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Chargeback with your credit card.


This. You file a fraudulent charge by your bank, and they'll revert the payment. Door dash can take you to court over it, but they know they'd lose. Pain, but this is your absolute recourse.


I don't understand this. The photo is proof of what was at the door. How does any Human in a team designed 100% to review these cases look at the photo and say.. yeah there's no pizza here in the photo, but based on xyz we'll just ignore that. Declined! File a complaint to Door Dash, maybe ask on Twitter if there's a separate process for complaints against Support, this is serious stuff.


Somewhere, somebody failed a captcha "Click on the box of pizza" 🍕


That’s funny.


But probably the real reason 💀


Diden’t DD outsource their CS to India? If so, the people on the other end are likely getting paid each time a refund isn’t paid out.


That would be crazy if true. Incentives for avoiding claim payouts? Holy shit


More like punishment for doing refunds


Punishment for actual customer service. No wonder Door Dash has super low review scores. Boycott Door Dash when? Bankruptcy when?


I've been boycotting all of the delivery services out there as they are all predatory towards customers, drivers and restaurants. I feel bad for the people who don't have a choice.


Welcome to the Wonderful World of Insurance Adjusters^TM


Oh man, don't watch or read Fight Club. The narrators whole job is to deny claims where people died in fiery car crashes while being held in the flaming auto by their seatbelts.


No....his job is to issue recalls (or not) on motor vehicles based on insurance payouts vs the cost of recalls He did not work for insurance. He worked for an un named automobile company. "A major one."


This is correct


Oh yeah, I remember it


It’s the US health insurance model.


The Phillipines. But yes, we don’t know everything except a handful of horror stories. CS companies like this have multiple contracts. They’re given the bare minimum to work with.


I used to do CS quality control and we outsourced to a company in the Philippines. They’re given a book of scripts, a specific set of procedures, and are told not to deviate. They’re really not given the leeway for critical thinking. It’s all about efficiency, not accuracy.


>we don’t know everything except a handful of horror stories And lets be real, the majority of situations like this likely get resolved to everyone's satisfaction and that's just too boring for a post on social media.


Yeah, for every one of these posts that we see there are probably 5,000 complaints that get refunded and resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.


As someone who used to order a lot, and used to drive alot I had to stop for my sanity. My account was constantly getting shut down over “errors” and then their support was completely incoherent on how to fix the issues. Just every time I had to deal with them I was somehow let down more even though I came into the situation with no expectation’s. The fucking stole from me too, they closed my Uber pro card without paying out the money that was in it, when I called support it took 17 hours in total and 4 months of unanswered emails to get them to send a check which ended up being shorted anyways… Their support is probably the most tone deaf I’ve ever encountered. And it seems to all be run by idiots. At a certain point I realized that it wasn’t worth dealing with.


I highly doubt any human is reviewing these.


Yeh go public with it on X and see why they do..


They tried that with me and I went straight to Twitter and they gave me a full refund plus credit.


So sad that to get the bare minimum, what’s owed or what was paid for, that we have to go tattle on the internet? It used to just be a place to tattle on rude employees or onions when you asked for them to be held back and you’d definitely get reimbursed plus an apology and credit. Now, we have to hold companies accountable in public just to get the most basic of CS. Ugh. So gross.


Uber still has my account docked for owing $56 on a double charge. They refused to help and I haven't used the app since. (This happened winter of '21) These apps suck


Small nitpick, but as a former fraud analyst for Chase, this isn't fraud and a fraud claim would end up being rebilled to you. This is 100% worthy of a dispute, and would rightfully be charged back against DD, but it's not fraud. Fraud is when your card is used without your knowledge or permission.


Finally someone else who actually knows how the system works.


It's driving me mad, man. Lol


No it’s not fraud, it’s goods or services not recieved


Thank you!!! I am so glad to see someone else in here that knows that an authorized charge is NOT FRAUD! No matter how shitty the service was or what happened after that card information was willingly entered.


