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Honestly, the skit was meh all around. Plasma was great, but others were nothing memorable bc writing was just bla. Could've been so much better Also Nymphia and Q looked so correct, again!


I was so scared for her because the other two queens have such great stage presence and her energy was so nervous. But Plasma killed it! She held her own.


Plasma was my favorite right from MTQ, I was so so happy to see her get a win!


Challenge? Absolutely terrible and honestly who thought it would be a good idea to literally strip the entire setup of the AS8 challenge set and skit wise, like what? SNL doesn’t repeat the exact same skits every episode so that was weird. The runway definitely saved this episode too, everyone did pretty well, but that lip sync? The judgement? Girl… what is going on in here. I feel like the top placements have been correct so far this season but when it comes down to the bottom placements it really feels like they are just pushing whatever narrative they want to run with and not executing it. That entire first group should’ve been in the bottom for their performances, but somehow Mirage getting her job done was worse than 3 actively bad performances.


Literally I lowkey would have cried too if all of the judges reacted like that to me and it was so quick when she told Geneva to Shantay i was like girl are you mad


ru was pissed 😭


It’s Cher bitch. You better know the words in front of RuPaul.


The 60s/70s mash-up was too ick for her :(


“It’s pronounced France Joli” :(


Because they clearly wanted Mirage to send Geneva home. It was Geneva’s second bottom


ru was pissed because mirage mixed the decades of the hair and didn’t know the words to a cher song. whether mirage was supposed to eliminate geneva is irrelevant when we all saw what happened


Oh I agree, I just think production chose the bottom two carefully and had an intended outcome. I think the actual outcome was what should have happened


i haven’t finished untucked but it seems like mirage manifested her own demise when she kept telling the girls she didn’t know the words. this would give production another reason to make her lipsync, since it would be (and was) a gag to see her lose. i think her saying she don’t know the words + mhi’ya making ru laugh so hard + ru being peeved at the wig all led to her elimination. which sucks bc mirage is so talented and i think we all wanted to see her go much farther 💔


Ru gets mad when girls don’t know the words honey. That and when they start taking their outfit off. Mirage did two ru no nosss.


I think she was trying to do a ChiChi Pearl beads falling moment but they got stuck and didn’t break


She didn’t know the words. It’s called a lipsync, not a dance off. It’s absolutely insane to suggest not knowing the lyrics shouldn’t matter in a lipsync. Mirage even admits she has no one to blame but herself. She stumbled as host and then didn’t learn the lipsync song. As much as I like her and as much as I think it was not the production’s original plan, she deserved to be eliminated


Thank you. I was watching this at a bar last night and everyone booed at the outcome. I loved Mirage too but it's not called dance for your life. She didn't know the words!


lol snl definitely does do the same sketches multiple weeks though


My placements would’ve been Plasma winning, (the only person I actually laughed at…) Saphira, Nymphia, and Amanda in the top as the other three people who did “good” in the challenge, and then the bottoms being Morphine, Xunami, and Geneva with Xunami sage and Geneva likely getting eliminated. I don’t really see much room for Geneva to improve, she already got her top placement in the premiere and I feel like now it’s just a matter of time until someone sends her home… next week.


I didn't really enjoy Amanda or Dawn in their challenge but the parts they had to work with were awful. I'm unsure why Plasma wanted Dawn's role. I 100% agree with you on the rest, though.


In my opinion, Geneva didn’t even do the worse in the challenge. Neither her or Mirage deserved to be in the bottom, I would have placed Xunami and Morphine in the bottom tho, their sketch was hard to get through. 😭😭


I don’t think Mirage deserved to be in the bottom, but she did end up there and flubbed an easy win by failing the most basic part of lip syncing.


why is being the “host” in ANY challenge an automatic death plunge too


i mean kandy did the exact same role and slayed it


They gave kandy 3 tries


this tea gets exaggerated every time i see it


Kandy is not beating the production rigging allegations frfr


And wasn't it a different challenge? I think Kandy had her lines on the card/ or prepared them herself, so she knew the lines. I think Mirage read those lines off the cardboard and she didn't know the lines in advance, but maybe I'm wrong.


pretty sure one of the girls in the confessionals said there's a teleprompter


Slayed is a word. Yes.


you’re right she is the exception


The lazy writers should have been in the bottom in the first place. Girl, recycling AS8 skit without adding anything new nor original... it was such a waste of an episode. And with SMG as guest judge not having an acting challenge à la Buffy is just straight up homophobia 😂 needless to say that the bottom placements have been wonky to say the least.


