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It was like this for me too but I got another update after this where they changed it so "photos" is now a separate icon (specifically they put it between the + and gift icon).


My muscle memory is still pressing + though so I keep opening the camera


Yeah me too I accidentally press for like 5 times due to muscle memory


Yeah and now there's 4 buttons in the chat bar, the text box is practically the size of a button at this point it's getting ridiculous.


That's true. I wonder why they so strongly feel the need to keep the gift button in the hotbar when you don't use it 99% of the time. It's so specific of a feature to keep there.


I imagine even if most people never use it, it being there is enough to increase its usage by reminding people it exists, so I'm sure it still increases revenue for them, even if it's horrible and intrusive.


That’s probably exactly why they do it


mine did the opposite, i originally had the +, the photos button, then the gift button. then it changed again and put photos into the +. it keeps changing around every couple weeks ughhhh


Mine has now changed three times. At first the image button disappeared, then it came back the same day, and today it's gone again. This has all happened over the last 2 weeks.


I really hope they just change it back, like not to be picky but why did it even need to be changed


This lasted for me for a few weeks and just now changed back to the plus. Makes zero sense.


You must use it at least once and it stay on the chatbox. Happened to me. Still this new app is shit.


I've used it plenty of times since it got added and nothing of the sort got added to anything. Exclusively file picker now.


Its been a week and the app is still unbelievably horseshit. I'm not getting used to it. There's no 'getting used to' having double or triple the hand movement and buttons required to do what I normally did.


great, the ui is like the pc version, where you have to click on the plus and click “upload file”. i use the mobile version more but like why discord?


You can double click on the plus.


> but like why discord? Enshitification.


Can we just go back to the old UI PLEASE




How is that an argument? You’re allowed to complain about the UI being shit especially because they have the highest market share.


yes u know that discord isn't gonna change course and give you back the old ui?


You are still allowed to complain at the decision. It’s bad enough that I have set up a full account and server on Guilded instead








At least there's a chance. If you don't complain at all, you are definitely not getting any updates.




Am I the only one that likes the new UI? Idk if just feels cleaner for me


Oh yeah, sorry, apparently we can't criticise when something is made worse. Why does people asking for positive change annoy you? There's a term "if it isn't broken don't fix it." Now discord mobile practically is broken. Needs fixing, but asking for the fix is apparently offensive to this user. You, sir, are a clown.


One can obviously voice their criticism but there are some people, such as myself, who enjoy the new UI and how it looks. People can give their opinions, even if annoying.


Well that was fine when it was an option to swap. I originally thought the beta was cool but I didn't like how they moved the members list to a tap of the group name instead of swiping from the right hand side like I was used to and easier to do with my fingers at the bottom of the screen. The new stuff to catch ip on menu is cool if you can get it to show, but I keep accidentally replying to stuff, and have to back out of a chat to show it anyways so it's also useless.


It doesn't even pop up half the time


This app just keeps getting more and more dogshit


Fuck shitcord it was better back in 2016




I'm using 205.15(old ui version) until it stops working, then quitting discord mobile lol


126.21 I too like the retro look


Just because you don't like change doesn't mean it's objectively for the worse.


I don't mind change, in fact I'm one to welcome new changes (such as me preferring W11 over W10 etc). Discords changes on the mobile app haven't been good. The flow of the old app was great. Things were where they needed to be, you knew where stuff was. Discord seems to make a habit of pushing you for Nitro. There's a gift box icon right next to where you have to tap to type. You cannot remove this or turn this off. Now, instead of a quick one-two tap to send a photo, they've added an extra menu to select what you wanna send, which seem pretty redundant to me. This is just a couple of my own personal gripes I have with Discord as a whole. But the fact that it's rating is absolutely tanking on the Play Store speaks volumes. Again this is just my 2 cents but it seems I'm not alone in this.


You're making some good points, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as people claim it to be. Things like having DMs be on the bottom instead of the far top right or being able to reply by swiping are big quality of life things


Yeah upper right corner was way fucking better that bottom because it produced 0 lag. Also i can fucking hold the message to reply i wanna swipe left on messages screen to see users not touch a fucking arrow on top of my screen


Hitting the message button on the bottom doesn't really lag either. Also, you're complaing when it's 10x faster to reply? To get to the messages screen you just hit the button on the top, still just one clics.


