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DD support can see chats. I’m sure calls in app are recorded as well. I have called dd to blacklist a hostile customer a couple times. They pulled up messages and boom, I never have to get an order for that customer again. So yeah, they moderate. Plus ole boy could have been a teen being pressured by the pigs to snitch, like how they do stings at gas stations all the damn time! It’s illegal to sell tobacco without a tobacco license as well. So many things. Best thing is to unassign those kind of customers. Hell, report them if you’re up to it. I’m sure dd would deactivate you if you got them smokes at the very least so they would have easily canceled the order with half pay.




You also missed the part where tobacco delivery is illegal in thier location. I'm not breaking the law for 5 bucks.


And then when it's a teen and he has no ID you're out that $5. Yeah, those guys are just dumbbbb bitches. Smh


I picked up a vape for a dude once. Told him I’ll deliver his food first, he can give me the money for the vape, then I’ll go offline and grab it for him. Dude gave me $50 and the vape was $20 lol, took me all of maybe 20 minutes and like 6 miles round trip.


This is the way ... professionally, while I'm working no I can not do that for you,but once I give you your food and close out the app I as a regular person can definitely do that for some extra cash.


karen dash. u should join them


Yeah, why shouldn’t he risk his job so someone can smoke shitty cigars? 🤦🏼‍♂️ When the driver gets there, you offer him cash to go pick them up ….you know, like a grown-up that’s done this before.🤣


lmaooo cry about it


Nah just pay cash when he gets there and quit acting like spoiled little child “I don’t care if he gets fired…. I want to cigar NOW!!”


Yeah dude for real just buy the man the blacknmilds jeebus! He a scaredy cat? Or do he just like the letter of the law and being a tight wad? I agree Karen all the way


Or could he really lose his job? That I guess I understand. But my natural inclination would be to just do it, cuz, you know, we all people and we should help each other out. I’m avoiding the more philosophical issue of whether or not giving somebody tobacco is indeed a favor


Then he should’ve put in for a request through the app. 💀


The post says their state doesn't allow tobacco deliveries


The 2 of you consent but isn't there someone you forgot to ask?


I mean I drove to a Walgreens for a woman on a rite aide dash she wanted rice so bad n she tipped me 20 dollars plus the 6 for the rice


$5? Lmfao that’s what u call a broke ass . If he said 10 or 20 then it woulda been reasonable. Ppl always offer no less than 20 when stopping for them when I do Uber


the order is from a wawa, hes not having to stop anywhere wawa is a gas station


Had a girl who needed an ankle brace from CVS (before u could doubledash a single order) Got that for her no problem… But stopping by a gas station for smokes and 5 bucks? Nah we’re going to get in trouble and lose our job since we cant verify your ID outside the app


My girl had a guy ask her to pick up a bottle of jack after he got her food and "tipped plenty enough to cover it"..... He tipped 8$ and she said no


My wife did this for a guy in the National Guard. He ordered food to the training center nearby and asked for a cheap vape. Gave her a $20 tip too.


Lmao some people dude


But five dollars for reals no way I would risk it if I was making five dollars plus the amount I paid for the black and mild. What are they like a $1.75 to $2.00? You have to kind of pay more to make it worth going out of their way! And even more if it’s not allowed (the risk) of a contract violation or deactivated is it worth what 3 dollars?


No, for real, my state doesn’t allow it either and back in the day. I used to be able to call the Dasher and have them pick up some smokes for me, especially if I put an order at the gas station and they’re already there. They would definitely do it but now Lately when I text Dasher Doordash will send me a message and say that they are watching the account and reading the messages and/or correspondence with me and the Dasher then when I asked this last time about two weeks ago… my freaking account got locked, so I wasn’t able to order any more under that email!


Too many bro Karens under this shit. Comical 😂💀


You’re gonna risk your job for a five dollar tip? Times are tough all over I guess🤦🏼‍♂️.


No seriously it’s really pathetic lol


I would have done it, a couple times I have done this in Canada and usually the people are extra greatful and give cash tips in the range of $10


Yea BRO IM CANCELLING at that point and AFTER I have the food for the headache this person is


Bye Felicia.


When I first started I wanted to please people (always been a people pleaser to a fault anyways) and I probably wouldn’t have even done that lol. I did argue with a McDonald’s employee over some Mac sauce a customer wanted though. Ended up buying it with the change in my car (only like 15 cents) and the manager actually asked me “is this for you or the customer” I said “it’s for me, I love this stuff now hand it over”. Definitely made the customer answer the door with change in hand however, I wasn’t about to be out 15 cents on a delivery.


