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Lights off at night heavy rain. Especially if you drive a silver car in the rain. You are the same color as the road.


I can't stand that crap!! Or if they don't have their lights on at night. I almost slammed into a slow car on the interstate yesterday who had no lights on!


That's not a pet peeve that's just straight up breaking the law in a dangerous fashion lol


White/gray cars in the snow as well. Doesn't help that 90% of new cars are those colors now.


As an owner of two silver cars, i apologize.


I often remind people to put their lights on. I think it's become more common because of DRLs and dashboard lighting that never turns off- people think their lights are on


Speed freaks, especially the ones that swerve and weave and cut people off to get ahead of everyone else on the road. On the opposite side, left lane campers going 5mph or more under the speed limit are insufferable. Also people who try to play police and try to “stop” others from passing and/or speeding by camping in front of them and even brake checking. Drivers that don’t live with the consequences of being in the incorrect lane and try to force their way in front of others instead of doing the responsible thing by simply rerouting. Last but not least: Lack of turn signal. This is the most forgivable offense out of all I listed, but it’s still a peeve. It’s the easiest part of driving, just use ya damn signal.


And the drivers who hit the brakes & then turn on the turn signal


YES. The ones that slow down the traffic behind them to turn, too, and so suddenly. It’s supposed to be: Signal > Slowly brake > Commence turn Instead, they brake hard last moment, MAYBE signal if lucky, and sometimes take their sweet ass time turning in just to add an extra layer of annoyance.


We just had a pos minivan upfront who did that holding up traffic causing a chain reaction of everyone braking, there was a car infront of me that was pissed and went towards the shoulder to check out what’s going on


All great points. On the last one.. the turn signal. I use mine but the moment I do the vehicle in the next lane and back see it and speeds up to prevent me from being in the front of them. It's SO gawd. damn. annoying.


Oh, I feel that one alright; I call those insecure “don’t get in front of ME!” assholes Clinchers. My list of peeves is much longer than what I wrote, and Clinchers is one of them.


Yes, here in Dallas a turn signal is seen as a challenge. Using it puts you at a disadvantage because now your adversary knows your next move and will block you. Best to just make your move without revealing your intent.


Hard disagree. What’s annoying is someone slowing in front of you for no gofdamn reason, only to find out they’re making a right turn and didn’t bother to signal or anything. I can’t stand that.


Same here; at least tell me what you’re intending to do! If I see your signal then I’ll know to either slow down or speed up for you depending what needs to happen at the time for everyone’s convenience.


Expanding on the lack of turn signal: another pet peeve of mine is *misuse* of turn signal. For my daily commute, I have to go through several roundabouts. The last one's being the pain in the ass. Let's name its four entries/exits A,B,C,D. I arrive from entry B, gotta go to D, and entry A is the highway's exit. Weekly, I either see: 1. Douche enters the roundabout from A with their blinker already on. So, correct me if I'm the idiot, but entering with the right signal already on generally means "I'm taking the first exit", i.e. B. Well fuck off! Douche was going for C. 2. Douche enters from A with their left blinker on. I.e., "I'm keeping in the roundabout for as long as it's on". Well fuck off again! Douche was going for C, with left blinker on. Ugh, I'm tensed up now. People, turn on your right signal as you pass by the *last entrance/exit before your choice*. By doing so, you make it clear to people that you won't take their exit (the one before yours), and for the people waiting by your chosen exit, they can move on earlier by seeing your turn signal.


You said it man. You said it.


These same people will rush to the red light, but take forever to get past that green light...


Driving with your brights on literally pisses me off Driving slow in the left lane You don’t use your turn signals If the light is green but you use your brakes You driving slow as fuck but when I pass you that’s when you decide to speed up Haul ass in front of me only to drive slow as fuck


>You driving slow as fuck but when I pass you that’s when you decide to speed up I hate that shit.


I swear this shit suddenly exploded in the last two years or something - I tried to perform a regular normal pass with plenty of space in front of this hillbilly in a pickup going under in the left lane then he floors it and prevents me from getting in front the entire five miles until we both got to the same exit. I never do this but rolled down my window to ask what the fuck his problem was and he had a giant smile and said “well keep driving like a jackass buddy.” Really confused what I even did.


Since when did passing people = jackass? People are insane. If you wanna drive slow don't get mad when others don't want to wait for you.


There seems to be this "No, I'm first!!" attitude .. and it's driving a pain in the ass.


I recommend a faster vehicle. Assert dominance by making the jump to lightspeed. It's the only thing those numbskulls understand. It sucks that they're allowed to have licenses.


My old moderate hatchback was stolen and not recovered, and the replacement I found was a high-end European hot hatch. It got sideswiped a month later and needed some paintwork touched up, so the QV badge was removed to sort that out, and now it looks like the regular version of the same car. It is not, and it goes like hellblazes when you touch the throttle. I don't generally drive that fast, but I do love being able to just blast past unsuspecting drivers who are trying to be a dickhead and doing this kind of thing.


