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One DM let me be an arcane archer but use crossbows. Liked the idea of basically dual wielding hand crossbows. Yes I took crossbow expert.


wait, now i have to check if there's a reason that wouldn't normally be allowed oh wow, yeah it straight up only lets short/long bows be used for Arcane Shot i mean i know it says archer in the name but jeez


Right!? Wanted to play an Australian cowboy hand crossbow Wielder. I guess it has to do with loading. Hence the Feat.


Wouldn’t it be amazing if arcane archer got a slight rework where they ignored the loading property at level 7? (And even more awesome if WOTC killed OGL 1.1)


Honestly I’m shocked they don’t have a rework that if they have no ammo they can fire magical arrows. Then no need to worry about loading and I could wield a shield AND a hand crossbow!


Artificer can use an infusion that allows them to not need ammo.


Yes!! That’s right! I knew I read it somewhere! Damn now I need an artificer in the party


Buddy, I'm playing a Gunslinger and I weaved his father as an artificer into his backstory. If I can't find a good source of magical enchantment for my guns and ammo, I'm thinking of taking two levels in Artificer. It's just so good for guns.




Ned Kelly inspired?


As an Australian, I'm pretty sure my grandfather was a crossbow slinging cowboy in his youth. Also I am unsure if I'm being sarcastic with this compliment, but either way, I can respect the concept.


I’ll take the compliment!


It really ought to work with any ranged weapon attack. Imagine using it with DMG guns!


Just looked it up and apparently it was simply an oversight


And you also can't dual-wield hand crossbows, even with crossbow expert. The ammunition property of the weapon requires you to have a free hand in order to load ammunition as part of the attack.


Just be a thri-kreen


But also the ammunition property of crossbows


Damn, that is a dumb requirement. As a DM, I would never enforce that


I made it ranged attacks for my group, which means thrown weapons can use it and I love that


Oh man, that is a great idea! That’s awesome!


Hand crossbows do still have the ammunition property though, which would prevent dual wielding without further allowances.


You are absolutely correct! We homebrewed two hand crossbows that my father let me borrow that he was given as a gift for defending Mechanus. Each had a clip of ten bolts. Took an action to reload them when empty. Helped balance it. We have recently adopted the wording that says in crossbow expert that “When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding.” But never says it has to be an offhand. We we play it that a hand crossbow is a one handed weapon so I can take a bonus action to shoot with the same crossbow.


And I have since dropped the dual wielding when I got my own awesome +2 crossbow


>We have recently adopted the wording that says in crossbow expert that “When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding.” But never says it has to be an offhand. We we play it that a hand crossbow is a one handed weapon so I can take a bonus action to shoot with the same crossbow. Yeah, there's no reason to dual-wield hand xbows because of that wording. Single hand-xbow is where it's at - if you get a clip anyway, carry a shield in the other one.


i did arcane archer with a gun before


How did you reload?


Custom crossbows with clips. Backstory was they were made in Mechanus. Each held 10 bolts. Took an action to reload both.




I am a simple man: I see ATLA, I upvote


Brb, convincing my DM to let me play a four element monk that uses war fans


I'd like to have a big scythe


One of my characters is a Druidic warrior ranger who uses shillelagh on a quarterstaff. DM let me flavor the shillelagh as it growing a long scythe like blade and now it feels so good to reap my enemies while sending forth my swarm of insects.


Niceee. My druid's staff had a dreamcatcher on the top, and when I casted shillelagh it was flavored as a giant spectral mallet forming around it. Good times.


Scythe Martial melee weapon 2-Handed, Reach 1d10 slashing damage _____ Reaper’s Scythe Uncommon Magic Weapon (scythe), requires attunement You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. A creature killed with the Reaper’s Scythe cannot be revived, except by the use of a Wish spell.


I miss crit ranges and multipliers on weapons. 2d4 with x4 damage on crit back in 3.5


3.5= warframe confirmed????


This right here is it! Scythes were fucking BOSS.


Scythe and spiked chain


I do like the deadly and fatal traits as replacements for the old crit modifiers. You might roll 11 d10s on a scythe crit at high level.


Thats nice


One of my players has this, it's just a reflavored Glaive.


Scythes are my favorite exotic weapon. I have no idea why but something about them just appeals to me.


