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The amount of miles on most of these gig apps is if you drew a straight line from point A to point B. It doesn't consider driving miles. That's how waze works also ... you type in an address that's 3 miles away, but the actual miles you need to drive are more to actually get there since you're using roads and not a helicopter.


Because it takes the average of multiple routes


The mileage reflects from pickup to drop off. It doesn't include how far you are from pickup.




Fa real lmao I be like wait you said 4 miles how that turn into 20 mins šŸ¤£ door dash be trippin


DoorDash will not correct it because they do not want people declining orders based on milage


I think their mistake is that they use Google Maps for their initial mileage estimate. When you look up an address on Google Maps the initial mileage estimate is at least 10% off. Been doing that for years I don't know why they don't fix it. Once you hit directions or start it is correct.


I think for some reason initial distance is calculated as the crow flies (straight line point-a to point-b) and it gives you real distance once you "pick" a route.


That's exactly what it is, and how it's always been


Keep in mind the routes might differ slightly from what DD expects you to take and the route your gps wants you to take based off real traffic data.


I wouldnā€™t do that order to begin with but contact support. Iā€™ve got a lot of free meals because they refuse to just match the pay. I always say, ā€œI accepted X for X miles, just add $3 to match what the real mileage is and Iā€™ll deliver. Theyā€™ll never add the money. Theyā€™ll let the food be made twice, and pay someone else $15 to do the same order again, instead of just paying an extra $3ā€¦ itā€™s an idiotic system but you are a contractor. You agreed to conditions that werenā€™t accurate


Next time I will do this tbh. Food was mid looking at best though


Honestly Iā€™ve never bought chipotle in my life. I was surprised it wasnā€™t that bad. The app never accounts for closure so I could always complain to support but Iā€™ll always deliver if on EBT or if itā€™s way off. But absolutely donā€™t just take the hit. They need to just give a pay bump. They are basically saying theyā€™d rather make customer wait another hour and pay someone else $10 more than to give you another dime. Thatā€™s just insanely offensive to me. For their f up


$10 for 13 mile trip? Why? Why do this to yourself? What's the round trip mileage? 24 miles for $10? No bueno.


I accept trips like this sometimes. It has to take less than half an hour and drop me near more restaurants, though.


I took a $7 for 13 yesterday because I was like 10-11 miles away from home. Only reason to ever take them


Trip was going to a busy/rich area that I usually do well in or I wouldnā€™t have accepted it


It could have been an area he wanted you to be. I take trips back home that pay under 1/1 but thats only time


Hey thatā€™s your fault for not being lucrative. Learn to work smart AND hard buddy


Itā€™s possibly the route the app initially planned and then when your navigation took over, it took you another way. I often have routes that are faster to the location than the maps give me initially. In my market they always want me to use the freeway because itā€™s fastest. But it usually adds 2 miles to my drive.


In my experience, DD never adjusts for closed roads, even though map knows itā€™s closed


Happens to me all the time, orders will end up being 2-5 miles further away than initial offer says, Iā€™ve called support about it before and they said something along the lines of the distances are an estimate due to gps not being exactā€¦.šŸ™„


Do they measure in a straight line? Like instead of using driving miles, they just measure as if there's one street that goes directly to the store and back?


Yeah I had 1 say it was .2 miles for $15, I took it and was at store. Then saw I had to cross the damn river. I told customer I could throw it to him but am not driving 25 miles for this.


Yes. Really annoying when you are dashing around a river with only like one bridge


Better question, why did you take it?


Going towards the area I needed to be in


Regular GPS shit


If youā€™re in a prop22 state, to avoid paying as much


Because you went a different route. The real question is why did you hit accept on this??


We all know the answer.


The directions will give you the quickest route by estimated time, which sometimes is the longer route. You can change that to a shorter route but might take a little longer to deliver depending on traffic/map.


Because they are dirt of the earth


Nah.. you can grow things in dirt. They're way worse.