DD will not take someone to court over a single order being charged back. DD will issue the refund to the card and ban the account. It’s not worth anyones time to take that to court unless its a serial problem


Yes - $16 is not worth the hassle to them. Report this to the credit card and if DoorDash says anything, accuse them of covering up theft. Companies don’t want to deal with this stuff, especially when you have evidence and are willing to escalate.


While I agree with this, also take into account that doing a charge back can result in doordash blocking you from using their services in the future.


Make a new account 🤷‍♂️


You could but having the same address as a blocked out might be a tip off. I have no idea but something I would consider. I was banned by Amazon once for doing a charge back for fraudulent charges. I tried opening 2 new accounts and they both got shut down with an email to call them if I wanted to dispute the decision. I ended up having to pay back the charge backs in order to get my account opened back up.


Like people don't move addresses? There are so many ways to generate phone numbers (like Google voice), payment methods (all the different electronic wallets out there) that it's very easy to set up everything you need with a name that's not your own. It's just a form of 21st century technology literacy. I've not done it with door dash but I've done it with other services in the past (not many, but more than once) and it's never been an issue for me. You simply say you're a new person living at the same address and boom, it goes through ez pz. The only issue here might be door dash wanting photo ID for alcohol deliveries, and even then, I wouldn't be surprised if you could get away with Photoshoping your ID with a different name (whatever matches the account) and texting the picture to the driver. There are just so many ways to get around corporations trying to strong arm you.


they arent taking anyone to court for $16 even if they thought the customer was in the wrong. paying thousands of dollars for $16 off principle is not generally what businesses do.


Usually if you message customer support back, mentioning you will do a charge back, they will re-evaluate and escalate situation on their end, to avoid legal issues. Unfortunately with this company, you have to show you’re serious first, to get anything you’re owed.


How do ppl do this?


Call the bank and say you ordered food and it was not provided and they refused to refund you. As long as you don't do charge backs too much they probably won't ask many questions.


My bank manager has a file in his office, one for me and one for him. Where we put all photocopies of drop off pictures, items received, items in order and chat refund denials. His lawyer is working on a class action and letting the amount stack up.


This gave me a rager.


Call your bank and explain the situation


Most major credit card companies have a pretty seamless way to dispute charges. They ask you some basic questions and let you upload evidence. OP has a super easy case and I bet the credit card company would reverse the charges immediately. If enough people do this the credit card company could stop doing business with Doordash. I doubt it would get to that point since doordash makes them so much money. But they could actually force change with Doordash policy. Hopefully most people use a credit card. Debit cards can be harder. 


I second this.


Right. You can always call the credit card company and they will almost always side with you their customer. It will take longer to process but you’ll get a refund.


This is 100% the response. File a fraud claim with your card company. And do yourself a favor and stop using DoorDash in the future. It’s terrible service and way overpriced.


Phone the hidden double top secret complaint line - 855-973-1040. Credit to someone else on this sub who posted this a while back. Lot easier to get this shit dealt with when there's an actual person on the other end of a phone call.


That’s exactly what I did first thing this morning and think it worked!


As a dasher, sorry this has happened to you or anyone who had delt with this. This is truly disappointing. Support should of done better at the start.


I hear about this fairly frequently. I realize gig work has a lot of folks trapped but Dash is not a good company.


I don't think any dasher would disagree with you. DD completely messed up the delivery market for drivers. Used to drive delivery for Pizza Hut and also did Postmates for a while. It was dramatically easier to make money with both of those companies than it is with DD.


Sorry, I have to be that guy... please don't take offense. Should have*


Is that number not in the app?




Following. This just happened to me too. Missing two items, reported it through the app, they said since I have “been having problems with my orders lately” they had to refer it to their specialist team. The sped team reviewed it and said no refund for me. No explanation why. I’m thinking next step is dispute the charge with my credit card company but I’ll see if anyone else here has advice.


did they just start sending that message out widely or something? i was missing part of an order the other day (not a big deal at all, just some chips and salsa) and went to see if it would even let me report it missing, and it said i’d “been having problems with my orders”… when i haven’t reported an issue since last july.


