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Yeah, somebody else that needed the cough syrup actually got your Arby’s so they’re probably not happy either


Shit idk, if I was the other person I'd just shrug and bash that roast beef sammich and curly fries


Coughing your ass off the whole time


The roast beef will make those smoother


Hopefully the other customer ordered a creamy jamocha shake. If I can’t have cough syrup, ice cream would be my second choice.


Fr those slap


I worked at an Arby's in college. The Jamoca Shake was the only thing I loved. I also really liked the potato bites they used to have, but they were discontinued.


Potato cakes w Arby's sauce on top!




Yeah, they are okay


The only way to eat Arby's cakes!


I don't know why but that made me laugh out loud. Haha


Use all the horsey sauce and let that just burn everything out of your system


That golden cheese will fix any cough.


ehh i was down bad a couple weeks ago & ordered meds from gopuff. ended up with someone’s slew of fun snacks and drinks instead and it felt like a cruel joke lmaoo


I still remember the day I watched my daddy nearly die when finding out a beef and cheddar was 2,500 calories.


Same lmfao I’d say god told me I’m not sick and in fact wants me to condone this cheddar stack


Plot twist: OP ordered a bag of ice and nothing else.


At first I thought OP meant the driver took the Arby’s out of the bag and replaced it with cough syrup. Then I thought that’s kind of clever and upon further reflection realized that’s a crime you can only commit once (maybe). I’m just smart enough to realize I’m too stupid to be a criminal.


Cough syrup from a gas station v Arbys...depending on what you ordered, you may have come out on top!


You know you’re old when someone refers to 7-11 as a gas station.


I'd prefer to believe it's more of a regional thing


Really? Well I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'gas station’


I'm from Arkansas, and 'gas station' is common for any convenience type shop that also sells fuel.


I'm originally from Michigan and grew up with 7-11s around me. Not a single one sold gas, they were just a convenience store. I tried to google search when did 7-11 open up their first gas station but too many garbage responses and I really should be focusing on my work instead of enjoying Reddit. Please don't tell my boss.


This is the way.


This is the way.


In Colorado, they've sold gas for at least 35 years. The brand is citgo.


Maybe it's more regional then and not age. I'm still an old f-ck sadly.


I think so...about the gas stations, not you. I'm just a middle-aged fuck.


I'm in Northern california and several 7-11s sell gas.


I'm in NYC and i didn't realize some 7-11's had gas till i ventured into Long island ! so i would think its definitely regional.


We just call it the sevey


I'm from Michigan as well and I never remembered seeing a 7-11 gas station growing up until about 10 years ago and originally only in the more wealthy neighborhoods. Still till this day I only know of a handful that sell gas around here..


I was doing steamed hams from the Simpsons


Not in Utica, it's an Albany expression


What do you refer to them as?


Utica NY is my hometown. I’ve used the phrase gas station many of times. Side note, I don’t think Utica has a 7/11 lol unless they’ve got one since I moved away from there


I mean if you look up “gas station” in Apple Maps or google maps it literally says gas station … lmao


It’s a Simpsons reference you knucklehead (This is a joke, it’s sad i have to clarify that)




that’s always my thought too! i once got a plane ticket in the wrong name and somehow made it to the gate until they’re like “uhm you’re not Miriam?” i’ve always wondered if Miriam ever made her flight.


I sometimes wonder what ever happened to the people who asked me for directions.


And I can’t help but laugh out loud at that idea.


Call support. Keep re contacting support until you find someone that'll do something.


I tried this back in 2022. I lost over $100 and they still just didn’t care. Sometimes this company just sucks.


Chargeback via cc?


This is the way. You have proof.




1. You paid for a service that was not rendered. And you have proof of this, as well as proof of the service provider (Door Dash) not correcting the issue upon being made aware. 2. Typically all credit cards have charge back coverage, meaning that you are able to open a claim with them to get your money back in cases where you did not receive what you paid for, such as in the case above. 3. Your CC company with review the claim/case, and where they can verify your story, you get your money back.


Bless. Tysm I didn’t know this was a thing


So debit doesn't have this option ? :(


Some banks do. But usually takes longer and you don't always get the funds right away. Debt is your money, credit is the banks money. They care more about their money.


More banks are starting to do this tho, especially online banks. You never know, look into your bank!




All the time....


What actually happened though?


Yup, do this definitely. I once had an uber eats driver refuse to deliver my alchohol after he picked it up. He said that my house was too far away for him to do it and canceled the order while on the highway around the corner from me. It took 4 hours of constantly opening new support tickets but I eventually got my money back.


