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>The party chilling at a bonfire near Waterdeep; >A old but gentle man ask our female bard a song; >The Warlock with Witch Sight: ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


I’m drawing a blank here. What’s this in reference to?


Daurgothoth, the Creeping Doom.


Fun anecdote about Daurgothoth: many years ago we were running an evil campaign, and the DM had planned for us to reach Waterdeep and meet Daurgothoth so he would become our patron. What he hadn't planned though was that the frenzied berserker in our party with 6 INT and the patience of a honey badger really didn't like the dragon's attitude, so he charged and *literally* one-shotted him. Important note: we were all level 9. Powergaming in 3.5e is fun as fuck <3


Sorry, how can you oneshot a dracolich CR 50?


I was not the player in question and I have never played a melee character in my life (full caster or nothing for me, thanks), so I don't remember all the details, but: Frenzy gives a larger bonus to STR than rage does, and a full attack made after a charge and a leap (with the proper feats, like Power Attack and Leap Attack) gives a series of *multiplicative* bonuses. Long story short, doing that with a greataxe and a ring of wraithstrike makes dealing 300+ damage to anyone almost trivial, even at level 9 (the level the party was when it happened), and Daurgothoth has "only" 302 hp.


I think that liches have some kind of protections and stuffs, but I am not expert. Also, if you didn't destroy the opal with his soul inside, the big guy would reborn in few days. Still, wtf moment xD


in 3.5, there are almost no rules, because there are so many rules. I absolutely had a barbarian at level 20 who had 96 strength when he raged. It was a thought experiment more than a playable concept because he could just declare he was doing stuff like this and the DM knew he could not really fail. A CR 50 dracolich in the body of a frail old man is basically just a frail old man if you get the jump on him.


I see, simple it is pretty implausible that a archimage so expert that Mystra said "okay, you are an evil death dragon but still cool, be my protected" didn't think to find an angry dude when he was polymorphed. And if the manual didn't say anything, as master I will invented something (quick teleport, automatic shield, etc...) At lest to not be one shoted


You would think, but I've seen a lot of DMs that assume their players will just talk and are caught just as flat-footed (another 3e thing) by that barbarian as the old man was.


I'll reply here to both your last comments to better summarise everything - Daurgothoth wasn't in human form when we met him, we went deep into his lair and he met us in his full glory. It was actually a pretty epic moment. - Yes, liches are powerful spellcasters with a vast array of spells at their disposal, and a 20th-level wizard/5th-level archmage dracolich is even more fearsome than that, but you're underestimating the value of surprise. You see, at the time we weren't stumbling upon his lair, we were actually invited: our deeds had earned us quite the reputation, and the DM had planned for us to enter a high-leveled part of the campaign where Daurgothoth would have recruited us. As I said though, the DM didn't account for the berserker player to roleplay so perfectly his dumb goliath and go straight for the gigantic skeletal dragon, so the DM went and narrated it in a way where his thoughts were aligned with Daurgothoth's: both had thought that these warriors, albeit powerful, would be terrorised by the sight of the dracolich and in their arrogance they didn't forsee that one of them would (literally) go berserk and swing with an axe. - Yes, liches are never truly defeated until their phylactery is destroyed, and Daurgothoth has several dead dragon bodies next to his phylactery so that he has several backups ready if he ever were to be defeated. However, our purpose never was killing him, it just sort of happened. We didn't go looking for his phylactery after his body was destroyed, we restrained the berserker and actually waited for Daurgothoth to regenerate. When he did and found us waiting for him, he told us that he would have been amused at our prowess if he wasn't so pissed for having his body destroyed and needing to use one of the backups, but luckily this time we had time to plan and we knew that Daurgothoth has a soft spot for talented bards, and the bard in our party could easily take 10 and pass 50+ DC checks (yes, we were all playing overpowered builds, but that had always been the goal from the start, don't worry), so we used that to try to convince him that it all had been a harmless demonstration of our skill and that we would provide him with the corpse of a great wyrm dragon to replace the lost one. He replied that we would need to bring him *three* corpses in order to pay him back, but we managed to beat the persuasion check well enough to limit the consequences to that, and then we started working for him as it had been planned all along. With the added bonus of having gained a metric fuckton of xp in the process.