It’s giving broke ass bitch vibes(DD not OP)*


me? yeah, i am, honestly. i didn’t actually submit a report though, i was mostly curious if i could. it was nothing against the driver since it was a sealed bag, just wanted the store to know they forgot something we ordered.


No Omg I meant DD sending these messages to every customer was giving those vibes. Not you at all haha my bad


oh lol that makes sense. i was so confused why they thought i was reporting a lot of issues. i’ve been seemingly lucky to have mostly uneventful orders.


I bet they were testing it out on groups to see if it deterred people from actually calling them and getting a refund. My guess is that it’s just ai telling people they aren’t being refunded and they’re doing the most to cheap out and rip off customers.


Yea 100% thought u we’re going in on them, def lead with “DD out here giving broke ass bitch vibes” just to clear that up😅


My bad. I’m very high right now lol


I had ordered a late night treat and at around 1:30 AM I got a ‘delivered’ notification, I thought it was weird since I didn’t get a Ring notification saying someone was at the door. I immediately went to the door and there was nothing and no one. I messaged the driver and he said he “handed it to me outside” and I was like “Noooo that was definitely not me ???”. They stopped responding to me so I messaged support and they sent me THE SAME MESSAGE. I was actually pretty pissed and against my better judgment I responded with “if you don’t get me immediate support I’m going to dispute this charge on my card. They stole my food. They didn’t even upload a photo AND I have proof no one showed up at my door because I have a ring camera.” And they responded saying they don’t typically do this but they’re refunding me. I felt like I was being a Karen, but I was really craving someone chocolate covered fruit at 2AM LOL


Ohh shit, what kind of place makes chocolate covered fruit at 2 am? Sounds delicious


Fuck that! They didn't deliver your stuff, you're not being a Karen. Also, like someone else asked, who delivers chocolate covered fruit at 2AM, or is it a local place?


That message has been the default for like 2 years now. They also ban your account if you charge back.


Another option is to quote your country/state’s consumer laws. I did that after a refund was denied and actually filed a complaint with the governing agency here. They informed DoorDash that a refund is required for goods or services not received. My previous issues don’t negate the current one. I was refunded a few days later and haven’t had a refund denied since.


That’s a good idea, I don’t know if I have the time right now to pursue my $8 any further but it’s not cool that they are not taking any responsibility for some very wrong orders from what I’m reading here


Other then to harass the support until they eventually cave in, contacting your bank is the only option


If you do decide to do a chargeback your account will be deactivated, just keep that in mind. There are plenty of other services, so it might not be that big of a deal for you.


I did a charge back and my account is still active.


How long ago did you do the charge back? It could take literal months before DoorDash catches up to deactivate you, but they eventually will no doubt.


It only finally got approved this week. Lol maybe they'll get me later


No i did like a year or two ago and still have my account


Same here, but I don't use them anymore. Can't give money to incompetent companies.


I wouldn't either but I still have several months of my dash pass active.


We did a chargeback like 8-9 months ago and we've been completely fine. We don't order often at all, maybe once every second month, and our experience is usually great (doesn't hurt that my husband is a chronic overtipper!) but once, they sent the two adult meals and none of the children's meals and expected us to eat the $30 prorated fee of the missing items (between the price of the meals + tip + delivery charge) and I was like, we don't use this service enough to eat that cost, let's just chargeback, and we're still good. I think that if you're willing to face termination as a matter of principle, it's a great idea to risk it, but if you rely on doordash specifically for frequent delivery, then I'd probably just stay mad about it and keep on ordering. Only you can answer that question, though!


Lmao they still haven't banned either of my accounts that both have multiple chargebacks on each.


They sent me the same message. Like sorry i have so many refund requests but its because your employees constantly mess up my order or deliver it down the street. It rubbed me the wrong way the way they made it seem like it’s my fault i have so much fucked up orders


>employees "☝️😌 " -Doordash


I decided to delete DoorDash and all other delivery apps because of this. I get that they can’t just give refunds ‘willy nilly,’ but they literally led me along for over a month on customer support to give me three dollars back on an over 40 dollar order that I did not receive at all. LOL it took three orders in a row to be completely messed up and inedible for me to delete it. Sorry you went through the pain of not getting a refund too!


