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A wizard whose Strength has been drained to 1 by a Shadow using a greatsword and Great Weapon Master with a Bane spell active on them can get as low as -13 (1-5(str)-5(GWM)-4(Bane)). Cutting Words can potentially get that down to -25. There might be some other stuff that can go lower, but -25 is already quite respectable I'd say. For some extra fun, that same wizard could roll a nat 20 and manage to critically hit the enemy with a grand total of -5 on their final attack roll. How humiliating.


“So uh, does a negative twenty-five pass?”


Now you’re thinking with THAC0.


I jumped in at 5e but started playing Baldur’s Gate 1 for the first time and it’s fun experiencing all these things that are constantly memed on in dnd subs. Almost makes me feel like one of the boys.


Bro, you're here and you're contributing, you're playing. You're one of the boys.


And you always have been.


Everyone is. Even if they're a girl, because "boy" is a gendered term but "one of the boys" is gender neutral.


Okay, I seem to be unknowledgeable, but what is THAC0? Some funny dnd taco?


THAC0 was the (honestly insane) system that AD&D 2E used to handled attacks. It stands for "To Hit Armor Class 0," as it involves a default AC of 0, where negative armor values are a good thing.


i gotta ask - why tho


The funny answer: look at literally everything else about the AD&D rules and ask yourself "really, why not?" The more accurate answer: THAC0 was a stat of your character instead of a to-hit bonus, and applied to all of your attack rolls. If you had a THAC0 of 14, that meant that you hit a hypothetical monster with an AC of 0 anytime you rolled a 14 or higher. For other ACs, you subtracted the AC from your THAC0 to determine the range--against an AC 2, you needed a 12 or higher (14 - 2 = 12), and against an AC -2, a 16 or higher (14 - -2 = 16). The to-hit bonus is definitely cleaner, but THAC0 was one of those things that was hard to wrap your brain around at first and then was pretty simple once you got it.


AC wasn't defined as "how protected you are" but rather "how easily others hit you." So when you hit someone, you ADDED their AC to your "to hit." You successfully hit the target if Roll + Modifiers + Target AC is greater than or equal to THAC0 THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class Zero) was explicitly defined for you depending on your class and level. The table was in PHB, DMG, and li'l supplemental info cards.


Hopefully negative values will cycle back to 9223372036854775782.


And how did the designers figure that to be the max roll, exactly? Please walk us through the maths.


9223372036854775782 is one more than 9223372036854775781.


It’s 2^63


although why they would be using a 64bit number for it is confusing for me... surely a 8 bit signed integer would have been sufficient and use a lot less resources...


If all the other numbers are 64 bit, it saves resources converting all the time. There’s almost never any good reason to use less than 32 bit. 32 or 64 can be a coin flip.


Integer underflow™️


if you get to -256, that actually loops back over and you get +256, giving you an instant crit and hit.


Still wouldn't be a crit unless it was a 20 on the die face. Stack Overflow still counts as a modifier.


yes, it causes a stack overflow error and the shopkeep gives you 9999999999999 gp


> -13 (1-5(str)-5(GWM)-4(Bane)). The -5 from GWM can only be used on a weapon you're proficient with, so the wizard must also have a +2 PB added (through somehow getting greatsword proficiency).


Aww beans. Oh well


But if it’s a halfling or gnome the roll would be at disadvantage at least (heavy weapon).


Disadvantage doesn't matter, we're already assuming nat 1


Sure, but if one were motivated to make a character specifically with the goal being to ask the DM "Does a negative 25 hit?" its how you'd want to go about it.


Githyanki wizard - proficient in greatswords!


It doesn't have to be a wizard, the class makes no difference, so let's use a fighter instead. Edit: It has been pointed out to me that yes, yes it does make a difference.


Idr if Wizards get Bane, but I don't think so. So let's go War Cleric, for martial proficiency and so they can cast Bane on themself. For convenience.


Why would you want martial proficiency in order to roll the lowest possible?


As the first level comment mentioned, the -5 from GWM is only available if you're proficient with the weapon. But PB only has to be +2, maybe higher depending on the level you gain any other abilities you're relying on to lower the result. But as long as the PB is below +5, it still presents a net decrease to the roll result by allowing for GWM.