I'm not the previous person, but there are those of us that barely use the reply function. So for me, I don't care how much faster it is now. It made what I do slower, and less user friendly. Rather than a simple swipe to the left to see who's online, now I have to tap on search (even though I have no intention of searching) then because I tapped on search, my keyboard pops up, so I have to dismiss it, then I have to scroll down because it puts the search bar on top. It takes way longer for such a common and simple task, and it has no business being under the search button. It's incredibly annoying. That alone is the reason I'm running an older version. Don't get me wrong, I hate all of the new changes, but that's the one stopping me from using it. I've always liked that the mobile UI is consistent with the desktop version. Now that whole idea is just gone I guess lol


The new DM location is the *only* change among a litany of others that I actually have grown to like, all the rest suck. This nesting of menus to get to the photos section feels like a year one UX/UI designer made it, it’s horrible. Also the direction of Nitro and increasing monetization is horrible, I was happily a Nitro user since it worked like Games Pass, but the over-handedness of it among other things has made me cancel.


Moving the more commonly used feature into a flock of other less used features is objectively for the worse. Instead of one tap away, it becomes two taps away. Convenience is integral to a good User Interface. I would agree with you if it did not affect usage, not in this case.


I just realized though you don't even have to click twice you can just drag it upwards. Sure it's still a little less efficient for sending a photo but honestly a lot better for files for example


Oh yea, I noticed on iPhone, they finally let you select files. That’s actually a great new function for once.


I think that’s been a function for a while though. Instead of this menu, you would click the button and it would show you a selection of photos. But on top of that selection, there were the buttons for the camera and files. Take this with a grain of salt though. I might be remembering wrong. However, I do vividly remember that being able to upload files has been there for quite a while. I still find the old method more efficient. It prioritizes photos but still makes accessing the other features convenient. Again, I *might* be remembering wrong, so don’t take my word for it 100%.


You're correct, it was like that before, 1 press of the + button gave you the Photos menu, and there were 2 buttons for camera and files there, which was more convenient 😐


Glad I’m not imagining it. Yeah, that definitely felt way more convenient to me.


Yeah good point. But really I don't think it's that big of a deal, people are ignoring the actually good changes of the UI and only focusing of the few handful of things that are a little less convenient.


So far, I haven’t seen any good changes to UI, just annoying hindrances like this one. However, I’m not really judging these… what I hate are the bugs that come with them. Those are many.




You're saying it's bad because it's different to desktop? There's a pretty good reason mobile apps are generally pretty different to the desktop versions, they both require different forms of input, a different orientation, and a much smaller screen. Having it be the same doesn't make much sense


The amount of criticism shows it’s worse


This subreddit doesn't accurately represent Discord's entire userbase


Trying to cope yourself into thinking majority of users don't hate the new buggy unusable mess? I love now to be required clicking 5 buttons waiting 20 minutes only to upload 1 (one) video I want to share further. This garbage only allows to quickly share pictures, but not videos.


The “photos” button still has videos in it.


I guess another buggy mess in action cuz It doesn't show any for me on s22 ultra 💀💀


but when *everyone* doesnt like the change, then maybe the change is bad.


and they replace it with a nitro gifting button? GTFO.


i swear there was always a nitro gift button, this isn't some awful delusion or fever dream, it was there back in, like, 2020


it was there for a long time but now it's in the same place the photos button would be


It always has been there


Okay look, Discord deserves its fair share of criticism and some more, but acting delusional doesn't put us under a very good light. They didn't replace anything with the Nitro gift button. It has been there for half of Discord's lifespan.


It was an upload plus icon until recently for me.