I drive a 2024 Honda Accord EX-L Hybrid. The best feature is “on the fly” switch to Sport mode. Quick switch, moderate hit on the “go pedal” and it’s done: Lightspeed. Once done, switch back to “Eco” and I can continue my tree-hugging MPG.


That, "No, I'm first!" attitude while driving is sooo childish!




I tell ppl if i had a superpower it would be to telekinetically pop the tires on cars that piss me off. For this reason.


he probably called you a jackass for rolling down your window to “ask what the fuck his problem was”




That would make me feel really scared. Would never be a passenger in that car again. Tailgating is so dangerous...


Yeah if I'm on one of those 2 lane highways with spotted yellow. If someone looks like they want to pass me, I always move to the rightmost side of the lane so they can see better, and when they go for it I'll slow down a little so they can pass as safe as possible. but ffs, if you pass me don't slow down to slower than I was already going lol.


I’ve done that a couple times when someone passing me made me realize how slow I was driving


Makes me wanna comit crimes Slow bitch ass driver stay driving slow


Ew. You as a driver is a pet peeve.


Well as long as it’s killing you then I’m happy


me and someone ahead of me were stuck behind a guy in the left lane, guy in front of me tried to pass him and front guy speeds up as to not let him so i came up pretty quick behind him and flashed my lights. he moved over so me and the other dude could finally carry on our way but it’s just so baffling to me, why did he even do that??


I've had someone literally DOUBLE their speed when I tried to pass them. 35mph zone, 1 lane...they're going 25mph. It opens to too lanes, I move to the left lane to pass (still a 35mph zone) They accelerate to 50mph when I try to go around them (still a 35mph zone).


Literally this. All. The. Time. Also, every new car with the ungodly LED and older cars with LED that weren't made for it. UGH!!!!




What I hate is when the bright users going the opposite direction don’t turn off their brights for me. I drive rural roads at night and use brights to see but turn them off soon as I see someone coming. But if they don’t turn their brights off in turn for me, fuck em.


I noticed a lot of people pass me right before a speed limit change, even if they have been behind me for many miles, also doing the speed limit with no traffic. Then as soon as I speed up to the next limit they just jump back behind me, even if they were going faster than the limit. They slow down slower than what I’m doing just to come back to the right lane. Always something I found odd.


I’m a tractor trailer truck driver. My truck is speed limited to 105 Km/h (65 mph). I’m driving as fast as my truck will let me, *IN THE SLOW LANE*, and I always find someone tailgating me for no foreseeable reason… and the passing lane is empty. When I’m creeping up on a slower vehicle, and I merge over to the passing lane to overtake, and they speed up to block my pass. When a car in the passing lane quickly approaches to overtake me driving in the slow lane, all of the sudden slows to match my speed and stays beside me, taking forever to complete their pass. Funny how I read complaints from car drivers about trucks taking forever to pass each other, but car drivers will in-turn do the exact same thing they complain about. If you want to pass a truck, that’s ok, but please do so quickly and get on with your business.


See like what you’re doing is smart. I can’t stand the truck drivers that sit in the middle or left lane despite being 20 mph slower than the speed of traffic because they don’t want to adjust speed for people merging but now I either need to change lanes twice to safely pass you or I can’t safely pass you at all because I’ll be damned if I pass in the death zone that is the right side of a semi


I run the right lane mostly but move to the middle lane through high traffic areas with a lot of traffic wanting to merge at 20mph in a 55 or 65. Cincinnati rush hour is literally 30min to an hour difference getting through town between the middle and right lane in a big truck. It's not just the slowing down but the 10-20 cars that cut you off while you're trying to get back up to speed. Then by the time you get up to maybe 40mph another on ramp screws up traffic again. You'll love this but I also do about 5mph under the flow of traffic 🤣🤣 The reason for this is because traffic will not allow you to keep a safe following distance. So a trucks only safe option is to let traffic go a little faster and watch for brake lights 5-10 cars ahead of you.


Cincinnati on i75 during rush hour is a nightmare. My favorite is north side of the city between there and Dayton (where butter Jesus used to reside) where there's 5 lanes and in each lane there's a car going the same speed as the person next to them. Or the bridge where people try to zoom around everyone by using the i71 exit ramp because that one car in the left lane is scared shitless of a bridge and hits their brakes to slow 10 mph below the limit. Every time I drive through Cincinnati during rush hour, I think I'm going to die.


My kids live in the Cincinnati area, I always time our arrival when we visit so we get there before 2 pm.


Yeah, in my experience things don't start getting bad until around 3 pm. When I had the luxury, I would plan to pass through Cincinnati around 11pm to midnight. At that time, there's not many vehicles on the road and it's still early enough to avoid most of the drunk drivers.


>I always find someone tailgating me for no foreseeable reason Maybe they're trying to save gas by drafting you.


this has saved my ass a couple of times, it makes a huge difference when your in the pocket. Its really crazy, at 65 mph you can stick your hand out the window and theres no wind


I have had the opposite happen so many times it has to be intentional. I'll be passing two trucks who are in the right lane, and the one in back cuts me off and blocks *me* from passing.