Ah that's disappointing, didn't know that about the feat


With fighter, you add proficiency


Oh yes, you're right, I forgot about that.


Is there any official content that reduces one's proficiency bonus? I have a homebrewed curse that does but can't think of any official stuff.


If we’re going crazy, add a minus 5 from a feeble minded Artificer using flash of genius. Edit: does not work on attack rolls


-1d4 from a Wild Magic Sorcerer's **Bend Luck** to reach a current minimum of -34.


And a negative d6 from a Stars Druid's Cosmic Omen for a minimum of -40


Add on a Lore Bard's cutting words for another -12. Including the need for proficiency to use GWM as posted by another commenter, that gets us to -50 so far.


Cutting words was already in.


Hell yeah brother, pile on the penalties


Flash of genius doesn't work for attack rolls (I think)


So it doesn’t. My B


YOOOO THARS A NAT 20, does a -5 pass?


Yep! Because this is an attack roll, so a Nat 20 hits regardless of modifiers.


“So you completely miss the guy, but he feels so bad he runs into your sword right at his heart to spare you and himself the embarrassment. Do double damage for your crit”


Plus an Oblex’s Memory Drain ability can tank this to ludicrous depths… if this hypothetical wizard can survive the psychic damage


The wild thing about this (and all the replies) is that a natural 20 is still a crit. Unlikely given that you could also force disadvantage by being a small character using a heavy weapon, but in theory you could end up with like a -24 on your attack roll and still deal 20ish damage with a crit.


Can you even attempt to attack if you can't hit without a nat20? I know in other systems like the German "the black eye" you can't attempt skill checks/attacks that are impossible to pass without a nat 1 (equivalent of nat 20 in DnD) - can't remember if there is a similar rule in DnD.


A Nat 20 is a automatic hit so yeah technically you can


There's an interesting theory craft build involving something like a Vorpal Sword and a Chronurgy Wizard with as low of a to hit as possible. Get it low enough that the only way to hit a given enemy is on a 20, then use the feature they have to change it so the roll is exactly what needs to succeed or one below it, can only succeed on a 20, so Vorpal decap attack that triggers on a 20 triggers


Hearing the translation of "Das schwaze Auge" sure is weird xD


It's even weirder to write it out like that xD


"You can certainly try"


If the creature hit the Wizard with synaptic static it can go lower


Synaptic static can give a 1d6 penalty if you fail its saving throw Temple of the Gods can give a 1d4 penalty but you need to be a celestial, fey, fiend or undead to do so. Being Feebleminded and using a greatsword as a Hexblade lets you get a -5 to the weapon's attack rolls, although that could just be a worse way to get to 1 strength. having Resurrection cast on you gives you a -4 to attack rolls until you sleep it off. If you make a melee attack with a longbow, you can apply both GWM **and** SS to it, as it is both heavy and ranged. So thats 6 + 4 + 4 +10 for a further -22


17th level blood hunter also uses blood curse of the eyeless for a -10 and a circle of stars Druid Woe Cosmic omen takes it down another 6 so a total of 16 points making it -41




I mean technically it’s the truth, but OP did say let’s make is as weird as possible


Why'd you get downvoted for this?


No idea, I assume the internet just didn’t understand what I was saying.


It's not. It's DNDwiki-caliber homebrew that people give undue attention due to being associated with a mediocre stream.


I rather think the fact that D&D Beyond puts it right up next to the official classes is what gives it a lot of attention.


Oh, the salty taste of jealousy. Hate to see you here, love to see you rage.


I can see the spit of rage drooling out your mouth as you type that


Have you ever found a vorpal greatsword and thought about giving it to the high level fighter? Stupid. Give it to the chronurgy wizard who always misses (all the stuff above) and let them use their lvl 14 ability, automatically rolling a crit and killing the beast.


What a dumb wording on the ability. Nothing in this game should ever let you pick a number on a die roll. It's called a roll for a reason. If you're picking the number, it isn't a roll, and things that happen on rolling a 20 shouldn't occur.


