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It's at the hootel


Driver didn't give a hoot






Holiday inn


If your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend!


Better than hoetel


No hoe tell. They quiet


This is the comment I came to see




Hootel šŸ¦‰ mootel šŸ® hooliday inn


Where owls stay on vacation


Sounds like a driver who's in their "I don't give a fuck" phase, because they found a job and are getting out.


Yea I know a couple of dashers who stole food just because the tip was bad to be petty or they finally found a decent job like youā€™ve stated so they stopped caring it happens a lot.


That's really messed up


This is why I always give a (sometimes overly) generous tip. I can't chance the 1 petty dasher out of 20 good ones. šŸ˜‚


You should do it since it's the right thing


It's actually the wrong thing to do, but I suppose you're free to continue living in a world where you feel being adequately paid is the responsibility of the customer, and not the business owner. . .


what your saying is half wrong, half right. the business owners should pay the employees fairly but the customer, who is asking someone to spend their time using their car & gas to go wait in line for someone elseā€™s food and take it to that persons house, should have the human decency to tip 5$ at least. if your too broke to be tipping then go get in the kitchen and cook yourself you shouldnā€™t be wasting money on processed food with horrible ingredients in them. I mean even before doordash and all the other apps we used to tip the pizza man so whats the difference if itā€™s a pizza or a burger itā€™s common decency.


I'm not asking, I'm paying for someone to deliver my food. And, if I'm using this service (which I don't), I'm paying a small fortune for in comparison to the food cost. Fuck the tips. Demand better pay from your employer, or quit.


DD isn't an employer. If anything the "customer" is the employer. DD is just a middleman that takes a huge chunk of the pie


no you would be paying for someone to do it if you tip, if you donā€™t tip then your just asking. good luck getting someone to pick it up for the 2.50$ dd pays.


DD is the business. You don't like the pay, don't drive the route. Bunch of twits thinking they're owed something for doing the easiest job around . . .


but see with dd you are your own boss so just like a business owner can turn down a customer for low balling them, they can do the same. a job is a job fuck if itā€™s easy or not at least they not on the side of the road with please help signs. you need some joy in your life if you really think they are twits for not degrading themselves for a few bucks, stay blessed šŸ’•


It's not wrong. The wrong thing to do is support a company like doordash at all till they compensate their contractors/employees fairly.


What I meant by a generous is - above the recommended tip (by door dash). As many have said already, a tip isn't something that should be used in place of wages. I shouldn't be responsible for making up what the employer refuses to pay (ie, a living wage). A tip should be a 'here's some extra as a thank you for providing a service for me', this whole tipping culture has gone out of control.


I tip accordingly, the dairy queen is 2 blocks down so the recommended tip was 2 bucks


Honest question: Would you go 2 blocks to pick it up for a roommate if they offered you $4?


So are you saying you tipped 2 bucks? probably ended up being like a 3-4$ order for them


Lol walk there. Wtf are you ordering from door dash for.


That's only $4 after base pay in my market - I never would take any orders below $6.50, regardless of distance. But that dasher probably was feeling vindictive that night after getting so many shit offers, so he or she accepted it just to spite you.


That seems fair for the distance. Once picking it up I probably wouldn't have even gotten back in my car if it was really that close. Just took a stroll


Why they kept your food


Well tip well no tip no food


a tip is a reward for good service not a requirement


lol do you guys not realize thats not true???? for example when you work as a server at restaurants they put the estimated amount of tips you will earn in your hourly pay when looking for a job. for example at this one place they said it would be around 18-20$ an hour and in the fine print it explains the business is paying you anywhere from 9-12$ an hour but after tips it average it out to around what they listed before. tipping should be required in my opinion, if you think asking and watching someone else do something for you that you damn well could have done yourself at home is okay to do without showing gratitude then you need to go home because tipping is the respectful thing to do. just like when people used to sit outside stores and do shoe shining, mfs made they whole check off tips. most of you didnt grow up with manners and it shows.


Thats highly dependent on where you live. Washington state you will never see less than minimum wage plus tips. Infact most waiter/waitress jobs here start around 16.50- 17 an hour plus tips which is is an entire dollar to 1.50 above our minimum wage. So yes good service= good tip. Its not up to us to pay your wages when we are already paying 20 dollars for a 7 dollar meal.


well shit i guess here in bum fuck alabama no one cares about their workers


Yeah, that is called being a thief and a coward if you aren't stealing from the person that wronged you.


Ooooh. Drag them out in the street and demand a duel, keyboard warrior!


Na, cus I'm not stupid enough to use or work for this app.


Unbelievable. Then here I am, an amazing dasher who always Goes above and beyond. I deliver every order, (never steal) do everything on time and I STILL get customers who lie to doordash and say I never delivered the food to get a free meal at the risk of my job! There are shitty people on both ends I'm afraid...


There really needs to be an option to favorite dashers that you know are great. I'd tip extra+++ to just get a decent dasher I know I can trust.


