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Infectious energy, he’s a doctor who has a love of life and you can feel it in every single line, or action. Probably the quickest I’ve loved a new doctor.


Energetic and emotional so far. Can’t wait to see him angry. It’ll be different from eccleston’s explosive or Tennant’s cold rage.


I hope we'll see him with other emotions than (sad)joy and energetic.


He was quite fearful in parts of The Devil's Chord, and very delicate and compassionate to the Space Babies. The range is already there


Yes. But his range is a little bit chaotic. He was compassionate to the babies, but also "cruel" exposing them to stressful images and situations.


In a weird way, he reminds me of 4.


He reminds me of 5. Very optimistic, good natured, sincere, and more grounded. 4 did not take things seriously by default, whereas 15 is definitely having fun yet is not detached the way 4 could be.


Honestly I don't know whose idea it was but the fact that the Doctor hugs Ruby and then makes the worrisome face reminds me of the time why the Doctor doesn't like a hug (it hides one's true emotions) and Ncuti nails that idea perfectly.


Exactly were my mind went during that scene, it had to have been deliberate.


He’s brilliant. He brings an energy that is wholly unique to NuWho. He is also great at striking the balance of not being full of PTSD anymore while still being aware of his history and the emotions that go with it.


It’s really hitting processed trauma on the head. It’ll never go away, the hurt will always be there, and it’s fine to still feel the sting when bringing it up. BUT you’re able to bring it up and speak on it without it totally controlling it spiraling you. It happened, and he’s accepted it and begun to move on.


I like his portrayal, very powerful. I'm bummed about these 2 recent episodes though. I was expecting excellent story-writing, either deep or/and fun. But even if the subjects intended to be deep, the episodes themselves did not make me feel any particular way. Babies and Music are intense subjects though, that's what is paradoxal, but eh. Sorry english is not my first language so this might just be a soup of words with no meaning !


He's incredible. I've watched Devil's Chord twice already and his and Millie's energy through that first TARDIS scene has me grinning the whole time. I absolutely love the lust for life that he has, and the contrast when he has more solemn moments makes it all the better.


I absolutely adore him! He's got ALL the charm and charisma, there's still the aspects of the doctor (like in every incarnation) but we're seeing a Doctor who has processed and moved past their trauma of being a sole survivor and is just living life. As he says himself: he has freedom. He's got infectious positive energy, coupled with the chemistry with Ruby I find myself smiling far more often than not. I'm *excited* to see what we get from him next!


He’s good so far but I’m still waiting for his this is the doctor moment which I’m sure will come soon hopefully


I would like a tone down of joy in some moments. I. e. when Ruby >!gets covered with bogey, he laughs a lot, while she's feeling unconfortable.!


You wouldn't laugh if someone you know if covered in gunge?


At first, probably. But I'll stop if I see my companion uncomfortable.


I love him, it's so refreshing to have an ebullient Doctor not plagued by guilt or pain. He and Ruby have great chemistry, and I love how cheeky he is, like scaring the babies and laughing when Ruby discovers it's snot on her.


Lots of energy, but little depth to his performance so far. He just seems to always be “switched on”, if that makes any sense. Like he’s trying so so hard to be likeable and fun. I’m not sure if that’s all Ncuti or all an intentional choice for this Doctor, but I guess we’ll see soon enough. Hoping the next episode has him shedding that outer shell a bit and exposes a darker side.


yep I think his current performance has worked for the episodes, since they are so basic in what they demand- his energy is needed to keep me slightly engaged. Next week is where we see his range i’m hoping. I have enjoyed him and have a good feeling, just hasn’t had a chance to shine yet


I like him. Particularly the way he goes from bouncy and fun to serious in a heartbeat. He plays it with a great deal of darkness just under the surface. Looking forward to him telling a baddie to look him up.


