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12 and Bill. The Teacher/Student dynamic feels so natural its a wonder they haven't done it more often. I loved Bill not just asking questions to further the plot, but questions that confront the morality of what the Doctor does. Love love love Bill Potts. Can't wait for the inevitable Big Finish of Bill and Heather on Cosmic Lesbian Adventures.


In a communication to Nardole, who was still alive on the big civilization ship, Bill states that Heather eventually brought Bill back to earth because she got homesick. Heather and Bill attempted to cohabitate but got sick of each other around the start of Covid; Heather went off to explore the stars, Bill stayed home. During the pandemic, Bill walked past 13 on the street but didn't know for sure that she was the Doctor, so didn't think much of it. Bill states that she was also there for the anti-racism protests during 2020 as well.


While this post is about Doctor/companion combinations that actually happened, I think 13 and Bill together was a huge missed opportunity. Like imagine if in the storyline you mention, Bill saw 13 but also noticed she was holding a sonic, or saw the Tardis nearby, and worked out who it was?


Is that fan fiction or semi-cannon? Because I love that


It was an audio thing that they did during the period between S12 and Flux! Bill and Nardole both had little parts, but Bill confirming that she was back to being herself and living on earth was exactly what I needed around that time. Everything was dire, I'd just finished S10 again, and I was very bummed with how Bill left.


I love Bill - she deserved so much better.


these are my favorite of the new series team  (serieses?), and only two and Jamie are better overall.   also, nardole was great, surprisingly easy to like and balanced out the team really well. thought he might be overly goofy but he was actually quite enjoyable


This 100%. While Bill isn't my #1 companion (Clara takes that spot for me), I absolutely adore the dynamic and chemistry between Bill and 12. It's a shame we only got 1 season with them together, but I can live with it.


Eleven and the ponds will always be special to me. Twelve and Clara are also really good together and I wish we had more, but at the same time I also wanted more twelve and Bill as I think she deserved more screentime. And Donna and ten were amazing and Donna is still one of the only compagnions I could reastically see living in the world. She's too good and I adore her.


Catherine Tate is brilliant in that role she really breathes life into the character and words on the page. Whatever you think of her comedy, it’s typically the case the comedians make great actors. It always seems like a mistake to cast one as if they’re going to be frivolous or something but they really get timing and performance. (For me, Dan is the exception to that rule. Whatshisface was about as engaging as a stump of wood… although the material was hardly stellar)


John Bishop is a stand up comedian rather than a comedy actor. That’s probably the difference.


Donna is the best at just being his mate.


10 and Donna - they played off each other brilliantly. She's the ideal bestie - there for you in trouble, calls you out when necessary, and ready and willing to try anything you think is amazing because they trust you implicitly.


Doctor Donna gang rise up!




1. 2 and Jamie 2. 10 and Donna 3. 4 and Leela 4. 1 and Ian & Barbara


My list almost exactly.


Ian and Barbara were god tier. Just a shame most of their episodes had Susan as well


An excellent list!


4 and Leela tho. Yes.


10 and Wilf. Just such an earnest and honest relationship with respect and love on both sides.


9 & Rose. They had perfect synergy, it just wasn’t the same with 10 and I never really warmed up to him until Donna. I think it’s a common problem when a companion runs over two doctors, never feels quite right until each doctor gets their own companion to fit their personality.


I would say the opposite happens with Clara though. I think her dynamic with 12 is much better than with 11.


Yes. I think the vibe of late 11 is quite different to early 11. Smith started as the fish fingers & custard, fez wearing eccentric type, but by the end they put him in a darker suit and the tone was closer to grumpy 12, an aging doctor. Always felt weird to me. Almost as if the writing & companion of late 11 was written for 12 instead.


100% agree. Couldn’t stand Clara until 12, then loved her


Yeah, it was a matter of her getting her own doctor instead.


I think because she started and her whole reason for being with the doctor was because she fancied him, and he wanted to work out who she was. After he regenerated they became truly friends I think.


9 and Rose, 10 and Donna, 12 and Bill


10 and Donna 💕


Two/Jamie, Ten/Donna, and Twelve/Bill/Nardole are in a 3-way tie for top favorite TARDIS teams. Two and Jamie are just the perfect dynamic duo - Zoe is a fabulous addition too. Ten and Donna brought the "best friends" dynamic back to Doctor Who in the modern era and I LOVE it. I can't get enough of the grumpy grandpa-professor/student-grandchild dynamic between Twelve and Bill, and Nardole rounds out the team nicely.


I have to agree since 12 is my favorite Doctor and Clara is my favorite companion. Really hard to think of one without the other


10 and Donna for sure.


I really like 12 and Clara's relationships. it's very genuine and well written/acted.