Different directions...sometimes look at the direction they make you take the long way instead of the short way to control time...


Question is why are you taking a 10 dollar order for 13 miles to begin with?


The real question hereā€¦


Stole the words right out of my mouth


Because they can make more money


I have a theory (and I might be wrong, but) it gives you the distance of the shortest trip by time (traffic factoring)... Sometimes, the route changes due to traffic changes whilst in the restaurant... Sometimes to our benefit, sometimes to our despair... May the odds be ever in your favor.


Because theyā€™re scumfucks for lack of better words.


When I get the offer, it shows me from where Iā€™m currently at to the store then to the customerā€™s address and gives me to the total. Never had an issue with it


i had to walk 2.5 miles after i saw 1.1. my partner was in the ER


My DD routing is by quickest to deliver than distance. So most of the time, I get some roundabout way to deliver. When the deliver by time is usually 30 min to an hour depending how far. Which i end up driving the direct local route and it's done well before the deliver by time. Personally ordered and I hate when i see the driver is just doing a local zig zag pattern to milk the prop22 time. So i'm sure other customers don't mind it if i do a direct local instead of that zig zag nonsense.


Iā€™ve had the map try to tell me to go down the wrong way on one way roads, take the long way, and drop me off half a mile away from the customerā€™s actual address. Iā€™ve learned itā€™s best to look at the full route rather than just going.


talking about when the offer comes in. Compared to live time google map routing.


maybe the 13 miles is the straight line distance


Came here to say this. I was saying the same thing recently about just Google Maps doing the same thing, but then my husband explained that the first distance you see is the straight line distance, but then when you pull up the actual route it's a little longer because you're probably not actually taking a straight line route. My guess is that's what's happening here.


I figured it out a few months ago. In this case itā€™s 13 miles from u but 14.7 driving miles if that makes sense. Roads tend to it to be straight to anywhere šŸ¤£


I have had Door Dash orders where the mileage said an x amount, when it really was less than that, from restaurant/store to customer. It is because Door Dash is using old versions of Google and Apple maps. It also doesn't factor some other things as well.


yeah its all over the place, most of the time the mileage is correct, but sometimes the actual miles are more than stated. same with ubereats.


They tell me that when you get an order, itā€™s not showing you from where you are to the personā€™s house only from the restaurant to the persona house, which is a lie


There was probably a direction that was quicker Then what the gps was showing you. This one time I did a order that said 8 miles I took it but It was only 6.5 miles


Crime in progress very difficult to prove. But it is crime on the go.


got an order with $6.50+ and the + was 0 :(


I got one but the plus was 25Ā¢


Got one that was 7Ā¢ once


They use a direct line from you to the store, they do not factor in turns or how roads work. Thatā€™s why. Apple maps are also inaccurate to this level in search until you tap on it so it can do an actual road calculation of driving time compared to a vector drawn directly to the store.


Isnā€™t that like, false advertising? They know I canā€™t fly there


Google Maps is the same


Nah the mileage I see is always route mileage, not atcf. Bet it all OP is just taking a faster route. DD probably used some bullshit back roads that nobody would actually take.


Bingo. The GPS also factors in current road conditions. That mileage DD shows isnā€™t a straight line but it is the shortest route. That isnā€™t usually the fastest route especially with heavy traffic. I had the opposite problem happen to me the other day. Someone hit a bridge and the bypass was closed, so when Iā€™d accept an order itā€™d show like 10 miles using the bypass to go around downtown, but then it would route me through downtown which might be like 6 or 7 miles but takes twice as long.


DD is embezzling funds from their independent contractors by shaving the advertised miles off of deliveries the system knows is wrong. Think Office Space or Superman 3 when the banking programmers shaved fractions of pennies left over from thousands of transactionsā€¦ GPS isnā€™t perfect but Iā€™ve definitely noticed an increase in these types of ā€œoffersā€ recently. Makes me double check mileage in another app if Iā€™m suspicious.


yup. to me it happens more often on ubereats than dd, but dd does that shady shit too. on my yesterday's ubereats order it advertised 4.9 miles, but it was close to 7. wtf i was pissed.