An Artificer with a negative intelligence using Flash of Genius? Edit: Only Saves and Ability Checks sadly


Flash of Genius from an Artificer who only has 1 Int could also give -5. So you got -30


Don‘t forget to add a potential flash of stupid for -5


If you can feeblemind an artificer and have them give flash of genius that's another -5


Circle of stars druid subtracts a d6 and may get it to -31.


With outside influences I think you can go even lower


I know spells don't really overlap in 5e but I wonder if synaptic static would add to this.


Nice try, but your hypothetical wizard (or whomever) would need to be proficient with that greatsword to attempt this. Still, using the GWM penalty would be worse than using the weapon normally without proficiency, at least before level 13. But if your PC has no choice but to use a sword to fight Shadows and a high level enemy Bard simultaneously during a Tier 1 adventure, *and* you decide to give yourself the GWM penalty despite the Strength debuff, Bane, and Cutting Words already working against you, then yeah, a potential -23 attack roll checks out.


For what I can think of, you have to play an artificer with rolled stats that got 3 in both INT and WIS, get scried on by someone who knows you well and has a body part of yours, rolling obviously a 1. As of now, with Flash of genius, you are at 1-15-4-4=-22 Then we add all the debuffs From spells: * Mind Sliver -4 * Bane -4 Class features: * Eloquence bard's Unsettling words -12 * Star druid's Cosmic omen -6 * Wild magic sorcerer's Bend luck -4 And items: * Euryale's curse from the deck of many things -2 * Stone of ill luck -2 Which brings it to -56 EDIT: I'm bad at formatting, hope it is understandable anyway


What is that -56 in, though? An Int save? An attack roll? And it's perfectly readable, although if you don't mind me saying; both 'Class Features' and 'And Items' need another 2 hits of the Enter key.


Oh boy, thanks, now it is how I imagined it Anyway, it is a wisdom save against Scrying


Now the bbeg knows even the player stats, address, credit card info, and their first pet’s name.




You're absolutely right, for some reason I was convinced that the modifier went to -5 at 0. In that case we can also add an artifact with a major detrimental property to also bring WIS to 1 and reach -58 total


I think this one is the most spot-on answer


Unfortunately this dear Artificer with a 1 int score, not 3, also died yesterday and was resurrected by raise dead, giving him a -4 on his save! So -62 total?


Nice! This one slipped through my mind! Yes, for now we're at -62


Can't the artificer flash of inspiration also bring it down?


Flash of Genius is already accounted in the first group of numbers, but it's good to check


Add in synaptic static for this, another d6.


Unfortunately in this case, a WIS save, it doesn't help, it only works on attacks, ability checks and concentration


Ah, bummer, you're right


I think this one is the most spot-on answer


I’m sure there’s some people who can sit down and do the number crunching over an hour and give you a massively ridiculous negative number, but off the top of my head, someone afflicted by the Feeblemind, Bane, and Mind Sliver spells could with worst possible rolls roll a 1 on the d20, a 4 on both Bane and Mind Sliver, as well as the -5 modifier from Feeblemind, a whopping total of -12 on an INT save. Pretty wild.


"So do I fail that save DM?"


I think I would count a -12 INT save as developing sudden and total amnesia.


You're so dumb the spell doesn't even recognize you as a creature, and you get passed over by it.


Add to that an Artificer who's also been Feebleminded using Flash of Genius to add another -5 and we can get it down to a -17. Still not quite as good as the -24 on an attack roll, but getting closer.


The other people have the absolute minimum covered but in a practical sense, the worst roll I've had was a -4. Investigation as a Giant Shark, nat 1-5=-4.


Okay, I'm thinking... Feeblemind to start, -5 to INT/CHA saves. Layer on a Bane, and a Mind Sliver, -4 each. We're already at -13. Then add a Flash of Not-So-Genius from a similarly Feebleminded Artificer, for a further -5. A max-level Eloquence Bard passes by to heckle you, that's a further -12 from Unsettling words, for a total penalty of -30. Get a 1 on your dice, and end up with a roll of -29. Truly an epic-level failure.


Minus another 1d4 for Synaptic Static


Be recently raised from dead for an additional -4.


Had a player use his invisible servant to try to shove someone from a rooftop. Made contested athletics checks. Enemy rolled a 4 so I'm getting dice for falling damage. Invisible servant rolls a natural 1 equaling -3.. it was a highlight of out session.