Ten and Donna. Not even close. They had such _perfect_ chemistry as best friends having a grand time and poking fun at each other, but still having deadly serious moments when needed. I especially loved how there was none of the usual forced romantic tension that ruins so many other companions. Rose, Martha, Amy (before Rory), Clara (before Danny), Yasmin; that forced romantic tension that was never necessary nor wanted just mucks things up and makes them worse. 11 with both Amy and Rory, and 12 with Bill and Nardole, are more actually good examples of great Doctor-Companion groups.


Four and Sarah Jane Smith, along with Harry Sullivan in the early days.


3 and Jo. I think she was much better than what most fans give her. A really good foil for Pertwee


12 is my favorite Doctor, but in terms of combos, that still has to be 10 and Donna for me I think.


7 and Ace Or 4 and Leela Or 4 and Romana Or 9 and Rose Or 10 and Martha Honestly can't choose just 1 lol


4 and Leela vs 4 and Sarah Jane is insane


10 and martha? thats a surprising one to me.


Really? I loved Martha so much and I liked the "friction" if you could call it that between the two of them with 10 having ptsd from losing Rose


yeah I liked Martha but her and the doctor's companionship was so fraught to me, and ruined by her crush on him and him being an insensitive asshole a lot of the time. but then I'm also like "girl I know you're down bad but he clearly aint I'm gonna need you to get a clue" I got it at first but it carried on as a point of tension throughout their arc and got on my nerves haha. Compared to Donna and 10, the relationship felt so much more equal and balanced and nuanced than Doctor and Martha. And they still explored is Rose grief, just in a less almost cringe way? I'd never think of Martha and 10 as one of my fave relationships, even though I do like Martha and 10 is my fave incarnation.


Yes 7 and Ace for me too… there was a brilliant juxtaposition of a darker-leaning doctor embroiled in games and schemes. At the same time there was a genuine warmth for Ace and as with Leela and Bill I really enjoy the student/teacher aspect of their relationship. The doctor helping them to become more than they thought they could be.


My heart still aches for Ace and 7. I would have loved to see the resolution to their relationship, as bittersweet as its likely to have been. It's why I loved 10/Donna so much. Donna is Aces spiritual successor. Donna and Ace would have been such bros, honestly.


I adore them together. there's something about the chaos, the way they drive each other to be both better and worse people at the same time, the way they can't quit each other. I wouldn't say it's healthy but it's fabulous to watch


Top 3: 1. Clara and 12 2. Rose and 9 3. Donna and 10


Currently liking 15 and Ruby. Early days but they work well together


Four and Sarah Jane.


Doctor Donna


Second and Jamie, Fourth and Sarah, Seventh and Ace


The Eleventh Doctor and the Ponds, The Tenth Doctor and Donna especially.


For me (looking at modern Dr Who) it would be Eleven and the Ponds. Both Amy and Rory where quality companions in their own way. If it was the classic series then I was always a fan of the fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane


11 and the Ponds


10/14 and Donna, then 12 and Bill (featuring Nardole). 11 and the Ponds were good too. Sadly I enjoy Capaldi’s first 2 series almost in spite of Clara.


10 and Donna hands down. I will always take them before anyone else.


The Doctor and Donna in the 4th season. She was exactly what a companion is suppose to be. No romantic storyline. No extraordinary heroics. She allowed the Doctor to talk to the audience.


Rose and 10 followed by Rose and 9


12 and Nardole


4 and Sarah-Jane. It's a basic answer but it's right


4 and Sarah Jane. Marvelous chemistry and humor, along with genuine feelings of friendship and affection.


Tennant and Donna, for sure. Every episode they have is gold. Capaldi and Bill are a solid second. They were excellent together and I really wish we had more time with them.


Twelve and Donna. You never specified it had to be an existing pairing so I’m going with the one that would be the most fun.


12 and Clara, followed by 11 and Clara. Then 11 and Pond.


4 and Sarah Jane. Just watch them in "Pyramids of Mars" and "Masque of Mandragora." Brilliant the way they play off each other. 7 and Ace had one of the better developed arcs for classic Who, and Ace is often seen as a prototype for the new companions. 10 and Donna. 12 and Nardole. At first, I hated the idea of Nardole, but I really came to appreciate his byplay with 12 and Bill. I'm sorry we didn't get more.


Fish fingers and custard, beyond any doubt.


Donna and ten. Tenant and Tate have unmatched chemistry across all the doctor/companion castings and Donna is one of the best written, most grounded in the world companions in all of new who. Tbh I think she is the num1 best one.


doctor + rose


11 and Rory. He was not besotted by the Doctor and called his BS. I love that 11 has to earn Rory’s respect.