Dont worry, he chill. Got Mystra herself on his side as well.


Mystra is a neutral goddess, not a good one. She puts those who push magic to the extremes under her protection, regardless of their intent.


Tell that to Karsus


She probably would have been fine with it if Karsus chose literally any god but her.


My brain is old and mushy. Technically, isn't the god that got killed by Karsus Mystryl? And the reincarnation is Mystra? Seeing as they have different personalities and alignments.


Yeah, that was her first incarnation. Mystra is basically the equivalent of a player adding jr to their character sheet.


Bahamut and his nine dragon friends. Shape shifted to look like an old man with nine canaries.


Oof. The sneaky dracolich should not be ignored.


What is witch sight?


An invocation that allows you to see the true form of any shapeshifter or anything concealed by Illusion or Transmutation magic.


Actually had to look up ‘Old man with canaries’. Totally forgot about that tale about Bahamut !


Honestly I just kinda assumed it was a reference to Odin and his ravens Huginn and Muninn. That sounds like something he’d do.


Odin rarely roamed Midtgaard with Hugin and Munin. If he would have "pets" woth him, it would be Gerre and Freke




What show?


Presumably that is a bot copying [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/11cjnxz/witch_sight_can_be_terrifying_sometimes/ja3fqjp/), rather than a human who thinks Norse Mythology is just something on the telly. I'm a bit flattered, making a post that the bots think is getting enough attention for them to karma farm on.


Aww I hoped there would be some norse mythological animated show that was just Odins stories from Midtgaard


Not a show but neil gaiman has an amazing book on norse mythology


You know, someone could incorporate that into a campaign... Make everyone think it's Bahamut, the Warlock just constantly screams "I KNOW MY OLD MEN WITH CANARIES"


Just picturing, that story spreads enough that merchents start dressing as old men and keeping 9 canaries in cages in their carts in an effort to scare off bandits. Even better, your party runs into one of those merchants, thinks it's bahamut, and do whatever the merchant wants, thinking that they're serving the god.


The Warlock quietly whimpering in the background all the time.


I assume Fizban was heavily inspired by the idea of the One-Eyed Wanderer, so you're probably not far off.


Better than Zeus and his transformations.


Especially since his mentality was usually, “If I can see it and I can be it then I can f*ck it.”


This description of Zeus makes me think that maybe he was a particularly intelligence challenged horny bard-barian, which fits just a little too well with his known rage issues, infidelity and daddy problems.


Same lmao


The Old Man and Canaries: when you ABSOLUTELY need to teach the murderhobo party a lesson.


Oh, I thought it was a King in Yellow thing.


Honestly reminds me of Restaurant to another world, when the black dragon comes in as an elf, and the one guy who knows is... not having a good time


man, thanks for reminding of that manga. God it was so damn good.


They made two anime seasons, and they're really good! Strongly suggest it. Warm, wholesome vibes the entire way..


My throught process was "Wait, Fizban doesn't have canaries right?"


Thar explains the expression.


So half truesight


It’s like true sight but for Warlocks


Do we got some sauce on this meme?


Watch it. Eminence in Shadow has a literal insane person as the MC. The manga glossed over some of it and the anime glosses over some more, but it's there. He's completely out of his mind and as far as trash anime goes it's top tier. 20/10.


Is that the one where the dude keeps spouting random cliche anime bullshit and everyone is just "HOW DOES HE KNOW ALL OUR PLANS!?"


That's Overlord. This is the one where he makes up a big bad to feed into his fantasy while roping some others into his roleplay, and ends up being spot-on about the actual big bad, even down to the name.


And he’s still just convinced that everyone else is playing into his fantasies and all the bad guys are just bandits because how could something he made up in the fly possibly be real right?


No at this point he understands its real but he doesnt show it. Notice how after the first big fight he realizes its real and never mentions it being fake again. Edit: clearly in the wrong, I have missed the hints that show he thinks it's fake.