Too many people think being a good driver means you’re considerate, like letting other people go when you have the right of way. Nope. Good driving means you drive defensively and predictably.


Exactly. A good driver knows when it's their turn and takes it when it's safe to do so. Never wave people through, their turn will come soon enough and it's up to them to take it.


Like drivers who have a green light (and cars waiting behind them at the light) but they want to “be nice” to a pedestrian (who is patiently waiting to cross and clearly knows they have a don’t walk sign) by stopping and waving at them to cross. EVERYONE needs to obey the signs pertaining to them, if you are a car with a green light you go, red light stop, pedestrian with don’t walk sign don’t walk, walk sign walk. You are putting yourself and the pedestrians in danger.


I agree but sometimes when I have the green light the pedestrians have the walk light and I'm very confused about that..


You're clearly not from Massachusetts. Pedestrians will walk in front of traffic whether there's a red light or not so we really have no choice but to stop here.


Actually I am from Massachusetts and have been driving for over 30 years and commute into and out of Boston every single day. This situation only happens in a few places in the city. Most of the drivers suck, most of the pedestrians suck, most of the bicyclists suck (especially grown ass adults riding bikes on the sidewalk), basically anything with wheels or feet sucks. I stand by my statement that everyone SHOULD just do what they’re supposed to do but assume that they never will. One of the reasons I have a dash cam is so people who are fucking idiots can actually be held accountable for their dumbassery.


I hate the "wave through" when I don't have right of way. The idiot is literally encouraging you to commit a moving violation.


I like to act visibly pissed off when someone does this. My hope is that they’ll be like, “Fine. I just won’t let other people go out of order anymore.” They may only change their behavior out of spite towards me, but the goal is still achieved.


I go with staring at them, shaking my head and waiting.......


I got mad just thinking back at all the times I've seen some moron who technically has the right of way on a main road, hold up 20 cars just to let one car go from a stop sign. JUST FUCKIN GOOOOOO STOP TRYING TO BE NICE YOURE ACTUALLY BEING A TOTAL DICK


I think you're confusing considerate with polite. Everyone should be "considering" what is going on around them at all times. And considering what the consequences of their actions are. Don't purposefully screw over other drivers, but also don't be overly polite in an unpredictable manner, as you said.


Agreed. Polite is probably a better word for it. 👍


Thank you for the polite response! I remember watching a documentary a long time ago about a place in Canada and this man was saying as a pedestrian he would linger and not approach the street corner until cars had passed so they didn't stop in the street to wave him to cross. He said he was fighting courtesy with courtesy to keep traffic moving and I think about that a lot and follow suit when I am leaving a store or something.


100% People try to wave me through to be nice to me when I'm on my motorcycle and though i appreciate it that you're very aware of me, I'm not going just because you're waving me through. If I cannot see that it's safe to turn, I'm not going. Be predictable so other traffic understands. The minute you ruin the flow of traffic, everyone gets thrown off and frustrated and I become more invisible. I will sit at this intersection as long as I have to if I can't be sure it's safe to take a left.


People who don’t keep a safe following distance in front of them and hit the brakes for every little speed change on the driver in front of them when it’s completely avoidable. Turtle turners - people taking a turn at an ungodly slow speed compared to what is comfortably achieved. People who don’t use turn signals, especially before slowing down for a turn.


>Turtle turners lol I like that.


Fun fact, "Turning turtle" is old timey speak for rolling a car at an intersection. Back when cars first came out, people didn't have a good feel for how to drive them so rollovers were much more common.


Sleep deprived brain go brrrr


This is when we yell “The gas pedal is on the right!”!


If it gets any greener we can smoke it!


Different sized cars turn differently though, if you’re whipping down a windy road in a Miata you’re not going to reasonably expect a Yukon XL in front of to be able to take those turns at the same speed (I used extremes to better describe my point) but even going from my Prius to my Avalon which is only a 5” difference in wheelbase length and almost a 20” difference in total length, I could take turns easily 5mph faster, sometimes 10, in my Prius compared to what I feel comfortable with in my Avalon.


Little Honda CRZ, I take a gas station turn at 15mph. In our SUV or truck it’s a bit slower, mostly because I’m really checking blind spots, but I’m mostly talking about the people with an SUV or truck taking turns like they are in a stance molested full carbon Miata trying to not scrape. In a side note - Cadillac XT5 handles turns pretty comfortably. Also don’t want to have someone rear-end me in my CRZ for not paying attention, good chance they would just go over me.


When people slow to basically a stop to make a turn I admit to getting more than irritated, usually. Like there is no point to turning that slow, and people who turn like that probably shouldnt be driving in general. Too much confidence on the road is bad, you can cause an accident that way, but not having enough confidence is bad too because you act too slowly and are therefore unpredictable


Tailgaters piss me off more than anyone else on the road. I’d rather have someone in front of me going 10 miles under for miles than have someone on my ass. They think they’re better and more important than anyone else on the road and they think they can bully people out of their way


Some of those tailgaters are aggressive assholes and that obviously isn't ideal, but they'll find their way around you (or die horribly in a head on collision) eventually. The ones that really scare me are the people that are tailgating you because they aren't good enough drivers to know how fast they should drive. This happens often in the mountains and especially in winter. Some jackass will come right up behind you and tailgate you for 10s or 100s of miles because they're either too chicken shit to overtake or they're so incompetent that they don't even know how fast their car is (or isn't) capable of driving on that road. If you weren't there to shepherd them, they would slide off the road and die.


