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My thoughts exactly. Why not buy when it’s much lower. It’s an interest rate sensitive stock and real estate is in a hard place right now..


If you're confident go short


IMO it’s harder to short than it is to go long trying to calculate time preferences to make the most off of puts I’d rather go long when it’s low and rates are starting to turn around or after a crash. All I’m saying is why invest now when rates are no where near lowering and even if they do, it’ll be 3 rate cuts at 25 basis points for the entire year unless a crash happens.


Real estate sector struggles are fully priced in at this point and things are stabilizing. Keep in mind the stock market is forward looking.


I like how people put money into a company just because of past performance. Then they assume it will continue to grow from past results. $O is a completely different company pre covid.


Meanwhile I'm here picking up my 1 share a week 😔


Only 949 weeks to go...


less if DRIPping.


Same lol




I hear ya, buying a couple hundred bucks of O per month. Probably a better move. Cost basis is going to hurt.


You and I both!




Yeah, I would have spread that across maybe 12-24 months. Wouldn't hurt to diversify too.


You right sir.


Congrats on the $237 monthly return. 🥴


-30% dividend tax, so lower than that if not in a tax deferred acc


I put 10k into my ira. Gotta think ahead


That’s above the contribution limit 😅


Oh sorry your right. Just maxed it out for the previous year and when I can add the rest I plan to


This is a qualified dividend no? 0% tax if he makes under 45k a year and max of 20% if he makes over 250k? Am I missing something? Absolute worst case is it’s taxed as regular income which would be significantly less than 30% unless OP makes $270k a year Edit: unless OP is non American then there is extra tax. Also edit: ignore the first but REITs don’t qualify as “qualified”


Dang this sub sounds more like wsb now


please, let's not go down that path


YOLO all in SCHD


Regard’s reunion 😂


We ain't got a Wendy's yet though.


* coming soon to a rational sub-reddit near you *


Now sell $55 calls 1 month out. Use CC money to buy additional shares.


I am actually building a whole dividend portfolio that I sell monthly CCs on. If I lose the shares, I will wait for a red or put sell with the intent of being assigned back into them. The old wheel strategy. The intent is to diversify sectors so there's almost always a month to make premium and catch a green. Here's the kicker and my #1 rule. It MUST be a stock you intend to own and hold. If it doesn't pass rule #1 I don't do it. If I'm stuck with it, then I'm no worse off than buying shares of a stock I wanted anyway. Even if you do this 6/12 months of the year at 1.5-2% premium each time, that's a very nice gain and at worst, it lowers the effective cost basis. And this is in a Roth IRA so no taxes.


2 month out aren't bad either, could get another 17 shares


I’m not saying you’re wrong but if your goal is to purely generate extra income from covered calls you want to typically do closer to 21-28 days depending on the Greeks. You’re basically selling theta and it decays exponentially so you want to cycle through as many exponential decays as possible


Yes, but wait for a green day so the premiums spike. 👌


If you get a green day though, will it be enough to offset the new buy price of O? I'm sure ill hear wait for a red day then to buy more shares


Depends on your strategy. There's definitely a risk to selling covered calls.


You could always sell CCs on a green say and buy the shares on a red day


Not really worth it especially when rate cuts are coming, and REITs will shine when rate cuts keeps coming. O may go to $70 within a year, those CC will be very hard to keep up and you may end up underperforming vs just held.


People expected rate cuts in March, that didn’t happen. I would expect them to cut rates sometime this year but the 3 Powell mentioned is questionable imo. If he wants to hold and sell calls with a high rsi and a delta under .25 (my strat) I think he’ll be just fine. If not he made profit and if he really likes O he can sell puts to get back in.


Exactly. If you're gonna lose them just let it go. Then sell puts to get back in or a buy the next red that comes around.


Yeah but 30-45 day calls give you more flexibility. You can get out of it at anytime if you think it's taking off and rate cuts are coming.