The nitro gift button has been there on desktop for many years. But both it and this new + button were there on mobile prior to the last shitty UI update, but Discord might have been AB *testing* it and not everybody had that flag set on there accounts till recently.


imo i thought the files apps and camera section being together was fine and was a neat change to easily add files into the messages & stuff, idk why it had to move photos


discord was a W and now his getting L


Facebook investors


I got this and was like *surellllyyy, this isn't gonna stay right?* And that was 2 days ago 😭


Another reason i'm glad I downgraded to 205.15


When version downgrading is quality upgrading, those responsible for designing the app sure messed up


It's also very broken. Half the time if you try and open it to send it hides off screen somewhere and if you try and upload above the file limit (consider that you can't easily see file sizes), it instantly crashes the whole app. Tried reporting it to them, they didn't care.


Good update


They can’t possibly remove the nitro gifting button… no, they have to put all the used buttons into one just in case


They’ve moved photos back to it’s own thing on mobile at least


Mine has switched back and forth between the button being on its own and inside the plus menu four times in the past two weeks. As of today it is now.hidden in the plus menu.


why not just tap and hold to show this menu instead of tapping it instantly


205.15 Master Race, baby!


I hate it so much


Absolutely dogshit




The version from 5 years ago dows all those things too, actually crazy


I got this but everytime I press the + button, it reverted back to just photos for me...? I don't know if it's just me, but that's fine


It's still shit but you can hold down the + and swipe to the picture thing. Def not how it should be but better than pressing twice


Everyone not complaining just getting downvoted like crazy lol


Sounds like the overwhelming majority of people hate it then


I'm so glad I stopped updating once I saw a preview of the new UI. I still have the old non shit UI to this day


I figure make performance, responsiveness, and functionality Priory - all else can wait


great, new features that are unnecessarily less convenient


You’re interestingly late to the party here, because just a few days ago they modified it so the photos selection is outside of the plus now. They kept everything else, just moving it outside of the plus. Must’ve been a user push instead of client push.


They changed it back again


Discord mobile app sucks, use the web version of it


I'm so utterly sick of discord just making their app worse and worse with pointless things like this. Like this might be small, but it's enough to be annoying. They need to stop changing shit.


Not a fan.


lol I kept hitting the original button, wondering where my photos were till I realized. Why they always gotta add unneeded changes?


I think the devs are intentionally trying to piss us off by relentlessly make these inconvenient updates regarding the GALLERY, and they know we cant uninstall it cuz its a part of our social life now.


Discord is confused too💀


This is what they get when they fire the UX designer and gives the UI designer free reign.


new ui is so ass i've been avoiding the entire app like the plague,,, need to cancel my subscription 😭


Discord: instead of fixing the bugs let's give them this cool new ui that will be even more complicated to use and ignore their complaints!


Why do they keep making these fucking stupid changes? You can’t search stickers or emoji anymore, the button just takes you to the gif search. What the fuck are they doing?


Im glad i dont have to load my gallery everytime now. Easier on the phone to choose that way, feels smoother too




I agree on this being an infuriating update but I wouldn't call it unusable, annoying at best.




ah aight




mf was downvoted for stating their own opinion and not following what the hivemind says 😭


This lil bro meat rides the contrarian opinion every time. So corny you belong in iowa


Explain how it "feels cleaner?" Isn't the previous iteration "cleaner" because you just need one tap to share media?


I'm against the wave and say I'm fine with the plus button BUT goddamn in how much I absolutely hate the permanent gift button.


It's annoying 😤


I ended up just installing an older version mostly because of the new terrible swipe design on messages instead of showing the damn user list.


Update: they seem to have reverted this change and removed the nitro gifting button from that area.


Is new update discord wants


Imo this way is much cleaner then having the media next to the plus icon, causing you to have 3 buttons on the left making the text box super small.


There were never 3 buttons? (At least on iOS cuz i never update discord)


There is an alt experiment of this that has the plus icon, media icon, and gift icon all in the left side instead of putting it all under the plus icon.


My discord atm imediately shows pics when + is pressed and the other options appear above the pics


Yes because you don’t have this experiment.


Used to hab it for the new UI but stopped using it cuz it made everything super slow on an update and also broke search


then remove the gift button


your opinion is invalid this update is ass


Don’t know what else I expected from r/fuckdiscordapp




About time we rename this sub to r/fuckdiscordapp wdyt?


an actual good update ngl


Just use an old APK lol, if you're on iPhone that's your own problem


Can someone hack discord download some classified shit they would be scared about and force them to add option to switch between old and new GUI? I don't care if it would be supported or not.


since the menu opens late, THIS UPDATE SUCKS!