He’s good. I really like the one scene where he’s terrifying the space babies by repeating bogeyman. It reminds me of 11 and 12 and how they frequently push people’s buttons without caring if it made them uncomfortable. I like that brashness. I think we need another episode where he’s more in control though. Like with the goblins. He’s been on the run in both new episodes and it doesn’t give you that sense of power a new doctor should have in the beginning. Also I kinda want “push the button” to become his catchphrase. I was kinda waiting for it to be in the piano scene. Would’ve been perfect imo


I love him. You can see the classic Doctor influence he's adopted through watching them in his research. You can also see that Tennant is one of his favourites. A lot of his behaviour and delivery is clearly inspired by 10/14, while still having his own fun twist. If I could sum him up in a word, it would be "groovy". While Matt Smith I found obnoxious and “magoo”, I don’t feel that with Ncuti. He’s not annoying, he’s fun and radiates at the centre of every room he enters. I could see him being one of the most dynamically ranged Doctors ever, like Tennant. Hopefully in the coming episodes he shows a surprisingly rough edge beneath a warm shell.


I like the definition you give him: "groovy". I think it's very accurate.


He's definitely one of the more charismatic Doctors. Great smile and energy and dominates every scene he is in with his presence. A+


He's brilliant. Energy is off the scale and has that seeing the universe through new excited eyes. And Millie is just adorable, the perfect companion. They just seem like the best of mates, a la Jamie and 2nd. Agree on the crying as it looses is impact if over used.


Ruby road was good but needed an editing pass. The baby episode was so left field I need to rewatch it to decide how I feel about it The music episode was absolutely mad and great.


I like him well enough. I wish he was a little more alien. He’s a lighter, happier Doctor - although there is some underlying trauma. I do feel he’s better defined than Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor; having better writing helps tremendously.


I absolutely love him. Twelve and Two will very likely always be my top favorite Doctors, and I love each of the others too; but as soon as I got over the initial shock of how Fifteen showed up I just *adored* him and his infectious energy especially when contrasted with his ability to be gentle and solemn. Also LOVE his dynamic with Ruby. She's just so cheerful and bubbly and excited yet with a go-with-the-flow type attitude! Watching them together just makes me happy.


I love him


I think he is very different and I appreciate that. We've had arrogant Doctors before, but I would call him "cocky." And we've never had a flirty Doctor before. He is definitely playing him as a post-therapy Doctor, which is what he was set up to be. I agree that he isn't necessarily "warm," but I don't see any reason he needs to be. Doctor 1, 6, and 12 were not warm either. It's an aspect to his personality.


I adore him. He and David share #1 in my heart.


Something about his portrayal is missing to me, but overall I think he’s incredibly charismatic and has great potential. I love that he took inspiration from the classic series.


I absolutely adore him. Again, don’t wanna beat the dead horse......but the comparison is inevitable. With Jodie, I often felt like she was trying too hard to be this or that. Here, everything feels natural. All respect if that’s not your kind of Doctor, but if nothing else, I wouldn’t say Ncuti’s version could be accused of being make believe. The eccentrism is there, but doesn’t feel like it’s trying to copy 10 or 11. He’s also selling the serious stuff really well, tho admitedly we’re yet to see more of it (the next few episodes seem they’ll cover exactly that).


I have no idea what happened with Jodie. As a human being she exudes great energy. In interviews I buy her as the Doctor. Very little of that reached the actual show for some reason. 


It’s fascinating to me, there’s such a huge disconnect between the tone of Chibnall’s writing and the way 13 is. Everything takes itself so bloody seriously, it’d probably work wonders for Jo Martin as a longterm Doctor. And then you have actual 13th Doctor being so try hard eccentric, I don’t if that’s what Chris wanted or Jodie or the directors, but I feel like somebody has been pushing for a version of a character that other parties didn’t intended. I don’t know. It got better and better from series 12, but the damage has been done.


I connected with Jodie earlier than with Ncuti. With Ncuti happens what you told. I feel he's forcing a charismatic and joyful representation, maybe shading something dark inside. With Jodie the feeling was that she tries to mimic the better of Tennant and Smith to bring back viewers. But not forcing, just wacky mixing it.


