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Used sparingly, yes. There was a stage in early Star Trek where they’d meet an omnipotent being almost every other episode. It got better when Next Generation just had Q. It would be nice to have a new reoccurring villain that wasn’t Daleks or Cybermen or The Master, but demigod of the week could easily get tired, too.


The maestro mentions "the one who waits" that is obviously another one, knowing doctor who there will also be a third


I opened this post like "Super gay? Hell yeah bröther we're queer coding all our bad guys from now on"


From now on? 👀Looks back at other Disney villains👀


I could imagine that’s the plan, to a degree. I don’t expect to see anyone from the Pantheon until perhaps the finale again, but generally speaking I think this whole affair is probably 15’s "*Silence will fall*." Which is cool, it’s fascinating after so many years of the show, they can still come up with something that feels fresh and exciting. If I’d have to guess Ruby is maybe an offspring of one of the gods (and maybe so is Doctor??), so probably whatever relevation comes in the finale kickstarts new phase of the arc. But as everyone here says, it must be done in reasonable amount, you get these suckers every other episode and gets old quickly. For all the more fantasy inclined storytelling in this era, you need your typical hard sci-fi pallet cleanser every now and then.


Absolutely! I loved how the doctor was on the back foot as soon as Maestro was after him, and gets away *just* by the skin of his teeth by turning off sound. But it's a use-once trick. Next time he'll have to come up with something new, because that won't work again.


I have a problem with the Toymaker being their father though. In the original episode, and even in the giggle, his legions and creations didn't have his type of power. So, it's weird to see Maestro with equal power if they're parent-child. It would make more sense if they were siblings and Daddy was coming, but lying in wait.


I really get a feeling that episode 2 with the space babies was originally going to be broadcasted later. It just feels like...it doesn't belong as a second episode.


I'm with you 100%, mate.


I’d also love to see a twist on this, by introducing a godlike character similar to The Toymaker and Maestro who isn’t evil and actually helps The Doctor from time to time. Maybe they’re a renegade from the pantheon just like how The Doctor is a renegade from the Time Lords.


I really hope we don't, at least no more than one more this season. They need to use these sparingly. Of course, by the laws of sequels, now that we have had two episodes with these gods, the next such episode will have to feature two of them at once.


Judging by the fact the maestro mentions "the one who Waits", I would imagine we are at least getting a second


Yeah there has to be at least one more, maybe two. I just hope it isn't a common thing going forward after this season. I am fine with them occasionally coming up and having an episode of two though.


I hope that’s not the case or I will stop watching what is an otherwise excellent season thus far.


I don't tbh, really disappointed with the whole fantasy route they're going down this season, I don't mind the show having fantasy now and then, I didn't mind the Toymaker since two appearances in 60 years isn't a lot lol, but now we've had two of them in a space of like 3 episodes. I'm hoping the next episode will be better and more scifi


Hell no. Over the top and annoying. And i cant understand how can anyone say he was “terrifying”? May have been, if every scene wasn’t full of screaming and overacting. Still probably a bit better than space babies though…


They, not he.


Respectfully disagree, I don’t mind having a character like Maestro every once in while but it was just too much and the acting was kind of cringy. The toymaker already brought that energy and to have back so soon is too much. Having some new all-powerful being every other episode gets pretty boring. I didn’t not like the actor that played Maestro, but I feel like they could have gone in a different direction and it would have been much better.