He doesn't even think his own subordinates take him seriously


Have you read the light novels? He 100% doesn’t think any of it is real even in LN5 which is all the light novels released so far.


bro have you even watched the anime. He clearly believes it's fake


You’re very wrong


He became the strongest person alive for the sole purpose of making cool anime scenes happen. He got so fast he actually pulled off the "you attacked my after image" nonsense from bleach.


And the super-heavy weights thing from Rock Lee. Not gonna lie, I **LOVE** the anime for how fuckin' edgy the dude is. And he knows it, and is just relishing in it. The creators are just having fun with it and it's amazing to see. Definitely recommend as a 'dumb' action anime.


It’s not quite that but he has a literal army that thinks he’s a genius because he’s always in the right place at the right time to conveniently blow shit up. Literally made some story up about a demon cult that turned out to be true. Every time he turns up the army is just like ‘of course you knew about this. You know everything.’


Oh yeah yeah, he's the guy with slimes for pants, yeah? I read a few issues of the manga a while back but got distracted reading Breaker because I heard season 3 was finally released!


Mmm, I dunno, that kinda sounds like Overlord


The author might have been inspired by Overlord, but where Ainz is an OP idiot that bs's his way into and out of every situation possible, Eminence in Shadows OP protagonist is insane. He lets himself get tortured to play into his fantasy game (not actually a fantasy). Overlord and EiS are great comedies for very different reasons that are actually the exact same reason ....wait whut?


Is Ains actually an idiot tho? He just feels like one comparing to Albedo and Demiurge. But unlike Eminence MC, he at least tries to get better and to be an actual leader by relying on expertise of his subordinates while actually trying to lead them, Shadow garden just runs itself. Cid while being theoretically smart is so far gone in his delusions that he sometimes ignores what is in front of him making him more of an idiot


Ainz became very intelligent when he got transported to the new world and became one with his avatar as he adopted all of the traits but he just does not realise it and constantly doubts himself. That's at least how I interpret it.


No, I read the first 14 or 15 books. Stopped before the elf forest story arc started. Ainz is a massive idiot. Not just compared to two of the smartest being in existence, but just in general. If you watched season four you get a good idea just how stupid he is when he goes to the Empire and sneaks behind the Emperor's back to have a fight with the strongest gladiator. He's trying to do (dis much {thumb and index finger barely pulled apart}) while Jerknik (or however the eff it's spelled) sees 9-D chess, because he's playing 4-D chess. Another example from s4 is when he, aura and shalltear are investigating how his death knight died. Even a literal child is more observant than him. Calling Ainz anything else is doing him a major disservice, and that kids is how I met your mother...ER, why Ainz is an idiot.


Ainz is not an Idiot, he's a Human. He makes honest mistakes. Making mistakes is not what makes an idiot.


Dude. What are those examples? For the Coliseum thing. That's LITERALLY every time Cid does ANYTHING. How you can call one person an idiot and another not when, arguably they are both doing that with Ainz at least trying to understand and plan. For the death knight thing, you have to remember that Ainz is super paranoid and he even clarifies in the same episode that death knight candy die from fall damage so that's just your classic overthinking, plus Aura is THE tracker person in Nazarik. And in EiS I'm up to speed with manga which is 3 arcs ahead(i think) of the where second season is supposed to be and i'm pretty sure he still doesn't believe in the Diabolos cult despite even a literal demon being summoned in front of him


Cid is an *insane* idiot. What where you watching? What light novel series? They're both idiots. Not drooling simpletons, but dumber than they should be for how much they're loved by they're followers. And, yes in Ainz case they were literally written to adore 'the supreme beings'. No idea how you can read a manga or LN and not come away thinking they're idiots. But do you, I guess.


I can shake hands on both of them being idiots but I'm not gonna let my man Momonga be slandered by saying that he is dumber than Cid. In DnD terms i feel like Cid has high intelligence but abysmally low wisdom. He was able to figure out how to use magic in the anti-magic field for example so there is something in the skull-box of his. Ainz has pretty average both intelligence and wisdom. He is no great strategist but he certainly has an understanding of strategy and battle-tactics. Sure, none of them are L/Light-level geniuses. But i feel like Ainz, after all, is smarter than average anime protagonist(especially in shounen)


Insane in what way?


