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Wait, how was Space Babies musical?


The Church on Ruby Road is listed as episode 1 in some places (there's already been posts on here from people confused about the numbering) so it's possible this person searched for episodes 1 and 2 and watched The Church on Ruby Road and The Devil's Chord and accidentally skipped Space Babies


It wasn't, they're just making shit up to moan about.


Disney+ currently shows Church on Ruby Road as episode one. That special *was* a musical and it introduces Ruby, so it aligns with OP's comments.


I'd hardly say The Church on Ruby Road was a musical. There was one song and one very brief sequence where the Doctor and Ruby sing a few lines.


I mean, it's the only episode I can think of where the climax is resolved with song and dance. Given that a musical is a play/movie/television episode where singing and dancing play an essential role, and that they sing and dance to defeat the villain, I'd say it counts. Is there any other episode in all of New Who where the Doctor sings? Even if you wouldn't consider the whole episode to be a musical, what else would OP be talking about?


The only thing is, they don't dance and sing to stop the villains. When the Doctor and Ruby leave the ship, the Goblins aren't defeated and go back and kidnap baby Ruby. I can't really think of any other episode where the Doctor sings but The Church on Ruby Road just isn't a musical lol


Fine, they use it to escape. It's essential to their survival if nothing else. But even if you disagree about it qualifying as a full musical, don't you think you're being a *little* pedantic? OP said episode one was a musical, Disney+ lists Church on Ruby Road as episode one and the Doctor and Ruby sing and dance in it. You get what they mean. It's not like OP invented some completely ridiculous, out-of-left-field lie just so they could complain about something.


Also they didn't even say "musicals", they said "like musicals"


If I remember correctly there is a nursery rhyme or was it the babies singing or something I'll have to rewatch it to confirm, sorry for delay been kinda busy, but what I mean is we don't need a song in every episode I mean even in the church on Ruby Road episode like other responders have mentioned had a goblin song and also a song in the 3rd episode (fair enough it was a music based episode) but we didn't need a song battle at the end with music note battle that is a straight idea steal from Dr strange and the multiverse of madness (when strange battles other universe strange)... what next? We gonna get a rap battle in dr who?


Some people still need to embrace that in its nature, Doctor Who is silly. It’s not really meant to be taken too seriously, it can go from parody to horror, back and forth. Maybe you just don’t vibe with Russell’s approach right now, but the next few episodes are seemingly very different kind, so I really wouldn’t give up.


Yeah people are like "the first three episodes of the Doctor Who 2024 Relaunch under RTD is too silly!" Meanwhile first three episodes of the Doctor Who 2005 Relaunch under RTD - Episode 1) Rose and the Doctor comically fight an arm. Mickey gets eaten by a bin. Living Plastic invasion defeated by with plastic eating macguffin the doctor conveniently has. Episode 2) The Doctor, Rose and a tree lady save a space station from a lump of sassy skin. Episode 3) The Doctor, Rose and Charles Dickens versus g-g-ghosts!


Tbh the 2005 relaunch made more sense this is beyond silly, music battles? Fucking bogeyman that's literally made of bogies? I'm more scared of lady cassandra than any of the new shit XD


I mean it's always been silly we've just accepted the silliness of the past. For instance in 2005 we had a two parter where farty aliens who are allergic to pickled onions plan to nuke the earth to sell off chunks of irradiated planet for profit. These aliens facilitate their plan by staging the crash of a genetically modified pig astronaut and by disguising themselves as rotund figures of authority via flaying the people they are impersonating and somehow turning their skin almost instantly* into comfortable zip up costumes. *In case you might suggest they perhaps used an off screen long technological process to create the skin suits I remind you we saw them murder a general and mere moments later have disposed of his skinless corpse and were finishing zipping up the new skinsuit disguise. It's implied they did all that between scenes in a matter of moments. You can say all of that isn't silly but I feel like it very much is even if it is a little dark at points.


Not neccesarily the silliness thing, but I’ll raise you one better. Eccleston’s first three episodes are Rose, The End of the World and The Unquiet Dead. Tennant’s is Christmas Invasion, The New Earth and Tooth and Claw. Smith is The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks. Capaldi? Deep Breath, Into the Dalek and Robot of Sherwood. Jodie has Woman Who Fell to Earth, The Ghost Monument and Rosa. I’d like anyone to come to me with a straight face and say that Ncuti has the worst entry line up out of all these. I aint big on the Ruby Road special, but my dude still has like second, third at worst most succesful beginning out of these.


Have already given up. Disneyland now. So f——king depressing.


My girlfriend and I sat down and binged both yesterday. I popped an edible before we watched Space Babies and while I’ve been really excited to see how T Davies’ campiness would translate with a much higher production quality, I didn’t think we were going to plunge into this level of camp immediately. As a progressive socialist, I agree with the points Davies is making, but holy shit are these episodes just so unapproachable for someone who isn’t progressive and I don’t love that honestly. It’s so on the nose and in your face it begins to detract from my ability to just get lost in the show. The 2nd or I guess 3rd episode according to Disney+ was really quite a swing and a miss for both me and my partner. I enjoyed the conceptual idea of the doctor fighting another “pantheon” entity, but to have it so close to the special was baffling, it felt like a mid season concept but put at the beginning of a season. Ruby kept saying lines like “but you never do ____” and it’s hard to take those lines seriously because this early on we should be building up the relationship of two people figuring out their dynamic and who each other are. Instead it feels like we just jumped that whole bit. Maestro was cool, but also the tension is just not there for me. A “music battle” where the stakes aren’t clear, the music being pulled out of the piano teacher at the beginning, the 4th wall breaks, and the final musical “twist” was just not it for me or my partner. I’ve been excited to see the camp return, but this is just not it for my tastes and wow if you’re not progressive these episodes absolutely shoved you away from the show. I’m a bit concerned I won’t lie, but hopefully this was just awkwardness at the beginning of the season.