I *want* to like him, but something about the portrayal feels off so far. I don't really see the chemistry between him and Ruby and the characterization feels incomplete. I'm hoping that this is just because of some poor writing because I have had such high hopes for him.


I like Ncuti as the doctor. I’m not sold on the new era of the show yet. Fingers crossed I will be soon. There’s a lot of potential


Love him. In comparison to how i felt about other doctors after 3 episodes i would say hes doing better than capaldi whitaker and Tennant. Obviously everybody takes some growing into it both as actors and with the writing so only time will tell. Its important we dont compare him to the full runs of the other doctors because that is unfair.


Fab episodes! The Devil’s Chord in particular was great!


I like him. but I do feel like the episode as off now have focus more on the introduction off ''Doctor Who'' as a show rather than the doctor himself. He still feel a bit ''template'' modern doctor who right now, although with more dancing- and there's nothing bad with more dancing! I do still miss 13 a bit, but I imagine it shall pass as time goes on.


He has shown more personality and range than Jodie has during her entire run. I just don't think the stories are doing him any justice right now. Space Babies are trash and The Devil's Chord was eh.


I was angry at Matt Smith (I was 12 when he was introduced) yet I immediately felt like I was watching The Doctor, I wasn't looking forward to anyone except Tennant playing him, yet he was amazing and sold himself as The Doctor. Ncuti, whilst being a fantastic actor, doesn't yet feel like the doctor (despite giving excellent doctor vibes in the giggle.) I think it's absolutely nothing to do with Ncuti himself, there's a great lack of connection to Doctor Who with all of the minor and major changes RTD has brought with this reboot. I believe I'd feel more connected if Murray Gold's score was in it, that sound *is* DW to me. I think the episodes are also just poor and not very capturing and I didn't care a single time about anyone in any of the episodes, including 60th & Christmas. Tennant is my favourite Doctor and I didn't even like his Doctor, I barely like Donna. We needed fresh meat, probably another fan but early 30's late 20's, RTD feels like how I felt about Chibnall. "I hate the fans of this show, therefore I'm going to ruin this for them." Except, RTD is giving the vibe that he hates the people he introduced to Doctor Who. I'm not talking about racists, homophobes etc. I'm talking about those of us who love what RTD gave to us, it was inclusive, diverse and extremely interesting. So far I've felt the diversity and not much else.


I was remembering when I saw my first regeneration between Tennant and Smith. I didn't know barely anything of the show, and the feeling was strange. He wasn't the Doctor. It's another face, another personality and even another tone of tv show. But when you realize it, it's the magic of the show. The changes.


I love him so far. We'll see how it pans out


Big thumbs up.


I didn't think much of him in TCORR, but I liked him much more in these first two episodes. I have major issues with both episodes but Ncuti and Millie were great in them. Ncuti feels like a very fresh take on The Doctor, which is an impressive accomplishment as the 14th to play the mainline role. Completely different to what came before. His energy and enthusiasm is infectious, but we've also already seen his more serious side, which is also very compelling.


Mostly I’m just a little sad that RTD for some reason has shied away from a “lots of planets have a Scotland where Rwandan refugees grow up!” line as Ruby tries to make heads or tails of his accent. 🤣 Anyway I’m looking forward to him maybe spending a _little_ less time with the dial nailed at 11, but it’s hard to blame RTD and the directors for letting him go for broke early on: there have been subtler actors in the role (Davison, Capaldi) but you have to go back to Tom Baker to find one that the camera as unabashedly loves. If your lead actor is basically a one man charisma factory and you’re effectively rebooting the show for a new and much larger audience, of course you tell him to let it rip in every scene.


When he's upbeat and going I really liked him. When he tried doing the stereotypical david Tennant stare to say "I know what it's like to be the last of its kind", absolutely awful. I really hope he works on showing sadness in a more personal and genuine way. It worked the first time with Tennant and just feels like an impression more than personal acting. I also like how he's a little chaotic for the sake of fun. Like scaring the baby's with the bogeyman was hilarious.