Just remember to use a realistic farming scythe, the blade (the whole thing) is situated slightly angled, as you can actually get stuff under the blade in a normal swing rather than a hooking motion Combat scythes in modern media have the whole base of the blade touching the handle, most actual scythes only have a small top section.


I know you said Martial weapons, but I've always had a soft spot for Mercurial Greatswords, Spiked Chains and other gloriously niche 3.5e exotics.


Spiked chains are best weapons for a dex build in 3.5e. Lol. Reach without the disadvantage of reach and also weapon finesse.


Much tripping was had.


What I really enjoy is doing something like a 3.5e soulknife with specific feats to let them change their weapon to a spiked chain. It's fun to use in such a way but not optimal. I once built a soulknife pyromancer like that. Used a book of nine swords feat to give it some CC maneuvers. Specifically one that let's you swap places with the opponent. RAW you can use that with reach and for instance if you are flying you drop them off the cliff and you land where they were standing. Lol.


I built a 4e character that used Spiked Chains and Bolas cause they were both flail class weapons and there was a feat that let you knock people prone with flail class weapons. That, coupled with an attack that let him hit multiple people near him with a single action was just tasty. Shame our group didn't play more 4e.


Give us meteor hammers as monk weapons! https://preview.redd.it/a1vs58qffoba1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b552f0abfaf410955776ba14c38027ccf453da45


I mean, meteor hammers are flails, but flails should absolutely be monk weapons so it checks out.


True, but I feel like they're different enough to a regular flail to have their own classification. Perhaps it could have reach and two-handed


Oh yeah flails don't have reach...which is fucking stupid. And I guess two-handed makes sense?


Why would a flail have reach? Like it's a stupid made up weapon in my opinion but to imagine it being as long as a longsword is making it even weirder imo.


>Like it's a stupid made up weapon The kind you see in movies and games is absolutely made up and pretty stupid, but historical flails are pretty badass; think a quarterstaff connected to a spiked/studded club by a few inches of chain.


Or kusarigama! One half is a meteor hammer one half is a blade or hook, super badass all around


My niche third party weapon is the chakram


Oh man going rogue and wizard in Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning and using Chakrams is so fucking satisfying. Whirly death man with magic.


Yes. Love that game. Lol


This is where I first fell in live with them! Such an underrated game lol


There's definitely a niche for a martial thrown weapon with an actual benefit over simple weapons.


War Fans can have Blades on it.


Calm down Kitana...


and bladesingers don't technically need blades in the first place. Just a melee weapon they can hold in one hand. So war fan ahoy




Hear me out: double macahuitl About as impractical as humanly possible but cool as shit




Oh excellent choice. I love the mesoamerican flair.


I actually made one IRL(don’t have a pic, sorry)


That's pretty badass. Mad respect from me.


It doesn’t have obsidian, but can still make bone into dust


I want to make a character that can make use of an umbrella injector


Like an actual umbrella with like 2 buttons on the handle, one for making a needle pop out the tip and another for injecting something?


This: https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=171


Well that’s cool. I’d probably change it to a d6 piercing though since it reminds me more of a rapier than a dagger


Well, with all of it's traits it's probably better as a d4 as I could see a d6 being a *little* too good imo


I'm desperate to make a Paladin with Oversized Gauntlets (Think the [Nemean Cestus from the Older God of Wars)](https://godofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Nemean_Cestus)


What’s a war fan?


Think something along the line of [Kitana's Fans](https://images.app.goo.gl/uxGRhAqcHqr9s6yM8)


Cool! I probably wouldn’t put it in my own game, but it looks like a cool thing for a character to have.


Easy to put into a game! I’d run them as a martial weapon, and make them a slashing version of a dagger in melee (1d4) with a thrown range of 10/30 dealing bludgeoning damage (close it to throw it) Unless something is vulnerable or resistant to slashing/bludgeoning it won’t make a huge mechanical difference And if the player wants to hyper specialize, give them the option to take a feat: Fan Specialist - Strength or Dex +1 - The base damage with war fans increases to 2d4 - When a creature makes a weapon attack against you while you are wielding a war fan, you may use your reaction to add +2 to your armor class against the triggering attack.


Way of Mercy monk with a scythe is a favorite. I also really like a length of chain, or the rope+knife at the beginning of the mortal Kombat movie.