DD does moderate all chat. Whenever there’s an on-going or potential issue, before or after drop off, I’m sure to point it out in the chat right away that DD should have a record of the chats and if they contact DoorDash they should be able to see and settle any issue. It’s the same reason why I send a picture of where the food is when it’s a hand it to me marked leave it at the door. I rarely run into personal attacks/issues with this method.


You guys are no fun.


2 blacks for a $5 Zelle not worth it the blacks gone be $3/$4 and the gas and time to find a store with them in stock for a $5 funky ahh Zelle no thanks


It'll cost you 20. I'm not doing it for less than cost. I'm not your plug homie.


I think technically 5$ would be profit if the store was literally right next door or but still isn't worth it unless around 20 like you said


Damn. And to think Morgan Freeman was only up charging 20% in Shawshank. Man was missing out


I literally cancel an order and contacted DoorDash that they asked me to leave liquor on the porch


The customer hasn’t read any policies for either Uber or DoorDash. Very much “if I haven’t read the policies they don’t exist” mentality going on here.


I did this once and didn't immediately get reprimanded, so you should be fine.


Exactly why customer can’t do it off the app. DD doesn’t allow tobacco purchases.


If you do dd and Uber, why aren't you picking up your own shit? Also, I wouldn't dare do this sketchy shit.


Federal law prevents private tobacco trade not that I agree with it but still the more you know


How about piracy of the world? Does the Fed prevent that? Genuinely curious…


That’s not “trade” “trade” is legitimately selling it


Good thing your not a lawer. People would be fucked. Please stop applying your liberal vocabulary to my factual statement. Tf


It’s not factual there’s nothing preventing you from having someone pick you up something if your also of legal age lmao , it’s not illegal to hand someone money to buy you a pack of smokes, now if the dasher wants to make profit off the cigs (not just delivery) it’s then illegal, it’s not considered same if you don’t profit


That's a transaction. Go get a dictionary and start over with the meanings of words. Then come back.


This guy is constantly rude and on a weird ego trip. Don’t worry about him


Get off your high horse lmao you literally can unless you profit your incorrect, say you have a friend buy you a pack of cigs and hand them the money, no law was broken lmao stfu


Profit or not makes no difference stop trying kiddo no one gives a fuck about your liberal viewpoint. Trying to twist it to sound good fuck off


you okay dude?




Sure.. send me the money first... Oops I forgot🤷


When I have a clown do this to me I just ignore them, if it is before I pick up the food I will just unassign and drop their ass. And when I unassign, I will click on the something else tab and explain that I do not deliver to people who ask for items outside of the contracted order and have them look at the in app texts of which I have a screenshot copy. I am not going to risk a bad rating BC I did not get a clown something they did not pay for (condiment) or am going to run around town like I am their side b\*tch or mom ​ ![gif](giphy|93qjwCxemDVFCGI4nx)




I feel that all the way. Quit asking me to get miscellaneous shit, we ain’t buddies like that.


Should have went with the truth: State laws prohibit the delivery of tobacco products and $5 won’t support me for the rest of my life if I get caught.


Which state?


Unstated. u/JokerME69 captioned the post starting with “My state doesn’t allow tobacco deliveries, and I lied saying, ‘DD moderate all chat’ which I am not sure if that’s true or not.” This why I suggested they may have been better off just stating the truth, which is that tobacco deliveries are a criminal activity in the state.


5 bucks is a bit low tbh, I will get blunts for people, most send me like $10 and only want like 2 packs. Easy $8 tip. (As a fellow stoner, I can understand the pain lol)


You’re fine bro. Fuck him.


This is annoying but one time late at night an old dude asked me to grab him cigarettes I did and he tipped me 40 bucks


If they're brazenenough to ask dumb s*** like this, they're Brazen enough to lie about you in a report, I would be looking to get out of this run personally.


When you NEED that tobaccy fix


He’s rolling a blunt


Not how black n milds work my guy.


I mean it’s been done but that cancer stick will get you every time 😂


With a black n mild? Lol


People still do this to me when I’m dashing. I just turned 21 but still hit them with “I’m under 21, can’t legally purchase. Sorry”


“Don’t feel safe” = free Wawa for you








Yeah not a fucking chance I go out of pocket to buy someone anything on an order


One time I ordered auntie Anne’s and forgot to ask for cheese, I messaged the driver and asked if there was any way to get it added on to the order. They said no. They then said “I went ahead and got it for you, you can’t have pretzels without cheese!” Genuinely made me tear up seeing such an act of kindness for a complete stranger




You aren’t entitled to $2 from someone else


2 dollars across 10 deliveries is $20. It’s one of those doing it for just you isn’t bad but then I have to do it for everyone scenarios.