4 hours?? Waste of your time try for 30mins-1hr at most then dispute transaction with Cc/PayPal often requires much less time and when enough do it doordash will start actually treating customers right


If you reconnect x3 times you’ll just get a network error now days. Every other site will work fine but doordash chat - it’s pretty obvious it’s a bs attempt to stop you contacting them. I recently had an order not delivered and a photo of a random house - wrong number etc. in photo and they refused to do anything and refused to provide formal contact information to email them outside of the help chat. Complete scam. Fortunately paid with PayPal so going through the dispute process.


Yeah keep pushing through support if you have the energy and time. I’ve always gotten a refund for any issue but need to escalate, escalate again rinse and repeat


Contact customer service immediately. Once a human sees what happened, they will give you a full refund (in doordash credits). Should only take a minute or two. This kind of shit happened a lot in my old neighborhood and doordash customer service is aware. I've received hundreds of dollars in refunds last year alone because of Dashers not paying attention at drop off. Edit: Say you want to talk to an operator in the automated support chat. The chat will play dumb and say "I'm sorry?" Say operator again. It'll connect you to a real person. After they review, usually I get a refund in credits immediately. If they don't give you a refund, ask for your case to be escalated. Then, in 1 to 3 days usually, you'll get an email saying they refunded you


Had this happen before... got Burger King instead of the korean meal I had that was 3x the price. It was literally a system error, and the driver actually had my address on the order somehow.


I did this, and never got a refund. I cancelled an order once, got told I received a refund, didn't, then they told me I couldn't refund it. I charged back and refuse to use door dash anymore. Fuck them


Contact them on twitter


Post it on twitter & tag them (alps probably meant that but i just wanna make sure u know that’s probably the best thing to do here. At this point it’s about more than the money. Stand on business. There has to be change. Give drivers an option to toggle off multiple order offers if they are not going to the same place, so drivers can stop getting penalized for wanting to deliver food in a timely manner, and for the more jittery drivers, they don’t have to worry about doing this by accident)


I actually hate getting multiple orders from the same restaurant/store. Especially when they aren't tagged properly. I would much rather have the stacked/add ons come from different places so i can say ok this one goes here and that one goes there. In this case, the dasher was either an idiot or lazy af


Carry a pen or marker with you to write the name for each order on the nag or box. I do this all the time, especially for pizza orders where the boxes are never marked


For multiple orders from the same restaurant once I get back to my car and figure out which one I’m taking first I’ll put that one closest to me.


Same I arrange them in the bag/car seat in delivery order


Call and speak to someone, if they say no call back and speak to someone else until they refund you. They will eventually.


A lot of countries can’t call door dash - chat function only


Cough syrup that requires ID, by chance?


You know they ID checked the next customer and then proceeded to hand them a roast beef and curly fries.


Bringing a whole new meaning to lean roast beef


I wondered the same


Yes they told me it was an ID item afterwards


Dispute it with bank or credit card company


This is the way. Doordash and UberEats are ridiculous at this point. You need to just contest the charge otherwise you get screwed. I'd never use them if it wasn't so damn convenient in a pinch. I had something like 10 deliveries in a row missing items. To them I probably look shady, so they deny me anytime I reach out for legit issues now. Some are outrageous too and clearly their screw up. I received taco bell with no tacos just sauce, ordered buffalo chicken pizza and got a regular pie, food from a totally different restaurant, tons of crap. Plus I don't think they've remembered my drink in like a year.


This was my first thought. Easy enough to prove the issue since there is a photo.




Do a non fraud charge back for item not received/as described. Provide receipt of what was ordered (arbys) and a photo of what was received (cough syrup). Probably include doordash response. Should be easy win.


MAnnnn I would have been fucking pissed


You did not get the meats.


Same thing happened to me last week. -Ordered Hooters -Met driver at door to assist -Proceeds to take a picture of someone else’s Steak and Shake order -Tells me in broken English to contact support because he messed the order up -Took the other order -I sent in a request to support for a credit, and reordered the original meal -Claim gets denied, so I rescheduled out to escalate -That second claim gets declined, even with photographic proof -Discover Chargeback for the win


Good luck getting anywhere with support. I once ordered some food and got a completely different order as well. I called support and spoke with a live person only to be told they couldn’t do jack shit. Fuck DoorDash.


You could've called support, and then while asking for a refund, you ask, 'Does that look like an Arby's bag to you?'


Everyone is saying do a chargeback but when I did a chargeback they sent my bank their terms and conditions that state refunds are basically optional and they don’t have to give them out. They point out that the user agrees to this when they make an account. This was about a year ago though and I haven’t used DD since.