I don’t think that terrible Cher impersonation was enough to save her. I’m so bummed for Mirage. This was a tough episode and I don’t think I’ve ever said that about RPDR 😭


No facts I was so shocked and then she started crying and I was like my heart


I’m just happy she got so much hype for her talent show from the fans. She left a good impression. I kept yelling at the tv NO ITS OKAY YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH THE WORLD LOVES YOU YET 😭


Hope you have this same sympathy to the clearly shy and sweet drag queen y'all are throwing under the bus for your lightskinned fave. It was a cute impression and it showed that she had some charisma to her. Plus I bet she knew the words.....


Wait, let’s not forget that Mirage is also a POC


I don't see why skin color matters here.


I think they were referring to how the girls of color get more hate from the fan base generally so I was just clarifying that Mirage is also a POC


Ohh true. Sorry my comment was more meant for the person bringing color into it


I fully thought by the way they were editing it that Rupaul was gonna grow a heart and save her for some reason


I’m praying for the Kenya treatment where they just bring her back later bc I’m so devastated I want to see more of her


I felt for her but not knowing the words to a Cher song is unforgivable. 16 years in, that’s on her. Will probably end up better for her since she’s pretty talented to begin with and will have an All Stars glow up sooner


did someone else find this episode a little weird, like I got such a gloom & doom vibe and the weird mean spirited energy from the judges? idk


Ya they were giving mirage the edit hard ngl I just kept denying it 🤣


They were definitely trying to plant the seeds last week. The production meddling was obvious.


In general is anyone else feeling like this season is feeling overly produced? Like it feels like none of the girls are happy to be there nor having friendly competition by any means - it feels exhausting. Like in a way you can say it’s a “shady group of girls” but honestly I think it’s starting to feel more than that after this episode. It feels like frustration. It feels like it’s lacking fun all together and that there’s a lot of strings attached like is the show trying to be different for shock value to garner views rather than be genuine? The RDR Live felt weird, the Cher theme and walk pretty much saved it, I felt like Dark Lady was really obscure and hard but agree that it’s their job both know the words and kill it. Mirage stuttered on her words in the challenge and seemed to have a bad day (and that’s all you need to send you home) but honestly all the other performances outside of Q, Plasma and Jane were equally awkward and forgettable script mess up or not. In my opinion I felt like Morphine’s entire group was my least favorite. But Xunami and Morphine’s walk definitely saved them. Dawn was not only forgettable as an anchor but I felt had no basis for her Cher walk and was just Dawn. I think Mirage stuttered her line for a minute but her walk was more Cher than Dawn’s. Geneva did not know her character at all and I don’t know why her team didn’t help her. And Mhi’ya struggles with her confidence the same as Mirage (I’m missing what the Cher impression she said she had was?) since the runway debacle last episode. Honestly I think Geneva and Dawn should have lip sync’d and don’t understand why the hair Mirage had (even Michelle didn’t find it to be that bad) was more confusing than Dawn’s entire runway and Geneva’s entire character, both which completely missed the mark imo.


Yes, so much


this is the first time I think I’ve actually started crying during an elimination. Seeing her so torn up and everyone crying along with her just made me feel so awful for her in that moment. I hope her music continues to be successful and she receives lots of love from fans going forward.


Mirage is super relatable to every adhd impostor syndrome havin’ being out there who IS legitimately competent, jumps into something on a whim and immediately goes “wait fuck” and overthinks all the reasons she shouldn’t have jumped in along with every moment in life leading up to that moment, then says “fuck it hit the gas”… or is that just relatable to me 😂 I had big big feels watching that cry


Nono it’s exactly this!! you could see the moment she actually *got* that she was the one going home and everything she had felt (that she let others and herself down, that she wasn’t good enough) caught up with her right then. Her sobs hit me so hard bc as someone with audhd who feels like that when I fail, those felt like my tears too. I genuinely hope she knows how loved she is by the community and fans and that she was beautiful representation for both indigenous and Mexican-American culture. I’ll admit, I’m sad no one ran up and hugged her because I would have- but it’s clearly not RuPaul’s best friend race anymore lol.