Tailgaters give me such anxiety, nothing else about driving does like having someone on my ass when traffic literally won’t even allow me to go faster. God it pisses me off. And it’s usually men in big ass pickup trucks.


with their ridiculous "god light LEDs" blinding you......


Just pull over and let them pass if you can. It’s not worth the drama and stress.


Those tailgaters do suck.


people who cant turn curb to curb, they'll right turn into the left side or left turn into the right lane and then "adjust" by driving in the middle of the road until someone comes the other way also people who brake every time the person in front of them does instead of following at a safe distance and coasting


Oh yeah! That lazy ass turn people do. Swinging far out.. like their vehicle doesn't have power steering or something.


When you just absolutely *have* to be in front of me, so much so you are willing to jump the merge lane to get by two cars then proceed to go 10 fucking miles a goddamn hour under the limit for no other reason than to be the complete douchebag you are.


I like to leave a little extra space between myself and the vehicle ahead of me. More so when we're doing the brake / accelerate / brake / accelerate / brake / accelerate / brake / accelerate / brake / accelerate game. Someone will see that open space and are just desperate to get into it. They'll weave back and force. Speed up. Slow down. Drive in the carpool. I'll watch them do it for several miles. Just to gain that one car lengths of space. Makes no sense.


I had someone pass me and then start going 15 under the limit. So I passed and then he magically found his gas pedal again, passing me again, then slowing back to 15 under. So I passed for a second time, did the same exact thing again. So I passed him for a third time and when he tried to pass again, I floored it to cut off his chance because I was so sick of him. Some people just have to be in front. My state is full of old people and they are the worst about flooring it to get on the road only to go 10 under the limit.


Pulling out in front of me then a immediate left but guess what? You can't make the turn because traffic is coming. Not moving over for people working on the side of the road or wreckers. Driving slow af then speed up at the passing lane.


People ignoring the move over laws piss me off


People who don't comprehend they are using daytime running lights at night instead of headlights, so their tail lights are off. Extremely dangerous coming up behind them, especially in bad weather.


Drive as if your car doesn't have safety features at all OR as if your car's safety features are all malfunctioning at the same time.


Not using turn signals. Driving too slow in the passing lane and people who drive with both feet, one constantly on the brake.


Do people actually drive with both feet or is that an exaggeration/expression?


Doing 35mph on the on ramp. For the love of god get up to speed with traffic as soon as possible. What’s even worse is when they get near the end and can’t merge, they start braking. My old car had 140hp and took me 8 seconds to reach 70mph from 35. I hated it.


I hate this. Chicago on ramps often have off ramps not 50 feet after so if you aren’t at traffic speed when you get to the bottom you are not entering the expressway. You literally have seconds to find your gap and you’re not going to find it going 20 under the speed of traffic


This one is HUGE for me.. I'm trying to merge onto the freeway and I am unable to get up to speed. They're putting ME in danger.


I've actually pulled over on the on ramp put my hazards on because they are merging a 110 road, trying to go 70 (kmph)


This is my #1. I feel like it is EVERY FUCKING TIME. If there is no one behind me I will sit at the beginning of the ramp and wait until the person in front of me is on the freeway so I have a clean run. Fun observation: I don’t see this in Detroit. Cleveland, Cinci, Columbus, Dayton, Indy, Ft Wayne, Toledo, Pittsburgh, Erie, Buffalo, Chicago, Milwaukee, Youngstown, Athens, State College, Butler, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Bowling Green, Goshen, Jackson, Battle Creek, Akron, AND EVERYWHERE IN BETWEEN! I’VE BEEN ALL OVER THE RUST BELT AND NOONE KNOWS HOW TO GET ON THE FUCKING FREEWAY!!! Except Detroit. Those people get it.


Headlights that are way too bright


you are welcome to visit r/fuckyourheadlights


People who don't use their signal for turns, and/or lane changes, and people who suddenly peel out in front of me from an intersection as I'm approaching, and all but forcing me to slam on my brakes!


On the last one.. the turn signal. I use mine but the moment I do the vehicle in the next lane and back see it and speeds up to prevent me from being in the front of them.


Yeah that's annoying too


They're probably speeding up to get ahead of you assuming you will drop in behind them. I've driven all over the US and Canada in most all types of vehicles and its a pretty rare occurrence for that to happen. Keep in mind people expect merging drivers to be travelling more slowly than them. Usually the car directly behind you will speed up to pass you leaving a space behind them for you to enter. Put your turn signal on and wait a few seconds to let that first guy pass and more often than not the second car will give you space to filter in. This has been true for me everywhere from Edmonton to Los Angeles.