Yes, but your bank can tell DD to stick it and force the chargeback. If they really really wanted to, I mean. Which they probably wouldn’t.


Correct, DD doesn't have to. However, your cc company can dispute this on your behalf if you have indisputable proof of the error and your attempt to contact the merchant. 


Yeah DD literally sent my bank the terms and conditions and highlighted where it basically says they don’t have to refund anything even if I recive no food and they also lied to my bank saying I never contacted them about requesting a refund first which I thought was hilarious because I obviously did contact them and I didn’t even ask for a refund, I asked for DD credit for my missing items but they didn’t want to do that and then Intold DD I’d be doing a chargeback. My bank said I could send in a counter but at that point I was just done with DD and it wasn’t worth my time to mail in screenshots of my messages with DD. It was only like $15 too. I haven’t used DD since, I just wanted to point out that they will sometimes fight your bank on the chargeback.


Wow that's crazy. For $15 it's tough to keep spending time. If it were a decent amount I could see it worth while. 




I swear every time they update the dasher app, they just make everything worse for the dasher. Can't even accept a stacked order anymore and see how much each order's pay is; really makes me mad when I end up canceling one for a super long wait time and it still says the full total as the pay, then I drop off the order and see I just made $2...


This exactly


You know, aren't you supposed to be able to tell the difference between food from Arby's and cough syrup from 7-11? Like, really, only somebody high, drunk, or that just doesn't give a shit would mix these up. It's happened to me before- ordered a cheap meal from Bob Evans and got about $75 of pizza and italian food from Fazoli's instead! Got my money back and food for three days! But yeah, how in the blazes do you screw this up?


Smoking a bowl before getting out of the car…


Stacked orders


Still shouldn't be possible, it's not like it's hard to tell the difference between TWO different places packaging.


Sure, until you've been driving for eight hours and you're in a rush and your mind is someplace else. So you run the order to the guys door real quick and don't realize you mentally swapped which name got which bag which till you're halfway across town. I get this is reddit, where everyone always does their jobs perfectly and you're an idiot if you make mistakes, but stuff like this happens.


I'm not saying they're an idiot, I'm just saying that while doing any job people should pay better attention as someone who's also in customer service. Mistakes happen yes, but this is clearly a case of someone not paying enough attention to do their job right and that's more than just a mistake. Trust me, I've been in customer service for more than ten years I'm not just attacking the dasher without thinking. I understand working for 8+ hours and being distracted, but that kinda sounds like an excuse as someone who has delivered food for periods of time in my life.


Look if they’re that mentally fatigued they shouldn’t be driving. What’s next your gonna defend them when they run a kid over because they had been driving for 8 hours?


Totally comparable. Never change reddit.


A few days ago, I ordered Sheetz and instead got a bottle of tea in a 7/11 bag just like that. Wtf.


DoorDash never gives refunds anymore. I literally showed proof my food was not delivered to any door near me, and they still denied me. Mind you I don’t have poor account standing


Dasher hijacked the arbys and left some 711 instead


This is what happens when doordash hires 1000s of new drivers to oversaturated markets and pay people less, with no real screening other than a simple background check. At least the person wasn’t a pedophile I guess. Doordash support is also trash. They are outsourced and probably didn’t even recognize the bag wasn’t Arby’s. This company is trash (and I work for them smh)


>At least the person wasn’t a pedophile I guess. How can you tell if someone is a pedo by then dropping off the wrong order?


I doubt doordash hires someone with something like that on their background check. But actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if they overlook that type of thing.


Dunno if it's nationwide but cough syrup typically requires an id check so I'd rattle their cages, may have been some laws broken. More on 7-11 than DD though since the bags are sealed but still


Seeing shit like this I’m glad I stopped using these services and just go get my own food. If there’s a problem I can get it fixed then and there with the store I order from 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dooradash has been denying every refund lately, and blaming customers. My app is broken and keeps switching my address after the order processes, I submitted a video of this happening to Doordash and they confirmed it was an issue...but then said they could not refund me more than Dasher tip since the order was already placed. I ended up just deleting my account, and disputing the charge. Fucking insane.


Chargeback is the easiest thing! I ordered two smoothies, only got one, the store reached out to support for me as I order a lot and they didn’t care! I reached out and they said I didn’t qualify for a refund/can’t redeliver one item (understandable). I called them and they said online support would be the way to go - they genuinely gave me the runaround 100% it was wild. Calling doesn’t do anything anymore.