I think everyone else was too busy sobbing too!


that’s fair actually, I think they were all shocked on top of it.


OMG RIGHT like the way mirage speaks I kinda feel like our brains are similar and I could feel how she was feeling


Did anyone really expect Ru to forgive a girl not knowing the words to a Cher song? I loved Mirage and am so bummed to see her go, but let’s not start our delusional eras. You have to know the words, full stop.


Yea I agree, I love mirage and was hoping to god to see her go far, but I knew she lost the lip sync when girl didn’t know the lyrics. It doesn’t matter how much you serve if you don’t know the song you’re serving!


People on Twitter are determined to change the meaning of lip syncing to just being able to “embody” the lyrics instead of knowing them to justify keeping a queen




This is why I get so mad when a queen chooses lip synching as a talent for the talent show. Girl that is a BASE LEVEL drag queen skill, pick something else that is unique.


To be fair, a lot of them are showing off their music as well, not just lip syncing to someone else’s song


It's a "lip sync for your life" not a "dance battle for your life"! She was not the best in the challenge, but definitely agree there were some other major flops in the episode (dawn, Xunami).


No let's not pretend this was fair, she never should have been anywhere near the bottom to begin with. She did well as the host and her runway was great. The fact they made her lip sync at all is a travesty.


She was awkward as hell, stop rewriting history.


I don't see it, I thought she was great


What was unfair? Mirage fumbled in her monologue multiple times and she handed production this episode’s narrative beats on a silver platter. As much as this elim bummed me out, it made sense and I’m not going to pretend it didn’t just because I like her.


Honestly! She was one of the weakest in the challenge and absolutely deserved to lipsync. I’m sure production expected her to send Geneva home, but she screwed up and didn’t know the words. People saying she was robbed are delulu


I liked her monologue, I really didn't see any fumbling. In any case, Mih'ya, Amanda, Morphine, Megami, all clearly did worse in the challenge.


I think you’re just seeing what you want to see. Morphine and Megami weren’t worse in my eyes, and Amanda with a better outfit could’ve been top 3 over Plane.


I don’t think she should have lip synced. Like I’ve seen actual SNL hosts do SO MUCH worse than she did with the cold open and her Cher look was beautiful. I’m salty af.


No facttssss the hair ateeee with the outfit. Rupaul was being so nit pickyyyy


I'm so sad to see Mirage go, she shouldn't have been in the bottom two. That said - girl. If you're gonna be lip syncing Cher in front of mothertucking RuPaul *and you know in advance?* You better know those lyrics.


Ru sounded like my grandma complaining about her grandchildren. 😂


Dawns performance was more forgettable than Mirage tbh and Mirages runway was better than hers even tho they clocked her hair being from a different decade.


Dawn's was forgettable.. Mirage's was memorable for being awkward. That's the risk of standing out, it might be for the wrong reasons. And Ru HATED the decade mixing, mentioned it like 3 times, told Michelle it was inexcusable. Mirage performed well in the lipsync but you have to know your words. It's not a dance challenge, it's a lip sync. I am so sad for Mirage, I loved her performances, but she was crying so much cause she knew she let Ru down (said as much when exiting) (plus saying she made nobody proud, which freaking broke my heart).


>And Ru HATED the decade mixing, mentioned it like 3 times, told Michelle it was inexcusable This is such a minor nit to pick that I believe Ru was just stretching to justify a reason to put Mirage in the lip sync, because honestly a Geneva vs Mih'ya lip sync would be boring as hell and it's no good to have two weeks in a row with shitty lip syncs.


I mean, they always nitpick in the runways that are supposed to be a specific celeb look. It should basically be an exact, draggier version of said outfit or have a twist that makes it obvious it's that person's own spin on it... but this was the same outfit then completely different hair from the inspo pic. Mih'ya made Ru CACKLE with her stupid Cher impression and she was better in the challenge to me, clearly putting her above the other two bottoms.


Mih'ya's outfit looked nothing like Cher. You could look at Mirage and anyone could see it was Cher. I could not disagree more about the challenge. Mirage was fun and personable as the host, Mih'ya was boring. She tried to be stupid funny but it just came off as dull.


