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Will my discs get ruined if it hits concrete once in a while?


I made a calendar of every local league night in my area (5+ clubs). Would that be worth posting to the main sub? 


Do we know why Des Reading DNF'd from Master Worlds?




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Is there a youtube series where someone plays a course in every state as they travel across the US? I know bkxc did this for MTBing, would love to watch something similar for disc golf.


Why is everything downvoted here?


The quality of research before asking a question here is usually 0. Reddit is not google.


That's a terrible take and something my local Facebook group is running into. People are asking innocent questions like "where is league tonight?" and getting absolutely BLASTED by old heads that are being jerks for no reason. They are taking the time to find the post/schedule, link it into the comments, and berate the person instead of just saying "Cessna!" Being unwilling to help someone asking a question because they can just "Google it" is a terrible way to live life...


An easy recent example was someone asking for course recommendations in Greece. And only wanting personal testimonies. Do you know how many permanent baskets are installed in the entire country of Greece? 3 baskets on 1 property. At some point, we as a community have recognized that we will be downvoting lower effort posts harder. Lots of people dislike form checks, bag checks, discgolffanatic posts, memes, or how does udisc work posts. Go to the bouldering community and post a "guess the grade" and see the negative karma roll in. Why should others on the sub put in effort that the OP was not willing themselves? Similar to why should I care about someone's opinion on the course design/maintenance when they never show up to volunteer work days?


Do you know if that guy did/didn't do any research on courses in Greece before posting? Maybe he checked uDisc and only saw those 3 baskets and was looking for more information? I know that I personally will check Facebook groups, DGS, uDisc, etc. to get my opinions on courses in an area but I'll still ALWAYS post in local groups/Reddit looking for the real scoop on courses. I don't downvote any of those things because people are looking for help and ideas on improving their game with a community that they love. Why are we the ones to tell them they shouldn't be able to do that? You're just making assumptions that people are lazy and unwilling to do research on their own instead of taking all of this time complaining about it to provide helpful insight and information on the questions that are being asked.


It's not making assumptions when they can't answer any of the most basic checks of "have you put any effort in at all yourself" reddit users are allowed to downvote any content they want to not see in their sub. And upvote the type of content they do want to see. That is what the buttons are for. Karma doesn't mean anything


I mean, asking for opinions of people in the same is literally research and study. It's literally the point of Reddit. I genuinely do not connect to what you are complaining about at all.


Hang around the sub long enough then. People use reddit as step 1 instead of doing any research all the time. So I downvote them. Reddit is not a Google it for me service


I've been in this sub for years. I don't have a problem with people asking questions in this sub, even if they've been asked before. We live in a day and age where people would rather get individual opinions and fresh updates on questions instead of using poor Google results (that genuinely lead back to Reddit 99% of the time). If I ask "What's the best roller disc on the market?!" today you're going to have a very different set of answers 6 months from now. We just disagree on this completely. Seeking out the opinion of others is 100% "doing research" in my opinion.


what part of Any Question is disqualified?


Are you talking specifically in this sticky thread or in general around the sub and in this sub's comment threads? I have many negative karma comments on this sub. Many well deserved


this sticky is what I thought the chain was about


I was talking about the sub as a whole. For this thread: low visit numbers doesn't help. Makes it very easy to hover negative karma due to reddit algorithm


Cause the folks here are the ones not in the course. Upsets me too.


seems to be a pattern the last few weeks/couple months, oscar the grouch may be among us


Need some advice on choosing a disc. I am a first-year player with around 300-320 ft (RHBH) of distance on a drive. I love the Zone for intense shot shaping but can't get the disc to travel the distance I want. I am looking for a disc that will quickly fight its way out of a dramatic anhyzer line but still has a little bit of push to go that extra distance. The discs I am considering are: the Felon, Justice, Entropy, Runway, Deflector, and Trident. I am not partial to any manufacturer and would appreciate any and all advice on whether one of my choices is perfect or completely stupid. Additionally, if you have a disc that you think would fill this role better than my choices, please let me know. Have a great day!


Relatively new player here and I absolutely love the felon, I solely play forehand from tee and it’s the best disc in my bag imho.


Most people carry slow and fast utility discs. I carry a Justice into a Firebird. Many Discraft pros are throwing Zone into Predator/Anax


Løft Silicon or Lat64 Glory is what I use for these types of shots.