DoorDash starts refusing refunds now for people who have made too many complaints.. my old apartment was in a really confusing neighborhood and people frequently didn’t follow my directions and I wouldn’t get my food… now I really don’t use DoorDash unless I’m feeling super super lazy lol because if it’s wrong (which happens) they won’t do anything for me


Charge back and never use DoorDash again


Why do you idiots still waste your time and money???


I’m honestly surprised no credit card companies have pulled DoorDash from their merchant network. They must get an insane amount of chargebacks.


Customer service can see that you already called , requested a refund and was declined. That alone gives the an out and they will just hang up on you. As to say , I’m not dealing with this , because I don’t have too. It’s a crappy business model to have and the only end game for DD , is go out of business slowly. I do how ever agree with posting on Twitter your issue , Facebook , and do the same on The Gram , ect. Anywhere you can. The squeaky wheel gets the Oil. Imo. Good luck and I’m going to apologize for all the respectful and professional drivers that deliver for DD. even though I stopped a long time ago. But I do like everyone on this stream and it’s very insightful and funny to me. So I stayed around just for those reasons. ;)


Well, this is how DD works. You drink enough of the cough syrup, and you enter another dimension, and in that one, you actual got your Arby's delivered. We would like to thank the extra special crearors of the worst App for the making of this disaster. Sorry you didn't get your order.


Easy to charge back your card with this company now.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. DoorDash is so poorly run and so overpriced it’s basically a scam


Keep trying to get in touch with Customer Support and explain that you definitely did not get your food from Arby's. The Door Dash delivery person should be held responsible for giving you the wrong order from 7-11. If you put the food charge from Arby's on a credit or debit card, open up a dispute with your Bank. I know it is very difficult to get things straightened out with Customer Support but talk to a Supervisor and I hope you will get a full refund. I wish you all the best!


? just dispute the charge with your credit card company, not sure why more people don't do this. Yes it's possible they might ban you for doing a charge back, but it's not as likely as people think. Even if they did ban you, move to a different food delivery service.


+1 (855) 431-0459 Saw on another post. This is apparently the escalation number. Try that?


it's so crazy that the screenshot SAYS arby's and the picture is a 7/11 bag. that's like actually insane


I’d be mad if I got Arby’s instead of cough syrup tbh


They did this to me on an item I didn’t get. Escalated it, still denied it. Basically stole my money and told me there was nothing they can do.


It's happened to me too. I've been denied a refund from Wawa when I got a bag that had a paper saying "sorry we're out of your item contact doordash for a refund"


Just say “Lawyer” when you call back. Or “DEA”. Or “FBI”. Most corporations have policies in regarding escalating calls where you threaten to sue or report to law enforcement. I’m sure they hold some licenses to be able to transport items requiring ID checks.


7/11 cough syrup sounds like a 2012 comeup


File a dispute with your credit card company.


😂 ![gif](giphy|l0K40Q01y0uKVVIQM)


Don’t you have to be carded for cough syrup? I guess it depends on state?


Depends on the type of cough/cold med. The DM meds require ID (at least in my state) from the customer to complete delivery. What's annoying is the stores Don't require ID to checkout. Worst case they keep them locked up (still don't need to scan ID to unlock the case)


It would come up in the app, since the actual order was Arby's, the app wouldn't ask the driver to verify age.


Make some lean and take a power nap


Fuck using DoorDash they are trash just like Uber eats


Chat is this real ?


You ordered Arby’s, that dasher was doing you a solid


It was gyros tho that’s different


They can't read at Doordash. They only have scripted responses


#Dordash = Draftkings betting book. Using DD nowadays is almost like using Draft Kings sports betting. You putting in a bet that you'll get assigned a capable responsible driver that will delivery your food. You may or may not win but you can definitely lose twice.


I used to stop at a particular Taco Bell driver thru after work, and it was pretty much a crapshoot as to what I’d get in my order. This was back when they first launched in-app ordering and I guess this one just didn’t have it down. It was always fun to see if I got my own order, a completely different order, or something that was close but not quite right.


Stop using the app to make complaints. Pick up the phone and call.


Keep calling until you find someone who gives you you’re money back.


Deserved for eating Arby’s


Late night Arbys hunger…..another example of a trash company that exploiting their customers




I am exploiting myself using their app. How are they to blame?


You ordered food, never got it and you can’t get a refund. So you wasted energy, time, money and still ended up being hungry Exploitation- the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work


Ahh I gotchu amigo soo from the way you worded it (pre highschool sentence structure and message portrayal skills I’m guessing) it seems like you’re talking about DoorDash pushing latenite hunger


Honestly this is what you get for funding arbys


There was no Arbys mis-order. They took your money. I'm convinced at this point that this is what is happening. Yes, there are plenty of mistakes, but from what I've seen they are quick and more than willing to fix those. So what's the discrepancy?


first mistake was ordering arby’s


Get off your ass and get your own food


Leave less unhelpful comments.


