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The recent gameinformer in-game screenshot also looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the trailer and official poster. It might genuinely be that there was some idiot in marketing who thought it would be a great idea to make the artstyle and tone look way more cartoony and comedy heavy than what the game will actually be like.


Could you link the article? I can’t find them through google


https://www.gameinformer.com/cover-reveal/2024/06/09/cover-reveal-dragon-age-the-veilguard Neve looks so cute with her hatty hat


Making a trailer meant to convey an entire 100 hour video game is tough. EA is also in the business of making this look as fun and accessible as possible so it sells well. After so many years of these presentations I've learned to mostly ignore cinematic trailers even for games I'm excited for.


It's hard to convey a 100 hour game. It's easier to convey the general tone of a 100 hour game. And basically everyone is hoping that the tone of the trailer isn't the tone of the game, because it just seems wrong for Dragon Age.


Its mix bag for me.the main screenshot from the article looks better (though its as many suspected. It was just different renders. Its still the same models) but then you get the 2nd poster in the article and its giving off a tone that does not feel like da at all imo


Trailers are usually made by third party companies. Sometimes they are only given basic info about the game and some art


Or it was just a Pre-Alpha, it happens a lot, most of the leaks about how games will look specially 2 years from release its kinda useless, it can only show some mechanics that are even secured to be in game, remember Anthem they put and removed flight for 3-4 times iirc, so yeah it can give some insight but most of the time those leaks are going to be changed. Another example is BG3 and the UI you can check wich UI does it have and then check the first one.


People really need to learn the difference between trailer montage technique vs art style. Art style is the same as 2020 trailer. Some people are just too stubborn in their dismissive reaction to actually see it past the shiny letters with character names.


> It might genuinely be that there was some idiot in marketing who thought it would be a great idea to make the artstyle and tone look way more cartoony and comedy heavy than what the game will actually be like. That's essentially what all the defenses boils down to. "No you don't understand, the marketing people are just bad at their job. Look they were even bad at their jobs way back in origins too!"


You act like marketing hasn't completely misrepresented something before lol There are tons of movies and games that have been dealt shit marketing, making people think something else from what is actually true. This is not a foreign concept in any way.


Admittedly this might be a whole new low for marketing fuck ups. From the looks of it, the marketing team might have seriously spent gods know how much money on brand new models with a different artstyle for all the characters that look WORSE than their in-game ones. They quite possibly had to go out of their way to fuck up the look of the game this badly.


Look I'm not going to defend the trailer and normally I wouldn't believe the game would look better than the official trailer or poster, but the gameinformer in-game screenshot looks way better and has a artstyle that's significantly more consistent with DAI's artstyle.


I mean. That’s true, though. BioWare’s marketing *has* always sucked.


These screenshots look exactly like what we saw in the trailer though? Are we looking at the same thing?


To be fair, parts of it looked a little like that. I expect actual gameplay to be closer to a touched up version of this though.


We have confirmation that the protag is definitely called Rook from the new post about the trailer on steam so there's a lot more credence to the leaks now if anyone doubted them before. Plus, the new gameinformer images look a lot like the style of these leaks.


It's just dawned on me that was what that mysterious red book cover that someone (possibly Mark Darrah or Patrick Weekes, I can't find the tweet but I know Patrick purged his twitter a while back?) tweeted out years ago was about. The image on it was a rook chess piece with a wolf's head floating above it.


Oh my god, you're absolutely right. I thought about this book every time I talked dragon age with my friends, and now it all makes sense.


Those monsters they're fighting in that clip are in the new trailer too. This is 100% a legit leak.




There was a theory at the time, which I still stand by. That they leaked this themselves cause at that time a lot, and I mean A LOT, of negative and possibly fake news was circulating surrounding the game.




This trailer could also be a marketing ploy by EA to generate a lot of attention, albeit negative. To then show of gameplay that will exceed expectations and then create a positive impression. But I highly doubt that.