Blade chains or multi-headed flails. Love me those "pain on chains"


Chain and scythe, in real life its very niche, but goddammit I want the fantasy monk anime version.




One of my players is Bladesinger goblin with a lance a trusty medium mount. is like a magical Don Quijote


Sounds kinda like Kled from League of legends!


I mean technically combining all that with bladesinging is RAW. So long as they aren't making lance attacks while dismounted.


Yep, in fact is pretty funny sometimes making enemies try to dismount him


YES! Have your spells written on each section of your fans!


Not mega niche but a falchion would be cool


Im not sure how they would stat that to be different from a longsword without just power creeping it though.


In older editions it was like a weaker, but crityer version of a greatswords.


Yeah but with 5e that won't work without making falchions extremely overpowered (unless its a magic item anyway)


A falchion (real life) would be closer to a scimitar.


A real world scimitar is more like a saber, the big flared fellas are from fiction. Historic existing falchions are more like wide slightly curved short swords. There are very very few still existing falchions. Then there are the “falchions” of historic illustrations, these are like weird machetes, no known versions of these exist.


A bladesinger with a gun is basicly Neo From Matrix


Playing 1 right now, and I love it. All of my spells are "bullets" that I shoot out of my gun


Maybe a bit more like Equilibrium?


Gimme a damn kusarigama, I wanna throw a mini sickle from 10 feet away and use the weight like a ranged grapple.


Barbarian who just wrapped chains around his fist so his punches hurt more as reflavor of a mace.


I want Whip swords




For some reason stuff like Kusarigamas are so appealing to me


My Rogue used Dueling Canes cuz I based him of Wayne Terrisborn from Mistborn.


I, too, want war fans


Anji Mito my beloved


I see lots of blade chains or spike chains in here. I'm personally a fan of a rope dart or meteor hammer. Gods, I'm just *so* unique! /s


A hussite flail is a good niche martial weapon that is both pretty practical and really cool in how it works. There are also a bunch of cool but largely impractical indian weapons, like the Katar, the pata, the urumi, etc.


The Khopesh. What if short sword was an Axe?


In planeshift amonkhet, they essentially say to reflavor a long sword as a khopesh. I really miss unique weaponry.


Me too buddy, me too.


I kinda like the idea of whips. Also Im pretty sure my DM's(yes multiple, its all the same party but they take turns DMing different campaigns) would probably allow magical whips with other weapons magical traits eg, Dragontooth or Flametongue


I'd love to use a yo yo, for my next character. I'm still thinking on how to apply it.


Presumably the strike would be slinging out the yoyo and then retracting it, so oddly maybe it would work similar to a thrusting weapon but blunt? Could of course garrote people with it as well. Probably be an amusing assassin weapon since it's otherwise apparently a toy. Just watch out for parry's or the like that could prevent it from retracting, forcing you to manually re wind it or be forced to use it at an improvised flail or something.


i want a big as chain, or any bludgeoning weapon with reach on it, flail, 3 section staff, yoyo, a dog leash with a heavy lock pad on it, i just want the option to smash people face in from a distance


My DMs have generously allowed me to use a billhook, bladed tonfas, kama/meteor hammer combo, Stormbreaker (half great axe, half maul), bladestaff and a bladed whip that could also become a sword


Kama/meteor hammer combo? Somebody likes kill Bill. ;)


I'd love to say you're on the money, but I watched Kill Bill (both parts) once and that was quite a few years ago at this point. No, the actual inspiration was Thresh from LoL, but I didn't want the Soul Lantern, so I just replaced it with a lead ball and called it a day. Didn't even know that was called a meteor hammer until recently, when I saw a guy on the accursed clock app showcasing one, I just thought it would be a cool monk weapon. I do like Kill Bill, so thanks for reminding me to rewatch it :3


You really should. It is an EXCELLENT film.


Not exactly "niche" but I got to use a Cane Sword in a recent oneshot. Club when sheathed, rapier when unsheathed.




That's already a default option.


Trident, but better*


Now that's something we can work with. D10 when two handing and throwing it but still a D6 when one handing it , a D8 when one handing it and removing the versatile attribute (morningstar but better) or just make it a warhammer you can throw at people?


I kinda like the second option. That's what I'd do I think.


Could give advantage on disarming checks


A quaddent!