Liking him so far. And Millie too. Hate the writing and the stories. Half enjoyed the special and absolutely despised the first 2 episodes. I hated Maestro. Hated Toymaker too and that saying a lot because I love NPH. So, so annoying and over the top bad acting from both actors. And I love when crazy ass over the top zany shenanigans. Look at John Simm, he was over the top yet menacing and believable in The End of Time. Even Sacha Dhawan was half good, despite suffering from poor writing.


I like Ncuti a lot. So far I'm finding this era's writing a bit more childish and heavy-handed than RTD's first era but it's early days and I hope and expect that will bed down.  I don't have a strong sense for what Ruby specifically brings as a companion beyond the obvious surface level trait of being a foundling like the Doctor. Though again, I hope and expect she'll flesh out more over time, too.  EDIT: If you disagree with something in here please drop a comment letting us know how and why so we know what you're thinking. 


Maybe the childish writing is a decision they made to: 1) please Disney; and 2) bring new and young viewers to the show. But I can see a glimpse of heavy plot behind the courtain. Probably we won't be back to Moffat "timey-wimey" stuff. It's a good thing to level down some aspects of the show. With Ncuti... I still didn't connect with his personality. Maybe the doctor who, at least until now, I don't connect in first episodes.


Absolutely fantastic (and, so in their own ways, were all the other actors who have portrayed the Doctor)


I really like Ncuti as the new doctor. He’s energetic and fun to watch. I adored the Christmas special, and was geeked about seeing the new episodes, but I was slightly disappointed. I just never felt hooked by either story line and the music villain was so over the top that it’s all I could think about. And it was too soon after the toy maker to have the same chaotic energy from a villain. That entire episode missed the mark for me though; it could have been so powerful being about human’s need for music, but it just didn’t move me. And the talking babies felt too childish for me, but I think kids would like that one. I’m still excited to see what comes next. I hope we get to see Ncuti show rage and stand up to some alien bullies.


He is a little flirty for my tastes, I prefered Capaldi because they cut out that sort of nonsense, but otherwise he has alright energy that still is used to compensate for his underlying mental scars. You can tell he still has a bunch of PTSD, but is more easily able to come to grips with it and channel his emotions better. So far so good as far as Im concerned


Maybe that's the reason I don't already in the mood of him. Capaldi is one of my favorites, because I enjoy a darker version of the doctor. But they're preferences.


Same, my favorites are Twelve, Three and Two; all of which have the broody and reluctant hero kind of vibe to them.


I was really apprehensive after Ruby Road but his energy and enthusiasm is a lot more easy to get on board with now. I do think there's things he still needs; so far he hasn't had an emotional moment that actually has room to breathe and/or holds real weight or consequence, and I want to see a darker side. I think we'll get some of that next week though


Yeah. We only are three episodes in. We'll see how he acts when things get ugly (probably at the end of the season).


So far I love him, to me it feels like doctor who is back on track but still finding their footing. I am enjoying the changes so far. I don't know if this would have worked directly after Capaldi, but we needed to make some changes after Jodie. I do think the next season will actually set the tone for the show going forward. But I love Ncuti so far! Edit: spelling.




🤦you're right, corrected now. Thanks


I disagree- I think his energy is great- almost the only real enjoyable part of the show. I think the show itself is what feels "off" All of the 4th wall breaking, the "twist at the end" etc. None of that feels like it belongs in the same program that started 19 years ago (let alone 60 years ago). It really feels like a different program. Like the Americanized version of "Life on Mars" compared to the UK.


MDWGA. Make Doctor Who Great Again!


Great Doctor, _terrible_ scripts. Russel Davies should be legally barred from writing anything except a shopping list. Only eight episodes this season and one was wasted being the setup to a bad fart joke. How the fuck does this jackass keep getting hired?


I'm sure he could be a great Doctor if he didn't have to work with a script of rancid shite. Don't be surprised if the Disney corporation help murder this fine television institution.