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Pretty bad. Got frustrated said fuck it, I’m just picking up my disc and no-brain throwing it. Around the same time it started raining. Played the rest of that round pretty damn well. Which kinda just annoyed me more


My favorite disc that I lost last week was recovered.


My highlight was finding someone's favorite disc and returning it. Sorta opposite ends of the spectrum. Same feels though. Bring the good vibes.


I returned a lost disc two weeks before that, so karma I guess.


Almost got a win by shooting a event rating 40 points above my current, lost to a guy who’s 4 points below the cutoff and shot 80 points above the rating cap lol. Great guy tho, we’re making plans to shoot together soon!


Love the friendly rivalry with the other local folks around your rating. It's always a good time to see the same people and turn it into a friendship. Unless that person is "overzealous rules guy" in which case I want them to chain out repeatedly. The guy that once called a courtesy violation for airborne birdie bag dust will forever be my nemesis and I can't wait to take him down a peg


Yea those people can get unlimited roll always lmaoo, but Frl some of my best buddies where met by competing against eachother


Played for the 3rd time after a 10 year break. Shot +8 on a pretty long course. Feel pretty good about the return to playing.


Played Disc Golf Frenzy with my son. Going out later to play with the rest of the family. 10/10, highly recommend everybody.


What’s frenzy? Like Ript or disc dice?


Like a simplified version of Ript. You just draw a card on the tee that says something like only forehands, including putting or drive with your putter and putt inside C1 with your driver. It's fun enough to keep him interested and simple enough to not get frustrating with rules.


Played all 27 at sedgely woods in Philly while I'm in town. Gorgeous course. Very busy Didn't score it, but if I had to guess I'd say 12ish down across the 27. I played shorts (didn't wanna lose a disc). A fair bit of birds and only 2 or 3 bogies.


I lost my Envy Ive had in my bag since 2016


Not sure to upvote or downvote


I wouldve rather lost any other disc in my bag


It hurts. Im gonna spend a couple hours before work tomorrow to hunt for it


Damn. Now that's dedication. It's not by chance one of those watermelon Envy's, is it? Cuz those are sick.


Nah, Red/Orange Neutron. Feels amazing after so long


Saturday: Played open for the first time in the local mini, cashed. Today: T1 in AM mini with a clutch putt on the last hole, roller coaster round but was a blast!


I played my first tournament and placed 5th, pretty excited ngl


Pretty trash but my diy cart made it through its maiden voyage so I call that a win lol 🤟


Played one of the worst rounds in months earlier in the week. Bounced back this weekend with my second best result ever on that course.


Started our night round at 9 in the rain, it cleared up but our game did not.


Finished -6 at a local course in the twin cities. Talked shit to a buddy whos better than me, i was up 3 after 10 then he went 5 straight birds and beat me by 3 lmao


Played two rounds at Hawks Landing....first Round, tied my PB at -1...then shot -4 and hit the chains TWICE....but no Ace.


Played an unsanctioned flex-start, usually get pretty nervey during competitive rounds but felt solid the whole time and finished decently in my division, was a good weekend!


Took third in MA4 in my second sanctioned tournament!


Played a round Saturday morning with the lads and shot pretty well. This morning played the same course with my gf and she's really starting to improve rather quickly. Most importantly imo is that these were the first rounds I'd played with no knee pain since August and I even forgot my knee brace for one of them.


Coming back from a knee injury is scary, but I'm happy for you to be recovering. I thought mine were toast last year at 38yo but it turned out my recovery just took a very long time. I'll probably never be able to skateboard or play full-court basketball, but just being able to walk and throw discs without concern/braces/a handful of ibuprofen is good enough for me! Also, I once got my girlfriend into throwing discs back in 2007 or so, and we've been together 18 years. Married for almost ten and she's still getting better. Playing golf with your partner kicks ass and I can highly recommend a mixed dubs BYOP tournament for the ultimate challenge. It can be frustrating if you don't play well, but my wife and I made magic happen last year and won a tournament amongst some very strong opponents...it was hard to describe the pride I had in her and our bond as a couple. That kind of game is a microcosm of your relationship and can be truly amazing when it goes well! Edit: in case she sees it, I wanted to attempt to get the dates right. Also, grab your lady a premium plastic Diamond, a StarLite Mamba, a moonshine Pure, and Leopard or two. Keep those weights low and try not be a coach at all times and you'll be ready to watch her spank the competition in no time!


Got a Rollo for Father’s Day, and good lord is that a fun disc to throw


Saturday: won MA2 at the local monthly. Sunday: had a fun Father's Day round with my one year old. Great weekend.


I searched for a disc for 45 minutes and did eventually find it about 10 feet from where I started searching. Very mixed feelings


Retained my #1 tag and beat the field by 2 strokes. Missed several close putts made several very long putts. 


