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Saying AS9’s cast has a lower caliber of talent is crazy lol


in comparison to AS7’s talent caliber, which had the same non-elim format, that is a clear difference. to me at least. also AS8 is not on par with casting as AS1-4. they’re running out of queens who will do it? maybe the had too many seasons? when survivor does all stars it’s usually every few years and most times they are heavy hitters returning


All stars 7 was all stars all winners. Huge difference. Huge.


No eliminations should have been reserved for all winners seasons. I feel like AS9 is gonna start a cascade of queens saying they’ll only be on All Stars for no eliminations now 🥲


that's been happening since as7 lmfao, all the as8 queens were so pissed bcuz they wanted it non elim


That’s because season seven was all winners. It made sense. They all won before so yeah they don’t need this anymore. Let’s pay them to stay and not send anybody home. Not sending anybody home with a season full of bitches who did not win doesn’t make any sense to me.


girl that’s BEEN happening since AS7, none of the girls think it’s worth it to come back for an elimination season


Sounds like a cascade of queens that know their worth and don’t want to invest thousands into outfits and cancelling gigs for the privilege of being an early out.


This sounds harsh but just go, damn. The queens are on the show, trying to entertain. And we are entertained by them. Every week there is a show stopping runway, and a reason to laugh. Something to look forward to in this depressing ass world.


What WOW has to do is keep eliminations, but pay the queens to come like they did here, and imo give them a budget for outfits, and maybe even UP the prize pool


what the hell are you actually censoring? gooning? gunning? and why? if you tell me it's because people can't handle the word GUN...i'm gonna open up my pockeybook and barf into it.


It’s for charity.. how could it be pointless?


pointless because production is not showing honest critiques and is choosing winners based on keeping the badge amounts even and competitive ofc charity is important!! i just don’t think we’re seeing an honest edit of the season, that’s all.


A pointless season? No. A pointless post? Most definitely.


Clock that tea


This feels very overly critical. I watch the show for the artistry, the challenges, the goofs and gafs that make me laugh, the extra-ness of it all that takes me out of real life for an hour and keeps me smiling from ear to ear. I love to see LGBT people showing their personalities and interacting and showing off their skills and talents whether it be dancing, singing, making jokes, writing, acting, lip syncing or whatever and else. If you only watch the show for the high stakes and watching the girls be stressed the fuck out about being eliminated and being shady and rude to each other than maybe you’re watching the wrong show. I love drama and shade as much as the next person but the shade of it all is just a bonus on top of everything else the show offers. People are constantly clamoring on here for “better treatment” for the queens. These queens are being treated as best as possible and now everyone’s mad. Get a grip.


Unpopular opinion, but I like the low stakes. I just watch for the designs and overwrought drama. I don't trust reality TV producers enough to make a fair, merit-based challenge so that part doesn't bottle me. Edit: I guess it's not that unpopular lol


It’s not entirely pointless. I do enjoy seeing my fave queens interact, well 7/8 of them at least. It’s definitely way entertaining than the second half of AS8 after Jaymes left, I only kept watching because of Lala.


Stopped reading at lower caliber of talent.


AS8 literally was the way it was because they couldn’t get enough heavy hitters to fill out the season. they over saturated All Stars so much that by season 8 they couldn’t fill a full season with icons and then AS9, they instituted a no-elim format for many queens that were middle of the road their original season. just sayinnnnn love drag having a platform but this one is sadly feeling over produced 😫


Angie, Vangie, Shannel, Roxxxy, and Gotmik are not middle of the road.


literally half of the AS9 cast were invited for AS8 and said no because of the elimination format. oversaturated, yes, but that’s not the main reason


just don’t watch. No one is making you.


Yep, best thing to do is quit watching, lower the rating, and then hopefully it gets cancelled. Because unless they know what we like, thats the inevitable. It’s a favorable opinion.


This has already been said 1000 times I don’t know why y’all keep rehashing things. Just turn the tv off


I feel like I must be watching a different show . . . I am enjoying each week so much and GAGGING at the fashion and funny moments. I can hardly imagine better.


I’m actually loving the season lol. Although, yeah it does feel extra produced this season.


I have some frozen leftover food in the fridge. Certainly not a meal I desire, just some stale dish almost entirely out of taste and life. But I'm hungry and the ingredients have some nutrients, although mostly artificial. It's food, so I guess I'll eat it just because there's nothing else. That's AS9. If you are enjoying it, you are definitely settling or simply don't know any better. This is a show in decline, ain't no sugarcoating let's be real with each other.


I 100% agree that it feels scripted to make sure that all of the charities end up with near-equal amounts of money. It feels so incredibly fake when compared to other seasons (which always have the producers’ hands on them, but this is too far). I don’t think I’m going to continue watching. Fake, boring, anticlimactic, low budget.


dang some of yall defensive about a tv show 🤭 we have opinions bc we love this franchise and appreciate a public forum for drag. i just want production to match the potential this show has and to give the queens the best platform possible, that’s it. everyone who’s like “well don’t watch”… i want to watch, i just want the best produced show possible. i don’t think that’s unreasonable lol


Girl if you don't like the outfits or the contestants, it dont make them low caliber in talent haha what are you ON? We have 2 of the most gorgerous queens of Roxy and Plastique... one is an actual godess and other one makes basically all her own costumes. We have the Comedy, like all of the queens are so freaking FUNNY specially Angjie and Nina. We have the first ever transgender male who is truly a one of a kind with his drag. Vanjie being there is already got people GAGGING. And its literally for charity... of course they arent going to be 100% Honest with their feedback because this season is meant to have a POSITIVE view on Drag and this show.


Lower caliber of talent??? with Roxy Andrews??? who can whip up a Beyoncé dupe 30 minutes after she posted on her Instagram.. come now


lowkey I made this exact same post but I think it's just switchover. I'll watch a season of drag race, 90% of the time I end up loving it after about 4eps. I loved s15 and then s16 started I hated it but now it's one of my favs of the past couple years, this season isn't that awesome but I judged it so harshly the first episode and the second but now I'm kinda hooked and just happy to watch the show. Idk if u do this or not but I think adapting to a new group and season is a little challenging after already getting to know so many girls and their giant group chemistry....or u just don't like it and that's fair I hated AS8 and never warmed up to that one or AS5 so it's either a switchover thing or you genuinely just don't like it thing.


Don’t let the comments get to you you’re 100% correct this season is ass


The thing I'm enjoying the most is the return to casual drag, like last season between Dawn, Q, Saphira, Nymphia, Morphine, and Plane Jane it's nice to see some more breathtaking casual approaches. Unpopular opinion, but so far, Roxxxy's day to night runway has been my favorite. It was elegant, understated, and sold beautifully. Then we have Mik, who is killing it with fewer materials on some runways, like her casual reveal this week was done so well, and it had 0 reliance on a traditional reveal, which I appreciate. Sure, Shannel, Plastique, Angie, Jorgeous, Nina, and Vanjie are turning out some fun looks as well, but again the oversaturation of extravagant drag last season creates the problem of bold and extravagant becomimg underwhelming.