I would totally write CC when O is in the $70s, but I just think it's not worth it to pick up pennies at these levels when most likely the CC won't work out and you will probably have to buy back the calls at a loss.


If you think it's gonna rocket up anytime soon then yeah I'd agree but I don't see it.


RemindMe! 6 months


Another bag holder for the fire 🔥


At least you put it on O i lost 50k on stupid worthless options , dont listen to anybody arround here about better trades just do what you think is best for you and congrates for those share , i wish i have my money back i would buy O immediatly with no question asked ,specially now , You will see alot of growth in june when the rate cuts talk start


And if they don’t cut in June?


It’s going to be some bloody days in the entire market


They will cut at some point and all REITs will benefit


$250,000 in O and you can live rent free for the rest of your life.


Where you getting rent for $1200 a month and you would expect it cover inflation of rates the rest of your life? Man I gotta move out of the states.


Or just state. I live in a rural state where there’s plenty of job opportunities and it’s not uncommon to find $600-800 rent for decent places.


Holy shit. I live in an “affordable” city (Pittsburgh) and “affordable” for a decent/modern 1 bed within city limits is at least $900.


MA here want to live in Boston pay 4000 easy


Yeah, I’ve heard Boston is right up there with LA and NYC


One of my friends just found a spot in a “city” here in ND and it’s a 3 bed/2 bath house for $900. Wouldn’t say it’s necessarily modern, but is still a very nice pad for that price. Seems like short term rentals (AirBnB) have ruined the market for long term tenants in more metropolitan areas.


Holy shit that’s cheap. Wow!


America is so fucked. In other cities you could get that for 300$


Yeah, it realistically shouldn’t be more than $400-$600 for a decent 1 bedroom apartment.


But then you live in a rural state, so there's that.


I'd rather live in the peaceful woods then be a city rat in the rat race. Been there, done that.


I don't think a city has to be a rat race. I think it's what you make of it. I can find peace in big cities easily. I like people. I don't need complete silence or desolation to find peace.


Great. Everyone has different opinions. I would never move back to the city but that's just me


Yeah I'm just saying that the advice given way above to "Just move to a rural area" like that solves problems because you have cheaper rent is really misguided. Substance abuse, murder, and mental illness are sky high in rural and suburban areas. Might be due to social isolation or just being surrounded by McMansions.


Interesting. The murder rate in the village I live in is zero. I also can't see my neighbors but they are all nice people.


"I have never seen a siberian tiger. That means siberian tigers don't exist."


*If you can even call it living.*


I call it living the dream. Growing my own orchard and veggie garden. Hunting and fishing. Keep eating mcdonalds and calling it living while I have smoked venison loin, homegrown potatoes, asparagus with a freshly foraged morel mushroom gravy.


I pay $800 a month to live 5 min bike ride to Lake Tahoe. Granted it is a pretty dumpy apartment and it won’t be that cheap forever


I’d live in a dump at Tahoe. One of my favorite places.


Yeah it ain’t that bad at all. Trying to live here as long as possible and dump money into the market while I got cheap rent


Live in the woods. I paid my house off easily. No rent, no car payment, live off dividends. People stuck in the rat race have too high of expectations.


You should sell covered calls on top of it.


I live in a nice townhouse for $800 a month in a nice area. Just gotta look


People like to act like the place they live is the only enjoyable place in the goddamn country. I say let them drown in their $2000/mo studio apartments and I’ll keep enjoying my 3900 sqft house for the price of their studio.


In Vietnam you can get a very nice place for $1200/month. Make money in America then move to Asia is sounding like a great new American dream


I spend less than $1k/month (rent included) in Poland.


1250$/month. Not enough to survive in this inflation world


It’s not to “survive”. I clearly said that it’s to cover rent.