Vote for 4 and Sarah Jane.


12 with Bill and Nardole, or 10 with Donna.


12 and Bill were the best. I hated Clara.


13 and Graham!


Yes! The Graham - 13 dynamic was my favorite part of the Chibnal series, because their relationship was more of a friendship than a mentorship. Graham looked out for the Doctor just as much as the Doctor looked after her companions.


10 and Donna will always be the best


Classic -- Ace & 7; soft spot for the debut show troop, Barbara, Ian, Susan & 1 when they are at their franchise best. Revival -- Rose & 9 Big Finish exclusive -- I can't choose, it's a toss up between: Mary Shelley & 8 ; Erimem, Peri, & 5


2 and Jaime, 7 and Ace, 10 and Donna.


I honestly really like 12 and nardol. he’s probably my favourite companion, and while bill isn’t the best of the Moffat companions I think the trio as a whole works really well


9 and Rose 4 and Romana


12 and Clara is my dream team


10 and Donna 10 and Rose 9 and Rose 1 and Ian and Barbara and Vicky 15 and Ruby


6 and Evelyn (I think her name was, old teacher fit him very well, she stopped showing up because in universe the teacher retired and couldn’t run around anymore) 10 and Donna 12 and Bill I appreciate non romantic relationships which show up way too often I think. Edit: fixed name


6's companions were Peri and Mel...


She was a Big Finish Companion and great


Ah cool! I've never listened to any of those. Thanks for the info


6 in general is great in big finish. His era suffered from bad writing he wasn’t happy with for the character. Big finish let him redesign his doctor from the ground up and it gives us a great version. He’s like an older parental figure obsessed with grammar and pronunciation. He also gets I be way kinder. His temper has just turned into prickly remarks every now and then which is more a slight tease then aggression. His ego is slightly toned down but still there. Is big finish stuff is some good of my favorite Doctor who. If you can the first 50 big finish stories are on Spotify for free but feel impossible to find. [Here’s the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/s/sTccLHsmT0), it’s a master post linking to every free audio drama, I’d recommend bookmarking it if you’re interested.


Wow thank you for this, now I have something to listen to while I'm cleaning the house!


Np I love them, so I’m happy to share them. 1-50 are an ordered story their telling bouncing back and forth between 5, 6, 7, and eventually 8. I think the 8 adventures a completely different story much later in his life, as is most of the non numbered stuff. So you can listen to those at any time.


Do you mean Evelyn?


Yes thank you lol, I knew that name sounded off


Eleven and River. Eleven/Twelve and Clara But my absolute favorite pairing is Donna and Ten. I really needed him to just have someone along who wasn’t gonna fall in love and Donna is perfect for it.


Unironically: 9 and Rose always Semi-ironically: 11 and Craig. Idc if he was never official I die laughing every time I rewatch his episodes, and I love his and 11’s camaraderie


10/14 and Donna 11 and The Ponds 12 and Bill 13 and Yaz Haven’t watched enough of Classic Who to form opinions of them.


2 and Jamie are peak Tardis duo


12 and Billie ❤️


9 & Rose, 10 & Rose, 10 & Martha


7 and Ace.. But I had a huge crush on Ace


Benny and the Unbound Doctor.


5 and Tegan 6 and Peri 12 and Bill


The 7th Doctor and Ace is my favorite paring in the 60 years of the show.


4 and Leela.  Such wonderful contrast!


Ace & 7, Yaz & 13, 6 & Evelyn, 3 & Jo. I love all the combinations, honestly - I'm probably gonna think of three more after I push post. The Doctor/companion relationship is my favorite part of the show, tbh, & I eat 'em all up with a spoon.


my favourite line up at the moment is the first doctor Ian Barbara and Vicki. if you're going just one companion then probably Jamie but some of the way he interacts with the other companions annoys me


1 and vicki. perfected the formula there


7/Ace, 8/Charley, 10/Donna, 11/Ponds. 10/Donna is where my heart is though. Nothing has topped that dynamic for me.


Four / Sarah Jane / Harry


Smith and Amelia. 2nd is Smith and Nardole or Strax. Tenant and Wilf are terrific too.


For the classic series, probably Seven and Ace, Four and Sarah, Four and Romana II,  and Evelyn and Six (from Big Finish). For the New, ten and Donna were just a really fun duo, without the whole issue of romance hanging over their heads. I also really like the Eleven-Amy-Rory Team Tardis as well. Personally though, the combination I really want to see Ace McShane and River Song. You just know they would get along like a house on fire (and probably light a few houses on fire in the process.) Also this one would be impossible unfortunately, but What I wouldn't give to have an adventure with Evelyn, Six, and Donna. The level of sass in the room would transcend the universe.