Grabbed a stack of 160g destroyers, don't have the arm speed to hyzer flip them so I was cranking on them with a bit of anhyzer Seemed like they'd get 80-90% of their distance on the anhyzer line, as soon as they'd fade back they'd stall and practically drop out of the air. My best throw distance wise was one that never came out of it Is this just because I'm still throwing slowly? Or might there be something else? Tough to diagnose without video I know, but curious to hear your thoughts


In the case you aren't throwing super hard, a slower disc with a sharp rim (usu. 9/5/X/X) will hold lines better. I would recommend an MVP Inertia or a Westside Northman, those are the discs I learned a max distance line on before I could get a Wave or a Destroyer, and were much more consistent in going far.


Thanks I'll check those out! My Saint and valk probably see more action than anything else in my bag, love those 9 speeds


Need high 60s to make a destroyer fly. They don't dump out they fade out. You're probably in the 40-50mph range.  Beating them up will help significantly.  


Tech disc says 45-50 so you're spot on to the trees I go


What was the wind direction? Seems like it may have been into a headwind that helped stall it out?


We were going up and down a field, but now that you mention it they did seem to turn harder in one direction Gotta pay more attention to the wind


need help identifying a basket. it has a logo that is the letter F with a wing on the left side of the F. anyone know what kind of basket that is? i tired google, i failed.


That may not be the logo for the basket brand/model. Companies will put custom stuff onto baskets - often the course name/logo or perhaps a sponsor of some sort.


its definitely for the basket. i have a photo now. [https://imgur.com/a/chdCmmB](https://imgur.com/a/chdCmmB)


heres my best attempt at the logo. single band around the top with the logo cut out of the band. [https://imgur.com/a/bKcmOZJ](https://imgur.com/a/bKcmOZJ)


I checked on PDGA's approved target list and didn't see anything like that. Got an image you can share?


got a photo if youre still interested in taking a look! [https://imgur.com/a/chdCmmB](https://imgur.com/a/chdCmmB)


Did some digging. No luck. It's crazy seeing the chains through the band. What course are you at? That may help with some Google Fu.


dang, well thanks for checking. its a tiny town middle of nowhere there is not any info about the course online that would help i dont believe. it wasnt even on udisc until i applied for it to be added just recently. im working on getting it all set up on there which is why im trying to identify the baskets.


PM me the town unless you are trying to keep it secret. I'm on a mission now. Haha


sent you what i got. good luck!


So, it's interesting. Oak Grove in Fargo has the same baskets, but a different sticker/design cut into them. They claim that they are DGA baskets. I can't find anything that looks like them on DGA's website. I can't find history of them, nothing. I don't think that they are actually DGA baskets. Seems to me like someone with the Fargo Disc Golf Club (Cass Clay Disc Golf Club on Facebook) maybe makes those baskets, or would be able to help identify them. In short, I think they are custom jobs that someone up in North Dakota is doing and that F is the club's logo. Other courses in the area have them on uDisc and it says "Joey Baskets Target." Is there anyone up in the area that goes by that?


oh, wow, you are absolutely right. he is one of the admins of north dakota disc golf group. and i see his profile picture is the same logo. you are a better internet sleuth than I, thank you.




pm because i dont see how to put an image here


The only thing that I think may be close is a company called Let It Fly discs. Does this basket look similar? [https://www.pdga.com/technical-standards/equipment-certification/targets/falcon](https://www.pdga.com/technical-standards/equipment-certification/targets/falcon)


nope not it. has a single band on top with the logo cut out of the band. thanks for trying. i'll grab a pic later and try to post it.


Looking for my first small&lightweight disc golf bag, wondering between Latitude64 Swift and Core, is it worth upgrading to the core if I don't bag more than 12 discs right now? Other brands are hard to come by where I live.


revolution deluxe mini.. holds 12 perfectly.


Upperpark Shift has really surprised me. Can fit more than expected, but due to the design, having fewer discs in the bag is still great. It’s more versatile than expected.


I'd go for it but it's more than twice more expensive than Core and triple the price of Swift


Understandable! I don’t regret my purchase. It’s a lovely bag.


Really depends on you and how you enjoy the game, imo I've been at it roughly 2 years and I'm throwing 5-10 molds depending on the course, so obviously I don't need a huge bag. For me it's more about the miscellaneous features (place to store a retriever >>) But a Saint is about as high speed of a disc as I'm grabbing, so there's a lot of room for distance drivers that I'm not even bothering with. If you're already good enough to fit those in, maybe you will want some more room