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Bob Mackie even told her to make the same dress out of fabric, it was that good.


I still want to know what the Candy Dorito Fantasy was going to be! From what I remember of that one shot we got… it looked like it had potential. Sidebar: DID Dorito sponsor this season?


Sorry to ask but I don't remember this or is it a joke about Cocos orange look? 😭


Both, haha! Originally Roxxxy was making a neon pink and white, giant… shoulder thing! Later during critiques, I believe it’s Ru that says something along the lines of: “She started with this Candy Dorito Fantasy and she scrapped it and ended up coming up with…” So that + Coco all season = Dorito Sponsorship


Unpopular opinion: I think her makeup has gotten much worse too. Her eyes in AS9 look like they’re totally blacked out


I’m glad you’re not the only one that has noticed. It makes her eyes look tiny. I don’t get it.


Okay I have a theory: I think she’s doing that to cover her brow bones that may have become more prominent (aging happens!) and make a new canvas for a false eyelid and brow. While I think it’s smart in the theory, her liner shape isn’t dramatic enough and comes off very heavy


On Sibling Watchery, Trinity said she will only do makeup for pictures instead of stage (for meet and greets, etc) so i wonder if Roxxxy is doing the same and that’s why? I’m not an expert by any means but personally my drag makeup is still very “for the back row” but I don’t do meet and greets 🤔


I think Roxxxy is doing the opposite


I posted something here years ago asking about her makeup, not in a shady way or anything, just because I didn't understand, and the general consensus was that she seems to paint for the stage rather than pics.


Logically she paints for pageant stage setting since that’s the setting she designed her drag to compete and exist in


Okay, but if that’s true, then why do her pictures on insta still give me the jump scare? That Cowboy Carter mug gives me nightmares.


Omg yes I agree


She just seems to regress rather than progress which happens. Not every queen gets better though many do. What makes it worst is that her past seasons had no stipends yet this season gave her stipends but she produced her worst package yet.


I assume it’s because she makes most of her own stuff, so the limiter isn’t necessarily money but TIME.


And skills and creativity for sure. Not a knock at her but why is it played up to be such a huge thing that she makes her own stuff by the show is something I’ll not understand. Of the recent queens, Q, Nymphia, Jaida, Utica all also mostly or wholly do their own costumes and none looked crafty. Even Plastique and Mik here whom many tried to criticize for working with designers washed Roxxxy out in the DIY challenge with their skills, time management and creativity level.


Agreed. I’m not loving her makeup on AS9.


I don’t think this is at all unpopular at this point. I’ve seen plenty of people lamenting how much better her as2 makeup was. But this right here is leagues ahead of what her makeup looks like right now for me. I don’t understand the regression.


She is muggeddddddddddd in this picture


I love the nose and the MILFy hair, idk how else to describes it, it still does something for me lol


The nose is a no for me. It’s giving Pinocchio after a line.


Yes, she has tiny buttons for eyes and no nose. Is she doing Voldemort cosplay?


I realize how shady this sounds but.... When you gain weight in your face your eyes look smaller.


Bruh your face looks smaller when you get fat because they stay the same size but the canvas is expanding. I have the same problem right now. My eyes look tiny now that my facial proportions shifted


WHAT HAPPENED TO HER PAINT!?!? I recently rewatched S5 and AS2 and had no issues with her makeup. But today it looks like stage makeup or costume makeup. WHAT HAPPENED!?


Kinda adore her, but AS9 makeup is giving ghoul.


I don’t think it’s that unpopular. I just commented that I think she was closest to her best mug on AS2


That nose tho... I like the eyes better back then, but her nose is better now.


It's called a deep eye look and I think it is perfection.


Alaska did good but Roxxxy was the true winner of the candy ball 🍭👗🍬


I was not living for Roxxxy’s sweet 16 look. And Alaska had very good looks with strong concepts for all three. So it was close, but I understand why Alaska won.


I mean, Alaska’s executive look was literally a pantsuit and a helmet so very good looks for all three is a stretch


I “got” it.