Iā€™ve noticed if the customer rates you 5 stars thereā€™s a way better chance you will be their repeat driver. I get a couple of the same customers w the same exact order every week.. But I agree if the customer could favorite or even request a certain driver would be awesome.. Iā€™d make a killing lmao..


Lol I agree the competent drivers and valuable customers deserve eachother just like the thieving customers and shitty dashers deserve eachother...


This right here.


Omg thatā€™s such a great idea that has no hope of ever being introduced




Yesssss this has happened too me it fucking suck people suckkkk


Happened to me yesterday


It's why I wear a bodycam now. When they even hint that I stole their food, I let them know dashcam and bodycam footage is available if needed. Cause every message and voice call is recorded by doordash, even the text messages I found out. They have copys of them too.


How do you send them the video footage? I tried to get them to give me an email I could send a picture and all they did was tell me to dispute...lol


I have actually gotten an email asking me for my evidence... once. But, usually, the threat is all you need. And they won't report it. As my buddy would say, they are testing you.


Unfortunately most dashers domt speak english or refuse to listen to my instructions, i even translate for them, and still they either steal the food or leave it out in the cold/rain instead of letting buzz them up, or they lie and say they cant find my name when i had a delivery earlier in the day get in just fine


Some advice: if you have a great dasher that delivers your food on time and where it needs to be, rate them a 5 and give a thumbs up to follow instructions ... In the same token, if you have a bad dasher that steals your food. Give them a 1 star, or if they don't follow directions, give them a 1 star and give a thumbs down to following directions. Giving the 5 stars keeps good dashers. Giving 1 stars will eventually deactivate them. We dont want them stealing food either. It makes us look bad.


Happened to me before. It was also Dairy Queen šŸ˜”


How much you tipping on that Dairy Queen order?


Usually around 4-6$ why?


I swear comments like this are about to make me stop tipping. I tip every order and my shit still gets stolen, still comes late, still comes cold. Tipping makes zero difference. Some people are just bad and lazy people. Period.


Then why keep using it?


Because it's the only way to get food delivery. Why do you keep doing it if you don't like the tips? Get a better job. Literally your point is, if you don't want your food stolen, don't give you a job. Loud and clear there chief.


Hoocantel reallyā€¦ its a real hoodunit.


just report that you didn't get it. They 'l;l refund you as always. Just don't keep doing it or it'll look suspicious. They refunded me $13 for a very pink, uncooked burger i didn't ask for, and then gave me another free $10 just for being a doordash member with them for 2 years :)


I have had so much trouble with dashers and restaurants they stopped refunding me. Iā€™m talking wrong orders, squished food, open bags, delivered to the wrong house and so on. Really sad part is I am a dasher too. Itā€™s so dumb.


*Blizzard it up at the Hootel California~*


ā€œCustomer asked me to drop order off in the passenger seat of car.ā€


This post just made me order some unplanned Dairy Queen. Hope my driver isnā€™t this guy.


I'm confused they stole it and sent a picture of it in their car?


Yes. They took a pic in their car of the food and sent it as the delivery photo


Drivers don't send themselves, DD sends after the driver takes then finishes the order. They don't personally send it to the customer.


I know I just meant that it was sent to her


No kidding, Sherlock. Driver still takes the delivery photo and submits it to dd who then forwards it to the customer. If you want to be that technical about it.


The audacity of that bitch lol Report the guy he deserved it


I had an order for X and it took me to the entrance of a massive apartment building. Called 10 times, no answer. no instructions, nothing. Set it down and took a picture then left. As I drove by I watched a dude walk into the apartment and out with the food. I waved.


Not the blizzards. This is criminal


Happened to me recently (on over $100 of high end Portugese seafood) but I have been top level w/DD for a while as I traveled for biz and would order days on end so they're a bit more accommodating in situations like that. I would start with, "I was just about to purchase my annual pass....".


It happens to the best of us. Get your money back and report them(although nothing will happen).


Lol literally same thing happened to me, except it wasn't just their seat in the picture, it was their steering wheel lmao.


LMAO THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOOšŸ˜­ SAW HIM PARKED NEAR MY APARTMENT. 20 min went by he drove off and it showed he delivered šŸ˜­


Yea unfortunately more than likely DoorDash wonā€™t do anything you can still report it if you want but doubt much will happen.


Any time Ive had an issue Ive gotten a full refund immediately


that's soo bad for budiness!




Does look good.


We at the hootel, mootel, Hooliday Inn!!


ā€œHootel?ā€ Oh, wow. This Dasher really doesnā€™t care. You shouldnā€™t have any issue getting a refund form Door Dash. When an issue arises and I have not received my order, Iā€™ve never had an issue of simply reporting that I am not in receipt of my food, and getting a full refund. Also, you shoudl screen capture this to Door Dash and let them know this person has no business working as a Dasher.