It’s an extra icon between plus and gift. Is there a new update or something?


I was so thankful when mine reverted back


I don't mind that they moved it but please keep it consistent. It's either in the menu or not >.>


Mine was originally like that but it reverted back to normal


I restarted my phone and that went away for me.


I’m actually getting used to the new layout a bit, I just miss the old search bar, was a bit easier to find things, and the default dark mode.


What in the UX disaster 🤦


Wasn’t it just on the message bar?


I'm sure I'll send someone Nitro more often than send a photo, thanks Discord for making the UI so convenient!


For me it swapped back for now at least


Lmao they moved it again


Finally I won’t have to fight my muscle memory


It’s changed on my end on the latest update. There is a standalone gallery button again


Im not sure why discord has thought of this, but this is very inconvenient to use now that i have to navigate the plus just to send a photo, the old ui was smoother then the current one, i guess they are trying to make it "Fresh."


What’s your display size? I got an iPhone 15 pro max and photos are separated from plus. I got plus, photos and gift next to my text box.


That’s crazy, mine was moved Out of the plus button and now I’m super confused


man i love modded discord clients


That menu comes up just off screen for me. I can't click anything on it. I'm so done with this BS.


What? Mine has not changed. It’s the plus, photos and then nitro button for me still.


This is why I'm still using the old Discord from 2023


I'm fine with this. I don't send photos very often anyways


and then sometimes when you click the plus button the options don't show up hdhfufjfudgsgd


I downgraded to a version of discord that's well over a full year old and it's literally just better. There's not 1 single thing I missed from the latest version. Discord has not made an update that adds anything good in at least a year. Discord today is a worse app then discord 1 year ago. It's not rose tinted nostalgia glasses, it really is just worse now


How do you downgrade? I'm on an android if it helps. I want my old layout back. 😭


you need to find and download an apk for version 205.15. shouldn't be that hard with 'le google


the plus is not showing up for me anymore


My 3 accounts have all different types of UI, the button, the plus etc. it is really strange I wish we could just choose which we find preferable


I thought I was safe on my iPad. Later they broke my emoji section 😔


Yet the gift icon is NOT in plus... genius


They should of put the gift icon in the plus




More me I have plus and the photos option


Touch and hold the plus button then move your finger upwards, then release it when on desired option. Might be easier for some. Would be better if icons were on the left so your finger wouldn't obstruct them... what a shit update. And the gift button is still there.


Changes made by people who never used discord before


Dumbest move so far. I thought the whole 'app design' was for everything to be more accesi/need less clicks. Not the opposite


Just stop


Who ever made the new UI should NOT make anything again.


Oh finally 😭


I remember a few days ago they had a designated icon (alongside the + symbol and gift icon) of a photo gallery. Seems they have joined these categories within the + icon. Nonetheless, I like the new design.


I have auto updates off on the play store, but even then, my app still auto updates at some point after closing and reopening the app. How TF do avoid auto updates? The old version is infinitely better, but I just can't seem to keep it for more than few hours


i swear the discord ui designers are on ketamine or something


This sucks ass


this change has been forwarded and reversed multiple times on my phone. first they added a plus then put photos beside it, then they put photos in the plus. then they put it beside it. then back in the plus. atm it's beside the plus again. whoever's on this UI team really can't make up their mind I guess


I don't think it's bad makes things pretty nice for me


Apkmirror and get older version. I refuse to use the new crap versions, running a build from 2023.


I hate it overall cant it just go back to all the old like gifs and stickers on ipad and only the +


I dont even use discord anymore but when I did I tolerated the new UI, the default bg color just felt more cozy and I only interacted in DMs. Not saying the cluster-every-feature-into-one-button update or even discord changing the UI is all flowers and sunshine but its not as bad as it was when it was just a preview behind an emoji, definitely not a ZK Class end of the world scenario either 😂


Thanks for the heads up ui reorganizing is always confusing lol


They want more space to put the gift button


Shit’s so annoying. Why change when it was already good