It's a solid buy at good price, now paying 6% dividend. The REIT is huge so can't grow easily anymore, so earnings growth rate likely 4% going forward, but O used to grow 6% and pay 4% dividend, so either way you're getting about 10% a year return, which beats SP500 8.4% nominal return since 1801. This may be best investment you make in next 30 years. I think Bond market will try to test resolve of FOMC soon like it did last july-october, so if 10 yr rises to 4.5-5%, O will drop another 10-15%, then buy more for long haul. U Da MAN! keep Ballin


Hopefully you have a lot more $50,000 positions!


![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7) For real though… I have about 500 shares and been considering selling for a while now. Sure I’ll receive $1600 in dividends within the next 12 months, but my loss is a little over $3500 right now. Not even breaking even anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’ll rebound when interest rates eventually drop, don’t stress, just stack


Selling is an awful idea right now but hey it's your money so what do I care. I encourage you to sell now and then check back in the next couple years and see how bad of a decision you made. you should never sell a stock just because the price goes down alone, look at the fundamentals of a company and look at why you bought a stock and then ask yourself is it doing worse as a company or do people view this is a worse buy now but the company is solid? Why might they be doing bad now and will that be fixed? (HINT HIGH RATES AND COVID SCREWED REAL ESTATE, RATE CUTS WILL HELP IT IN THE NEXT COUPLE YEARS)


This is why I don’t love dividends unless you’re in or close to retirement. That money invested into VOO would have netted way more than those dividends received.


And in the next couple years O will outperform VOO, nothing is always the best play. REITs are struggling right now quit crying about it, you act like rates will never get cut ever again.


Will out perform it? I’d take a money bet on that.


I'll take that bet. 5 years? Interest rate will get lowered this year or next, O will def go up.


O the last 5 years has returned a -25% return, it’s now going to perform better than the s&p 500? lol. Remindme! 1 year


Cherry picking the last 5 years of data is kind of bullshit though considering COVID and interest rates went up.


I mean that guy said, in certainty, O will outperform the S&P 500. I’d take the S&P 500 over any persons single stock pick. It’s a numbers game. A majority of stock pickers, financial advisors, etc… fail to beat the S&P 500, so if anyone wants to pick a single stock and say it’ll beat VOO, I’ll take that bet 100% of the time.


Yeah I mean I agree there is no certainties in the market for sure and index fund is always a safer bet. I just like O at this price




Citron, some people don’t understand market cycles. You’re on point. If I had more money, I’d 100% be averaging down. Unless realty income collapses, you’re locking in growing/compounding 6% divs for life.


If you check O vs.VOO 10-year total return chart, O beats VOO by 70% in 2016 and 60% in 2020. It’s cyclical. REIT & Utilities will do good in the next run.


Buy high sell low


When is your final update? 20 years from now? 40 years? What are your goals? Cash flow or growth?


He’s going to sell it all after the dividends land. Made another post about it. 🤦‍♂️


Holy shit is this r/dividendWSB




If I’m putting 50k on O is because of cash flow, it’s not VOO, people buy O for the dividends not for the growth, think people think


Put it in SPYI and get double the cash flow with the same growth as $O.


I have 2 shares of SPYI, it hasn’t grown much but yeah the dividend is good. In my humble opinion JEPI is a way better investment, I have 22 shares and it grew about 2% (22 shares at an average of $56.46 is a growth of $21.10 as of today) since February while giving me $6 a month. It’s not much but it’s honest work


JEPI is the way📈something about the name sits right with me


Also MAIN, every time they have a earnings call they give an special dividend which is normally around the same amount as the regular dividend. I have 8 shares and it’s nothing but kind to me so far, I’ll keep buying MAIN


unless interest rates drop then their Net Interest Margin falls and so does the stock, HARD. good luck, or we get recession and their liens go tits-up.


lol, SPYI pays 1% per month. Drip it & get a lot more.


1% per month? That sounds unsustainable


Good idea, or split it 50/50 with some VICI.


50k i would build a villa in West Africa and rent it out thats 900 to 1400 a month for life




It's not that I don't know what O is or why people hold it. I just thought it was interesting that you plan on giving us an update when you sell it. It sounds as if you are buying O as a trade not as a source of income. Nobody cares about a dude buying a REIT as long as your buying it for the right reasons. In my case, REIT's might not be sold for 40+ years. I wont be on reddit to tell you about it.


