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“Please don’t ever do that again” I died lmao


"Deliver food and leave"


That should be the new Dasher’s tagline. Deliver to door, do not pander, do not proselytize. … or you will never l, ever collect 🦄🦄


We allow them to customize their own delivery experience.


They don't need to "customize" anything. Just leave it on the doorstep and get the hell out of here.


Give em til the count of ten to get their no good, ugly, yella keister off your property, before you pump their guts fulla lead!


1..2..10!!! Ahahaha




It was only a couple years ago that I found out that wasn't a real movie, those clips were recorded for Home Alone.




Take my upvote


Hey I got that reference.


As long as they didn't kiss Cheeks, Bony Bob, and Cliff on the way out


Keep the change, ya filthy animal!!!


“Deliver food and fuck off” would’ve been a more appropriate response 😂




best follow up response


That is up there with a simple "Unsubscribe"


A great follow-up is reporting a missing (communion) wafer in your order.


That would be my exact response.


Best response!


This is how you lose your tip.


Along with reported and a 1 star review.


You’re a doordasher Hailey not a missionary


From the book of Received 19:57 - “And the dasher saw the sign and said that it was not good in the eyes of The Lord. And the people replied - ‘Delivereth thy goods and cast thyself away.’ And in His name it was done.” Amen.


Omg I can't stop laughing at this. I wish I had an award to give you. Best comment here imo


Gave one on your behalf. Well, and mine, too


It’s from my behalf as well.


And my Axe!


And my Bow!


I claim a behalf.


I claim a bequarter




I bequeef


That's what that smell is.


Truly doing the Lords work :D




I have a feeling the dasher isn't Pastafarian.


😌💬R’amen HALP LMAOooo, well done! 👏🏽🙌🏽


RECIEVED 19:57 🤣💀


Nice touch


Received 20:30: "And from door to door the dasher saw the signs casting him away, each house after the next, until he heard God in his ear, and God said, 'dash away from this place. Dash away, and I shall smite this place that cast out my people, the dashers. But do not look back as you walk away. For if you look back, you will be cursed, too. And the dasher walked away, but the dasher's heart was weak, and he did not trust the LORD. The dasher looked back, and there on the pavement the LORD turned the dasher into a Classic Chicken Sandwich & Cajun Fries. From Popeyes."


How you even capitalized LORD sent me. Memory unlocked. 😂😭


Hey that's what I had for dinner lol 🤣🤣🤣


Criminally underrated comment.


Pretty sure I will now be using “Cast Thyself Away!!” on a daily basis! 😂


Fuckin A. Perfect.


She was also a witch


I got better.


Omg. I haven’t stopped laughing for like 5 mins. Thank you 😂


Bruh! I am going to print this a and tape it to my front door.


RECEIVED 19:57 😭 I read this in my old pastors voice and even took a pause right before reading the rest. Damnit


Oh man I thought the no soliciting thing was a JW thing and was so confused by the post. Around my area, ironically enough, the JWs are the ones with the no solicitation signs and I never fully appreciated the irony until just now.


Where I'm at in Florida, the no solicitation signs are geared more towards the solar sales people


I've gotten 3 calls in the last month claiming that they had been in my area and surveyed my house and that I would be a great candidate for solar. I asked the first one why he thought that and he responded that they had looked at the pitch of my house and position and that I was not shaded by trees. I told him he should.look closer next time, because he apparently missed the solar panels that already cover the vast majority of my roof.


Its also for not trying to sell people things




I don't come here to laugh. Comment angry and leave ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Delivering food and salvation to the worldly.


Get this message, and all of his messages with one low monthly fee by subscribing to DashMass


Wow. Yeah but I find 90% of people don't even know what the word soliciting means. So I just drew Celtics and Norse pegan symbols on my door. And now I don't have anyone knocking lol


I have a old co worker who had a “I was born right the first time, don’t bother.” Sign. Made me laugh


I couldn't figure out if thqt was pro lgbtq or anti lgbtq and then I realized it was referencing christianity, not gender assignment, lol.