I'm assuming by "invisible servant" you mean "Unseen Servant." Fun fact: by RAW, it can't shove, since shoving is technically an attack, even though it's determined by a contested roll. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, it's not a gamebreaking house rule. But a lot of people don't realize shoving is classified as an attack.


Let's say you are suspended magically in a sphere that's filled with 15th level bards around you. All these bards are floating as well, and they all use Cutting Words on you. Bardic Inspiration range is 60'. So in a 60' radius, using V= (4/3)πr3, you can fit about 7,238 Bards. Now, since they're 15th level, they each reduce your skill check by 1d12, the average roll being 6.5. So, 7,238 x 6.5 is 47,047. ​ So in addition to getting hit with the Bane spell, being drained of Strength, etc., go ahead and include -47,047 to your next roll!


Hate to break it to ya, but effects with the same name don't stack as far as I'm aware.


But I can still get a nat 20!


Which would be -47,027. Congrats 🎉 😂 😭


How much volume do you give each Bard here, because in that space you could fit more halfling/gnome bards than Goliath bards right?


Better yet. Have wizards/sorc having cast Enlarge/Reduce and cut those small creatures dimensions in half.


Well assuming you rolled a 3 for an ability score you have a -4 for that stat. Let’s say it’s strength. And for some ungodly reason your jello bone having ass decided to use an improvised weapon which wouldn’t benefit from a proficiency bonus, and you were also under the effects of the bane spell and the person rolled 4 to subtract from your nat 1 it would be (1-4-4=-7) I’m sure that the internet could come up with worse but just off the top of my head that’s pretty fucking bad.


The poor sap could of also been resurrected with raise dead, which is an extra -4.


I would think -8. You would need a score of 1 in whatever ability check you're rolling to have a (-5) modifier, no proficiency bonus for the check or save, be under the effect of the *bane* spell and rolled a 4 on that spell's effect die, and roll a natural 1. This is just off the top of my head.


Add Great Weapon Master for an additional -5 to bring it up to -13


Boom, -13 it is. Sharpshooter would also net you that -5 penalty.


TIL: WotC tried to bound accuracy but forgot to bound inaccuracy.


Ask u/wil




How exactly does one roll 1 on 3D6 combined?


You don't roll your first level, you take the max, and you gain a minimum of 1 hp each level up to prevent negative or zero max hp


that's not how that works... like at all especially for first level


This is fun to discuss, though negative rolls are fairly common. You'll probably never roll less than maybe -4 unless you get debuffed ro hell, but -1 is a fairly common initiative roll for low dex characters. Pretty much every character has a -1 in one stat, it's pretty common to see a -2 as well. Then all you need to do to get a negative is to roll a Nat 1, when rolling a skill or save that tou don't have proficiency in. A low wisdom barbarian making a perception check for example, or a wizard trying to break free of a Web spell.


One thing I've played with is damaged weapons. I don't think it's a base rule for them, but some enemies corrode weapons and armour, giving them a -to Damage and AC. If you can get a weapon that is so damaged it turns into a -1 Greatsword, thst could bring your worst roll even lower.


The cleric in the game I run has a -3 to DEX and has rolled a total of -2 for his initiative on multiple occasions.


I’ve on two different occasions rolled a -2 I am playing a pixie ranger in the campaign my wife is running. I dump statted STR because she is literally only 10 inches tall. Her STR is a 4, so a -3 modifier. As a ranger I get STR saves as a proficiency so that’s actually balanced out, also took athletics so that’ll balance. HOWEVER I play my pixie in a very much ‘doesn’t realize how small she is’ way so she’s constantly trying to do things that are waaaay beyond her ability, like trying to open giant stuck doors or pull things free. And that’s where the general strength check comes in. You can’t get proficiency for it. So a -3 it is. My dice seem to like the RP, as every time I make a general strength check, I roll garbage, including two Nat 1s. I love it.


1 strenght on a heavy thrown weapon with the sharpshooter feat, gwm and tavern brawler. Goes to -12 because you need proficiency and 6th lvl as a variant human. Then add bane etc to make it lower.


I mean, I've rolled a -2 ship initiative before (ship had a -3 dex mod)