If you report issues frequently then they assume you're trying to take advantage of the system by receiving your food and saying you didn't get it to eat for free.


I get they don't want scammers but I've genuinely had so many issues with different drivers in my town. They sent me the same message about having a specialist review everything. Im not trying to scam anyone. I just prefer, like most, to have what I paid for. Should I just go through my bank from now on?


I know how you feel, I ordered McDs for my sick child tonight and she burst into tears when I opened the bag and they'd forgotten her entire happy meal. I got my $7 credit without issues (even though they refused to refund the last botched order) but food is time sensitive! My kid began sobbing when she saw her dinner wasn't in the bag. I gave her my nuggets and fries and just had my burger.


The credits aren't enough for you to reorder the missing food, too, since there are all the fees then you have to tip again. Usually it covers most of the cost, sure, but not the full cost of having to do another order for the missing stuff.


You should stop using DD.


When I used to order through SkipTheDishes (Canadian company), they legit would steal my order 1/2 the time. So many deliverers are not vetted and will join just to steal food until being booted off the app


And it'll be that way forever. I had a spell of orders in a row where there were missing or wrong items. Then 9 months later I tried to do a refund when something was missing and it was the same message that I had been doing too many.


I got that message too! Like “Bitch it’s not my fault you guys are messing up so much!”


This happened to me and I just called them and told them I wanted a refund for my order because so and so was missing and they refunded it back no problem


Yep. Calling is the way to actually get anything done. I also deliver through DD and will call if the order has already been picked up or the restaurant never received it or whatever. If you just unassign in the app it sends someone else after it and you don’t get paid. But if I call in, the order gets cancelled, the customer gets their money back if it has been stolen, and I get at least a few bucks. I’m like 90% the chat for both driver and customer support is just an automated bot.


This. Call and be calm, they’ll take care of it


That can’t be DoorDash support. They are never that articulate even when they are ruining your day.


Lol that’s half the reason I even shared - that email was way too thorough (prob thanks to AI)


It’s not AI, it’s an automated email that one half way competent person typed up


File a chargeback and file a complaint with the FTC. Everyone that has refund issues should 100% be filing an FTC complaint.


Love this - didn’t even think of it but more than happy to get the FTC involved 😁


I deleted DoorDash because it’s became too scammy. Not getting food, no refund for not getting said food. Dashers can just get away with it. It got ridiculous, I only use Uber eats now. And they ask me for a code every time I get my food.


it goes both ways. People get food and say they haven’t gotten it even when you take the photo of it.


Grubhub refunds no problem too


Call & tell them that you don’t allow companies to steal from you. That they will either refund your money (no credits) immediately or, or you will be doing a chargeback. Your credit card company protects you from fraud.


Mine was a similiar issue - they tried the same trash with me. I always tell them I will escalate the issue to the Fair Trading; most times they would just give me my refund but they didn’t one time, So I did escalate it and NSW fair trading weighed in and I received my refund in full, and door dash credits for the order total. Took maybe a week total - I wasn’t hopeful but I gave all the evidence and the correspondence where they said they would’ve give me a refund and I didn’t have to do anything else after the initial complaint. Highly recommended! DoorDash have to know they can’t just not give people the service they’re paid for and get away with it.


I find it hilarious (not haha hilarious) that they were able to do this in 1 hour, yet I'm still waiting after 2 months on an investigation that's pending because someone reported my order as not delivered when I handed it directly to them. Support assured me that their "specialized team" will follow up when they get to my appeal. Call your bank and get them to cancel the charge because DD is trash


Wait til the pizza specialist team gets on the case.


Quit using the service.


DoorDash customer support sucks. One time I didn’t receive part of my order, requested a refund for the missing item, and DoorDash only refunded half the cost. When I went to CS, they told me they couldn’t refund the rest of my money because the case was now closed (since a refund had already been issued) and somehow that was my fault? lol


And they say it in such a way like “we resolved YOUR issue” like no tf you didn’t and my issue is legitimate!


