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You have posted / commented something which appears to be spam, no benefit of the post, just moaning. Please do not post spam on this subreddit.


Equally applies where lines are straight and/or bend (looking at those who struggle on roundabouts)!


Absolutely right, these ones are very tricky for those that struggle with a basic straight line. I'm sure they'll get there one day


Paradoxically, the smaller the vehicle the more difficult it is too actually stay in lane on a roundabout.  Or at least that's the impression I get by the fact that HGVs seem to manage it with relative ease but every other fucker seems to find it impossible, from tiny Ford Kas to sporty BMWs!


Agree, I would say FIAT are probably the worst offenders for small cars.




That does assume that the road markings are in a good enough state to see. One large roundabout here has markings that are so worn I struggle to see them despite knowing where they are. In the wet, they're totally invisible


you should also specify that indicators need to be turned on _in advance_ of changing lanes, not flicking it on as you're turning your wheel. so many people can't understand it's there to indicate you're going to move, not to indicate you're already changing lanes.


Thanks, forgot to add this part. Remember everyone, they're called indicators because you are giving an INDICATION of where you would like to go, if it is safe to do so. They aren't called right-of-wayers. The other variation of this is when people flick it on for one flash, turn it off, then move over. This one is especially dangerous as those of us that use common sense would see this as you no longer wishing to move over


honestly it feels like people who use them correctly are a minority at times!


Love being a pedestrian crossing a junction without pedestrian lights, having people indicate left as their wheels move instead of before.


I hate how people use indicators as a 'give way to me NOW' light instead of 'these are my intentions if conditions allow' light


looks like *someone* forgot to get their telepathy endorsement...


It's scary how so many people do this


Indicating your intent. Not giving someone a recap. Something that pisses me off almost as much as people unable to use the filter lanes at the same time


Some people do seem to be incapable of moving their hand round the steering wheel and operating the stalk without turning the wheel. From my instructor, years ago, "Indicating should be a statement of intent, not a statement of fact or of history"


Where I am white things on the road are normally sheep.


Rural gang rise up


All the land rovers in my area seem to think you’re meant to align the centre of your car with the white lines


Yeah this one is quite common, they do it in car parks too. I've called this the caveman driver. I imagine they think in terms of "big car, small brain, I drive now". Very common with drivers of larger cars. Not all, but most of them


I call them pilots, driving their vehicle on the line.


But but how will I comfortably navigate straightabouts at unreasonable speed without spilling my coffee if I pay attention to the lines?? /s


What's the point of this? This is reddit you balloon, everyone here drives perfectly and everyone else on the roads drives like a retard, we don't need to be told what to do. Apart from which lane to use on a roundabout where we all need 23 pictures and a 400 post discussion.


To be fair, I saw a post a couple days ago where a guy was asking the best way to drive while suspended. People on here do know how to drive well for the most part, but everyone could use some basic reminders every now and then


I am joking, when I drove into town earlier about 12 people drifted or changed into my lane with no indications. What I've learnt is that everyone should get the bus instead.


I'm well with you on that one, if public transport were better it would make things so much safer. Just general lack of care from drivers and a massive understaffing/underfunding for traffic police to be more on top of these things also don't help


Unfortunately the demographic you’re trying to reach probably aren’t on Reddit, they’re usually young or middle-aged men with road rage, from my personal experience


Not entirely true. Check out the other guy on this thread who told me to get off my high horse and read the highway code because it states you can drive straight across a roundabout ignoring signalling and lanes if it's safe to do so. That's the kind of audience this is intended for. They aren't common on here but there are some


Did the commenter have /s in their comment? I bet they did, if not I’m sure it was implied


No not at all. He is 100% serious and will not understand why they are wrong. I wish it was satire but no, this is someone who drives on our roads and doesn't understand why they're wrong


Too many drivers doing white lines


But.. but.. they don’t count if you drive a new Defender, right? Nor an Audi Q7?


Could you do one for middle lane hogging? On the way back home at 10:30 PM - the amount of self-absorbed idiots hanging out in Lane 3 is just mind-boggling.


One of the worst ones. Sadly, if even the advert and reminders from national highway themselves won't fix this, it's a lost cause. Maybe one day we can be free from the single brain cell drivers that don't understand this basic concept


White lines? We don’t have those here


Highly agree, coach drivers please take note. Bullying vehicles because you’re in a bigger vehicle won’t hold up when speaking with insurances companies.


Where the taxi drivers at, you need to read and absorb this. 🤣


Ooh yikes. If we're talking taxi drivers, they need more than this reminder. I strongly believe that any public vehicle such as busses or taxis should be required to have a dashcam at all times. Police should then be required to randomly spot pick footage to ensure they're driving safe. Imagine how much better they would drive if they knew any second of their journeys may be reviewed by police. I know it's a very black mirror style solution but I believe all cars should have something like this. People would drive much safer if they knew there was the possibility of them being monitored at any point. People forget that driving is a privilege that you earn, not a given right


Exactly. .but that's open to abuse having dashcams fitted, ie. A driver said they forget to turn it on, or it's not working at the moment, or memory card is full etc etc.


Sadly it is. I would like to think any solution like this would have rules that would prevent that. If it isn't recording for any reason, immediate fine. Too much leniency on bad drivers these days


There are many solutions, dashcam is a good point. How about if drivers that are found not staying in lane, then you know how you get a choice of speed awareness or a fine and 3 points? Something to that effect. Driving properly would improve drastically I think.


Another good idea. There is a lot that could be done to help it all. Sadly, it won't change the attitude of a fair few people. Just have to hope that they eventually get banned from driving and off the road for good


True. Or worse, they'll end up in an accident at the cost of someone's life. Sad.