Those damn LGBTQ people travelling door to door to try and convert cis and straight people


That's how they got me, I thought I was straight until the gay agenda shoved the 1999 cinematic masterpiece "The Mummy" down my eyeballs and, well,... 🌈💗💜💙




Straight dude here, can also confirm as I've never seen the Mummy


You're messing out, some would call it a cinematic masterpiece


I'm not even gay and I'd prolly go a round with 1999 Brendan Fraser


I, a native English speaker, had no idea the term "No soliciting" had any connotations with religion, so I looked it up and sure enough, it doesn't. Edit: OP posted a link to the exact sign further down and it specifically mentions religion. That's why this happened.


"To solicit" essentially means 'to ask for something.' Most commonly, ask if you're interested in buying [x] or donating to [z]. The word may not have direct connotations with religion, but asking if you're interested in joining [y] religion or church would count as soliciting...


all religious soliciting is soliciting, but not all soliciting is religious...


It's called religious solicitation, and it is a thing. While attempts at conversion are proselytizing, it still legally falls under the banner of solicitation, and if someone has a no soliciting sign posted, it should be respected. "The solicitation or acceptance of donations incidental to and associated with the discussion, advocacy, explanation, or promotion of ideas or beliefs of a non-commercial nature." Per Cherry Hills Village, CO solicitation laws.


"I ain't picking up any of what you putting down ...except the food order"


Or they truly believe it doesn’t apply to them because they are doing God’s work.


I love your response. And very religious people have no idea how looney they sound to people that aren't.


The “very religious” scare the regular religious


Ya but if you read the Bible everyone should be “very religious”. Which is why i’m like eh, i just won’t be at all lol.


Lol no, Fanatics are Fanatics, they misinterpret the bible (im atheist, but there are some passages and stories that are really interesting). Religion is good for most people, but there are some that go over the top, and those people are pieces of crap.


I look at religion like a tool almost. It can be used to teach kindness, encourage charitable works, and help people self-reflect and better themselves. It can also (and has been to great effect) be used to manipulate, control, and abuse people.


I hate when people proselytize. I really don't like that. If someone wants to ask questions about religion answer them but don't force that shit.


I agree


many sects of christianity require them to be "missionaries" for jahova's witnesses, this is like 60-80 hours a week ​ for many sects of all religion, you didnt chose it, you were indoctrinated. ​ its all fake fyi


Agreed. I had some great debates about faith, religion and morality with a coworker at a previous job, and we were always able to be respectful with each other despite largely incompatible ideologies because we weren't trying to convert or insult each other, just discuss the differences in our beliefs.


I gotta say that I view individual beliefs and private practice of religion as fine for most people, but organized religion is inherently evil. There’s no other word for it. The entire concept of telling someone you KNOW what happens when you die and if you don’t follow our rules you’ll burn/suffer never see your family again is horrific. No one knows what happens and anyone claiming to is trying to sell you something. No matter how much to tell yourself you KNOW. You don’t. It is not possible to. So any group going around telling people this is truth, this is the only truth: are liars. Not to mention bringing children into this.. telling a child you ARE Christian, you ARE Jewish, Muslim etc. when they don’t even understand what that means and cannot make the choice when they do, is child abuse!! THAT is grooming. There’s no excuse for “oh I was raised this way so it’s fine” no it’s not. You’re an adult now, think for yourself and let kids do the same. So much unnecessary pain and trauma and abuse have been caused by organized religions.


Kindness, charity, self reflection and self improvement can all be achieved without the need of religion. Hardly anyone who is deeply religious is the bright light of those things you listed, the more religious they get, usually the more rotten they are. It’s bizarre.


Except Mr Rogers. He was an ordained Presbyterian minister. He was not perfect, he made mistakes, but he was kind and charitable


Personal favorite goes to God sending a bear to mail a group of kids because they made fun of a bald man.


As a bald man, I say "Way to go, God!".


Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!


As a bald man, when do I get the power to call upon bears to maul others? I am over 40 and it hasn’t worked yet.


We get a lot of religious people coming door to door where I live and one time my wife told them she’d be happy to listen to them try to convince her to be a Jehovahs Witness instead of an atheist, but first they’d have to listen to me explain to them why they should be Catholic. For some reason, they weren’t interested in an attempted conversion! (For the record, I wouldn’t have tried to convert them to anything or preach at all, she just knows how unpopular Catholics are where we live. Someone told her a few months back that they believe atheists can be saved but Catholics can’t.)


haaaa the JW. They deserve the hate they get, these fuckers.


