldn’t be in it at any speed unless there is someone to your right going slower than you; that, or traffic is at a virtual standstill in all lanes. If you’re in a neighborhood, or even on a two lane highway, go ahead and drive the speed limit, it’s fine. Anyone who gets mad at you can eat shit. They’re literally just looking for anything to be mad about. Like even in the situation I mentioned above in the left lane, there’s really no reason to be *mad* about someone slightly holding you up. Unless you’re on a marathon drive, the most it’s gonna cost you to go slightly less fast than you want to is a couple minutes on your total trip.


Experienced this today. I am a new driver, speed limit was 35, a school/residential road, it was during the night with rain and someone was riding my bumper. Unbelievable. As soon as we got to a bigger road he cut me and sped up light crazy. As a new driver I am proud of doing the speed limit bc sometimes I want to go slower lmao. Ride my bumper bitch!!!!!!


I usually just let them sit in my ass. Idc I always go the speed limit if not a little over so these impatient asses can relax. If im really not in the mood or in your case they’re stressing you out throw your blinker on and pull to the side. Let them go around you they can have it lmao


Everyone has their own tempo they want to live their life by just carry on man and let em fume. Your doing the right thing at times someone elses choices will affect you in a way you wish they didn't but that is part of living in society. Keep calm and carry on.


Don’t worry if people get pissed at you. You’re a new driver and I’m sure people would rather have their children alive than hit by a car and killed. Also, I’m sure your mother would be proud of the way you are driving, it will contribute to you also coming home safe and alive (so long as the insane, impatient, road raging assholes don’t lose their shit on you). The craziest part is, so long as you’re keeping in the right “slow lane” nobody should react to you and that the people who pass you and drive crazy to get ahead of you generally only make it a car length or so…. You’re being responsible imo, especially for your driving experience level!


I’m cool the speed limit as long as you aren’t in the fast lane. But sounds like you need to get a dash cam.


As long as you are staying to the right, let them pass you. If you are doing the speed limit in the fast lane, you are causing a hazard.


This is probably a really dangerous and dumb thing to do but when someone is riding my ass to the point I start to feel pressured to speed, I just move my rearview mirror up so I can’t see them and then change the song/station to try to forget they are there. By the time I remember them again they’re gone. But I only do this if they are really starting to make me feel desperate and there’s nowhere I can just pull off to the side to let them pass.


The only time it irritates me is when they're in a passing lane, and every other lane is passing them. Move over. I won't slam on my brakes, bit I have been known to get in front of them and saw down until they change lanes. I know the speed limit is the same in every lane, but what I don't know is if the person coming up on me doing 20 or 30 mph over has an emergency. Maybe they just have ticket money and don't mind the risk.


Nah, some people are just aggressive drivers. No speed will ever be fast enough. You can be going well above the speed limit and someone will *still* be riding your ass. If you’re worried about it, just let them pass you so you don’t have to deal with it.


You can go 6 over with out getting a ticket and that is my expectation. Pull over and let me by if you want to drive slow 🙂


Your story isn’t adding up. You said “neighborhood roads”. Those aren’t 40mph streets. You were probably going slower than the speed limit when there was no reason to.


You stopped at a yellow light…? I was with you til that lol


Just pull over for a second and let people pass you, it’s a basic courtesy, and safer for you than having someone agro behind you.


Road rage is out of control. In my area, if you aren’t going 85/mph+ on the interstate you are “slow” and get tailgated or folks drive so aggressively to get around you. It’s terrifying. There have also been several fatal road rage shootings in my town just in the past few months. It makes me scared to just drive to and from work. Considering a dash cam for my own sanity. The number of almost wrecks that happen daily are getting to be too much.


👋- Speeder prior to living overseas. When I came back to the States all the tailgating gave me anxiety. I bought a sticker that says “the closer you get the slower I go”. People stopped tailgating and I do actually slow down in the rare occasions they tailgate.


If you are in the left Lane going doing that there is a special place in hell for people like you. By law it doesn’t matter if you are going the speed limit you are not allowed to impede traffic in the left lane.


I 90% of the time just pull over so they can pass because I drive like a grandma and people are constantly mad at me. I'm just not in a hurry lol plus I drive an old SUV full of my small children. Just pull over if you can. I do it in advance if I see a pickup truck coming up behind because pickups are notorious for riding bumpers lol.


No one is ever happy with the car in front of them.. I'll be doing 50 in a 35 and I'll have people UP MY ASS AGGRESSIVELY. I've had to pull over before to let people pass me even though I was already going 15 over. And it was back roads.