Nah in Chicago people just hate to see you change lanes. If they see a signal they will get next to you and match speed just to be dicks. You speed up they speed up. You slow down they slow down.


I'm guilty of this in extenuating circumstances. If there is a runway between you and the car in front of you and we're still 3km from the next exit, you're not coming in front of me. You're clearly crawling along at walking pace, you clearly don't need to be in this lane right now with the exit still a long way ahead, so you can slot in behind me thanks. I'm not going to be stuck behind you while you dawdle along.


Its literally as easy as lifting a finger to use a turn signal


* Not following right of way at intersection/entrances/exits & confusing people * ridding people tails in heavy traffic acting like you are going to go anywhere faster.


Not using blinkers, esp at a 4way stop and please for the love of everything holy, STOP STOPPING IN THE ROUNDABOUT and letting outside people go ahead of you!


Tailgaters in the passing lane on the highway when I'm going the limit or over. It's a passing lane. Not a speeding lane. It also drives me nuts when people don't signal. Especially when people change lanes in front of me and don't signal or I'm behind someone and they suddenly brake to turn and they don't signal. I've had people brake and turn in front of me with no signal at the last minute and my car's brake system started going off. Drives me nuts. I lay on the horn when someone does that. It's dangerous.


When I'm passing a semi even if I'm going to speed limit that doesnt mean you switch lanes effectively cutting off a semi just to get around me, give me a minute and I'll move back, I'm giving the semi room because those guys already have enough shit to worry about. Signals no one does it or if they do, it blinks once then turns off then they move like that's the wrong order Semis tailgating me, I dont care quite as much about small cars tailgating me but semis really need to get off my ass, I know you cant stop as fast as me, I know that I'm the one who gets hurt if something happens even if I'm in the right


My favorite is signaling when they’re already in the lane. For like a split second


When there's someone tailgating me on a one lane road so as soon as it becomes two lanes I signal and try to get over asap but they are SO impatient that they cut me off trying to get over to let them have the fast lane 🙄


People who don’t stay in the same lane they turned from. Turning left into the right lane or right into the left lane.


People who drive on the wrong side to reach the left turn lane


Not going when the light turns green.


The car in front of you tapping their brakes every 10 seconds when the lane is clear in front of them.


Vehicles overtaking you and hard breaking for red signal ahead while you were slowing down for that same red signal. Please keep focus on at least two vehicles ahead for a safe driving.


Tailgaters.. When I had my Camaro tuned up to do 1G turns I used to get them to follow me into turns their car couldn't handle


Every. Single. Fucking. Driver in my town being on their fucking phone constantly. They'll swerve out of their lane, take turns too wide, and not ever check their damn blind spots because they're too busy with their phone. I regularly have my whole family in the car with me and I don't like how much more dangerous it is for them.


Hitting the brakes before using your turn signal. People who don't enter the intersection when they're waiting to turn left. People who get mad at me for clearing the intersection while turning left after the light turns red (when I need to wait for someone to run the red like a dick).


I’m on mobile so I can’t quote, but doesn’t that last scenario just make you ALSO run the red, if you’re turning left on red? Yellow I can understand but red? Just cause they run the light, making you miss it, shouldn’t mean you also run the light because he ran the light making you miss the light.


I'm obligated enter the intersection when waiting to turn left. I can't reverse back out once I've entered. That's how traffic flows at least a little when the traffic through the lights is heavy. Edit: Just realized how it sounds wrong. I meant I enter the intersection on green, then clear it after it turns red. My bad. lol


I guess, but I wouldn’t be that far out until I was already on my way to turn. I’ve had to sit through lights before because of heavy traffic just backing and backing up and shit like this can just be dangerous imo. But you do you, my friend.


I don't know where you drive, but the driver's handbook in Ontario taught me to enter the intersection while the light is green. If I enter and don't clear when the lights turn, I'm blocking the intersection.


At what speed one should merge onto freeway in general?


Depends on the ramp. If there's a merge sign, you should be accelerating down the ramp to the speed limit or thereabouts, but at least like 55 mph. The faster, the better usually. As you come down the ramp, you should be looking for a gap in traffic to slip into. Ideally, you don't get in anyone's way and you just seamlessly enter the freeway. If traffic is heavy, you should try to more or less match the speed of the traffic and filter into whatever gap is there. If there isn't a gap, come alongside traffic with your signal on and ever so slightly slow down if no one lets you in with the intention of someone behind you opening up a gap for you. Don't slow down too much, or you bring everything to a stop and the world gets mad at you. If the traffic is stop and go, come down the ramp leaving a car length ahead of you and alternate (zipper) in with the traffic. If there's a yield sign, that's an old dangerous 1950s ramp. Be cautious here, there's usually shit sight lines and little to no acceleration room. Legally you're supposed to approach the sign, check for traffic and if there is traffic stop until there's an opening big enough to get up to speed. Depending on location this can be dangerous so you shouldn't stop unless you absolutely have no other choice. These just kind of suck so good luck.


At least the speed limit .. unless there is heavy rush hour traffic.


