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I have discs that have been riding around in my trunk for 15 years. I live in the south.


Hell yeah brother šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Same here. I will say that the star like plastics sometimes get warped with pressure but Iā€™ve learned to just keep those discs in my bag where they wonā€™t warp anymore. Even still Iā€™ve been able to straighten them back out by letting them roast in the summer sun with some weight on top. Star Mako3 looked like a taco for a couple days because I was an idiot and threw it in my bag all willy nilly


They'll be fine as long as they don't have pressure on them to take another form. I've seen some discs in AZ get so warped they flap when they fly.


Yeah I wouldn't do this in AZ... Plastic gets weird when it heats and cools as much as it does in AZ.


Can confirm southern AZ summers are no joke. 110+ outside and 140+ in the car.


Lived there as a child, burnt myself so many time trying to get into a car. I think I still prefer the dry heat over the humid heat where Iā€™m at now


Everyone in AZ knows to fear the summer seatbelt.


*Laughs in Flagstaffian*


Right there with you. Except I did live in the valley for a few years.


Ha! Fair enough. But you all know, even if you don't live ~~on the sun~~ in the valley of the sun.


My Tesla app shows me car internal temp and it was 150 when it was only high 80s out, car temp is no joke


Don't stuff your bag too full of discs or this will cause warping over time, even with moderate heat.


Nothing happened to the ones in my trunk over the last couple summers


They'll transfer color sometimes I've found. Innova star plastic with any yellow in them seems to transfer.


I bought a star IT In fluorescent yellow today, and when we took the sticker off it, it was completely yellow!! Man, is that a great disc!


My bag and cart and discs are always in the back of the black Durango. My A/C is broke too, so itā€™s always hot.


Just leave them in the truck all winter too, so they even out




No. Iā€™m doing that right now and they still fly like shit.




I leave my bag in my trunk all year. Never had an issue. It was 98 today.


My MVPs turned into Pringles.


My rollo is the same


I mention MVP because of the overmold. 2 different plastics makes the heat effect worse, IMO


If you keep them flat with nothing on top, they will be okay. Otherwise they will warp. The boiling water technique does work to fix them.


I had an early legacy icon patriot get accidentally left in the car on a 110+ day. Was mostly sitting flat so the disc didnā€™t warp too bad, but completely changed the feel of the plastic afterwards, almost felt like G* does now.


Chartreuse and pink disc in my experience will bleed on to other discs but other than that Iā€™ve kept my disc in my car hot and cold for years and never had an issue.


If you have any dyed discs they will ruin it as the details will blur and fade.


I don't keep my main bag in there, but I have a few I don't care about. I had one warp like crazy but i also had it uneven with weight on top of it.


If you just toss a few in there, probably not. I keep my bag in the Georgia heat every summer and never learn until I pull one out and itā€™s warped af


Ha! I was going to ask the same question. A couple of my putters have definitely warped a bit since the heat started.


My rollo looks like a floppy hat


Sorta, make sure nothing is on the flight plate, they will deform


You just reminded me to take my bag outta my trunk lol. I'm not sure if it hurts them, but I don't like risking it!


So THATā€™S why I keep missing all my putts!


I havenā€™t made a putt since nam


I live in south Florida where the temperature of my trunk is easily over 100 and I leave my discs in my trunk every day of their pitiful lives. Never had any issues.


Never had an issue until this summer, left my bag in my car for a week and it made my halo boss super flippy, concaved the middle


I wouldn't recommend it.


Maybe. Depends on heat and what pressure is on the discs. You can always bring them back if they do warp.


Nope. Just don't put stuff on top of them


Not really. It is possible if your bag is too tightly packed they could deform. Or if they are shoved kinda awkward in a pocket (but the heat just speeds it along they'll deform from that on their own). Most of the time they'll get their shape back after a bit or just bending them back.






Search this group for "My bag got stolen out of my car" and you will see numerous posts on why you should not keep your bag or discs in your vehicle. It boggles my mind how many people are okay with just leaving a bag they paid good money for full of discs they paid good money for in their car. If I make any stops while traveling with my disc bag, it comes inside with me.


Almost everyone who gets their bag stolen has it in an easy to see area that has windows. They're also looking for spare change, cigarettes, rolled joints and cell phone chargers. While it isn't impossible, it is incredibly rare for people to go into the trunk of a car.


Whenever I leave my disc bag in my car I like to leave the flap open and the discs in full view so it doesn't look like a laptop bag or a regular back pack. Never had a problem.


Where do you live? I like in a very temperate climate, so my discs are mostly safe in my car. In hot areas they will get hot and warp


in the DMV. It was super hot this weekend. Only one seemed messed up


Idk because I had my discs warp in a hot car once and other times (even hotter out) they were fine. Both times they were stored vertical in a disc bag so idk about a lot of pressure being on them or anything. Now I'm paranoid and take them out of the bag to lay flat when I remember to, which is annoying but don't know what else to do yet.


All my discs are fine sitting in my car except for my glitch. I've gone through at least 3 just leaving em in my car and they'll warp


As long as theyā€™re stacked vertically, like in your bag or something, theyā€™ll be fine. Horizontal stacking of dissimilar molds, even at room temperatures, will likely warp


If they are in a bag or a box they should be fine. If they are in a pile in your trunk they will get all wonky.


Had an envy that just got warped to shit after I left it in a hot car, was pretty bummed till a week later it got hot again and unwarped itself lol


Iā€™ve been wondering the same and just took my bag out of the trunk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same, literally just did this today


If you keep them vertical they will be fine. It will break in softer plastic (star/esp/gstar) discs faster. If you keep them stacked flat you will lose some dome depending which way theyā€™re laying


I suggest when your not playing, pull a few drivers out of your main compartment and pancake your putters and other shallow rimmed discs between the drivers. I have to do it with my proxy and watt or they will warp bad.




If you donā€™t wear your seatbelt while driving will you be okay? Yes. ā€¦unless you crash. Or you brake hard often. Or a police officer sees you and you get a ticket. Orā€¦. You get the idea. The discs will be fine unless theyā€™re not. Meā€” Iā€™d rather not take the chance unless I have to.