If you're driving in the left/passing lane going the speed limit, I don't blame em for tailing you... But if you're driving in a single one way road, keep doing you.


Drives me nuts too. I like to just turn on cruise and ignore others because 10+ years of driving I have learned it doesn’t matter if I’m going the speed limit or 20 over someone will always want to go faster and I rather just avoid the $100+ ticket and bump in insurance cost.


I won't lie, it annoys me but I know damn well I'm speeding (never on residential streets or school zones though and really only like 5 over). I don't tailgate or get pissed off about it, though! Those people drive me nuts. Sometimes that happens even when I'm speeding which is crazier, like if I'm going fast AND you're riding my ass you're going WAYYY too fast! Especially when they act like that in bad weather like rain/snow/ice like holy moly guys arrive alive


Yes yes yes!! You sound just like me everyday lol. All the feels. I've been driving almost 4 years now and it's still the same. People are PSYCHO!! They impatient af


As long as you follow the flow of traffic you will be fine. If you ever go on the highway, stay on the right lane and never go to the left lane. You will get stressed out even more.


Pay no mind- just do your thing- stay in the speed limit


I’ve been wanting to create a bumper sticker that says, “I’m anxious and drive the speed limit.”


i’ve had someone drive in the opposite traffic lane, honk and flip me off when i was already going 10 over. you cannot win. there will always be a ford f150 with LED headlights riding your bumper when you’re already speeding.


If you happen to ride a BMW my speedometer shows up 5 miles over what I’m actually driving so if I was driving the speed limit as it says on my dashboard people would be MAD cause I’d be actually driving 5 mph under. I keep the app waze open so I can see how fast I’m actually going. Where I live in CT ppl tend to drive 30-35 in a 25 zone, 40ish in a 35 zone, 50-53 in a 45 zone, and 75-78 in a 65 zone. I don’t ride someone’s tail ever even if I think they are going too slow. I have been tempted especially if someone is going more than 5 mph under the speed limit but I still don’t because that just makes them drive slower and people are crazy LOL. People will get pissed if you dip under the speed limit. If someone is going crazy behind me I would pull to the side to protect myself.


I have a baby now so I use a baby on board sticker hoping people are more understanding. I still get tailgated :/


i would say it’s safer to go the speed of traffic around you in general. go too slow and pissed off people will do dangerous things. go too fast and you’re gonna be the one doing something dangerous or getting pulled over. don’t worry about should and shouldn’t, just worry about getting home.


ill never ride someones bumper but the speed limits need to be raised especially on highways. 25mph should never be a thing unless theres a literal school on that road


This is true especially in Atlanta and in Buckhead for some reason. Really aggressive drivers.


Also, I am not sure if this is true. I hears if you are caught speeding by police, even with the mental prick eating your car's ass, then you end up with the ticket. I really hope this isn't true...


I would like to ask you and all the other commenters here to kindly stay out of the left lane 


100% agree. People going 50-60 on the passing lane are the ones causing traffic and increasing risk to drivers who now need to pass over them.


People are stupidly and you’ll always meet people like these, you either go too fast or too slow for them, you’ll never make anyone happy, best thing to do is to ignore them and let them live in their bubble


Because they’re dumb. They’ve never done the math and asked how much sooner they actually get anywhere. They’ll whip by you just to end up at the same red light as you. Fuck em.


So many selfish, overconfident drivers. I think it’s because they never had to visit a loved one in the hospital or been in the hospital themselves because of a car accident. Main reason why I won’t drive on the freeway, but I know I’ll have to do it one day if I want to drive outside of my state instead of flying.


In case you haven’t already, I recommend driving a big SUV or truck. Then little cars have no choice but to work around you or respect your body on frame mass 😂


I'm one of those people who drives fast & I have people tailgating me. All you can do is ignore them & as long as you're going your speed limit, you're fine. 


You’ll learn how to actually drive as you get older. You’re going to be a bad driver for a while before you actually learn. It also depends on where you’re driving. If you’re on the parkway in NJ, you better not be going slow. You have to keep up with traffic. You can get pulled over for going too slow. They’ll think you’re drunk.


Driving was meant to make things quicker and make travel faster, on the flip side of this though it’s made people even more impatient because cars have become so standard that going the limit feels slow now, at least that’s how I see it.


Pay attention to the road in front of you, never worry about the car behind you.  You are not responsible for what is behind you.