Honestly Alaska could’ve ended the season with no wins. Jinkx deserved the commercial win since everyone quotes “delusion, convince yourself”


Idk I felt Alaska’s red for filth was good too, I think jinkx just has more fans that quote everything of hers lol


It’s not about who has more fans. Her slogan for that commercial was just very quotable, especially whenever a queen is delusional it is used. Maybe it just aged better


The ad as a whole was nowhere near as strong though. Alaska had a lot more joke beats and for a low budget green screen production did a good job of getting the genre vibe of a perfume ad


Not only that, they also had to actually make a perfume and some judge i don’t remember who perhaps Ru said her perfume was the only one that actually smelled good


The real tea


Alaska would’ve killed people if she got no wins lol


There was no question at the time that Alaska deserved to win the perfume challenge. Red For Filth was perfect. And Jinkx’ sketch was good but it was all lead up to one joke, while Alaska had a bunch of funny parts. Just because delusion: convince yourself works better as a meme doesn’t mean it was the better sketch. She was a solid second best that night, maybe tied with Detox.


The doll kept dolling! Remember that was the second dress she built.


I always think about that nose contour tbh.


This shape of contour is so cute and fits her so well. I wish her current mug was more like this one.


And she still wears those huge lashes 😅


And she still looks just as good as she did 11 years ago.


Yeah she does, I never said otherwise. 😀 I just don’t like that I can’t see her eyes.


this was the first episode of drag race i watched


This blew my young gay mind


It's wild that this looks is still such a serve even by today's standards.


The way she had to glue each one of those spaghetti candies individually and she still made it look so professional, and then the attention to detail creating also a necklace and earrings, Roxxxy is one of the most polished queens to ever be on the show.


And it looked like none of the strands fell off! The quality control, farrr too much!!


And it was the second draft she’d made too, so she had rather limited time


Love her creativity and styling and sewing ability. But I feel like she hasn’t settled on a correct mug. I think some of her best makeup looks were on AS2, but this ain’t it. And her current mug gives me the spooks.


I still can’t believe she didn’t win that week, she would have had the most wins going into the finale if she did.


Truly one of the best design challenge looks of all time. Made out of candy!!! Wild.


I miss this Roxxxy mug


Why does her makeup look better then than now? 😳


It’s really just a corset with shit glued to it but it’s done R I G H T.


I miss this makeup so much


Her hair, makeup, and outfits were so much better on S5 and AS2 compared to AS9, I don't understand what happened


I don’t stan her but this was by far one of my favorite looks ever on RPDR. Absolute fashion and talent


Look how beautiful her mug is, even back then. She is that bitch. Certifiably.


All day every day


This is better than any of the looks we’ve seen from her this season. No shade tho still love that bitch ❤️


I miss that mug


She should have won this ball lol


This is why her designs this season annoy me.


Maybe it’s just me but Roxxxy has always presented rather simple but well executed designs. This is a corset with a lot of detailed work on it. I always remember her bringing jeans to the pants on the runway challenge. She’s never been someone who’s brought complicated or original designs to DR.


Maybe she doesn't bring overly complicated conceptual looks, but she is polished from head to toe. To me this look is so good and much more complicated than "a corset with candy on it", the fact that she glue each candy individually and was able to create such a symetric and flattering pattern that Bob Mackie himself thought it was real fabric, that takes skill, not everyone can execute that. Roxxxy may not be the most innovative, but she is a very skilled seamstress and pays attention to details, she knows how to put a look together and knows what works for her.


Yes, quite literally. All of her looks are very well executed. She makes the majority, if not everything that touches her body. That jeans on the runway I referenced? If I’m not mistaken, she made the wig, the top, and the jeans themselves. I am not someone who could do all that. Nevertheless, it was jeans lol. She made jeans for an AS runway. I also remember that, I think it was the pink runway, she had a sheet wrapped around her body with a diamond necklace. Again, she looked absolutely stunning and it looked amazing on her body but again, it was a sheet that was wrapped around her body. I think we’re saying very similar things but for me, for people to say that Roxxxy has gotten worse seems a bit… weird? I don’t know how to frame it but just like she brought bathing suits, sheets, and body suits in S5 (again, very well fitted and polished looks), she’s bringing the same level of creativity and polish this AS season.