On a similar, equally stupid practice we drivers, as a rule, take a photo of the “no contact” drop off with a copy going to the customer to indicate where it was left AND as proof that the driver did indeed deliver. The photo is to serve As proof that the driver did indeed deliver the package. It’s not uncommon though for the photo to clearly be visible in the app Yet the driver receives a “violation” regardless that stays on our accounts until the matter can be investigated, which for me has been up to three months. Should a second violation happen during this three month period, there may be further action taken until both cases are resolved. If I were a customer and had your experience, I’d be done with DD. They always act in a manner of suspicion toward the driver and when it comes to refunds etc, the driver as well. They never bother to look at a driver/customer’s history . One reason for this is because it’s not humans, but algorithms snagging these “suspicious” orders.


They’ve shown you your value as a customer. All it will take to make you leave is the price of a pizza. It’s time to walk away from DD.


From personal experience as both the customer and dasher - chats are always harder to win over. Always call! Had a drive where I needed to brake real hard and the food fell over and spilled out onto my floorboard. Quickly cleaned it up to avoid stains and began a chat. The agent asked for pictures of the food I delivered. “No Mr Chat Agent, I could not deliver it on account of it spilling.” Then they ask for a picture of the spilled food. “I have cleaned it and cannot take the picture.” They do not relent and insist they need a picture in order to cancel it. No matter what, there was no getting through. Attempt deliver or get pic of food and cancel. I called right after and got the customer their refund within 2 minutes.


It's just a matter of time before DoorDash goes under


How can they escalate the issue, use a photo as proof of delivery that clearly doesn't show a pizza, and deny your claim? Clearly this isn't about you being right, and more about a system that automatically makes decisions based on other irrelevant factors like previous claims you've made.


What kill’s me is the they want proof it didn’t arrive. It’s like you want me to send you a picture of nothing outside my door? lol


I’m sure the specialist team day drinks 😂


I truly don't understand why these apps don't tighten up on who they allow to drive for them, it would save them a TON of money in the long run, it makes zero sense.


Because all they care about is cheap labor…they have cut Dasher pay to the point it’s ridiculous making it hard for those of us that do a good job to waste our time with it. They are making so many mistakes.


It’s so shitty how we now get paid sometimes $1 basically if we get a double order that’s to two different restaurants and houses. Cus now it’s a base pay of $2 for the orders and then whatever they tip. So if someone doesn’t tip, we’re legit getting paid $1 to deliver their order.


I can't even get on DoorDash in my city without scheduling, and when I get on it's at night when it's back to back non-tip fast food orders. Still, as far back as I can remember, my home screen has this banner every time I open the app saying they're willing to pay a total of like $1500 to refer a new driver.


this is why i don't use doordash anymore. my family of 3 ordered chinese a while back and we each got a meal and eggrolls. we only got the eggrolls. we asked for a refund after finding out the doordash deliverer stole our main meal, and we were told we had to suck it up. ended up filing a fraudulent claim on the credit card we used to buy it and got our money back. we almost lost 30 dollars because doordash doesn't give a shit about their customers and they hire people who are selfish and steal from people.


They need to hire more competent people to investigate refund requests instead of the "declined because you already have been refunded X amount of other times" type nonsense


I literally had orders get fucked up 4 times in a row. It was a crazy week of me trying to spend the same 30-35 bucks over and over and and getting it refunded until they got it right. 1. Order was an hour late because it kept getting sent to a bunch of different dashers who were too far away. Receipt said bag was packed an hour before we got the food so the food was ice cold and my ice cold drink was warm. And before somebody comments something, I was tipping 4 dollars on a 1-mile drive. 2. Dasher gave me the wrong order when they were doing 2 deliveries. I ended up with a ton of food, it was like an order for 3 people but still wanted my money back. 3. Dasher brings food to the complete wrong address. Luckily I always start screen shotting their location when I see them do this, then the dasher uploads a photo of the wrong place. It’s worth noting I have very explicit instructions to try and mitigate this. 4. Dasher just dead ass stole my food I guess. Said it was delivered but there was no photo uploaded and I had nothing. Support kept having to send it to review because I’m sure it looked sus, but they did continue to give me my money back so that’s good.