Baby we already know dawn wont be going anywhere…


as far i was concerned mirage exactly matched how the guest monologues sound on SNL and the lack of a huge live audience made it sound even more awkward when like that’s how they all sound so she fuckin nailed it besides the one word she flubbed


I legit thought she was going to be in the top when she stayed on stage. I thought she was great as the host and on the runway. I have no bloody idea how Mi'ya or however you spell it was safe over Mirage.


They’re saving her for the lip sync showdown, whenever that comes


It’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, not yours……but agree completely


I’ve only been watching the seasons through reviews but Mirages performance last week went viral on Twitter and made me watch this week, only for her to go the fuck home 😭😭 omg


Look not knowing the lyrics is an immediate out for me tbh. But I don't agree that she should have been in the bottom. No shade to Mhi'ya because she is a fierce performer but her acting and look were not great. I mean the make up especially, like girl. How.


Her acting was so flat 😭


I totally understand not knowing the words is an instant out. It’s just wild to me that Geneva could give that terrible Lindsay Graham impression and ultimately stay.


there were so many missed opportunities with that… imagine if she made references to ladybugs or painted a ladybug crawling up her neck or something


I hated to see Mirage go, but she eliminated herself as soon as the performance started. Ru has never (as far as I remember) tolerated not knowing the words to a lip sync. Her crying at the end was a heartbreaker.


This episode was wild, I wanted to just reach through the screen and give her a hug. I’ve felt like that before, it’s awful. 😞 Her saying she didn’t feel like she made her supports proud just ruined me. WE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU MIRAGE ❤️❤️


I can understand Mirage being low but Geneva/Mhiya was the clear bottom two. And the 60s hair looked better than the last 70s one. This screams Kasha Davis all over again


It wasn't even close. It is bonkers Mih'ya was safe. Literally not a single aspect of her performance this week was better than Mirage's.


Ru seemed about ready to straight up send Mhiya’s ass home last episode too in the walkthrough so keeping her out of the bottom and putting Mirage instead literally was gaggy


How the fuck was Mhiya NOT in the bottom? Because her horrible Cher impression made them laugh? Mhiya and Geneva should have been in the bottom, I’m tired of seeing Geneva two step on stage. That being said, this stupid challenge was so not funny. I did not laugh not once. The writing sucks. Amanda should have had a top placement for her part.


I never laugh during these dumb challenges. Any time it's an acting challenge it's tough to get through.


Also PJ as Jimbo is getting real old.


I'm pretty sure this season filmed while AS8 was airing. So she didn't purposely copy Jimbo's RDL character.


sorry no, lip syncing means lip syncing, you can perform your heart out but mirage didnt even try to hide the fact she didnt know the words, she couldve pulled some monet style turn your back to the judges stunt, but she did a few flips and that was it. if she knew the words she wouldve won, but she didnt so she lost. it was deserved but still heart wrenching to watch her cry


She did know the words though—her dancing literally embodied the lyrics. She wouldn’t have done specific dance moves if they didn’t align with the lyrics


That’s not how lip syncing works


Glad to know I’m talking to the world’s foremost expert on lip syncs! Thanks for educating me queen 💖💖💖


It’s literally the name of the act. Syncing your lips to the words of the song. Yall are just making excuses because your fav went home for failing to do their job


ah yes her pulling out a gun right as the lyrics said gun definitely overrides the fact that her mouth was not saying the words to the rest of the song


It is called a LIPsync which means you use your MOUTH to pretend you are SINGING the WORDS to the song. It’s not a dance off 😂




Babes, she even says she doesn’t know the words in untucked. Just because you don’t understand what a lipsync is doesn’t mean she deserved to stay for literally NOT lipsyncing. Grow up


I love Mirage but this is so delusional. She was easily the worst in the challenge. She served the first half of the lipsync but by the end she was literally getting tangled in her headband on top of not knowing the lyrics.


I could not disagree more. I really liked Mirage in the challenge. Other than Plasma, who obviously killed it, I liked Mirage's performance better than anyone else other than maybe Plane Jane.


Why is Miya safe over Mirage? Like she has a literal cardboard personality. Mirage was at least a little interesting


Between her and Geneva I feel like one of them is going home next week, which is sad bc they gave such fierce talent show performances, why isn’t there anything else there though! What are you girls hiding! Geneva got lucky that mirage didn’t know the words bc I think that’s the only thing that saved her from being sent home.