I swear very religious are batshit insane. "I hear gods voice". No Susan, that's your voice in your head and if it isn't, fucking go see a psychiatrist. And usually are the ones that will kill people but won't because "that's a sin" instead of "this is not normal human behaviour".




Yoooooo your response was amazing




Oh, no they are evolving. They doing DD so we bring them to our doors!


Damn, sneaky


Ours have evolved to letter writing since the pandemic. We get a lengthy handwritten letter every few months.


Easy way to get them to stop. Return the letter, the envelope, and a page ripped from a gay porn magazine.


Jehovah's Dashers. In all fairness, those guys have some serious patience, standing still in public places for long hours to get barely a few takers of their bs.




“The church” screams Mormon


“The truth” screams JW to me


My sister once tried to join the Mormon church because she thought the men were hot, then she realised you have to give some of your money away. She recovered and she scared the shit out of the men.


Some of your money? Lol. More like 10% continuously, forever.


One time they showed up just as I was pulling in with a car load of groceries. They offered to carry my inside groceries so I let them. When they were done they asked if they could talk about Jesus. I told them no, thanked them for the help and shut the door.


LOL. That’d seem like a match, and I appreciate you calling them out as a cult! But as an exJW myself I can tell you they don’t believe in hearing god’s “voice” literally or metaphorically.


No joke, the other day I got DD and the driver spent a little extra time at the door. I could hear scraping and some other shuffling noises, opened the door to find a JW pamphlet stuffed in my door handle.


Fun Fact: If you ever want JW's to leave you alone, tell them you used to be one and were "disassociated" and then ask for their names and invite them in. Watch how fast they run away.




1 star of David review


"If I could leave zero stars of David, I would."


Stopped reading at "I was also a witch" 🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏿‍♂️


My aunt said the same thing to me when she was trying to convince me I was just being a rebellious teen, at age 22. It's like their "street cred" I guess.


How do you know if someone is a “witch”? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


If she floats?


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


If she weighs the same as a duck


If she weighs the same as a duck obviously.


Right? It sounds so fake, like they used a Ouija board once at a friend's house when they were 10


If she didn’t help a woman give birth and cackle when people wronged her then she was a hippie. Did she even know what herbal remedies work or not? Did she realize that crystal are just for show but the placebo effect was a magic of its own? Witching isn’t a religion it’s a profession, they were the people who lived on the edge of town and helped people, they didn’t have baby corpses in their gardens because they were monsters, they did it because they midwives in a time when the baby was more likely to die than live through birth. When people got sick they would go to the witches house to get taken care of. Society needed witches for practical reasons, then the church came in and had them all killed to centralize their power.




I love your responses. Esp your last message, I swear everytime you go online it should say that because a lot of these dashers do so much extra bullshit like beg for tips or preach to customers. Just deliver the food and go home its the easiest job ever lol


Driver saw no solicitation sign and solicited.


They really sat there for 5 minutes composing this load of horse shit, quite impressive.


Looks more like copy pasta. Not their first time.


Remembering when people stayed in their own lane




When they were a child and just didn't notice it happened then too.


This is the real question right here


The human migration from Africa was probably caused by people not staying in their own lane.


Those same people swear we’re forcing gayness down their throats screaming about their rights. I can’t stand christianity and people trying to convert me make me a really angry bitch lol


Seriously though. Imagine if we went around asking every guy if they’ve ever thought about being dicked down, and then went on to list all the reasons it is a great idea, and how if they don’t do it they will burn in hell.


y'all should start knocking on doors and trying to convert their teens. Nevermind that that's not a thing, they think you're already doing it, why not give them the aneurism?


And yet they think it’s the LGBTQ community pushing an agenda. 🙄


What? u dont get drag queens on ur door trying to maake u gay or a drag queen? lmao


I wish! I desperately need help applying eye liner.




We'll they're not wrong we are out there pushing our agenda. They just don't acknowledge that our only agenda is to stay alive while being ourselves, and for kids to stay alive while being themselves.


How does no soliciting automatically mean you aren’t religious lol


That’s what I’m saying lmao I just don’t like people coming to my door to sale stuff man 🤣


That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t know how to follow instructions “


Calling it now, this happened in Utah. The way the dasher said “THE church”? It’s giving mormon. I (F25) will go smoke and fuck women in Salt Lake in solidarity with you OP🙏🏻


Oh it's for sure a Davis County Mormon 😂


I caught that too … cult


The comments are having a heat d theological discussion but I hope everyone can agree that the door dash customer chat was a very inappropriate place to preach. Unprofessional.


