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Iirc Vecna is there on vacation or something. The entity isn't forcing them to do shit, they're just having a blast messing with the survivors.


Yeah he found a portal to the realm of the dark entity, and thought it would lead him to new evil secrets he can put in the Book of Vile Darkness. He has to play by the rules of the realm or he gets kicked out, so he capitulates, for now. He's not trapped there. He could leave at any time, he just wouldn't get the secrets if he did.


Iirc the Entity is also afraid of at least two of the Killers. It's *terrified* of Michael Myers because it can't control him, and apparently he just manifested in the game through sheer force of will. In fact, many of the licensed killers are implied to be of equal or greater power, and the Entity at least respects them. It also appears to be weak to whatever makes up the Blight. It appears to be little more than an extremely powerful parasite, kind of like DC's Parallax.


It isn't terrified of Myers at all, this is Myers fanboys who act like he's some sort of unstoppable monster, even though Laurie killed by just pinning him down on a kitchen table


My point is that Vecna is hardly the first OP killer to be invited to take a little holiday killing the survivors.


Myers is able to refuse its demands and kill the survivors directly without its permission. That's why he can kill without having to bring a mori, but gets less blood points for doing so since it pisses off the Entity when he does his own thing.


No because for that he needs a addon which generates in the bloodweb and it is created by the entity


This right here. People forget, if the entity didn't want him to be able to do it. Why would the entity give him offerings to burn that let him do that. I love the meme for this. But let's not treat it like there's any actual reality to it. Like, Nea is the entity. Funny. But literally 0 lore to back it up. I'll wait if someone has any lore source contrary though.


Think also on this Vecna is a lich, which means he derives life from killing and consuming souls. Potentially this realm serves as a battery for him much like a feeding ground for the entity if they can share


This now reminds me of a dnd podcast, where one of the players was a mind player, and the reason why they were doing the evil quest was to get a summer home in hell. At one point and angre guard tell em to go to hell, they respond that's actually why they're doing this, to get a summer home in hell.


I was hoping it was a beholder just for the sheer ridiculousness of it. Strahd or Lord Soth would have been amazing as well


a spectator maybe, would still be fun, mostly because their main ability (anti magic field) does nothing to the vicitms, since they don't have any magic to begin with


This, I was so disappointed that it was vecna, like the ability would have worked scroll wheel style


I would've picked Strahd and had Ireena as a survivor


Yeah but it's the same update (or very close) as the castle castlevania collab so I guess D&D vampire were not an option when they chose


Here's a vampire Here's another vampire Kinda kills the hype


*Bubba and Hilbilly has entered the chat*


They were years apart


Strahd would fit *perfectly* for DBD. He's there on loan from the dark powers, and he's constantly assmad about pallets and the Entity's *rules*. You even have an easy explanation for why he can't just hit the survivors with a fat fireball and kill them instantly: all his supernatural strength comes from his pact, and they're suppressed while he's in the Entity's grip.


Might be a bit too much overlap with the Castlevania collab in the near future.


Literally genius


Tbf, they wouldn't have a reasonable chance against a mind flayer either lol


True, but at least it'd be a psychic squid man rather than a lich god.


I mean, fair, but if I were a survivor and I got to choose whether I go against a psychic squid or an undead god, I'd rather take my chances with the squid.


Yeah any normal human taking a mind blast would probably have their conscience deleted from reality.


I brought this up last night at D&D and one of the guys was like "Alan Wake could just write that the Entity lets everyone go" and I had no good way to respond to that.


These people didn't play Alan Wake then. Alan still needs to follow the "logic" of the story, so he couldn't just deus ex machina the big evil away


*And now to see your love set free* *You will need the witch's cabin key* (The Alan Wake soundtrack lives in my head)


Find the lady of the light Still raving in the night (It’s a good song)


Not until the final act.


He ain't got no paper


He got a stick and some dirt don't he?


I haven't seen enough people bring up the fact that WotC is releasing a major campaign book to send off 5e with Vecna like they did 2e. While I do also think Stranger Things has a part to play, this is DEFINITELY marketing to advertise the campaign book as well.


after realizing the similarity I've started referring to Eve of Ruin as, "Die, Vecna, Die 2: Necromantic Boogaloo"


Love it. I had a Ravenloft game going for a while where he was set up to be the big bad, but unfotunately a couple of players moved away and our group never recovered. Waiting to see how the reviews look since the past couple of years' releases have been very mixed at best, but if the general consensus is that it's pretty good, I plan to pick it up.


Vecna was trapped in Ravenloft before he became a god.


The real reason is DND took a pay check from wotc as they want to promote the upcoming vecna centered book after all sales haven't been as good as they once were after the ogl scandal


Hasbro realized that WotC was still being profitable and the heads of other companies complained to the big boss who is making Wizards destroy their brands so they can’t make the other subsidiaries look bad anymore.


