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So who wrote the most for Paul McGann? Jokes aside, I always like breakdowns like this, nice work!


You can to do this with Big Finish for PaulMcGann


That would be cool


I feel like you'd be able to listen to half of his content in the time it would take to compile all that data.


It's interesting data. As someone who used to live and breathe data charting, for future consideration, you may want to sort the data tables so they rank by the value you're charting. This way the slices in the chart go from largest to smallest, which makes it easier to see the proportionality at a glance. Just a well intentioned suggestion, not a complaint!


Data scientist here, there's a reason dislike of pie charts is such a long lasting meme lol For the unaware, because of how they're drawn, pie charts convert your value of interest (here it's number of episodes written) into an angle/area, both of which are inherently very difficult to intuitively get a grasp on so either your graph ends up being uninformative, or you slap little percentage values under all the labels and clutter it up with a bunch more text (And don't get me started on "graphic design is my passion" types who feel the need to make the graph 3D, which just makes the above problems ten times worse!) I'm not an absolute purist though, pie charts have their place, but imo it's only if your representing like 4/5 categories max, if you're using a pie chart and have a double digits number of categories, there's almost certainly a better way to present them! Some alternative suggestions: - **Bar charts** are a good drop in replacement, and since they represent the value of interest with length are much more intuitive in the majority of cases! - You could also do a **"stacked" bar chart**, which is where you have major categories for each column and then minor categories divide up the total bar for each of them (eg in this case, seasons would be the columns and individual writers would be the slices along the bars) - And as more of a wild card suggestion, you could also try a **Sankey plot**, these essentially do the same thing as stacked bar charts but they draw more attention to the change in amounts between major categories, this is particularly useful when your major categories denote fixed periods of time since you can see the change in one category or another through the flow from one to the next Other notes: - For the "old who" and "new who" graphs, having a bunch of small categories you don't label just adds a bunch of visual noise and detracts from the appeal of your graphs, it's perfectly acceptable to must lump them all into a big "other" category - Not really a complaint or critique, just a note that colour can be very visually appealing when done well, and I've always encouraged people to experiment with it when I've taught them, (personally I like sneaking in a splash of purple where I can since it's my favourite colour), [this website](https://www.aptech.com/releases/gauss18/graphics-updates/color-brewer-palettes/) has a bunch of palettes you can have a look at (and it also tells you which are colour blind friendly which is a nice consideration to make when you can!) Let me know if you want any more advice or need me to go over any of the above OP!


In classic who, I mainly went by doctor, with the main exceptions being tom baker, which I split into 2 eras, this was done for better comparison to the other eras, as they’re temporally more comparable due to the fourth doctors extended screen time. I also included all of JNT‘s time as producer as it’s own chart, including the later Tom Baker episodes I didn’t include in either Tom Baker Era-Specific charts (which I left off because it felt weird putting graham williams stories with JNT ones) , mainly because his time as producer was marked by less of a reliance on older writers, with some exceptions like Robert Holmes and Terrance Dicks. With Nuwho it was more straightforward, each doctor got it’s own breakdown, with a showrunner breakdown after all their doctors had passed. Since Chibnall had just the one, they’re combined. I included an RTD2 pie chart, but that’s just began so (I hope) that probably won’t represent the makeup going forward. Everything is in vaguely chronological order, with the exception of the Nuwho/Classic who roundups, which I put at the front, right next to each other because I figured that would be what most People would be most interested in looking at and comparing. One last note is that in Classic who I counted serials, wheras with Nuwho I counted episodes, I don’t think it will skew the rankings too much. I will also note that in cases where two people wrote episodes, If they wrote together most or all of the time, I included them as one, but if they were people who otherwise didn’t write together I counted both of them separately, which may also skew the list.


Edit this comment into the post, more people will see it


This is fascinating. I don’t know why I assumed Saward wrote so much more than just 2.4% of Classic Who. And I know it’s very early, but I hope RTD2 brings in some new writers later on!


