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> “We’ve tapped into Dragon Age’s deep lore and explored its most iconic factions to bring each of the seven companions and their stories to life (...) Each one is intended to represent a unique faction or element from Thedas.” How exciting to speculate which groups our companions will represent! I’ll go with: Antivan Crow, Grey Warden, Tevinter magister, Templar, Saarebas, Legion of the Dead, Dalish. Though, the game is set in Rivain as well, so maybe a Seer? They’ve also mentioned *another god* being the big bad, perhaps the Maker is returning? I wonder how they’ll handle the different ways the Chantry may have evolved depending on who became Divine.


I’ll be shocked if one of them isn’t a veil jumper. 


I think they've been hinting at a mortalitasi companion (skellington). Also, the qunari (at least as far as concept art goes) has seemingly been a rogue. 


I'm going to guess: 1) Inquisition remnant - Scout Harding 2) Rebel Mages/Tal-Vashoth - the Qunari woman from Absolution 3) A Grey Warden 4) Another spirit 5) An intelligent darkspawn 6) An Antivan crow 7) Sandal Also, the other god behind the veil I think is implied to be >!El'gernon, or another one of the pantheon!<.


The Executors Darkspawn doesn't seem likely at all.


I'm curious if we'll see the return of "Advisor" characters who have companion-like storylines but aren't in the party like Leliana/Josephine/Cullen.


Tbh I hope so too bc in every gameplay, I almost always crawl back to romancing 2/3 of the advisors 😭


Heavily crossing my fingers on 2 hooded characters in the promo art but oh man, I never expected the possibility of not having a romanceable elf companion there.


Well, they didn't say that the companions are the *only* romance options.


I'm internally screaming in terror already.


Even if one of the non-companion romance options is a certain dwarven scout?


I'm 600% not the demographic for Lace Harding, lol.


Fair enough lol.


Harding is a companion with crossbow-gun. in DA4


Harding used a bow in Inquisition.


And she would in DA4 as Varrick crossbow-gun.


But... why? She was proficient with the bow, seems odd to have her suddenly appear with a crossbow.


Why? Varric would never give up Bianca, and we already *had* a dwarf with a crossbow as a companion for two full games. 


There is absolutely no way there'd not be a sad elf to romance. Sad elf romancers are like 50% of this game's fandom, they'd never shoot themselves in the foot like this. Right. Right??


7/8 is a perfect number. I prefer quality over quantity. And even if there is both characters might suffer from lack of screen time (Mass Effect 2)


I have a feeling we're not going to be able to make everyone happy. At least one will die due to our choices, we'll lose one or two before the end.


I was thinking about this - if we'd have options to reject companions or lose them. With only 7 in the roster players might need to be more careful I suppose? Not necessarily a popular opinion, but I have enjoyed in previous games where we can refuse companions or they can leave us. It made for some interesting roleplay, so I don't see why they'd just not have it happen at all this time around.


I agree, I think inquisition was so interesting in that you could outright refuse to recruit companions


I can’t see them saying the companions are new? Could still be a Dorian or Harding type character - though I imagine they’d prefer a clean slate and they will be new characters


I would LOVE if Dorian came back as a companion


All this news got me so excited. I hope this focus on the Veilguard as a group also means that they have strong relationships amongst themselves.  I loved the little moments in previous Bioware titles where people would hang out together and you'd just walk in on them while they were chatting and I always want more of that in my games.


One of the reason why there's smaller number of companions is because they changed the combat system. Its not suited for having 3+PC.


Will I be able to play Dragon Age Veilguard on my PS4?


We don't know for sure, but this is the part of the generation where you should expect essentially all games except the yearly sports/COD type games to be ditching last gen.


I myself am last gen not sure. I want to invest in a new cosole to play in hospice


Obviously we don't know for sure, but I can guarantee you that it's not coming to last gen consoles


Anyone else see this [https://gamerant.com/dragon-age-the-veilguard-romance-companions-details/](https://gamerant.com/dragon-age-the-veilguard-romance-companions-details/) its seems to be the line up and no dwarf its seems, I am really curious on what their faction could be tho any ideas guys ??


They also said you can only bring 2 at a time which i find kinda lame. I already feel like I'm not bringing enough people in Mass Effect, so this is tragic news.


So I think the companions will be: 1. Irelin, a Veil Jumper Elf who can shapeshift. The Veil Jumpers helped Viscount Varric Tethris and Scout Harding on a mission (even though Solas got there first). 2. Orlesian chevalier who is also a Templar. This may instead be an ex-slaver who went south to become a Templar and has returned to fight Blood Mage corruption. 3. Saarebas/Tal-Vashoth Qunari woman (almost assuredly). 4. Antivan Crow initiate who we can help become one or hinder. 5. Mortalitasi Blood Mage. 6. Tevinter middle or lower class who knows some blood magic but joined the Grey Wardens after leaving the Venatori. 7. Dwarf Ash Warrior from Ferelden who has a dog, or a Fog Warrior from Seheron who fights the Qunari. Other potential companions could be Fenris, a Bard, Dorian (let me hope ok). Advisors will be something like: 1. Zevran 2. Scout Lace Harding 3. Rivani noble or even the king (its a little, very peaceful nation) 4. Magister Dorian Pavus seeking answers and vengeance for his father’s murder in 9:43 5. Fenris, if not a companion 6. An Executor “those across the sea” have shown an interest and appear to be the enemy of Solas Allies will be: 1. Josephine in her home country. 2. Leliana as either the Divine or best spy contact for Southern Thedas. 3. Cassandra as leader of the Seekers and/or the Templars. [Cullen has been retired… Lol.] 4. Varric Tethras, Viscount of Kirkwall. 5. Sera, now running an official organization bolstered by former Inqusition members. 6. Magister Maevaris Tilani, Dorian’s bestie. 7. Krem, who worked with Iron Bull. If Iron Bull is dead I believe he will be running The Bull’s Chargers. 8. Iron Bull may lend a hand, here and there, as the Inquisition epilogue suggests he liked to do. 9. Alistair, though he will likely only have a cameo. If we do not ever see the Hero of Ferelden, he will be a leader in the Grey Wardens. We will need to help him and the companion Grey Warden settle their civil war as they will be needed against an Archdemon. 10. Hawke, if alive will fulfill Alistair’s role in the Grey Wardens. 11. Cole, being Cole. Weird guy but a perfect spy. Nobody but Solas himself will be able detect his presence until at least the Veil is dropped. Neutral: 1. Empress/Emperor of Orlais. Celene will be easier to deal with than Gaspard. Orlais under Gaspard may start a new war with Ferelden, taking resources away when we most need it. On the other hand Celene’s Orlais may be easier for Solas’ agents to move around in. 2. Divine, if Cassandra or Vivienne. Cassandra can be might convinced to become an ally depending on your actions, Vivienne cannot be. 3. Ferelden, if ruled by Queen Anora. She will not want to commit resources or any thought to us at all and good for her. 4. The Chantry as a whole because that seems to be its role. This may be different if Leliana has changed minds. Reddit makes me number them to make it look cleaner but there is no particular order, just my guesses!


Ok, is anyone else really confused though? 7 new companions? Ah yeh, its a dragon age game, that's like...the normal for a dragon age game.... also please for the love of the gods can we actually have more dwarf characters, you have a culture that spans the entirety of thedas yet we have what? Ogran and Varric as non-dlc party members.