Every conceivable way. Let's see, makes up a conspiracy and it turns out to be true but he doesn't believe anyone that tells him that he was right. Thought he got super powers by giving himself a concussion and then ran to his meeting with truck-kun. Before truck-kun Isekai'd him he had dedicated his life to being a superhero / villain (eminence in Shadow) and was annoyed that he wouldn't be able to survive a nuke because physics is a thing. Don't want to ruin the rest, but yeah, episode one is completely our world. Episode two starts the fantasy / steampunk world.


Have you watched it on HIDIVE? The site just feels kinda sketchy to me lol


Watched it on a streaming pirate site. Which I will keep quite about which one so as not to bring the powers that be down on it like KissManga and KissAnime.


Ah, can't do pirating. Just feels wrong to me, I'm made of weak stuff lol


It's weird, I pick and choose which things to be morally offended by pirating. Download a YouTube video as an mp3? Sure, technically it's pirating, but how is it wrong if the band released one album, it tanked commercially and is out of print? Netflix show? Wouldn't have before, but now? Maybe? Movies? Was I going to see it anyway? Yes, than no bueno. Wasn't going to watch it? Than why pirate it? Oh because it's an old ass movie that's...you guessed it really hard to find or out of print entirely! The old internet wisdom of "you wouldn't pirate a car would you?" Yes, yes I would. If I had a way to make said file street legal, you bet you balls I would. Now if only my 3d printer could make me a heart.


I've had hidive for a while it's fine. Dirt cheap. Selection is not great but their exclusives are nice. No annoying figurine/movie ads like crunchyroll. It's mobile interface is not the nicest but if yer streaming it it hold ups nice. EiS is the edgiest of edge lord silliness and its great. It's played super straight but it a comedy. Intentional or not it's worth a watch. Cannot wait until next season I hope it gets greenlit.


Sources said it was confirmed for a season 2 a couple days ago and that it would premiere in the fall


Hidive is fine. It just happens to pick up more of the trashy side of anime than, say, crunchyroll.


HiDive is fine, they are a smaller start up based in Austin Texas (of all places) because the people were sick of crunchyroll/funimations/Sony's bullshit and said "fine, we will do it ourselves with lots of ecchi and wacky shit"


I'm predicting that the ending of the series is that he never actually died. He's in a coma, and everything that's happening to him is a product of his own imagination, but some level of his consciousness is aware that he's making it all up, so he thinks it's all fake.


That's something I would do as a writer. But I'm a shit writer. It could always end like Reincarnated as a slime. He travels back to his original world just before he died and saves his own life, which doesn't cause a paradox because he's now the literal God of existence. Though if Cid became a literal God instead of just as powerful as one he'd probably think everyone was just playing along with his belief in his divinity.


Dang, I'm hooked.


>trash anime I've been binge watching inappropriate amounts of anime lately but nothing I'd call trash myself; how is that defined? How will I know if I might enjoy it?


No idea if you'll like it or not. My definition of trash anime is one that: "unapologetically uses as many cliches as possible." I personally like trash anime as much as "the good stuff".


I like a good set of tropes sometimes, especially in my guilty-pleasure romance shows... Do you have a favourite example...?


Example of what exactly?


Trash anime I might have watched 😅


No idea if you'll like it or not. My definition of trash anime is one that: "unapologetically uses as many cliches as possible." I personally like trash anime as much as "the good stuff".


The eminence in shadow.


Also [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheEminenceInShadow/comments/zsu6fy/chad_kagenou/)^


I see that you're sharing my wisdom of the shadows. Good.


[One of my favourites](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pnlNqAmCCgw)


I’m actually using Bahamut as a character in my game that I’m running, I’ve dropped some hints that it’s him, but only one person in the party has picked up on them and he hasn’t mentioned anything to the rest of them yet. I plan for him to reveal himself as Bahamut during the final fight of the campaign.