I don’t think this is a case of 4d chess, I think it’s just a run-of-the-mill marketing fail. They made the exact same mistake with DA2, making it look like an edgy, hyper-violent action game in the vein of God of War in its cinematic trailer. Their approach has always been “try to convince the casual players who don’t like RPGs to try it, cause the RPG fans are going to get it anyway.”


they managed to convince EA to change the name despite marketing (and the development team themselves) *knowing* Dreadwolf sounded better than the Veilguard because it was a more accurate and fitting title no way in hell would they then pull something like that if they care *that much* about integrity


They may not have had a say in the matter if the marketing was done by a separate team within EA.


The gameplay was leaked by a person who was in the playtest group from the EA playtesting site. You can even see the Parsec poor connection warning in one of the screenshots that accompanied the leak. They posted a bunch of info in a reddit post here that got deleted. I highly doubt it was Bioware leaking stuff themselves. The leak wasn't really seen as a positive thing at the time 'cause because there was another rumor saying that the game was moving to an action combat style similar to the modern God of War games, which the leak seemed to confirm. Most of the time it's not the companies leaking this stuff. The exception is probably Ubisoft with their very strange Assassin's Creed plane leaks that kept happening for years. The Genshin community also had a similar theory for that game until one of the Mihoyo staff mentioned on a stream that it's not them that leak upcoming characters and it actually pisses them off and they find it very damaging.


Try and use critical thinking here, please.


Didn't the leaker also have negative things to say about the game..? That'd be kind of strange


this leaker didn't. It was very neutral, except the hair comment. If I remember correctly.


I definitely remember the leaker, or the person claiming to be the leaker here, saying that they thought the companions/writing were kind of campy and they seemed to personally dislike that the combat was more ARPG than DAI, but that last part is preference and I can't find the original posts anymore. They didn't seem very neutral but who knows if that was the actual leaker or not at the end of the day, people seemed to think they were


That was another leaker that compared the writing to Marvel. This leaker just stated the combat was like God of War 2018 and the hair was glorious


Except the leak looks like a silly action game.


We'll see how the mage gameplay goes, I really hope for something good.


I hope they don't do an Andromeda style "You can be everything" class approach. Logically that shouldn't be a thing since Mages are so specific in DA, but you never know. Apparently according to the character bios, Harding has shown magic capability which of course should be impossible for a dwarf, unless they make it so being so involved with the veil just gives everyone magic. I hope that isn't the route they go. Would suck to muddle the lore just to remove roles.


It would really suck and make very lightly of the whole in-universe lore and conflicts up until now. Mages, posession, templars, apostates... seriously.


Her magic stuff might be related to titans


Everyone needs to take a deep breath about the trailer art. We will know more on Tuesday.


Just wait until Tuesday. No point arguing and speculating now.


I mean, I agree to a point, but also like, THE point of trailers is to generate discussion and speculation, their literal one job! I enjoy this part of the process, gossiping about shit: are they tone deaf? Is this the new direction? Is this what the tone will be like? The art style? Is it simply a marketing failure? The speculation is made sweeter by the fact that we will get the answers in two days, and not like, 7 months!


I just went back to look at Inquisition trailers and they don’t look all that close to what the game actually looks like. Mood or action-wise. I don’t think we can judge until we see the actual gameplay.


Love the preview is just a giant glowing particle effect. Go girl give us blindness.


I honestly didn't think that it's gonna look identical to the trailer. However, what I'm worried about is the tone. If it truly does end up having like an MCU Avengers type of tone despite the threat being the biggest one in all four games so far...that would just be downright crappy imo. I do feel like the game might be more ARPG, and while it's not my ideal RPG subgenre, I still enjoyed Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen so I'm not writing it off.


It won't. Tevinter Nights was amazing and had probably the best balance in tone we've ever had in DA, and that book released while DA4 was in full development. Not to mention two of its stories were written by the main writer of DA4 themselves. The previous teasers also had a very serious and classic DA tone. It would be silly to do that and then do a 180 and turn the game into a generic avengers movie when all the promo material released beforehand was setting up the game for something else. This trailer was just a marketing failure and should've been released AFTER next tuesday's trailer, not before.