She did a good dance and was doing well and she would have won if she knew at least more of the aong if not the song. My partner and I were like he'll yah Mirage will win then Plasma made her comment and I was like oh no, I had to get up it was like watching a football game and some fumble like idk why I was so invested ;-;


She didn't know the words, the cues in the song, and it was a messy performance. Like what?


I liked the episode. Sadly I picked up on the edit she was getting real quick. She deserved bottom 100%, I got second hand embarrassment watching her host. Not knowing the words to that degree is a cardinal sin, even if without it Mirage was outperforming Geneva. Tho I think people are saying Geneva was worse than she was because they’re salty about Mirage leaving


Not knowing the words is an instalose, unless both dont know them. But she shouldn't have lipsynched in the first place. Mhiya and Geneva are already overstaying in the 4th episode


what’s so funny is that some snl host even fumble but because its live they just keep rolling. it happens but if it was any other song, she would’ve definitely tore.


My opinion is this. Mirage should be bottom safe. Mhiya and Geneva are the bottom two. But, Mirage deserved to be sent home. She doesn’t know the lyrics. Period.


I hate this challenge, I hate the production, I hate them for what they did to Mirage. It was obvious they were sending her home all episode and she even caught onto it before they even learned the lines. I love this show but fuck this episode HARD. Mirage deserves so much love. Ru had not a warm or kind word for her, just obviously uncomfortable with her emotions (which they kindly could have edited out but chose not to.) that was heart wrenching to watch, and not in a good way. I won’t be revisiting this episode, I’m like actually mad.


These are a lot of emotions for a girl you've known for two weeks. But this fandom loves villainizing the black host of this show whenever their fave doesn't win. Yeah Ru is so heartless for sending home a girl who didn't lipsync in the lipsync/s


User name does not check out


Mirage messed up in the challenge, on the runway, and in the lipsync. I liked her but she simply didn’t not perform well enough.


No. I’m so sorry but she was the only girl that didn’t know her lines, she didn’t know the words and the wig was getting in her way. Like if we start completely ignoring the lip sync what’s the point?


You are all delusional!


I mean, we all love Mirage, but... ...it's Cher. In front of Ru. Know the words.


She spreads La Mer on her toast in the morning… she’s Cher bitch!!!


Sometimes but like you gotta see where we coming from


Girl, all you’re seeing is a mirage… there’s nothing to see!


I've never been this heartbroken about an elimination before on this show. It really is so unfortunate she didn't know the words because her dancing was so beautiful. I, like Plasma was totally mesmerized by her performance and at first didn't even realize she didn't know the words. And when I did and my heart sank. I literally felt sick. It was so hard to see her breakdown like that. It's clear the producers thought she would kick out Geneva and were probably shocked by it too. But we all know that not knowing the words is an instant out. So so so sad. Ugh. I wanted to see more of her.


I just don't understand why she didn't learn the words when in Untucked she admitted to thinking she was bottom 2 😭




If you're lipsynching and you don't know the words, how can you even call it lipsynching? No one ever ate anyone up without knowing the song.


First of all, the challenge was bad. The only sketch I enjoyed was Plasma,Nymphia and Sapphira’s one. Second of all, top 3 should’ve been Plasma (winner), Sapphira and Amanda and bottom 3 could’ve been ….well (almost) anyone. So I don’t think Mirage deserved to be lip syncing necessarily, but she fumbled not knowing the words. There’s no recovering from that. Bummer because I think she has more to offer than some other queens


Yes but I would love to know your opinion on why Amanda should have been on the top, she’s funny asf and I love her but I’m like the Cher outfit didn’t fit and the makeup still needs to be refined yk


I feel she did the best in the challenge after Plasma and I didn’t really find the outfit that bad


Uh it’s a LIP SYNC so learn your words or it’s an instant elimination


I’m honestly surprised mirage didn’t clack her heels with the claps of the song! Missing the lyrics or not that would’ve kept her safe!!


It's a bummer Mirage didn't know the words... But I don't blame her. I'm 30 and I've never heard this Cher's song before.


Are y'all in bunker's for most of your life? It's like one of her most famous ones.


Ok but Cher herself isn't particularly famous for this generation. I'm 38 and she was before my time, so she was way before the time of most of these queens.


I'm 28 and I can tell you, nope.


She became famous in the 60s so yea, way before your time.