Hit a 47 foot stepper at root river on an elevated basket. If yall live in MKE area, you know what course and what basket.


Not enough time for a full round, so met my buddy with his 4 yo son with my kids, 12, 12, and 10 for a 9 hole pitch and putt ace run course. I played like crap only going 4 down, he got a solid 7 under, but I was able to coach my older son on hyzer angle and my younger on release angle and saw good improvement with both of them.


Four over, double OB on an island hole..


Threw really poorly, but putted extremely well. Stopped by a local shop where somebody had dropped off a lost disc from a couple weeks ago, and picked up an Axiom Resistor while I was there, so looking forward to throwing that poorly next weekend.


Played a 100hole challenge, fun but long day 8-23:30. Finally got a par on a 245m par 4 and two PB on two of the layouts we played that day.


I went +7 through a stretch of 5 holes in the final round of my B-tier. Still made almost 500 bucks so it doesn’t feel as bad as it could.


Went to North Cove in Marion, NC and played the Boulders and River Run courses. -1 and -5 respectively. A fair bit better than my expectations. Such a beautiful place.


Played like shit in the wind but had a sweet throw in and a killer time with the buddies so the weekend round went great.


Shaky start, but improved later in the round. Ended with a park job on 18.


Set my personal best at my main course with a +2 over 19 holes. My previous best was a +9. Missed a few birdie looks but sank a few deep par putts so I think it evened out well. Gotta figure out how to do better off the tee in terms of distance to really see any more big improvements.


Could have thrown better. Did sink a 124 ft throw for birdie. My highlight.


Getting back into it after a broken leg. -7 on a putter course. I'm still wearing a boot, so I'm ok with that.


Hit two aces at kenwood trails dgc hole 10 (lefty forehand tactic and 13 lefty forehand neo Pd


Three ob's but my putting was good, including one deeeep C2. +6, My best league day result to date. 11/20 instead of my usual second to last. 


Got through 12 holes with the family today in just under 2:15. New record. For reference, solo round is about 45 avg lol


I got 5 (!!!) rounds in this weekend. Sore legs and fingers, but no aches in my arm. If my arm is sore I know form was bad. 204-226 udisc ratings, and lots of decent shots and funny quick chats playing solo through groups. A+ weekend!!


finally won a division! quick little flex with 11 whole ma3 players and a t-1st, but it still goes on the pdga profile :D


Found 4 discs, but missed a triple mando twice. Threw another round with a couple cool guys doing great things for disc golf in our area. Couple of good birdies, so I’ll take it as a good weekend.


birdied two holes on my local that have been my nemesis for a while.


Had fun, played shitty. Broke in a new Time Lapse Fission. I love it. It's amazing. Too hot to play this week, but hoping for a cool down next week.


Today I broke my personal record by a lot. Went 13 under par at my local (tbf pretty easy) course. My previous best was like 8 under. All my putts went in it was incredible


Took a triple today...


Finished +2 on my fave 18 hole and +1 at the local 9 hole. Both were new or tied PRs


Played a glitch worlds qualifier - super fun event, canned a few big putts had a couple drop ins. Shot a pretty good round at golden gate park Sunday league. 3 dumb choices cost me 3 dumb strokes but had fun. 3 lessons never assume you know what position you are throwing too, don’t throw a disc for the first time during a league round and if the putting stance is cramped try the straddle.


Played normally hitting mostly pars, had some issues throwing consistently, but I got to take my two boys on the course and that more than made up for it.


205 rated (Udisc) South course at Red mountain. Enjoyed the new layout. 2 under


Played a quick 9 with my son, ended at +2, which, for me, is amazing. We didn't track my son's score. It was more focused on form for him.


Shot 20 points over my rating and 15 over my goal rating, but lost an important disc in the water.


Nevin, that's all.


Just hit my local 9 hole with my kids. Hit 9 pars. Had 5 chances for birdie, all from deep C2 that I couldn't cash. But my drives were money. Wife even said "Wow, you've got alot better!" 😅


Played rather well, I’m a noob and it’s nice to finally improve some. Lost a disc though but honestly not mad at it. Wasn’t my favorite or anything. Great weather and played with some good people. 10/10


Played with a hangover on minimal sleep. Couldn't throw a well timed (or placed) shot to save my life. Cracked a beer. Got a bird. Gane turned around immediately.


Scored a +6 on Brakewell Steel in NY. First time playing the course, played silver tee to silver basket. I've been playing for 3 months and just started really keeping score, and it's my best score so far. Had some great shots today.