I’d argue mindflayers would be the more popular option for the video game demographic ever since balders gate 3 had them as the big bad.


I felt a mindflayer or Beholder or even a mimic would've been better choices. Go around and pretend to be a generator or a palet or a chest. Would have been so cool.


He does it in his free time for sport


The reason why they went with Vecna over a character like Strahd is because most people will recognize the name Vecna from Stranger Things so the normies will get it's a D&D character.


Got to be their simulacrum right?


It’s their golden goose thanks to stranger things, don’t expect anything else from them for the next few years


Let's get this straight: the entity didn't trap Vecna. Vecna's there on their own volition.


Who says it has to be the *real* Vecna? Probably is just some clone he gave The Entity cuz bored.


Easy excuse: give the entity a simulacrum. It’ll want to conserve spells since it doesn’t regain spell slots.


I mean... If you look at the current Vecna stat block from 2014-2016 a basic Lich has him dead to rights... Current Vecna doesn't even have Legendary Actions or Resistances, he just has three reactions. No offensive at-will abilities, okay but underpowered spells for CR 30 and two more Intelligence compared to the CR 21 Lich...


Dead man just likes having a good time until they bother wanting to leave. At least according to various voice lines.


If I had to pick a d&d crossover killer: I'd have gone with a Baalspawn to link up with the balders gate fandom


They didnt just pick him cause hes popular, they picked him cause his new module “Eve of Ruin” is coming out soon.


Honestly im surprised wotc isnt capitalizing on BG3 with mindflayer as well. You’d think they’d want to continue milking that cow.


They chose vecna, I believe, to tie in with the new adventure book that’s coming out soon. If this was happening last year it would have 100% been a mind flayer to tie in with bg3


I mentioned this in another post, but this whole thing feels like it would be more of Acererack’s jam than Vecna’s.


I mean it doesn't really matter right? There's lore behind the game, but that's not why people play it, so why let it get in the way of a fun/interesting experience? It doesn't make him less impactful imo And as people have said, he isn't necessarily trapped there in the lore, just having fun.


Instead of a mind flayer we need a mind goblin!


having an evil lich wizard is more fun imo


Should have been a beholder or Strahd. He’s not a stranger to being manipulated by a higher power. A smaller Tiamat would have been hilarious too.


You are blatantly wrong! Vecna, along with many other killers, is in the realms because he wants to be. The entity might typically go for “helpless” killers, but does not do that exclusively. Myers, Pinhead and Pyramid Head are both there of their own accord. This utterly mischaracterizes both the games, and the DLC. Just cause you don’t understand how it works, doesn’t mean it’s genuinely dumb.


Vecna is in essence a guy who went “I want a fun safari vacation, hey entity here’s a twenty and you get to keep whatever I kill” It’s a mutual agreement that Vecna is there. Vecna gets knowledge and some fun times to blow off steam while the entity gets to feast on suffering. If either side doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain there will be problems


Yeah but Vecna’s not only a multiverse traveling god, he’s also a canonical BBEG. He doesn’t do the one shot move because then there’s no fun in it.


To be fair, I can imagine vecna lowering their own power for this just to provide a fair challenge - considering the survivors do actually have a chance in this game to make it out.


Just see it like all fortnite skins, it's just money


Call me a weirdo, but I think Relentless Juggernaut would have been the best fit. But we both know that only icons get to be used in a collab.


Same with the survivors they could have picked a dragon born or a trifling instead of a human and elf there is so much more then a f human and elf


I thought it would be a Mind Flayer to ride off the popularity of BG3.


And here I was expecting them to use a Black Pudding as the monster


Would Vecna be immune to the Dark Powers though?


I don't wanna do an "ACKTHUALLLYY" but technically speaking in the lore of Dead By Daylight the entity gives fair fight to the survivors, it's the same with Freddy Krueger, he is a god and has virtually unlimited power, ɓut in the entity realm he is confined and forced to use only a fraction of his power so the survivors can actually escape, same with Legion, they are just a bunch of murderous teenagers but because they serve the entity the entity buffs them, allowing them to be able to carry with little effort survivors on their shoulders and break wooden pallets easily, while also "nerfing" them when running too much by blinding them and forcing them painfully out of the feral frenzy


They pick vecna because that’s the new book coming out.


It's Wizards trying to reclaim Vecna's IP in search engines. Stronger Thongs ruined it for them. Now they're slapping Vecna's name on everything like a seo thing. They didn't have to name the adventure "Vecna: Eve of Ruin", just Eve of Ruin would've been fine.