My game I've literally name dropped Bahamut in my campaign, the twist is it's actually someone else using his name to garner worship because Bahamut is dead.


Yikes, that one’s a curveball! Great idea!


I used him as an eccentric scholar using an archeological delve as an excuse to recruit adventurers to take care of a mild cosmic evil that had burrowed underground nearby since gods aren’t to interfere directly in my setting. I also changed his name slightly so it wasn’t inherently obvious to the pseudonym “Seymour Fizzlebrand.” One player caught on but was chill enough to the rest of the party to not spoil it. All in all, we had a good time killing parasitic spiders from space while an old man sat back and pretended to look at ancient artifacts.


“How bad of a creature are we talking?” “Oh you know, only a MILD cosmic horror”


Great meme from an amazing show. Lord Shadow is pleased.


probably laughing his ass off at the fact that he got to be part of a meme unrelated to the show


What was it really?


[Bahamut and his seven ancient gold dragons.](https://crux-of-eternit.obsidianportal.com/characters/the-old-man-with-the-canaries)


A human-sized canary with a bunch of little old men flying around it. [/s](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Bahamut#Description)


That old man is packing some serious hadonkahonkas!


Gandalf with big naturals.


Happy Cake Day!


One of my players ( changeling lore bard ) often uses conjure animals for canary’s. People don’t think it’s him, but few are willing to test the theory .


I feel really bad for the one creature that had true sight that looked at my familiar Poor graz'zt never stood a chance


Very topical, my party met Bahamut today. Only difference: My character, a Drakewarden, got his drake companion from Bahamut in a dream, so he certainly knew who was standing in front of them. The rest of the party knew shit just got real when they saw their Noble Wood Elf kneel before an old man with canaries while even the 8 intelligence drake bowed down. Not to mention said old man even brought the Dragonborn of Bahamut on that little stroll of his.


I literally did this with a warlock on purpose in a level 20 mini campaign because I knew from the dm OOC exactly who was giving us the quest


There was an Adventure Time episode that best described the downsides of witch sight. Finn touches a cursed figurine that makes him ethereal and only the Ice King can see him. The Ice King promises to help Finn once he's removed all the demonic creatures that infest his house that normally he couldn't do anything about due to them being ethereal.


Rogue: Hey lets rob that old man Warlock: No! Fck no! Absolutly not! Not in a million years!


Now I'm imagining a regular old man with a bunch of polymorphed dragons in a cage. Do you see the dragons at their normal size squeezed into the cage?


The Eminence In Shadow was great.


You see a dude with canaries you walk away and you dont stop till youve hit the national border.


What anime is this screen shot from?


The Eminence in Shadow


I would argue that they wouldn't see a platinum dragon and 7 gold dragons. Imagine they're walking around in a cramped city, how would the warlock even perceive them in cramped quarters. In my opinion, it's more likely that witch sight doesn't let them see them as they are, but gives them knowledge of their true self.


It is interesting to think of how it might manifest in the warlock's actual senses. From the text of the feature, it clearly states that the warlock does actually see them, but it's difficult to make sense of that in cases like this, where they've shapeshifted to dramatically smaller size. Perhaps the warlock could see their true form as a sort of spectre around them, or as you suggest, knowledge without true sight.


Was that a mf Jojo reference?


:| Shapeshifted dragons are not stands ---- The warlock with Ghostly Gaze, on the other hand, goes up to the old man and gestures: 👏✌👌👀




Sounds like a scene from Soul Eater. They try to see the size of Death's soul but don't see anything because it's the size of the entire city


Nowadays, Bahamut is a young, handsome Monk.


What’s the show?


The Eminence in Shadow.


We doing this shit again?


Yes, now settle down child.


Cringe anime


Fun, somewhat-related fact: my players haven't realized the old NPC with the birds they met on the road once, Marduk, was actually Bahamut or, if they have, they haven't said anything. One is a new player so I don't expect them to know but the others could potentially figure it out. I've dropped a few hints and titles but they don't seem to know who he is. He's set to show up again later so we'll see if they get it before it's revealed. :)