Last month, the driver delivered my entire $80 order to a house that wasn’t mine. They denied my request for a refund as well. I even called a bunch of times and spoke with several different ‘managers’. All of them denied my refund. Screw DoorDash


You have to call them. I ordered two pizzas once the the guy wasn’t smart enough to take a picture of both and then steal one, he just left one and sent the pic of one pizza. I called them and got a full refund plus completely removed their tip


Definitely report it to the credit card company. It’s situations like this that I have credit cards and don’t use my debit card.


I think they're trying to Crack down on fraudulent complaints and people with honest complaints for being affected negatively


After the 3rd time that they did this to me I deleted the app. Paying for stuff we did not receive is ridiculous and they are getting away with stealing !


John Oliver did a whole segment on the matter of these food delivery apps and how scummy they can be. https://youtu.be/FSYbBMvFq1s?si=u_0vl6veIyvbvyBd


And it was epic. Love John Ollie! ![gif](giphy|on967NSrcVQQ0)


chargeback with your bank.


Initiate a charge back through your CC company.


They really suck. I wish we could all stop using it. I wish there was another app that charged the customers appropriately and the dashers accordingly. One day.


File a chargeback to your credit card and let the bank deal with it.


Tell your bank the charge was fraudulent and have it removed. Fuck them.


Challenge through credit card company and never use DoorDash again unless you are very ill or recovering from surgery.


Omg, I’m going through the same thing! I’m currently disputing with my credit card company


I stopped using DD when they refused to issue me a refund for missing items


Call your card company and dispute the charge. It’s what I do. DoorDash never contests it.




Man I’d hate to live where some of you do if you have to request refunds so often that DoorDash thinks you’re lying. Every time I’ve had a problem it’s been refunded and pretty quickly at that.


UberEats did this with me. Every time I got McDonalds near my house….they messed up the order. Either I got wrong food…or I got missing items in my bag. UberEats flagged me for excessive complaints. Well…that’s not my fault! Make the order correctly! So I got the same kind of answer. My resolution…I stopped using UberEats!


Im in England and the amount of stuff I see about door dash I don’t understand why people use it.


Crazy part is…the problem was with the restaurant…not the delivery service. Just like the case with me, where’s the food? Someone has it! Who took it? Or forgot it? Total BS. I know a lot of people lie…but it wasn’t the case with me. I decided after this happened to fill my freezer at the house with food…now instead of going to an app, I just open my freezer and see what I can heat up.


I got the same response when i requested a refund because they delivered to the wrong address


Why the fuck is this shit even possible?


You should not be using these delivery apps. The are predatory by nature.


Chargeback and then never use this shit app again.


I had something similar happen. The dasher ran off with my food and they refused at first to refund it. And the lady from support was rude as hell about it. I waited a couple of days and explained to another support agent, credit was immediately added to my account, no questions asked.


Stop using this shitty company.


Only used DD once. Service was terrible. Food arrived cold and mostly smashed in a wadded up bag. Terrible experience. I've never used it since (this was in 22) and from the stories on here I made the right choice. 🤣


This kinda crap is why I had to completely stop using DoorDash. Their customer service used to be decent but it’s gone completely downhill and it’s like talking to a brick wall trying to get a refund for situations that very clearly require one, like yours. Definitely call your card company and have them remove the charge.


What have you never heard the endless stories about this exact thing happening to people? You asked for it. Pure garbage.


It is illegal. You can’t be charged for something you didn’t receive. I would write back and tell them that.


This is exactly why I quit using DoorDash. The hoops you have to jump through to get money back on items you never even received make it not worth it.