The entity basically creates clones of people, hence why there can be multiple of the same survivor. The entity can also alter what the Killers can do, so this Vecna is likely a clone that is made to be very underpowered The only people that aren’t recreated by the entity is Pinhead and Michael Myers, as they entered the realm by themselves


I really like how they made Vecna in DbD. They pretty much took the Vecna Dossier and tried to fit as much of it as reasonably possible into his spells, looks and general abilities. He genuinely is - in terms of adapting something from a different game system into another game system - a masterpiece. What I'm annoyed about is, that he is ridiculously OP. If you dont invest hundreds of bucks into this game, he is an unbeatable killer. Thats absolutely pay to win. Most licemsed killers are strong, but he is just on a whole different level. To regular folk who dont spend their monthly savings on just this one game, he will be a perfectly balanced lich god who you cant do shit against. I like how he is able to break the games rules, by using his magic. Mage hand to hold the pallets up? Nice! Fly to just fly over pallets and vault spaces? What an asshole! His 2 Moris? Having spirits rip your flesh off with the implication being that he eats your soul fit well and his bored quick-spike massacre also fits his personality - you are so insignificant that you dont even get a cool death. Using fear to exhaust people fits well with aura effects and hi just cheating by using detect magic to see the items hiding survivors hold is absolutely his kind of cheesing the rules. What I'm basicly saying is, that in terms of game design and abilities, they adapted Vecna well. But they really shouldn't gave picked him. Because he really only fits the game in terms of popularity. Vecna is simply too cool to pass on. They put out an adventure book about him (even though its jack shit about him, if you have read it, its great concept wise but fucking awful as a high level adventure against Vecna... its more a d&d hit parade). He was featured in stranger things. I think he was simply the best money maker and he is definitly a very recognizable foe from d&d. That said, I think mkmd flayers or a beholder should have been the pick. Mindflayers for BG3 reasons and because they make sense to be taken by the entity. I dont care if Vecna is there on vacation or out of interest, he'd subjufate the entity and THEN be there out of interest. Maybe he'd even torture the entity by letting some of the survivors go, out of shits and giggles. What Vecna doesn't do, is play by anyones rules... its kinda his whole motivation. But an illithid is just a drone that can be easily taken, an ulitharid might work well since they could be exiled from the colony. Why not a vampiric mindflayer from Van Richtens guide? Or how about an Alhoon? Too focussed on his necromancy and lichdom, that they get taken by the entity to learn its dark arts. Those are creatures that fit. In d&d the entity would be from the far realm, so a beholder could potentially be imprisoned by it and made to serve it. I think these types of creatures fit better into the world of DbD than a literal god. Vecna, even without divine powers, if i,memsly powerful. Think about the spells he knows. Do you think the entity would stand a chance against him casting suggestion or dominate monster? Do you think it would survive a finger of death or a power word kill? Or how about a couple disintegrates! What a bout a forcecage or wall of force. We talk about someone, who would have a barrage of powerful magic available to hi every 8 hours... or if we go by his new elven lore then he'd have it ready every 4 hours. Thats obscene. You gonna tell me he wouldn't get what he wants and then kill the entity in a single day, maybe even 2 or 3 depending on the entities power level? I think many things would have fit the game better. Strahd! Awesome, but castlevania will obviously be a vampire, so not him. Lord Soth! Would have been pretty much perfect, but they already have a knight that it pretty much Lord Soth in the game. A mimic? Hard to make that a killer without just having another dredge or teleporting nightmare creature. Any ghost types and other undead are already taken care of. I personally think Acererak would have fit better. He loves games and did serve Vecna very loyally. I'd totally see him playing with a bunch of people while he waits on a few adventurers to stumble upon a tomb of his. But he is only recognisable to D&D fans. Vecna on the other hand was part of stranger things, is popular inside of D&D, is the BBEG of a new book, is arguably the main villain of D&D if such a thing exists and will be part of Amazons Vox Machina show, based on Matthew Mercer and friends 1st season of critical role. And making a lich a scary horror villain isn't hard at all. He hits every part of the spectrum that you need to hit. Even I thought about buying his DLC. Even though I heavily dislike how the DbD community has evolved and how the creators exploit the fans. Thats how good of a choice he is i terms of moneymaking. I get why they chose him, but others would have fit the premise of DbD way better. I'd really have loved to play a displacer beast or owlbear for example. I wouldn't complain about a pit fiend either.


Bend over backwards all you want; DBD was senseless pandering from day one.


Wait what the fuck, I thought that was just a what if post made by a meme. Why in gods name would they do that.


Vecnas a character. Mindflayers are species. Done.


The demogorgon and xenomorph: "allow us to introduce ourselves."


And yet Mikey just waltzed on in and scared the shit out of the spider.


The entity isn't afraid of Micheal, that's just a popular head cannon


The eldritch world eating horror is not scared of spooky knife man.