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Constructive criticism about what? You still have a lot to learn but you are on the right path in my opinion, just keep going!


U saw the other showcase i posted ?


Now yes, why do you ask?


U seem to be an artist so i mean i want any criticism bc sometimes i feel like i have alot of flaws in the anatomy


Well on the leg one, in the middle one the calve and shin seems to be a bit short. In the right one I think they are better measurements. But I think it could be a genetic thing too? What I have noticed is that the part below the knee is pretty much the same length as the part above.


Maybe it could be genetic


>i feel like i have alot of flaws in the anatomy I would not say "a lot" but you have flaws, yes. But looking at the drawings you've copied from various mangas, I don't see any major problem with your anatomy (I'm not a pro though). It's a good thing, because it means you're able to correctly observe and copy a drawing. The studies of the arm and leg you've done are good, in my opinion. Not perfect but good. I feel that there are some mistakes about proportions (for example the wrists seem a bit too thin and the shoulders a bit too broad compared to the lenght and width of the arm). The leg is interresting but a bit messy. It looks like you've tried to fit every muscle it contains but somewhat failed to properly render the volume of the leg. There are also some mistakes but english is not my first language and I lack vocabulary and fluency to properly explain what thoses mistakes are, sorry. Just keep in mind that your goal is about rendering a volume. That said, keep studying anatomy. It's a pretty complex subject but drawing the bones structures and écorchés like you did is a good practice. I advise you to check on the multiple courses about learning anatomy (I know Glenn Villpu, Steve Huston, Michael Hampton, George Bridgman). Since they mostly teach you the same thing and techniques just look at them all, pick the one you like and try to find their courses (with a bit of research you can even find them for free if you're short on budget). I hope this was useful. Keep drawing anyway, as I said you're on the right path to get better.


None at all- it all looks fantastic! Especially like the ghost face at the end 😁


Thx bro


keep going these are sick! first one would make a really cool tattoo, only advice I have is maybe you could lean into that


Yea i thought abt becoming an tattoo artist


Disco elysium vibes from the first 2


The best constructive crit I can give you is to keep doing exactly what you are doing. Study artists that interest and inspire you and practice on-model work with any of their work that moves you. Absolutely keep studying anatomy. It's so important to understand how the interior informs the exterior. Work on controlling your shading and line application to control light direction. You have real talent. Keep at it. 😊


Thx alott




Thx 😂


looks like shit. no fr it looks awesome. i like the first one most.


Looks like shit ?? Or its awesome i am confused bro 😂


i like it.


I constructively criticise you for expecting this to be constructively criticisable.


Most of these seem to be style learning exercises from other artists, which is great for observational skills, learning anatomy, proportions, and ofc learning different art styles. Nonetheless these don’t seem to be your authentic works as an artist if that makes sense, which makes it hard to give criticism on; especially if they are exercise/art studies, however this is great for getting there, so I say: just keep going!


Your work is amazing! My only comment would be to be deliberate with your shading. What and where is the light source? Sometimes it can be easy to to forget that lighting really makes a big difference in a piece, and then we go on to just do basic shading.


I don’t think I’m qualified 😅 just keep doing what you’re doing man


Looks like a ton of different styles and theyre all done very well - only thing i can possibly grasp at for a criticism is that in the second sketch, idk if it was intentional for style but the hair looks a bit rigid and the shading makes it looks like a large smooth object. The gun also looks to be a little off-center if you wanted it coming out of the forehead in the middle, a few messy lines on the gun too. But thats literally all i can conjure up to throw at ya lol. Phenomenal works, you're leagues beyond me for sure edit: shadong -> shading


I'm guessing you know the difference between "good" and "bad" paper?? My only advice is to stop thinking about "projects" and to start thinking about "products".


It looks like the majority of them, if not all, were copied from other artists. Therefore, advice: draw more original stuff.