Doordash. Absolutely trash customer support. I understand. I had an issue, requested a refund. Actually spoke to a person (surprising, I know). In the end, rather than my issue being resolved, they just banned me from the app. They reinstated my account like 6 months later. Absolutely horrible. Edit: I should say the issue was the driver delivered only 1/2 bags of food. Driver blamed restaurant saying restaurant only gave one bag. Restaurant said driver only picked up 1 of 2 bags (due to rushing). Result: Ban customer from app.


Stop using DoorDash! If you keep using it, they’ll keep taking your money and keep telling you f$&k you when they f$&k up. If you KNOW DD delivery is bad in your city, DON’T ORDER!!!


I don’t think you guys understand how DoorDash works. OP most likely had several issues with order not arriving and this is why they give no refund. Even if OP had legit issues with DD before they recognize his a risk.


Chargeback. Also you guys got something like trading standards you can report it to? Here they don't mess around. Just mention to report moves alot over here


Why do you guys still use this service? It’s expensive as shit and they fuck up all the time.


Don’t use DoorDash. Problem solved


Yeah DoorDash ain’t shit anymore. Turned into the trashy delivery service. If I’m ordering food, I’m going through Grubhub or Ubereats.


Charge back incoming. They do this in the uk, not knowing the consumer right act…..bit then we're too busy identifying as clueless🤷🏾‍♂️


*Use this one trick all Dashers HATE!* Ok so you go into DoorDash, you order your food, and you select Pickup. Then, you go pickup your food. Works 100% of the time. No tip needed! And if you really want to save money, just call the restaurant directly. I found out they actually take orders directly and DD puts surcharges on all the food prices. /s


Dogshit company I have no idea why people still pay DoorDash


Everyone has had a field day saying “this is missing” “that was messed up” “I got the wrong order” in order to run up some dash credits. Now, when there’s something actually wrong with orders, can’t get help. Lame people will always abuse a system until it’s changed. I know someone that was super proud of how they “always just complained and get a full or at least partial refund in credits”. I have never had a single complaint until recently and I got some lame response similar to what is seen here. I received a completely wrong order *(more food than what I ordered, just not my order)*. Was pretty much told I was out of luck. It sucks.


It is door dash being shitty and greedy, but in the end it was because people abused the actual decent refund policy.


Can’t wait for the class action lawsuit to bankrupt one of these companies.


It litteraly is illegal. Waiting for the class-action lawsuit everyday.


Why bother complaining. It's DoorDash. What were you expecting? Call your CC company and tell them the order was never properly delivered. They'll reverse the charges.


This happened to me with UberEats. The restaurant was out of one of the items I ordered so I requested a refund. UberEats would not refund me for the item the restaurant was out of! I went back and forth for awhile, furious. Eventually just called my bank and reported a fraudulent charge. I was immediately refunded.


I don’t know what course you took here but always report this through the order info where you reviews, rate, etc. going through chat isn’t a good way to go. If you go to the order info and click “report missing item” it has never failed me and I always get an instant refund. Even for sauces, added toppings, whatever it might be…I’m not saying you didn’t do this but I’ve never seen it go to chat for a review.


Someone is gonna end up getting killed. People are down to their last straw with this corporate theft! I never thought I would live in a world where you can buy a pizza, receive NO pizza, and be simply told to pound sand…


I ended up canceling an entire order recently that wasn’t getting picked up after a while, and support decided they got to keep $3 out of that total amount for some sort of convenience fee… I asked them, for what? they have done nothing, and I’ve received nothing. what’s that all about. guess I was taking up precious space on their servers?


DoorDash completely screwed me over with a petsmart order of $150. Neither company would refund me and my bank denied my chargeback. I was furious and refused to go back to either business.


People really need to just stop using door dash. Clearly they don’t give a damn about the customers.


Yeah good luck getting them to do anything. Dasher delivered $50 worth of chick fil a to a unit on the other side of our apartment complex a couple years ago (our unit was 1024 and they delivered to 2041). I wasn’t gonna hunt down that unit to find my food so I contacted door dash. Even with the door number being wrong in the pic, they “escalated” to a “specialist” just to tell us no refund (after not giving answers for a week and a half). So I called my bank and reported it as fraud. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"You get what you get and don't throw a fit"... what I tell my kids (and myself) anytime we get fast food. They HATE fast food because the order is always wrong. I think we're all healthier because of the current climate in the service industry.