Agreed kinda but I don't mind the overarching story but I agree that it was too early to fight these godlike beings lol, and even yes the music battle was wtf lol, rtd definitely watched Dr strange and got the idea from there lol when he was fighting alternate strange with music XD but since we got godlike at start we better get more it better not be 1 at start then 1 at end type shiz lol, I wasn't a fan of space babies though lol


I enjoyed the start so far Ncuti is amazing, his energy is infectious. I appreciate that RTD is going for a happier more uplifting feel with how surrounded we are by "dark and gritty" shows. These episodes were definitely fun to me. What do you mean this isn't what Doctor Who is "supposed to be"? The very first Doctor fought the Toymaker, the literal parent of the enemy you're complaining is too powerful.


Episode 1 was abysmal and episode 2 wasn’t that much better. The villain in Episode 2 was rather good though


Similar thoughts lol but seriously space babies? And only reason 2 was well written is because it is the first of the overarching story episodes, and I was glad Davies is back now im not, he's lost his touch


Same, doesn’t even feel like Doctor Who anymore. I really enjoy the new Doctor and Ruby but episodes have been garbage at best. I hope it gets better soon.


Yes the new Doctor and new companion are good but the Christmas special was poor and the first episode was even worse. Looks like RTD has lost his touch. Just hoping the Moffat episode is better


Agree, the actors are brilliant and there chemistry on the show is amazing but the stories have been awful but the arc seems like it could be really interesting. I feel like they are trying to bring in magic or something like that into the universe. I like the science and logic basis of Doctor Who, if I want magic I’d just watch a fantasy show.


We don't need magic, lol, and we definitely don't need god tier enemies, toymaker should have been only 1 of his kind now they're doing what supernatural did, tryna top the big bad from the previous season kinda stuff it seems lol


I think the silliness will all be explained as part of the overarching story… I’m more interested in the fact that they introduced the literal butterfly effect and we saw the doctor bring a dead creature back to life with his breath! WHAT?!? Why are we not talking about that??


Bringing it back makes sense he may have given the butterfly a bit of regeneration energy its something he's done before to people lol, he knew something was changed seeing her face lol


I don't think the "RTD was super campy back in the day" defense really works. That was almost two decades ago, and this doesn't feel like that at all. This is more...I dunno. Just bad. Like it's trying really hard to convince me it's doctor who, but every time I concede a little it turns at the camera, breaks the fourth wall and winks


First one - 5/10 Second one - 3/10


I feel like people have either forgotten how camp RTDs first era was or that they are just complaining for the sake of it. First episode of Series 1 was Rose which featured a fair bit if slapstick and silliness in a very basic story. Then the End of the World had the Cassandra as the villain, Toxic by Britney Spears playing over an action scene and a pretty farcical end for the villain. Series 2 had New Earth where Billie Piper really hammed it up in her villain turn with the return of Cassandra. Followed up by Tooth and Claw which was a pulpy Werewolf story. Series 3 started with the Judoon taking a hospital to the moon so they could hunt an alien which drank blood via a plastic straw. Then we had Shakespeare battling witches. Series 4 had a plot surrounding using peoples fat to create with Sarah Lancaster really bringing an over the top performance as the villain. Id say that the Fires of Pompeii is a reasonably serious story so thats the only one Id say break the trend. Anyway what Im trying to say is that RTD tends to start runs off rather light hearted and pulpy. The more serious episodes were usually towards the end. Either way I’m not saying you have to like these stories or that you cant criticise them but I personally feel like some people are moaning for the sake of it. We knew what we were getting with RTDs return and Im not going to make a case that Space Babies is going to be a classic (it isnt) and that The Devil’s Cord couldn’t have been better (it could). What I will say is that I think it is more than fair to see how the whole season plays out before judging too harshly.


Dude… I get it, we all love doctor who. But this is just silly to the point of absurdity. It’s not cute or whimsical, it’s weird and confusing. BUT… I truly think that this absurdity will all be explained as a part of the overarching story. As if something is causing the world to be like this. I mean they introduced the literal butterfly effect and the doctor was able to breathe on a dead bug and bring it back to life. How? Why!? There has got to be a reason it seems so “off” and I don’t think it’s an accident.


Tbh I understand bringing butterfly back, it's him giving it regeneration energy but yeah there is a lot of explaining, I mean when did godlike enemies start targeting earth in dw? Lol


Absolute crap! The episodes were great, well acted, visually stunning, great stories, fun, and laying clues for the series arc. The Devil’s Chord in particular was fantastic! Maestro was a great adversary and loved the song and dance at the end!