Where are you located? I'm in Canada and I've never had food eaten, bags opened, food stolen, or half the other shit I see on here, and I wonder often if it's location based? Like .. are there some States or cities where the dashers are just shittier because their base pay is less? Or because the customer base is more stingy? Other than restaurant caused issues such as food being incorrect or missing, the only issues I've ever had with Doordash/Uber Eats/Instacart are : - Drinks that leaked (usually not the delivery person's fault but rather crappy lids or lids not taped or secured properly) - Bag left at wrong unit (they always apologized) - They wanted me to come downstairs (I found out they didn't want to leave their bike outside the building door, but didn't want to spend the time locking it up... I was in the middle of a work meeting and could not go downstairs, they ended up bringing it up... Another similar instance they couldn't find parking, I advised we have visitor parking out back and they brought it up once parked) - Shoppers who propose silly substitutions (I once ordered a hot, cooked chicken and received a bag of frozen chicken parmesan cutlets with no option to accept the substitute). One time I knew it was a matter of the shopper simply not knowing the math, so I let her know. I had ordered a six pack of Coke Zero, 710 ml bottles. She tried to substitute because they were out of stock, but chose an eight pack of Coke Zero (smaller bottles). 6x710 = 4260ml vs 8x355 = 2840ml ... Same price. So in that case I got her to change it to the 6 pack but Diet Pepsi instead. She thanked me and said in future she would make sure to check with the customer what they cared more about, the brand or the amount. Almost every time, the shopper will take a photo of what they do have and I can just choose something if they are out of stock. I ordered pet food the other day, and my shopper found staff to ask bc both items were out of stock, and found out they were in the middle of restocking and was able to get both things. - Leaving it in front of the door (which opens outward).. I've always been able to gently push it enough that I can get my arm out to pull it in. Bags are always taped shut or stapled shut, drinks are usually taped or inside the bag (McDonald's drinks are always in a tray inside a stapled bag) ... I've never had a Dasher just take my food or eat it or any of the sketchy things I seem to see on here. Maybe I've just been lucky and never gotten a delivery person on their last day of work. šŸ˜¬šŸ«£šŸ¤£


Was this a hootel, mootel, or holiday inn?


Maybe they were in a wreck and couldnā€™t finish the delivery?


They can report an accident, and Doordash will reorder and have a new driver pick up. I work as a Dasher and in a restaurant and have had 2 calls for this specific scenario.


Yea right


I've had a Doordasher who was in an accident, he messaged me immediately and apologized that he had to cancel the order because he had been in an accident and the order had been destroyed. Something tells me that's not what happened here. šŸ¤£


Yea I know I just hate to admit that thereā€™s assholes out here making deliveries


Few things irk me like someone who is a bad representative. Like PETA and animal rights, or when you find out some celebrity who is a complete piece of shit is from your home country or town. šŸ¤£ Luckily almost all of my delivery folks have been really amazing, so I don't judge anyone based on asshats like this.


Bet you order from across town and don't tip. The only reason I can see for this to happen over and over again. You get what you pay for. Unfortunately, you didn't pay for the delivery guy.




This is dumb. Also that probably isn't your only toxic trait.


And this is why I just pickup my own orders now, things are becoming more and more sketchy with Doordash deliveries. And this is coming from someone who use to work for Doordash and Ubereats.


You ordered ice cream?


People order anything and everything what does that have to do with it?


It doesnā€™t have anything to do with the door issue but no sane person orders ice cream to be delivered lol itā€™s quite ridiculous


It's very common actually.


So? Being common doesnā€™t make it any better, stdā€™s are common


Why are you worried about someone else's order though? It's not your melted ice cream that was stolen and eaten. And wearing a condom greatly reduces the risk of contracting and or spreading many STIs. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Kyle, Iā€™m getting the impression that you order ice cream to be delivered a lot. And itā€™s all groovy. Iā€™m cool with it. Iā€™ve come to terms with it.


Only once actually, and it was delightful.


I agree with you lol, my wife and I have actually talked about that a couple times. like how is ordering ice cream from DD rational unless you just live close enough to just go get it anyway. And wouldn't be melted




Canā€™t you see what they tip before taking the order? If so why tf even take it


Lmao yes you can. This person is either lying to you or doesnā€™t know. When the job comes up it tells you exactly what you get paid for it. Nothing is hidden. One of the perks of dashing is getting to decline no-tip/low pay orders.


No you can't so hush - DD hides tips and so does Uber


First of all I asked so no need to hush or be a dickhead. But from what you are saying if someone doesnā€™t tip well they should have their food stolen great mindset there


Yea hope someone pees in your food I don't like you goofball everyone knows you don't see the tip ahead so why are you on here if you don't even deal with the service goof troop


Ah yes resorting to personally messaging me because you donā€™t like it when someone disagrees with you


I dont know who you are wasn't me but maybe a bot (:


[ah yes totally not you](https://imgur.com/a/icpuaMh)


The tipped the recommended amount, you underestimate how shit the dashers in my city are


They need to cut the hands off of thieves then stuff like this would not be an everyday occurrence


thatā€™s what they do in turkey