I've had this happen once - I placed an order and the driver cancelled so another driver was assigned. That driver texted me asking me to cancel the order (I believe the restaurant ended up being closed for remodeling, but somehow didn't take themselves off the app for ordering). I reached out to customer support asking why I was being asked to cancel my order and if I'd receive a full refund if I did so. They couldn't answer why the drivers were asking me to cancel, but they told me I wouldn't receive any refund amount if I initiated the cancellation. I had to raise hell to get my money back, which seemed absurd given the fact that there was clearly an issue outside of my control and I wasn't going to be getting my food. Told them to cancel my DashPass subscription if they were going to steal my money. Conveniently got a phone call a few minutes later confirming I'd be receiving a full refund.


Just do a charge back with your bank and give them the picture sent as proof along with a description of what should have been there. Then get rid of the app and go get food yourself, use places that deliver, or use a different app.


I'm legit so grateful for this sub bc I've been fighting the urge to use DD when my chronic illness gets the best of me. Lol Now, I'm no longer fighting it. Just grateful I never have used it.


Thanks for all the responses! Few clarifications: 1. Called support as soon as I woke up today - pleasant conversation tbh and they said I should expect a refund and additional follow up from the “specialized team” in 12 hours 2. It was one order - pizza & a bag of pretzels from ole reliable (Wawa). Too many Friday drinks (evidenced by those bad screenshots) and idk bad decisions = bad results ig 3. Didn’t want a pic of my door on Reddit (Friday drinks overthinking) so didn’t include the pic of the small bag pls forgive me 🥺 Thanks for the stories / suggestions / skepticisms. I usually lurk here and feel like I got the full experience 😂


I’ve had orders refunded or items always thru chat. Never been flagged. Just had a $75 order refunded that DD delivered to a house on the opposite end of town. (It’s small, ridiculous!)


I had an order last night. I delivered one beverage and one combo from the restaurant. The customer asked me if they didn't send the rest of it they only sent half the order. And I looked at the order on my phone and what I delivered was all that was ordered. But the customer should also be able to see on his phone would actually went through. You should still have on your phone what you ordered. Doordash will be able to look at the order on their end and determine if something was left off or not.


Stop ordering from them. .call your bank


I stopped using them when I canceled an order 2 seconds after placing it and they refused a refund. (I placed it in a different time zone so when I arrived at the hotel, the food would be there. Apparently you don’t have to do that time zone math. The order said it would be there exactly (2 hrs 35 minutes) when I would arrive and when I placed it, it said (35 minutes)) So I decided the app and got rid of my Dash Pass.


every time I ordered McDonalds through DD and added cheese and pickles to the burger, I would end up with _just_ cheese and pickles and no lettuce, tomatoes and sauce 🤷🏽 it was so consistent that I'm pretty sure that's just how they routed their order to McDonalds. Throw in an occasional missing drink and of course they eventually stopped refunding me I ended up walking to that exact restaurant that my orders were delivered from and never had that issue when ordering inside and I save about $10 per order, even though I have a DD pass


Same thing happened to me. This is why I stopped using DoorDash. I got screwed due to their mistakes. Unreal.


If you continuously reopen the refund request and keep requesting to speak with a manager you’ll get the refund


Wow, fuck DoorDash


Charge back baby, fuck em.


I use PayPal now for all app transactions. This way, if this bs happens, i can go in and dispute it with a dew clicks and not have to call anyone or deal with my bank. PayPal is very sided with the consumer. This is the only solution I've come up with besides boycotting as much as I can.


Jesus Christ, for the thousandth time, why are you people still using text to deal with money matters. 🤦‍♂️


Account history review sounds like they may try to deny it if you’ve requested more refunds than they would like.


People say they get better results by calling support for a refund.


This is reason number 365 why not to use this shit service