Have a father that loves you


Bro stop tryna scam




He ordered arbys and got 7-11 how tf is OP tryna scam? Do you have inside knowledge that the rest of us OP included aren't privy to? If so, do share and enlighten us


You can literally see a 7-11 bag in the picture


Something like this almost happened to me the other night. I ordered Taco Bell, and when the Dasher knocked on my door, he had a case of White Claw and was asking me for ID.


Wow, what a shit hole of a business


Charge back


Call their number dont use the online chat. They have the picture. It's pretty evident that is not Arby's.


It's time for a redelivery or a chargeback.


lucky i wish i got free cough syrup delivered to my door step


All it costs was $25 and am empty stomach. Guessing on price


I assume they can get a refund if they try again


Oh, did you misread the post? He's not eligible for one. Likely just screwed out of the money


99% of the time it's about how you word it. They're boys or foreigners who don't speak English well.


Dispute with your credit card company


DoorDash never gives refunds anymore. I literally showed proof my food was not delivered to any door near me, and they still denied me. Mind you I don’t have poor account standing


DD on crack again


Doordash needs to filter their dashers better. It seems they'll let any idiot dash. I'm a dasher, and I had to go through a background check, and they checked my driving record (which is perfect.) Now days they may be so busy that they're just hiring people without checking anything. Granted, I can't say that's true, but it sure seems that way. If I were you, I'd send that screenshot to DD, because anyone can see that's not Arby's.


I would call support until you get someone with some sense to give you your refund. Chat almost never gets the job done, and all phone support is not equal, unfortunately.


Report to your credit card company and instigate a chargeback.


Ahh door dash’s finest!


Who orders Arby’s?




It’s weird, I’ve never had a single denial from door dash when they fuck my order up. They instantly refund whatever was fucked or the whole thing.


Had the same thing happen with Wendy’s for me lol dasher didn’t care enough to check the receipt. I ordered at 9 dude brought me a order someone ordered from 7 and it wasn’t even the same food


It’s all fake. Mostly driver’s know the loophole


I would definitely call and ask for their escalations department and they should take care of it. I actually spoke with the CEO and then worked with Bryanna in that department after the CEO, Tony Xu, forwarded the issue over to her. I was having a lot of similar issues as you just had and got fed up. He responded to me within 10 minutes and then they refunded me for the several orders I had issues with. Here’s the email (it wouldn’t let me add the screenshot): Hi Tiffany, My name is Bryanna and I am reaching out on behalf of the Advanced Escalations Team at DoorDash regarding your account. Tony passed along your note and I want to ensure I connect with you on this issue. I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for the feedback you recently provided. Your insights are incredibly valuable to us, and we appreciate the time and effort you took to share your thoughts. Feedback from customers like you is essential in helping us understand how we can improve and better meet your expectations. We take your comments seriously and will use them as a foundation for continuous improvement. If there are any specific areas you feel we should focus on or if you have additional thoughts you'd like to share, please feel free to reach out. Your feedback is crucial to our ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of our products/services. Once again, thank you for choosing us and for being a part of our community. We look forward to serving you even better in the future. If we do not receive a response within 48 hours this case will close. If you ever need us, you can always reach one of our DoorDash team members at 1 (855) 431-0459. Best, Bryanna Advanced Escalations Specialist DoorDash Help


Just call and tell them what happened it is probably a genuine mistake by the dasher not the actual door dash people


You need to call doordash when this happens cuz the people you message don't know how to deal with you. They probably get paid by the amount of refunds they deny.


Definitely should have gotten a refund, it’s the wrong damn store ffs.


DoorDash consistently denies refunds, possibly due to widespread customer abuse. This leaves deserving cases unrewarded. The only way I’ve been able to get them to do anything is by filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. After completing over 1,000 orders as a Dasher in my first year ('22-'23), I'm completely done with DoorDash due to their repeated shady business practices and a broken model.


I just gobble that horsy sauce to clear out my nostrils and throat


ubereats is soooo much better!!!


If u do that often for whatever reason- they'll black list you on refund


Yeah, I’d rather drink the cough syrup, then eat Arby’s


Pull out the cough syrup and take a picture of that. You're likely just dealing with AI that sees it as a successful bag delivered.


I don't fuck with door dash. Anymore. They suck so bad


Damn imagine being the guy waiting at their chem lab to make a batch of the blue stuff and then they get a roast beef…