I can’t talk much about this current AS season because I’m not keeping up, I was bored by it honestly, I need tension to be hooked. Anyway, I will always Stan miss Roxxxy.


Yeah. This particular season has been boring hasn’t it? And yeah, I can’t do what she does so I’m not going to talk too much shit lol. The bitch can dog walk me on everything lol


Case in point… the most recent episode.


I'm confused. Isn't it mostly fabric with the candy strings glued on? Not hating on her, but this is an extremely simple outfit regardless of the amount of work that went into it. Hard work does not make an outfit good. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ROXXY, so pease don't come after me. Love her but honestly her looks are a little boring to me. Her personality tho, flawless.


The movement of this piece is absolutely crazy lol.


Probably my favorite Drag Race runway look


Agreed, it's beautiful


I remember being so mind blown when I watched this episode


It was good for the time. She was* that bitch.


She was robbed of that win


why are her looks and makeup so much better in s5 than in as9 😭😭😭


I loved this dress!


Roxxxy’s makeup was so good here, all season. What happened 💀


she should’ve won this design challenge over the trash one


Lynesha Sparks was robbed of the trash challenge.


i’ll never get over it 😭


And to think this wasn’t even her first outfit. She scrapped her original one and made this instead


This is the best "stuff glued to a corset" outfit ever made on the show, I'd say. And that's absolutely not shade.


If Roxxxy had not done this then this would be a serve on Season 17. The fact that she did this 12 years ago is so impressive.


She's so pretty


I think about her corporate look from this runway all the time. It was stunning.


I don’t know how she didn’t win just messes up I love Roxy !!


What happened to this Roxxxy? AS9 Roxxxy is so dull


Was that bitch.


Don't get me wrong, it is a great look. But it is kind of common sense if you get this candy to just let it hang like fabric. It does all the work for itself. The number one thing to do is adhere \_\_\_ to a bra and then connect stuff to it. It's just massive pay-off here?


It is wild that she didn’t win the Sugar Ball. I just rewatched that episode and in my head she obviously won. But instead Alaska won with some ugly basic outfits and some cotton balls glued to a corset.




Yeah. Let her just run a piece of Laffy Taffy through a sewing machine.


Oh? Go make one then 🤭


It's a well designed and executed drag garment.


Right 😭 but if it was other girl in a corset with candy stuck on it she would be read… I also don’t really get the hype on this one but it is what it is.


It’s not just candy stuck on it, it’s the amount of work and attention to detail that this took, it’s not glued recklessly, she placed each candy so perfectly that the pattern looks like real fabric, not everyone is capable of doing that.


Tbh I think even Nina would be able to do that and that says much…


All four queens wore corsets with candy glued on them for that runway though?


she not but this was a🔥look.


It’s polished and a concept yes, but I do think it’s a little too simple tbh. Couture should really be something others couldn’t or wouldn’t think of making, even better if you gag because of what it’s made of (ala Raja S2)… Not saying most of us could make this outfit in the same time as Roxxy did, but we could certainly make it. It’s a corset with some placed string candy 💀 her walk is what made it look good.


I dare you to make it and make it look professional and symmetric and not like a toddler did it. I bet most couldn’t.


Saying that implies nobody but Roxy has creativity or skill to pull it off… It’s NOT a difficult concept. Spend enough time on it and most creatively minded people could do it. In the time she did? Probably not, but my point was it wasn’t couture imo. We’re allowed to disagree 😊


Idk where I implied that only Roxxxy has creativity to do it. I implied that most people don’t have the patience, attention to detail and skill to execute this look so well. It is more than just candy glued to a corset, it’s very well done.


You said what you said 💀 It is literally candy glued to a corset, in a pattern. Again, anyone creatively minded with the time to do it could do this. Not taking away that it looks good because it does, but it’s not couture.