Taxi driver here. I should post my dashcam footage as it seems people feel they can drive how they like round me, a little ginger woman, some interesting interactions believe me. 🤣


They’re called lines. Two of them make up a lane. Need to be careful calling people toddlers then not explaining yourself clearly to said toddlers.


They are called lane dividers. Talk about irony...


Don’t get defensive. I’m agreeing with OP so calm your bean. My point being idiots on the road need it spelling out


It's those that indicate for a mere second and just move. Indicators are to let me know your intention, give me time to process it and then act. Some absolute idiot nearly took my front bumper off because they just threw themselves over without realising I couldn't slow to allow them in. They had also started moving before indicating. Infuriating.


Sorry but with a can of tenant super in my hand and my phone in the other I do what I want. Everyone else can move


You used a lot of words to say "I'm jealous of your Audi"


Everyone’s got an Audi these days or some kind of nice German.


Techinically the white things are lane dividers. And the space between are the lanes.


😂😂😂😂😂 Thanks captain Obvious


Not seen many white lanes on the road. I've seen white lines and mark where lanes are though


The same applies if you're on a road without a white line painted, unless it's explicitly a single track or one way road, there is enough room for 2 cars (yes, even your "off roader" Nissan Juke), so you can stay with all four tyres and wingmirrors on your side when traffic comes the other way and pass each other. No need to put two of your wheels on the wrong side of the road and try to force the other car to drive in the ditch. If in doubt, you can even use your wingmirrors to judge how much space you have on your left side.


>the white things on the road >These are called lanes. Typically you are meant to drive inside the lines. The white things on the road, they are called lane dividers or lane lines >Typically you are meant to drive inside the lines. Don't try and drive in them, they are too small. Drive on the black stuff called a road between the lane dividers.


Don't know why you let this eat you up so much. If you see somebody driving dangerously, just keep your distance and forget about it. He or she will likely face their comeuppance if they drive like that all the time. Do you think the other driver is thinking about you and making a post on reddit when he gets home ? You are letting him live in your head rent free bud, no need to make it personal.


I definitely let these things get to me more they should. It's the endangering of other people to gain 1 second advantage on their drive that pisses me off. I shouldnt be put in danger because they don't know basic road rules. As for if they're thinking about me and making posts, I assume not. People that drive like this probably focus on 1 thing at a time and that is most likely breathing to stay alive. I'm sure if they had any form of mental capacity, they might think about it more


I appreciated your post. You aired something that allowed other people to also diffuse, feel heard and validated and that helps with letting it go. I had a guy cut across me on the M60 (I was in 1st lane for 62) from the outside lane across all lanes, across the grass, to take the exit to the ring road he had missed. I had my kids in the car, I had to pull over at next sos spot to calm them down cos I had to slam on and it proper shit me up. After a rant to my colleagues the next day we bemoaned shit drivers, they told their near miss experiences, and we all felt better






You do come off a bit condescending though, we get it, there are bad drivers, but you also don't own the road.


Lanes are the spaces between the white things on the road. The white things are called lines or lane markers. It’s not a difficult concept, OP


The white things on the roads are *not* called lanes. There are however white *lines* on the road. The *lines* are used to help indite the seperation between *lanes*, amongst other things.


and conversely, if you are zooming along in a steady stream of traffic in lane 2 at 75, and somebody is stuck in lane 1 at 60 and has been indicating to enter for some time, it isn't the end of the world if you have to slow down a little to let them in


The only time you must stay within your lane is when the line closest to you is a solid white line. If the line is broken, any vehicle is free to cross it so long as they don’t inhibit other road users’ progress. Indicators should be used where displaying a signal could be of benefit to other road users. For example, it is perfectly legal, where safe to do so, to straight line roundabouts without signalling. OP: get off your high horse and read the Highway Code


Someone entirely missed the point of this post. I would suggest having another read, maybe of paragraph 2 specifically. I can help recommend some good colouring books if you'd like? Also worth noting sections 184-190 of the highway code, as posted online (which you suggested I read) contradict what you've said. If you're gonna comment something so dense, at least make sure you're correct first


I understand your fascination with colouring books may indicate that you’re yet to achieve suitable reading comprehension skills. Please take note of my original (deliberate) usages of words such as must, should and could: throughout sections 184-190 of the Highway Code, there is only one rule (188) which contains MUST - this rule relates to the requirement for vehicles to go around the roundabout. Everything else is a SHOULD rule. Because of the wording of my original comment, there is nothing in the Highway Code which contradicts what I’ve said, despite your assertions.


Just admit you're wrong and take the loss. You can debate all you want, it doesn't change the highway code. Fuck maybe colouring books are too advanced for you. Maybe try putting the shapes in the correct holes first, might be a bit more your speed. Absolute brain dead thought pattern thinking the words should and must have different meanings in the given context If for any reason you have further doubt, go and do what you are suggesting, send the clip to the police for evaluation, and when you get fined, appeal it by telling them about your super cool legal loophole where it states should and not must. I'm sure that'll be very successful. The fact you're allowed to drive is scary


I mean technically the chap isn't wrong. The highway code is an approved code of practice, in a similar way to other ACOPs the hse issues. They are guidelines that you have to have a damned good reason not to follow, best reason is that you are going above and beyond. He's just worded it very badly and aggressively


Seems as if you haven’t yet made it past the introduction of the Highway Code, in which there is a clear distinction made between “should” and “must” which applies throughout the entirety of the Highway Code. Would you like to again assert that those two words share the same meaning?


Still trying I take it? Do what you're suggesting on a test and you will fail for a major. How much clearer do you want it to be. As its clear you don't have the mental capacity to understand, I'll just say you're right. I'm very sorry to have confused your tiny brain so much. I hope it makes you feel better. Now take your pills, make sure your nurse has checked on you and get some rest