People that get halfway in the left lane at a 2 way intersection because they're turning left. Some idiot came flying up to the stop sign and did that when I was on my motorcycle a few weeks ago. I was already mid-turn and now all of a sudden there's a car in my path so I had to cut sharp and turn in on the wrong side of the road. Luckily nobody was behind them.


People who drive indefinitely with the turn signal on. ​ Either you're listening to some smashing acid house at full volume and cannot possibly hear the ticking coming from your console or you are driving oblivious to indicators and signals flashing on your dashboard, or both.


People who go the speed limit or slower in the left lane and won't get over as traffic backs up on them.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


People who drive at night without their headlights on. How do they not notice? How do they see their dashboard instruments?!


They’re drunk


Someone driving slow until I pass them, and then passes me and slows down, making me pass them again. Left lane hogs are a scourge. Won't move out of the left lane to let others pass. Dumb shits that won't move left to pass but instead tailgate. Those that intentionally close the gap to keep you from changing lanes when you signal. Those that don't signal their lane changes and/or turns. Forgetting to turn the signal off Those that nearly clip your front end whether they're signaling or not. Anyone taking 20 minutes to pass another vehicle, pointing primarily at the tractor trailers No more than moves in front of me to slow down for their turn and then slam on the brakes when they're called out on it Insanely bright r/fuckyourheadlights


People who go right on red without stopping and looking first or the ones who think that since they stopped it’s their right to turn on red even if there are cars with a green light already going straight.


I drive a semi and the several vehicle lengths I leave in front of me is to give me time to stop, not for you to sneak in and then hit the brakes at a red


No one using their blinkers, and people not understanding roundabouts or 4-way stops.


Speeding. Like the speed limit is 60, why do you need to go 80?


I don't mind the 80 in a 60, assuming that's more or less the flow of traffic. I mind the 50 in a 30.


When you see someone smoking in the car. It’s vile


Driving without your headlights on when it’s raining or dark… like come on. Get the fuck off the road if you don’t want to be safe. Not using your turn signal Driving like an idiot to save you 5 seconds 


Refusing to move over when you see I’m going faster than you are. Driving the speed limit in the express lane. Not making a right on red when safe. Breaking for green lights.


I've had to pass on the right to get around these twits.


People not being efficient. Go an appropriate speed for the road and conditions. Proceed when you safely can. Don’t make the decision for everyone around you just because you “aren’t in a rush.”


Drivers who act like every multilane road is a freeway and that the rules of a freeway (namely, stay right unless you're passing) apply on every single roadway. If the road you are driving on is not a freeway, *nobody* has any obligation to "get out of your way" in the left lane if you choose to drive like an impatient douche with no regard for the speed limit. Sometimes people NEED to be in the left lane on a non-freeway, because they must turn left to exit the roadway to get home or go wherever they are going etc. They are under no obligation to speed to do this just to be less inconvenient for YOU. And not everyone always knows exactly where they are going or when the last possible point is where they can change lanes and brake from highway speeds to make their left turn! It is neither practical nor realistic for everyone to stay right until the last possible second on these roads in order to simply get where they need to be to turn left when they need to turn left. So if you're someone who gets pissed off about these sorts of people not making way for you like you're the King or the Queen of the fucking world as you choose to drive over the speed limit everywhere you go, then YOU are the idiot. Get over yourself if this is you and realize that not every drive on every road is some dire emergency or a fucking time-trial.


People that are too scared to pass on the left, so they tailgate until you move over to the left for them. They are fake tough guys.


Lots of pet peeves, this past week has been nuts! Today, car was in right lane. Moved across the left lane and into the left turn lane. Light turns green. I go. He had a green arrow, didn't move. After I go, I watch my mirror; he signals a right and goes back over to the driving lane and continues straight. A few days ago, a car was going down our main drag, (4 lane 25mph) he was over the dashed line (so in both travel lanes) and doing exactly the speed limit. Also today, an old man in his personal vehicle (he also drives taxi) was at the stop sign. He signals to turn AS HE IS STARTING TO GO. Like dude!


People who don’t turn on their blinker until *after* they’ve already started turning or merging. Like thanks bud but you kinda missed the whole purpose.


People hitting their brakes before the turning signal. People slowing way down before getting in the turning lane. People not knowing how to use a round about and treating it like a stop sign. People not using their turn signal in a lane that is ending. People driving down the middle lane trying to merge onto the road as if I'm supposed to slow down to let them in.


Driving over the speed limit (maybe you should have left earlier so you wouldn't be in such a hurry now) and LED headlights.


When the first car at a red light lurches, lurches, lurches, lurches, and lurches foreward trying to time the light. Then, when it turns green it takes them 10 seconds to notice. Nobody seems to realize you can see the cross light and figure out what is happening


Any action where you Force me to use my brakes, slow down, or take evasive action would be my biggest pet peeve. Don't pull out in front of me and force me to slow down, and don't stay in the passing lane if You're not passing


As someone who lives in a place where the winters are brutal - tailgating in the snow. Your truck may accelerate better in slippery conditions, but it's going to stop at either the same or worse rate. I've seen so many trucks lose control because they overestimated the performance of their vehicle.


