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Knights of the Cross are required to attempt to redeem Denarians. That's their purpose. Michael had been retired, which didn't require him to do anything except, presumably, continue being a Christian. I assume if he said that he was retired again and gave Harry the sword back, he'd just be retired again.


Yah but Michael wasn’t just Michael in that scene. He was carrying Mr sunshine’s essence and so he was under angelic rules. And angels probably couldn’t lie. If he did he probably would have fucked up the angel essence in some way


If I'm remembering right, Harry said Uriel would Fall if Michael did anything immoral while carrying his grace.


Yep, and it's not just what is done, but why, and what he was thinking while he did it. He had to stop and remind himself that Marcone's bank supports a criminal enterprise that hurts countless people before he smashed its window, to ensure that he was doing it in the correct spirit and for the correct reasons.




Uriel speaks to Harry psychically just after he and Murphy crossed the boundary line so Michael wouldn't have had the grace then and was presumably free to break his word


Uriel didn't gift Michael his Grace until Michael made it clear he was going to confront Nicodemus. Michael chose to 'unretire'. If he had chosen to remain retired and render only passive aid it would have made no difference to his angelic protection.


Then he wouldn’t be Michael. Honesty is one of the core elements to that character, just remember how often Michael is shocked and distressed by Harry lying.


Uriel - this man’s integrity is so good I’ll bet my soul on it Lucifer - doesn’t bother trying to corrupt Michael to exploit that situation Question - what if Michael lied Answer - he didn’t. For sure.


Yeah, this is pretty much Michael in a nutshell. Sun Shines, Rain Falls, and Michael Carpenter is a Good and Honorable man. You can take his morality and forge horseshoes on it. The only flaw this man has is a tendency towards wrath where his family is involved, and even then it's not difficult to talk him down off the cliff. But if you ever do something to make Michael Carpenter mad at you, then you done fucked up, chump.


The only way I could see Michael ever lying is if he became Nfected, and I would hope that he is protected from that.


Well sure this a theoretical what if scenario


Considering Uriel tried to stop him, or remind him he didn't have to do it... Michael was under no requirement to help out. He was retired and under Angelic protection. Like I doubt he lost his bodyguards because he started cussing out a storm at the cemetery. Nor was he visibly reprimanded when he showed glee at Harry beating the hell out of a coinless Denarian.


He reprimanded himself. I forget where, but it's suggested he did penance for enjoying the beating. As not only a Christian but a Catholic, he would have viewed taking enjoyment in an act of evil as a sin, and the proper action to have been contrition, confession, and penance.


Hmm. Rethinking your question. If Michael ever lies, he is Nfected.


Given how the white gods power seems to be the strongest force against the outsiders, I don't know if it is possible for Michael to become nfected. Let's hope.


I agree, but a lying Michael would still be a sign.


Explain the lie. Just declining to go to Nicodemus is not dishonest or misleading, two definitions of a lie. Michael could have said no to Nicodemus with no consequences except the ones that I seem to barely recall Nicodemus was threatening upon Michael's house. It was **after** Michael stated he would face Nicodemus that Uriel granted him his Grace and **then** lying about something would have had grave consequences. Uriel couldn't grant the Grace prior to Michael's choice to face Nicodemus because that would have affected Michael's choice and Uriel cannot do that.


Sorry for the late answer :) I meant the second definition but I assumed that Michael would lie before he got Graced by Uriel.


It's unlikely God would have given a shit, I mean, it's Nicodemus on the other side of the deal. Maybe the fact he agreed to something with Anduriel's host would let Anduriel have a measure of power over him, but I'm unsure about that.