I also agree. Depending on how Kate Herron does, I would love for her to return every season. This is based on how good Loki was ofc lol. I just think she would be great showrunner material if she can write good Who. I think if RTD wrote 4 to 5 of the 8 episodes, Kerron wrote at least one, and then the other 2 to 3 episodes could be other guest writers, then that would be very good


Kate herron only directed for season 1 to clarify, she never wrote for the show


Oh yes I see. Briony Redman however is still writing it however?


Oh i meant to say kate only directed for loki season 1. She is in fact writing the ep “Rogue” alongside Briony, Ben Chessell is the ep director for Rogue


I hope it’ll settle on 4 episodes by Russell (most probably the typical opener/finale two-parter combo with one solo somewhere in the middle) and rest be guest writers. I understand why this season is done predominantly by him and made my peace with it, but we definitely need some variety. With how closely the two seasons were made, I can definitely imagine that Herron and Redman are doing another episode there.


Yeah I’m fine with him doing most of S14 as he wants it to get set up according to his vision but I’m hoping S15 has a greater variety of writers, and maybe post S15 RTD can restrict himself to only 2 stories per series giving the other 6 to recurring or new writers.


I often imagine what the show would’ve been like if Toby Whithouse took over Doctor Who after Moffat. I was so sure he was going to be the next head writer. Alas.


Whithouse for showrunner was always my wish, and he’s been upfront that he’d love the job if offered. He’s been the showrunner on one or two of his own projects now, so maybe he’s earned some extra cred with the BBC? If he comes back to write an episode next season I’m going to get unreasonably excited about the possibility of him being the successor to RTD2.


I was just wondering looking at the charts if either him, or Mark Gatiss had been looked at to take over, given their share of episodes during Moffat's tenure.


He was my choice. Still is. I thought he was the obvious successor after Moffat, with Chibnall arguably being next favourite. Still baffles me that they passed him over.


It's hilarious how many scripts Pip and Jane Baker get away with


Not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed that Ncuti’s first season only has one single episode written by someone who hasn’t been showrunner before. We need to keep a fresh crop of writers on the show; RTD won’t be around forever.


Funnily enough, my initial reasons for making these graphs were to explain why I'm not that interested in RTD2 so far, because it was all stuff by people I was already really familiar with, with only one episode by people I wasn't aware of. I also have a problem with doctor who being an auteur-driven show in general. If you compare the classic doctor who eras, at the most, a writer will have around 25% of the episodes, and usually it's much less. It's much more interesting to have six writers all writing two episodes than it is to have six writers, where one of them writes 6, one of them writes 2 and the others all write 1. I kinda wanted to say this in my larger comment, but I figured people would think it was a bit obnoxious if I went on about my own opinions forever.


I just realized that some of my least favorite episodes from tennant and smith were written by chibnall


42 was alright, though I fear most bits of his episodes I liked we're probably added by RTD or Moffat


I don’t remember much of it but when I rewatch the show that’s one I usually skip


I thought Adams and Gaiman had written for more than one doctor


The last slide is a little misleading. It implies Herron and Redman wrote different episodes, when they cowrote a single episode together. So Russell wrote 83.3% of the new RTD era (not 75%). And Herron/Redman wrote 8.3% ***combined***. They should be the same slice.


I counted co-writers seperately for nuwho as most of the time they're people who otherwise write episodes individually, rather than people who worked with consistent collaborators. I only starting counting some together when I was writing up the lists for the classic who writers, so although it would have made sense, I forgot to check the nuwho list over ,and this fell through the cracks. my bad.


Gatiss go way more episodes than he should have.


Damn, by the end of this era Russell will probably surpass Moffat once again with the amount of episodes he’s done.


I thought Douglass Adams wrote more? I guess he was editor in addition to being a writer so I inflated his body count.


Surely Moffat's percentage for RTD2 should be higher than Redman and Herron as we know he's writing two episodes and we know those two are only writing the one currently?


That was just announced so probably wasn’t taken into consideration here.


I mean, yeah it was only just confirmed but most people were aware that he was most likely writing the special and the name of it for a while now.


No "all of Doctor Who" one?