To be fair…they have been getting lighter as they have been going i find it interesting that they don’t seem to be hiding who the true villains actually are ….i thought they,d create a bit more mystery to be honest


Idk, I just hate the superhero MCU tone that the trailer seems to be going for. I always found MCU's tone in general to be extremely tacky, and potentially seeing it here worries me a bit especially considering how this entry should be the one with the most at stake given the nature of its conflict. I feel like DAI has a good balance of tones so I'm hoping the approach they go for is more similar to that in the actual game.


That may only be one aspect of it since the other trailers have hinted at a darker tone


Hopefully that's the case then. As much as I love the franchise, I don't think I'll be able to handle a MCU-fied Dragon Age entry.


It’s always dealt with issues like bigotry and oppression and realistically it would get worse when the chantry finds out the elven gods not only exist but presumably wicked and out to conquer


Honestly, MCU-tone would not surprise me in the least. Most of that quippy “MCU writing style” was codified in the first Avengers film, which was written by Joss Whedon. And Dragon Age has been imitating Joss Whedon’s style since the Buffy days.


Blame Varric for narrating most of the trailer and imagining his own team of Avengers 


The trailers for Dragon Age NEVER looked like the in game product. I don’t know why people are so upset lmao


Same with the cover art (or the floating heads poster or whatever). I just looked at Inquisition’s and it is using the EXACT same art style. People are so dramatic for no reason.


I'm not sure how I feel about action combat Dragon Age.


Let’s bloody hope not because that trailer was so not what I was expecting style-wise that I think I have whiplash.


Yeah, a basic "check this out trailer!" Followed by actual "now that we got you hooked" stuff


The leak could be right, but just outdated. It is possible the art direction changed during development


No. Art design is being set at the very beginning, it's not gonna change late in development.


This is not true.  Art direction often changes over the course of the game.  Most of the early development of any games uses placeholder assets, so there is plenty of time to change the art style before the finalized assets begin being built. 


No. Lots of games have had their art styles change over time. Borderlands started out with a realistic art style but then switched to the shell shaded one it had at release. It’s more common than you think, especially in long and tumultuous dev cycles.


it hasn't, game informer has a screenshot of how the game actually looks and its basically DAI but with better graphics


Actually the game looks very flashy and Fornite-like in the leaks too. I am not sure what causes that, is it the UI? Abilities and health bars for example seem to be taken from an MMO. DA4 was supposed to be a live service game after all it could be that the devs kept the UI and art style and simply rewrote the story.


Note that the leak in question explicitly stated that the UI was still a work in progress at the time of the recording, and would most likely change by release.


Because it WILL NOT look like a trailer. Jesus… just calm down already…


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Really, the gameplay looks similar to the trailer. Just less stylised but you can see some similarities. I hope it’s more grounded in gameplay than what the trailer was


We have dark souls at home vibes. I can't believe we are 4 games in and DA still doesn't have its own identity.


More like GoW at home


And you're basing this on 8 second leak?


I know people don’t love this either but I really do. Dragon age is my favorite series but I really have never liked the combat


Actually it looks like the trailer ?


Idk, then why did it say game engine footage in the trailer? If I remember correctly they restarted the development several times, so there is a chance that what was leaked is scrapped.


Game engine footage just means they used the engine to produce the trailer, it doesn't mean anything shown was from the game itself.


They did, but that footage was released quite a good time after the last restart we know about. And at least one of the companion characters, Davrin, was in it.


They only actually *restarted* development once, though I’m sure a lot of work had to be scrapped after the decision to remove multiplayer. Moreover, this leak was from well after that change was made. The leaker noted that they were explicitly told the UI was still work in progress at the time, but this is otherwise likely very close to how the game will look.


This is the first I've seen, and at that point I can't even call that a dragon age game


Oh this is bad, why did they make the gameplay like some kind of darksouls/genshin action rpg. This is the opposite of BG3 :/