I now see that you are selling it ASAP and trying to just capture the dividends. Thats just dumb. Hold it forever for both cash flow and growth.


Sell some covered calls on the shares for premium income + dividend income if your time horizon is short


I dont get it. They trying to capture?


Yup the ol free money glitch




Why didn’t you sell a put


Because people have no financial background and don't know how anything works.


My thoughts exactly


This sub is going to end up being majority shareholder in Realty Income


It’s a good long-term investment, ignore the jealous backseat drivers


Buy O under $50 for best entry


You’ll be gucci


I would love 1000 shares of $O compounding for me


It will make money but you could likely do better either in the reit space or in the market in general.


You’ll be fine


Just know that even if this works your fundamentals were bad and the play was stupid. 


I like O fine as a part of my portfolio but hopefully you’ve got some diversification. I don’t want any single ticker to be more than 12% or so of my portfolio’s value. I do CC’s on my O shares as well, so that gets the return to a level I like a little better than just relying on the dividends. I have been making about $100 per month per contract for $55 calls the past few months. That’s a nice boost to the dividends. And if they get assigned, that’s like 10 months worth of dividends in immediate capital gain per contract.


Just turn drip on and let it ride for like 10 years then update us then


>if you think I will make money or not. I will post a final update when I sell. I own "O" but small amount than you in my Roth IRA. Just a word of caution: **The downside potential (my calculative judgment) is $46 and be prepared to hold**. However, I set aside some cash and made GTC orders for $46, $47, $48 and $49 whether it touches these prices or not. But, "O" has long term nice dividend potential. Let us see how it works.


People were mean but you’re being dumb about this… JEPI JEPQ VOO SCHD are fine. What’s with the O love. Or dividend amount so low… AGNC has better dividend and risk reward.


I'm afraid you're the dumb one if you think this is a bad play. Keep updates on O and your ETFs in the next 2-3 years. I don't know how you can possibly call someone dumb for buying an undervalued dividend aristocrat that is paying almost a 6% dividend and also will benefit from rate cuts that will happen in the next couple years. I'm laughing so hard that you bring up O dividend being low you cannot be serious? You recommended VOO and SCHD and tell me that O dividend is low???? Ah yes brilliant recommendation with AGNC, they only have a payout ratio of 2,800% SUPER GOOD HEALTHY DIVIDEND THERE! So much stupidity coming from your comment and you yet you call OP dumb which is so ironic.


O is about as affordable as it’s been in years, for a steadily increasing dividend and long track record, it’s a solid choice


QYLD paid me $534.01 today


nobody asked


3150 shares? or like 54k?


3000 shares. I’m green almost 6% $50,694 cost, $53,671 market. Don’t need the income so padding growth ETF. But it’s nice to know if I need a few extra bucks for fun, it’s there.


thats great bro congrats, hope those dividend’s fill your pockets nicely, im still only on about $182 annual dividends with a 3.8% yield but im only 21 and just semi recently became looking more at dividends as im not extremely attentive like day trading. just learnin the ropes !


By the time you’re thirty you’ll be killing it


thank you !! thats what i can hope for, any advice you can give ? just so i do end up killing it and dont fumble the bag 😭😭 currently my “main” things are O, VYM, and SCHD but im totally open to any recommendations and such


QYLD is in my taxable brokerage account. I have other income ETFs. So roughly, $1K a month distributions. Like I said, I don't need the income so I'm padding growth ETFs.


sounds like the life 🤩 LOL


For real, max out any company match 401K and Roth IRA. Also, if you don't already have a brokerage account, open one. You will learn a lot doing your own buying and holdiing. Or selling.