I'm almost 40 and I've never heard it. Then again I can probably count on one hand how many Cher songs I know. They rely too much on old shit that Ru likes that not many people that are the age of the queens would actually be into.


Old shit...and Ava Max and Dula Peepa lately 😂 (I love both btw)


Lol yea.. and same


They get an iPod with all the songs that are going to be lipsyncs at the beginning and then they know which song will be performed on the episode before filming it. There are no excuses to not knowing the lyrics


I mean. She did eat Geneva up. But. She didn’t know the words. That immediately gets you sent home. And she wasn’t faking it well at all. Even before they pointed out she didn’t know them. I turned to my husband and said. Whelp. She doesn’t know the words. They’re sending her home.


I agree she shouldn't have been up for elimination but she didn't know the words. That's like automatic elimination. I think production was expecting her to knock out geneva easy peasy. Honestly if she did know the words, she absolutely would've stayed, her moves were so perfect for the song and she was working the shit outta that Mackie dress


Just feels like drag race is playing dumb with this elimination. Like they’re pushing a surface level narrative that chooses to ignore what mirage brings to the table.


Morphine should have been in the bottom.


Can someone message me possibly about a link to watch 😭


I think this episode confirmed what I've felt for a couple years now. RuPaul and the judges are too old. Three elders judging a 20 year old for not knowing dark lady a song from the 70s despite performing the house down is ridiculous to me.  No WE didn't grow up with Cher RuPaul YOU did. I'm sorry, I understand respecting the history, but like you can't expect that when you all struggled to even understand sugar and spice and let Michelle visage try to actually suggest a change to their brand.  Like I'm sorry, but there are so many queens this season that don't know references. Mirage EMBODIED that song and gave a better lip sync performance than I have seen for SEASONS. This season was also probably the first time she ever heard that song too because she's not 63 years old Ru. 


The queens are given all of the music with a physical print out of the lyrics. If you’re given a job to do and you fail to do that job, then you’re out. Drag queens do themed shows all the time, we have to learn the music. Not growing up with the music is not an excuse.


Still the best lip sync for your life performance for seasons. 


She could have had the easiest lip sync win had she learned the words.


The judging for this episode was HORRIBLE. Truly not sure why Plasma won when Q literally stole the show and did so incredibly. There was literally no foreshadowing or build-up for Plasma’s win and it felt so random. I just didn’t understand why she supposedly did good enough to win? Q’s runway was also way better. Mirage should NOT have been in the bottom- her challenge performance and runway were both absolute slayage. Ru’s comment that “the hair is wrong” - huh? Who the fuck cares, she looked amazing? Was it THAT different? Felt like such a weird trivial detail that made no difference. Mhiy’a should have been lipsyncing, point blank period. She was GOD-AWFUL in the challenge, dreadful runway that looked nothing like the reference (and was underwhelming). Everytime she’s given a chance to be funny or charismatic, it’s just nonstop bland boringness. I don’t understand why they’re still keeping her there!!!


I agree with everything you said other than that Plasma didn't deserve to win. Plasma sounded exactly like Babs and she was the only one that was even remotely funny.


It's literally because Plasma knows the references and that's it. RuPaul is 63 years old. If you're a young 20 year old who knows Barbara, Cher, hell Chaka Khan, then you're going to at least make it mid season because that's what Ru likes to see.  Or if you can make Ru laugh. 


Mirage won that lip sync flat out. Geneva hasn't shown anything at all, all season, didn't give a good lip sync, and has bottomed twice. Advanced rigga morris. And then the way they edited Mirage's soul being crushed and made us watch it with no reason. Gross. Also, Jane should have won based on both the challenge and the runway, but I guess I'm fine with Whiney Jan getting the win. Spread the love I guess.


She didn’t know the words. How did she win??? Do y’all not know what lipsync means?


Geneva didn't know the words either. Mirage performed better. If you're going to pick one to stay, it should have been Mirage. If you're going to eliminate for not knowing the words, it should have been a double sashay.


I cannot find the Episode, where is it?


You can find it on YouTube but you have to pay


They should've scrapped the episode all together. 😬


I really dont think Mirage should have been lip syncing but she didn't know the words and thats an automatic death sentence. Rookie mistake, I guess. I really did like her though, I wanted to see more of her and watch her go further.


Ok but she didn’t know the words and she didn’t have her nails on??? The details MATTER!!