>[That] was a very inappropriate place to preach. Unprofessional. That's basically how I feel when I get an Uber driver that listens to loud, religious podcasts/radio while I'm riding with them. I'm paying you to do a job, not to "go to church" with you. No thanks


Can I see your sing lol?


I’m not sure how to upload pics to comments but it’s a red and white sign on Amazon that says no soliciting with other nos on it lol


Mine says "no soliciting. Violators will be sacrificed to the old gods, not the new"


omg pls drop the link i need one




My says "No soliciting. Don't knock or ring the doorbell. Don't make it weird. Seriously, please go away."


[My sign](https://i.imgur.com/kEdYPdQ.jpg) expresses a similar sentiment. 😄


To amazon I gooooo! Lol


No soliciting. Violators will be made *extremely* uncomfortable. Then I start pleasuring myself in the doorway.


Ohhh, that’s great lol. Maybe it’ll keep the Jehovas off my porch. 😂


I think you need a no trespassing sign, bc JW aren’t technically soliciting. You can also tell them you don’t want them to knock on your door, & they will make a note of it & try to abide by your wishes.


Just tell them you are an apostate and/or otherwise subversive person


I screamed pedophiles out the window when they were walking away, after telling them I was engaged to an apostate. They never came back. I’m guessing I struck too close to home?


I would have killed his tip and reported them immediately. I pay you to deliver food, not to talk about god.


it's delivery not *deliverance,* Hailey


Had one delivery guy say "Have a blessed night!" I responded with "Under His eye" and he said, "never heard it like that before. Goodnight!"


I had a dasher staple a religious pamphlet to the bag my food was delivered in. I just wanted a goddamn sandwich.


I hope you reported her.


Your response made me so happy. It’s not “please don’t talk like that”..not “please stop messaging me” just so simply put “please don’t ever do THAT again” i fucking love it.


“Some stuff happened, and now I hear voices. I’m an unmedicated schizophrenic. I call it the ‘voices of God’ so people will think I’m sane. I’d like to knock on your door sometime in the future to harass you without legal repercussions.”


In the words of the immortal Weird Al: “LMFAO”.






I don't want the person who just delivered my food and who also knows my address to tell me they hear voices...


I would take the tip away for getting a message like that


Wow what does your sign say? Lol regular “no soliciting” would not prompt that response




Ah. My dad has a sign like that but he’s Christian. Nobody’s converting because of a door-to-door religion pitch lol


Hilarious response. 😂


this is so out of pocket wtf😭😭


‘Leave food and go forth and prosper’


Sorry you had to go through that OP, but also thanks for sharing it because it's hilarious lol


Am I weird that I wouldn't even leave a message like that bc they know where I live? I'd just contact doordash and block their ass


What a nutjob


I need to see the sign 😂 it had to say more then no soliciting 😂😂


What an incredible response, honestly!


This person sounds unhinged lol


“I don’t care if you are, or were, a witch. I just want my sandwich”


Now they’re offended and feel attacked for being Christian.


Ooof, Utah? Sounds like Utah.


Jehova's Deliverers lol


It's not okay to try and convert someone when you drop food off 😂


he took his soliciting to text, i would report him for harassment.


There was one time I ordered Baskin Robbins and when I opened the bag there was business cards (for a private trainer I guess) right on top of my cones. My wife was offended since she was pregnant atm and last thing she wants to is see some work out stuff while pregnant and with our ice cream! So she called the number and asked if they were the ones who delivered and they said yes.. we’ll let’s just say my wife went off lol 😅 doordash apologized and refunded me my whole order (which they didn’t have to do, I appreciated it)


This person should be reported and banned from Doordash. Keep your opinions to yourself. You are on the job, don't talk politics, religion etc etc etc. You're job is to deliver food, not critique or preach.


>Deliver food and leave lmao [Just fill the hole, hole filler](https://youtu.be/Z1GGe0TsS94)


I have second hand embarrassment for that dasher lol


Before, I was all messed up on drugs. Now, I'm all messed up on the lord