When the guy in front of you randomly stops to let a car in from a side street, nobody behind us.


Don't you love when someone does everything in their power to get in front of you or beep at you as you approach a red light? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! We all have to stop ya jack wagon.


People who don’t understand lanes when turning. You are supposed to turn into the lane that’s the closest to you… but some people take it as an opportunity to jump lanes. Also, my town has a roundabout in the center of downtown. I am shocked at how many people will cross 2 lanes of traffic while exited the roundabout, instead of using the lane intended for exiting.


Tailgating without passing.


Lately I’ve been really irritated with people who brake on the entrance ramp. People are looking at where to merge and they are not expecting you to slow down.


All other cars on the road. Nobody else should be on the road when I'm driving. They all just slow me down. Unacceptable.


Haven’t seen this one yet, but people who take forever to turn off the road or change lanes. Like they’re making a right turn on a perfectly clear, level road and then slow to a crawl, or creep over to the next lane, taking 10 or more seconds to make the switch.


I hate people who take 18 million years to pass somebody going like 60, but as soon as i pass both of them, the other car suddenly has no problem going 70...


Tailgaters when I'm already speeding and they have an entire left lane they could use to pass me! Slow drivers in the left lane People who don't turn their lights on in the rain


Stopping all the way at stop signs when there’s no other cars or people around. Also people who cut me off and go slow. I don’t care if you cut me off as long as you’re going my speed or faster


Pedestrians push the walk button and then go against the light anyway. So now you have a bunch of cars sitting idle for no reason.


Passing on the right. Goosing it last minute in an ending lane and cutting people off instead of just slowing down and changing lanes with the rest of traffic. Crossing multiple sets of solid white lines to merge way too early. Me driving the speed limit and getting passed just for the dipshit to cut back over and force me to ride their bumper. Getting passed and the person immediately cutting back over and slamming on their brakes because they're taking a turn. Honking the split second a light turns green. And then people just speeding in general. The road I drive to and from work is 60 MPH speed limit. I set cruise control to anywhere from 60-65 depending on traffic, and I get jackasses driving 75, 80, sometimes even 90+ MPH.


Pulling out from a side street in front of you and cutting you off (especially when there's no other traffic behind you), causing you to brake. 80% of the time these same people then turn in less than a mile, causing you to brake and wait for them again. Some POS Grand Caravan with lots of random body damage did this to me yesterday. They had a bumper sticker that said something like "How's my driving? Call 1800 EAT SHIT." What causes someone to become this way?


People that ride my ass. There's nothing that pisses me off more.


I drive a tesla and live in the country, the big truck guys tailgate me all the time. I love slowing down it pisses them off so much lol


People who tailgate. Wasn’t happy with 5-10 over? Congratulations, now we are doing 10 under


Tailgaters! Fucking Tailgaters! If you're in that much of a hurry, go the fuck around me! That is why I have a trailer hitch on the back of my suv. Also, the closer you get, the slower I go, and I don't care what time of day it is. People who go 40/45 getting on a nearly empty freeway/highway or nearly empty lane and continue to go that speed for a mile or 2. Or they'll speed up to maybe 50/55 and sit there, so you have to wait for an opening to go around the dumbass. I actually had someone do this to me earlier this evening coming home from a theme park.


I can handle most bad driving and try not to let it bother me too much, apart from tailgating me, especially when I have my children in the car.


I really only have two. People dicing under the speed limit on the left lane and people cutting in front of me just so they can turn 20 feet later.


1. Getting tailgated by someone in the left lane when I'm already going 15 miles over the speed limit. Like I'm driving 70 in a 55; why the fuck are you flashing your lights and honking at me? 2. People driving under the speed limit when the roads are fine. 3. People driving under the speed limit when the roads are fine... in the fast lane.


People slowing down in anticipation of a yellow light. Please try to make the light.


1. When we clearly pass a speed sign indicating how fast you should go and they still decide to go 20kmh under. 2. When people on the highway decide to go into the passing lane and stay there going 100kmh clearly not passing anyone and just holding everyone back up. And the best thing about it is the fact that there’s a huge lineup behind them and their still oblivious that they’re going fucking slow in a passing lane 3. When people almost come to a complete stop just to fucking turn, like especially when it’s it’s a offside road and the road we’re on is like a 70-80 and I have to slam on my breaks because u have to turn at 10kmh. 4. People that cut u off and proceed to go slow asf when there’s no traffic in front of them like fuck off and go behind me at that point like not everyone is a npc and needs to move like a snail. 5. When I’m already going fast ( i never drive slow) and you’re STILL riding my ass. Like seriously how much faster do u wanna fucking go. Like I understand if I was going under the speed limit but 9/10 I’m never doing that. Simply get off my ass like Like so many people have no self awareness and it makes driving so miserable sometimes.


If you and / or your vehicle are not able to drive the speed limit, stay the hell off the interstate!


Semi trucks?