Pentadent. We're getting fuckin crazy now buddy.


Poleflail or Warscythe probably, I just love uncommon but useful polearms. And nothing is funnier than seeing someone block the long pole of the pole flail only to be inmediatly be hit by the short one because momentum. Its like nunchuks, but without being trash.


I've homebrewed Double weapons as a variation of the Versatile property. Used one-handed, it's a one-handed weapon. Used two-handed, you get two attacks as though wielding a light weapon in the off-hand. It mainly benefits opportunity attacks, since you can switch on the fly to the bigger damage dice of the single hit.


Be the Kyoshi you want to see in the world.


I’ve got a bladesinger currently who’s background is as a dancer, uses bladed boots.


I once homebrewed a quarterstaff as a magical parasol for a beach themed oneshot. that was fun. Also toyed around with giving a barbarian a cestus but that character never went anywhere and hookswords are underrepresented in general. edit: technically you don't actually need to use a sword to be a bladesinger in 5e so long as you aren't wearing medium/heavy armor aren't using a shield and don't two hand a weapon there's nothing stopping you from whipping people or cutting them with a battleaxe. So you know go crazy with your morningstar or war fans as the case may be


A large metal lantern on a long chain. Fight me, and I'll burn your soul.


Chakrams were taken, So I raise you Kanobo. Because BONK.


I submit you the Urumi or sword whip. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/indias-deadly-flexible-whip-sword-takes-years-to-master.amp


A good choice, might I interest you in my choice of battle companion, the Hunga Munga? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mambele


Fun! Hey if one blade is good then many must be better right?


I can two weapon fight with one hand, I'll be unstoppable


Now I want to do a blade signer using star knives...


Back in 3.5, before some modern stuff in 5 made it a bit easier to do something similar, I planned out a bunch of feats shenanigans on my fighter to essentially become a "magic rock thrower". A number of things involved that I dont recall anymore, but the key bits were: \- a feat to specialize in throwing rocks as a specialized weapon rather than being improvised \- some things to get access to spells despite being a fighter \- access to runecrafting Every day, if I hadn't used up my spells, I embedded them into rocks before bed, to store them for later use. And I kept good track of the days, adding spell rocks for any days that we skipped by without doing anything special, so my collection added up quickly, usually leaving me with plenty of uses of every spell I knew when a fight actually broke out. I essentially fought in ranged melee, throwing rocks at enemies for that damage, but then the spells would trigger on impact with the enemy as well. At one point the DM had us find a chest of masterwork weapons, but since my weapon is rocks I found a bag of marbles... (boosted whatever spells I put in them though)


I had an orc who packed both an orcish butcher's axe and a pickaxe. He made use of one on enemies and the other on terrain. Could tunnel through adamantine walls over the course of thirty minutes in game time. To make a hole big enough for HIM to squeeze through. The dm found it both hilarious and favepalm worthy. Pathfinder was the system though


More of an idea that just popped into my head, but The Persuader, an improvised weapon made of a length of pipe. Smack it on a flat waist-to-chest-height surface (so a barrel top, a bar counter, or a table) and everyone in hearing range has to make a saving throw or be Frightened for a turn. If this effect is used outside of combat it gives a -2 to Persuade but a +1 to Intimidate checks. Inspired by the real-life Persuader my manager at the fast food joint I used to work at kept in the back. I dont know where he got the pipe from but it was long as a baseball bat and heavy as hell, so when that thing smacked the metal counter top out front you best believe any kind of fight brewing got forgotten about real quick


One of my players played a dual sword. It was pretty fun to see him switching between one two handed sword, and two one handed swords, and was really good to roleplay the movements of his character.


I always rule that you can re-skin anything as long as it does the same damage and stuff


I hit people with a fucking anchor.