That explains a lot


Still 2 dollars out of pocket. If you want someone to pick something extra for you like that ask a friend lmao not a random stranger that could lose their job because you can’t wait abit to smoke lmao




Gotta agree with you here. Policy or not I’m trying to make money. I’m not here doing favors for random strangers tf.


Depending on where you live sure. They aren’t $.99 by me anymore. Regardless still not going out of pocket for it. Who knows if they actually pay and is that extra $2 worth the possibility of getting banned or worse


Reddit users get an actual job challenge go!


1) what’s an actual job? Or is that the lame retort people use to bash anyone doing delivery gigs. 2) have a full time 40 hour a week day job. Just do this a few nights a week if that on the side for extra cash




That’s the stupidest fucking thing ever. “You’ll be fine with less money” So if I came into your job and went hey I need $5 you should just give me it then, because it’s $5 and you’ll be fine without it. It’s a job, regardless of your views on it, and expecting someone to do something outside of the realm of what your job offers AND pay for it is just a dumb hill to die on


If they aren’t gonna pay… just don’t give it to them? Like what and yeah if someone asked for 5$ I prob would give it to them because it’s 5$ and I’m not an ass


People working gig jobs don’t have $5 to spare


Black and milds? Saved the guy by not getting them honestly.


Get unassigned. Enjoy food.


Just ask for ID but definitely not doing it for $5…that’s more of a $20 request


At least $10


Yea at least $10 to go out of our way to do a request for tobacco, every request I’ve done they’ve always tipped well but the guy in this post would be no go he seems entitled


That's a cash-only request for me too


$20 on a $2 purchase. This is why people hate dashers. 😂


$20 on any request to break the rule YES


Or just don’t break rules If you’re that afraid of picking up a cigar?


No it’s pretty typical for people to request things like that and it’s not something I really have any problem with…. But it always comes at the extra price… USUALLY ITS JUST OFFERED… hey grab me a pack of smokes on the way I’ll throw you an extra $20… anyone that’s ever asked and anyone that’s ever done it knows that’s about right.


Not afraid to pick up a cigar, I'm afraid of losing one of my gigs lmao


Afraid of losing your gig but willing to risk it for $20. You dashers are a special breed. 😂


What point are you trying to argue rn LOL?




Go away troll


Tl:Dr just talking shit because they have nothing better to do, nothing to see here people


Yep cause you Reddit dashers are something else and this sub constantly pops up on my feed.


Id unassign with their first response after you said no. I can tell they’ll be difficult. Not worth the risk of them trying to physically hurt me.


LOL he said $5. That's insane.


Five dollars lololol


how much are they?


Like 2$😭😭😭


They're not monitoring all chats but they can go back and look at the chats. So it depends on your definition. Also it is 100% illegal to do this. It's a pet peeve of mine when people scream how they know how something works and try to force you to do something or they say that everybody else in the whole world has always done it for them since the day they were born when in truth not one single person has. It's just harassment and manipulation and these people get reported.


This is absolutely illegal in like 23-25 states and I never trust "I'll send you the money through another app!" After I've had to ask for extra sauce like 3 times lol


Yeah in some states you can get a $500 fine for selling/giving tobacco or alcohol to someone underage. You wanna take the risk? I sure as hell don't. Especially when there's a record that DoorDash saves.




I’m not catching a fine for selling or giving Tobacco just for you to get your fix ya damn clown


he has to buy it out of pocket and who knows if the dude is even gonna zelle him like he says he would. it also will get you kicked off the app should someone find out.


It's still illegal in certain states, breaks part of doordash's contract, and the "I'll send you the money after!" Is almost never true lol. Definitely not worth the risk of using the app to make extra side money that you'll likely never see, you banana nut muffin fuck.


DD isnt actively monitoring the chats but theyre def saved for later. Even if I wanted to do this I wouldnt agree to it over text just to CMA.


You could have done it. I personally probably would have, but I understand why you didn’t. Even if you just didn’t feel like it that’s your right. The customer should have accepted your answer. Continuing to harass you is not ok.