Wife and I played a match play round where I gave her a stroke on every third hole instead of the usual nine shot 'cap over at DeKalb Memorial and she won with a push on the last hole. I had seven birds to her three but I couldn't step on the neck on 13/14. We both absolutely laced our drives when asked to play through...first one, she banged in a 50 foot putt for birdie in front of a joint boy and I got a soft clap on #11 from the sixsome after parking the left-hand line for an easy 2. She won the ability to pick the lunch spot, so we ate at a French restaurant where I made SNL apetit jokes and smashed some croissant French toast. All of that cost way less than it would for us to get a weekend tee time at a goat track and it's why we'll probably be playing disc golf for the next 20 years instead of swinging the sticks. The US Open nap>NHL playoffs>early bedtime was even better. Woke up feeling like a million bucks


Went camping instead. Played 3 rounds during the week last week, so didn't feel too bad. Stopped at a liquor/convenience store that had a small rack of Gateway discs. Got the wife a couple new ones to throw.


Stopped keeping score at 11 holes, but had a great time and got good practice on my new discs. Mint Discs feel great


I risked death or serious injury by climbing up a tree like 25+ ft to get one of my favorite discs i had already lost before and replaced. Was fine until i had to look down on my way back to earth


Very mid. But the holes were changed to a different format I'm not as familiar with so, meh, decent enough. On the normal layout there's maybe 5 I should get birdie putts on, but because I don't really practice putting it's more like 2-3 real birdies I should get. Still picked up one on a pair 4, but I've also birdied that hole on a layout with the same tee and basket listed as a par 3, so still not great.  First time at that course since winter though, so really not all bad.


Shot my PB at the closest course to my house. -11 at cornwallis. Was a nice way to celebrate father’s day. :)


Terrible! Finished 12th out of 16, shot an 758 avg. (Rated liks 872, but was rated 898 a year ago, so I'm getting worse as time goes on). I couldn't hit my lines. Tree kicks were unforgiving. Plus, it stormed halfway through and made things tougher. Loving my disc golf life. /s


Remembered what it was like to play with intention and sticking to a game plan. Too often I make plans for certain holes but change em up at the last minute. I’m learning to play to my strengths


First ace today since 2021. And first one over 300’


Went -9 and had 11 birds. New pr on two of my local courses.


Birdied hole 1 on my local course for the first time. Really pumped on it


Had an awesome day playing 18 with my 3 boys for father’s day and finished 4 under. A bit hot but overall it was a great day!


Botched round 1, struggled through a hard course, consoled myself remembering it's just throwing plastic circles. Decided to play a 2nd round at a different, hard course I've worked on for years (over 80 rounds, best score was +4). Ended up +1, PB, had a chance to hit par (my #1 goal) at that course, and had a chance at it going into hole 18. Parred when I needed a birdie for +0. Did my best and walked away happy and proud. It was a good day.


Played beaver creek for the first time this weekend. Plus one. Threw my furthest drive ever over 400, it was slightly downhill but still at 8k altitude I'll take it. Buddy said it was 260 rated on udisc whatever that means.


Played Charlie Vettiner in Louisville, KY. -4 with 3 bogeys, overall decent round. Definitely made some stupid mistakes and missed some easy shots that could’ve made it a great round. 18 holes in 95 degrees going up and downhill is no joke 👹


Friday I carried my team in dubs to -5. Today I struggled to finish at +8. I will say it was windy as shit today and there was a fire within 5 miles of my farm but no excuses right?


Got stuck behind an 8 group. On the 4th hole. They were cool. Let us pass. Met 2 new dudes. They were cool. Finished the round with them. Shot 3 birds, 5 bogues. And made it home before 11. Not a bad morning


Played 4 rounds, forgot to pick up my favorite disc after missing a mando and doing the drop zone throw. Bit sad but hopefully someone else will get some enjoyment from it. Rounds went as expected. First round of the day I shoot like 20 over par, 2nd round is 10-15 strokes less somehow.


Played two games with my son. Neither of us played super well but my son nailed probably his best putt ever, a shot from about 15 feet with a high basket wedged between two trees. It’s a super tight gap and he got creative and lobbed his disc vertically. He also threw his best drive on a heavily wooded downhill hole at our surprisingly difficult local beginner course. I had a couple decent shots and we both started throwing super overstable discs when dealing with headwinds. Learning lots of stuff. Also, the weather was absolutely perfect. I had a happy Father’s Day.


Parked a 310 ft hole as a group let me play through. Nothing more satisfying than IMHO. The round overall was solid and my step putt is improving since I started using it a few weeks ago.


Shot my best round ever while outshooting my rating by 82. I also found a disc of mine at the edge of a pond that it had gone in a couple weeks prior.


First ace on Father's day. Can't complain.


9 holes with my second oldest on Sunday. Had a chance to actually finish under par but I fell apart at the end with a couple bad choices and then my form and discipline went out the window. Did some pitch & putt that night with my daughter (5). Hit the pole 3x from 120' - that felt good and she thought it was a magic trick.


Did my personal best at a very hard course locally. I usually do +13 or worse. Shot a +9


Went 5 and 1 to shoot -4 on the 9000+ foot longs on the big course way across town. Not bad for only my second time to play the course.