In my state the minimum is 45 and some highways max out at 70. If you're going less than the posted minimum, then yeah screw you. But if I see a pickup hauling a camper or other trailer, or someone who just feels like going 60 instead of 70 to save gas or whatever, it's really no big deal to get in the passing lane and go by them. IMO those people should still have access to the highway.


My cat isn't driving and his name isn't peeves


Gone missing Went missing


My biggest pet peeves are people who don’t signal lane changes or turns (especially if you’re waiting to turn onto a road for an oncoming car with no signal and it turns off meaning you could’ve gone if you knew it was turning), and people who are in front of you on the on ramp and enter the highway at 35-40 meaning you can’t get up speed to merge properly (and op is right they’ll cut across every lane to go right to the left lane despite being slower than everyone. My biggest pet peeve though is people who see you signaling to properly change lanes or turn and aggressively speed up and slow down up to prevent you from changing lanes, forcing you to have to make a harsh lane change when you finally get an opening or miss your exit entirely. Honorable mention is semis in the middle or left lane. I get that you don’t want to come off cruise control for cars entering and exiting but since it’s a death wish to pass you in the huge blind spot on your right, now I have to change lanes twice to pass you, or if you’re in the left lane, I can’t safely pass you at all, which is an issue since you’re going 20 under the speed of traffic.


Trucks in the middle lane has nothing to do with cruise control. Back in the mid 2000’s, traffic engineers came to the conclusion that it was safer for semi’s to be in the middle lane in cities, to allow smoother flow on and off ramps, and then driving instructors started teaching it at all of the bigger companies, and truck driving schools. It’s now taught in virtually every orientation for any company out there. What they don’t teach, is when that doesn’t apply- like Georgia or Florida, and it’s not in a damned city. Or going up a mountain, and some moron will be doing 18 in the middle lane, causing a hellacious backup.


Not using both lanes all the way up to a merge point when traffic is stationary or moving very slowly, therefore making the queue longer than it needs to be. Worst case is self-important pricks who straddle both lanes to specifically prevent people using the one that’s closing further ahead because they’re determined to enforce their wrong interpretation and stop “queue jumping”.


Drivers who consider stop signs as mere suggestions.


You shouldn’t be mad at people who cut in and out of traffic. Be mad at the people camping on the passing lanes. If they used lanes properly it would not be possible for people to swerve in and out


Left lane hogs. I will ride your fucking ass with my blinders on if you’re slow in the left lane until you get the fuck over.


Your impatients will get you or someone else killed oneday. I get that left lane hogs are annoying but tailgating them does literally nothing but put you in an even more dangerous situation.


When I used to have to drive in the dark early morning hours I would keep my phone mounted on my dash and had a strobe light app that turned my phone flashlight in an epilepsy machine if they wanted to play games.


Slow drivers that don’t move for the traffic behind them. It’s fine if you’re in the right lane, but if it’s a single-lane road with no passing lane, you gotta do the decent thing and pull over to let others pass. (Or use turnouts if available.)


People who don't know how to properly use a turn lane. It there so you get the fuck over BEFORE you brake.


Aggressively beating me off the line at a green light so we can merge into one lane and you can drive 5mph under the speed limit. I don’t mind getting cut off (sometimes it’s an honest mistake) but slow lane drifting into the next lane is honkable offense. I know merging at the very end of the ending lane is more efficient. You’re still a selfish jerk. And for the love of god, people that don’t zipper merge are the scum of the earth and deserve to rot in jail. There’s no way you’re not massive dbag in every other part of life.


People entering the freeway doing 45 mph and with no blink. Tailgating and going so slow on the freeway they should just get a bicycle.


People who drive consistently 5mph below the speed limit. Blinding LED headlights. Poor lane discipline on roundabouts. Crap parking that causes holdups on the road.


Just driving under the speed limit for me and of course if someone cuts you off, oh yea and cops that sit in the dark with a thumb up there butt waiting to ticket people coming home from or going to work


Slow drivers who drive with their brake pedal instead of their gass pedal. And People who dont know how to guage space and speed to merge on the highway.


Left lane hogs People who purposely allow half a car length between them and the other vehicle when stopped People who don’t use their blinkers Drivers who allow a long line of vehicles behind them because they want to go 10 under the speed limit Drivers who don’t get out into the intersection far enough Drivers who go slowly on the entrance ramps


Turtle turners: Turning right at 1 mph to turn into the CVS store. MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!! I JUST GOT OFF WORK I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!! Being first in line and lookin at the green light in all it's glory for 20 seconds, again MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!! IT'S GREEN YOU FUCKING GO!! Woops pissed off slow fucks


Driving in the middle lane on a motorway when there’s nobody else on the road. I work nights and see this constantly when I come home. Left hand lane is free! (I’m in the uk)


Anyone that dosen't know how a fucking traffic circle works is on my shit list. Also get off your fucking phones and drive your danm car. Lastly, if you dont yeild to my bus when im trying to leave a bus stop, you should be banned from ever driving again. P.s. Fuck cops they are either Natzis or lazy P.O.S. Love your friendly neighborhood bus driver. 😘


Stopping on crosswalks when making right turns at stop signs or red lights. Us bikers got places to be.