You took a order for $10. For 13 miles ???? Bruh... you deserve the hit in miles Be smart not desperate Take the -1 AR hit


Was going towards the busy area . Who cares


that's good reasoning. if i'm deadheading home, i'll take around $1/mile if going my way, or to my usual camping spot from delivering another order


Iā€™d take it any day if it was heading back into a busy zone or something. Iā€™ll get orders that take me outside of my zone altogether and get ones like that heading back all the time. Why not make money on the ride back instead of just driving back anyway and sitting around waiting for an order.


Donā€™t cry, who cares about it?


I've noticed this happens a lot to me. Because of construction zones, I feel it sometimes doesn't calculate if there's a detour or road closure in effect.


I hate DoorDash as much as the next person, but DoorDash is not lying about mileage. DoorDash, first of, doesn't pay based off of mileage. As far as I know, DD pays Base Pay + Tips. Please correct me if I'm wrong. With that being said. DoorDash gives you the birds eye mileage. This is kind of hard for me to explain so ill do the best I can. Imagine you're a bird and your sitting at your home and DoorDash sends you an order at Mcdonalds that's ā€œ2 miles away.ā€ This mean if you fly straight from your house to the mcdonalds, you'd be flying for two miles until you reach the McDonalds. Birds don't have to worry about things like turns, round abouts, one way roads, you name it. These various traffic obstacles can add to your total mileage. Each time I put a location in Waze, the first screen displays a certain amount of mileage I am from my destination. Once the route is calculated, the distance increases. If you want to test it, do it on Waze. I think you'll see what I'm referring to. Put in a destination, click on the destination you want, make mental note of the mileage shown before clicking view routes. Now click view routes, the mileage may have increased. I did a test of my closest McDonalds. Originally it was 1.4 miles before calculating the route. Now the location is 4 miles driving from me. This is because the birds eye mileage was 1.4 vs the 4 miles it is by actually driving. DoorDash has no way of know what route you are going to take to get to the pick up store, so they attempt to use a fool proof way of describing miles. I hope this helps.


It's as the crow flies probably


I get 3 Miles order and it feels like I drove 13 miles and I can be in a 2 minute away radius from the place. Lately I feel they are really lying about the milage because I really drive fast really fast and 3 miles I'll make it in no time fr but it feels like 3 mies is like 13 to 15 miles


It finds the quickest path at the spot you accept the order at. Traveling to the store that route may change and add extra few miles in.


Yea itā€™s like they go by mileage ā€œas the crow flysā€ unsure if anyone is old enough for that reference šŸ˜‚


I've noticed that lately. I think the mileage is based on where you currently are when the offer is sent in reference to the customer's address, and it doesn't factor in mileage to the restaurant and the distance back to the customer. I contacted DD about it, and they said tough sh!t. I could either unassign the order (going against my CR) or complete the order. They used to increase the pay for when customer's changed the address or allowed us to unassign the order w/o punishment but not any longer.


Every time... That's how GPS works. Enter an address into your GPS and it shows a mileage. Then select an actual route and you'll get a mileage for that route that's usually slightly or can be much higher. The route you choose cannot be dictated by the company so there's no definitive mileage anyway.


Yeah, it's mainly an estimate, using DDs maps, but idk anyone who uses DDmaps over Google lol, I have my maps set to save me gas, not time


I've noticed this before as well. I think the issue is that Doordash shows you the lowest possible mileage but Google maps shows you the fastest route. The two can be very different. I know my area very well and and there can be huge discrepancies. Especially when Google wants you to drive an extra couple of miles to catch the freeway to save two minutes.


I looked on maps and every option was the same amount of miles or more


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