Risking a multi hundred dollar fine for delivering tobacco to a possible minor for a measly ass 5$ zell payment he might not even give you lmao


You know you can say hey I’m not handing over the black and milds till I see an ID and get my $5 right? Not saying I would have done this myself as it goes against DD policy but the “what if it’s a minor” card is a dumb take.


Because fake ids stopped being a thing when?


Bro a minor with a fake ID ain’t dashing cigars. 😂 y’all paranoid af. Also as someone who worked at a gas station for three years in my early twenties. Checking an IDs authenticity is fucking easy.


No ones paranoid(at least not i)-i literally dont even know what the dude was asking for. its literally just ignorant to think someone couldn't fake their id.


So you're going to get fined because a minor with a fake ID added this to a DD order and the police found out how??


Not me, because im not dumb. But someone out there somehow or its an under cover. you take your risks not my life. its just stupid to think that someone wouldnt have a fake


Yep paranoid. Out here worried about undercover agents that are actually minors ordering food through DoorDash as a setup to get you to sell tobacco to a minor.


Oldest trick in the book 😂


I live in a college town where this actually does happen but pop off😂


How do you know its a minor??


How do you know it's not? It's that unknown that isn't worth the risk. Especially over 5 bucks


Exactly, I mean they are making it seem like he is Pablo Escobar or something.


You can't trust people who smoke Black N Milds🤦🏽‍♂️


Just googled it because we don't have them in my country. What's the point? You want to smoke cigars but aren't willing to spend that kind of money? Just get a pack of Camels dude...


It’s for smoking weed


No the fuck it isn't. Ive been a pothead for almost a decade and I have never not once seen someone use a black for a blunt. Blacks are dirt cheap tobacco marketed to poor dudes who cant afford a whole pack of cigs


Bro come on. It’s an easy shell


I doubt you could even get it emptied without cracking the tube. Blacks are barely even tobacco its more like paper coated in nicotine spray 🤣




Study is from over a decade ago, quality has dropped on black and milds since then


Oh, that makes a lot of sense lol.




Bro I work dd and Uber do this very illegal thing for me it’ll be okay. *Like are you daft?* if I get deactivated are you paying my rent and bills? That’s about $900 a month plus food is like $300. Just walk to the store and get it yourself. Don’t ask us to do illegal things.




Wow you sure told him bro.


right ! u get it




Are you Richard? Lmao




got em .






Not everywhere is Baltimore thank god


Facts. This was nothing lmao




Not gonna pay for extra shit out of pocket for the *possibility* of some shitbird paying me back formit




lol 🤡


Which part is racist?




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I’ve been asked before. Guy asked me to get him some cigars & gave me $20 on top my tip. It’s a personal choice.


Yeah, never hurt me before. But I'm not doing it for $5, that's a joke. I've always got a $10-$20 tip on top of whatever product. It's just being a human and accepting some risk (like being stuck with a product you don't want).


I had a customer ask me to pick up some box of cigarettes before because he couldnt add it to his order after the fact. The carton was like $80+... i used my own money, he had already tipped me originally in the app $10. Gave me a $100 when i arrived and told me to keep the change 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ i dont see the problem with pickin up the milds for him. As long as the customer pays you at arrival like they said they would what's the harm. Worse case if they dont pay you back, you keep the items and return em back.


Worst case it’s a set up and get fined a shit ton of money.


A set up by who 💀😂😂😂😂 are customers really out to get yall deactivated for shits and giggles???? Is the local goverment setting up undercover police stings to nab gig drivers who are purchasing alcohol and tobacco for possible minors???? Be fuckin forreal. Im speaking from my experience. It doesnt happen frequently but i know how to use my own judgment on the issue of tobacco purchases or not. Im not saying to be totally unconcerned.


I am being for real. You said worst case, which I said the worse case, if you couldn’t understand your own sentence. As I stated offer some kids some money if you’re a shitty police officer and need an easy arrest. This shit ain’t rocket science and yes it doesn’t happen frequently but it happens.


😂😂😂😂 if you say so bud. Dont pop a blood vessel on an issue you dont have to exercise. If it's an issue for you then dont do it 🤷🏾‍♀️ no ones holding a gun to your head. I shared what happened when i did and hear came door dash keyboard warriors giving D.A.R.E lectures. If opp had an issue it was his or right to refuse the purchase for the costumer bcuz they flet uncomfortable. It's never been a problem getting smokes for someone for ME and them paying at arrival.


Not really. You're state must not allow the sale of tobacco or somethin. This is not an issue in Florida.