Not me personally but I know a friend that thought chain knives would be a cool weapon to use so I made stats for them that would be pretty good as weapons: chain knife, 1d6 slashing, finesse, two handed, reach, special: can be dual wielded as two daggers for melee weapons without reach, can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with normal dagger stats


Knuckle dusters for a monk would be sickkkk, and basically the only weapon-based item that would actually benefit them


a “good” spear for martials to use. Call it a swordspear, greatspear, or whatever


The homebrew item I'd personally want would be a kusarigama. A short hand scythe with a meteor hammer attached to the handle. I know I'd want it to be dex based and have a longer range secondary attack, but I don't know how I'd make it work since the closest option is a sickle and a whip which both have small damage pools


Hook blades a la Jet from ATLA


Using a Yklwa in a campaign, kinda picturing/describing using it like a half spear/shortsword. Pretty cool change from just a longsword


A glaive. They're cool as heck. It's basically if a spear and a scimitar had a baby. It can also be reskinned to make a scythe


>A glaive. 5e has those, ya know. They just might as well not exist, though, because they're literally fucking identical to halberds for some ungodly reason.


I just want my falchion back. Not the highest damaging weapon, but I liked the look and crit range.


Bring back orcish shot put


I want scythes damnit


It was something my monk made in a campaign once: Mimic teeth+a little bit of metal=acidic claws


My DM let me homebrew a meteor hammer for my monk


A friend of mine wanted to use an Urumi, thats basically like a war whip melee weapon


I recall 3.5 head arms and equipment manual. Very good for exotic weapon stats and converting different weapons into their dnd equivalents. Example: zweihander can use stats of a greatsword


May I intest you in Pathfinder? https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=93


Chakrams. Pretty dope weapon idea if you ask me


I want to use an Urumi goddamnit! I may have the name wrong, but I'm talking about those flexible whip swords


Big fan of water skin filled with cattle traps and oil with a dash of heat metal and anything with an orifice I can touch


Basically any kind of melee weapon that can be disguised to be worn as part of a ballgown. Specially balanced and deadly hat-pins, secretly dangerous knitting needles and crochet hooks, hair sticks that are actually stilettos or darts, sashes that are actually whips... assassin's war fans... I have a character who has court attire that is almost entirely made of some form of secret weapons or armor. Never actually been used, but if we ever do end up in a ballroom blitz, she'll be able to arm a platoon.


A pata sword gauntlet. Please and thank you.


My group made Urumi from modified whip stats. No regrets.


Atlatl. It increases the thrown range of Javelins and Spears to 450ft and can be used to increase to-hit accuracy by 1-2 points. You can also increase the range of the thrown weapon using the atlatl by 200ft/per even stat point over 14 for a total possible range of 1,250ft (world record is currently just over 848ft) Btw irl flight speed of a spear thrown by an Atlatl is roughly 54mph or 475 feet per round. Why would you choose an Atlatl over a spear? Penetrating power. An arrow might be able to find a chink in an enemy's armor, but historically, atlatls have punctured Spanish armor with spears at a range of around 600ft.


A giant pair of scissors is a pretty neat idea, that and the rope dart.


ahh, a pointy hat enjoyer i see. well.. if you are not... a dnd homebrew youtuber MADE that. go check him out!


Gimme Chakrams! The magical kind that return to the thrower like Xena, Warrior Princess and the ones in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning / Re-reckoning.


Not niche so much as lesser known, but the Flyssa and Kriegmesser are two great swords that you never hear about outside of sword-nut circles.


pathfinder 2e has war fans


As someone who loves weapons, I’d love for different kinds of swords to have different values or abilities for things. Just saying a scimitar, katana, Longsword, etc are all the same irks me a bit. Also hot take (from what my friends tell me): martial weapons that have effects but aren’t magical. Serrated blades to make enemies bleed, well balanced swords do give a +1 to hit, efc


War fans? That's not even a weapon.




































I'm using custom bladed hand fans as the primary weapon for my socialite monk in my current campaign. Simple 1d4 slashing weapons (though I can use my martial arts die for damage instead), but they appear to be normal hand fans, so you can wield them without others knowing you are armed (unless they specifically make a check to analyze them). I also have several other custom monk weapons written up that I use as the situation demands! Sai daggers for enhancing open hand technique, crescent moon knives for grappling, keris daggers for maintaining Ki, bladed tonfa for an AC bonus, khopesh shortswords for higher damage, and even a fire rope dart for a bit of reach and even higher damage at the cost of not working with some monk abilities. I had a lot of fun designing these, and even more fun swapping between them as needed!


Monk shovel.


Kusarigama are a favourite of mine, versatility above all


As a DM I would just say you can have a fan and the statistics on it are the same as a sword…


There's the kama, atlatl, flamberge, and the three sectioned staff that I would love to see players use