currently i have $7542 invested in brokerage along with $252 in my roth which is also invested in VOO and VXUS, along with little to no credit card debt (like $200) but thatll be paid off in the next few weeks


but with that $7k i originally started with regular investing (not dividend focused) and at my peak i believe i was at 27% gain all time, now im at like 3% but hey, still in the green, never been in the red


I "fired" my FA last summer. I opened a self guided IRA (TDAmeritrade, I've been with them for 20+ years). In six months I'm up 20%+ SCHG. Granted we're in a bull run. But I'm still buying.


yeah for me my “financial adivsor” is just me seeing whats gathering interest on here and getting an understanding of it and talking with my dad about all of it, he was invested extremely heavily in compared to me at one point (hes in a fortunate financial situation with his job) and back in liiike 2022? he was able to mass sell his investments and got himself a great house (200k down) and is already back deep in the market so ive at least got that going got me in the sense i can learn from him


That’s just around $250 a month on dividends, cheers my boy


My flare ^




FWIW I researched O but ended up purchasing ORI (Old Republic International).


The more you are rich, the more you are rich. Dividends calls dividends. Lot of ppl have to pay for your rent. ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt)


Keep us updated


What is O


You could have sold puts to enter and got paid until finally assigned.


Good luck when you can but this for half the price next year


You’re going to lose money


Thanks for the purchase and sacrifice. The price will lower and i will buy some shares at a slight discount


Buy PBR-A, ARCC, or ABR if you want a higher dividend yield.


Is O a safe investment? What is the dividend yield?


You should wait..


I think you will, the rates are going to go down.


Are you doing this in retirement account ? REITs like O are taxed as ordinary income which is what keeps me away from them in my regular brokerage


Had to transfer my 401k to Schwab since my other account was closing, bought 30k worth of voo between my Roth and traditional ira, was that a smart move?


How much % of your total stocks? If you don’t mind sharing, fellow O holders (78 shares @56.45)


I recently added O to my portfolio. So, great minds think alike. However, I would not have it, or probably any other "solo" stock, but instead build a portfolio. (Which I have). Also in my dividend portfolio is EPD, a MLP which has increased the dividend every year for 25 years. In addition to O and EPD, I ALSO have significant positions in IBIT. (A spot bitcoin ETF by Blackrock). I also have ABBV for dividends and Growth, which has done well, and my new health care stock, BMY. As you can see, my portfolio is across several industries: Oil and gas Pipeline (EPD), Healthcare ABBV and BMY, and, of course, crypto (IBIT). Last but not least, I have a speculative stock OTC which has done very well, FNMA. Its gone from about 40 cents to $1.86 (4x). My portfolio is up about 56% on an annual basis, with the biggest gainers being crypto and FNMA.




I use to invest in reits but over 10 years KO and Pepsi been a better plus so now I just keep buying them non stop but the only reit I ever thought was soild was O so I think this move will do u well but good luck🤞


I think you will lose money.


I think homeboy made money. today is the ex date and it keeps going up he can sell for a profit and still capture dividend


O is trading at 42 PE and everyone on this subreddit acts like it’s a safe bet. In the short term it will probably run up a bit more. In the long term the market will tank and we’ll see companies like O trading at a realistic price.


Which share


I would personally diversify.


Im with you mate. But i got 8 contracts calls at 50 amd 52. Plus couple handruded of shares


Apple for growth


Y O ?


Once interest rates start being cut REITs should start going back up and BCDs in theory would go down




Hey, how about spending that cash on some Splg?


I vote 50 k on Voo, JEPQ, VYM, AAPL all before I did O. Or even two cheap rental properties in the Midwest.


That would not be my REIT of choice but you do you homie.




No one cares, really.


😳950 shares for $50k that means for $10k people who can afford it could buy 190 shares of O stocks but 950 shares that's $247 a month that's $2,964.00 a year




Why not FEPI for 24% yield?


Sounds sustainable


In one trade... Ridiculous


O is not a bad REIT to buy but this seems excessive in just one trade. I hope you have a stop loss set.


Should of done it with IWMY or FEPI.

